No Gain, No Love: Ep 2 The Risqué Humor

If you’re under 18 years old, please exit this thread. I won’t be responsible for the corruption of your minds.


In another thread, I recommended this kdrama to @Grace with a caveat that the humor might not be appropriate for children. You see, @Grace often watches with her whole family. I said, however, that if the children are innocent enough, then the jokes are likely to go over their heads anyway.

I gave one example:

Our female lead HaeYeong was curling her lashes. She observed that they looked rather “limp.” She then blamed her pack of Slim cigarettes for their limp-ness because it said right there on the packaging “May cause erectile dysfunction”. Since she smokes (she’s trying to quit, though), her eyelashes are limp.

Here’s the joke: eyelashes are to women what p*nises are to men. The longer the better.

And they’re both useless if they’re limp.

a man and two women are sitting at a table having a conversation

@GB says that her subs are too polite because she missed that joke.

Now, here’s another risqué joke.

It happened during the umbrella scene. JiUk (JU) was waiting for HaeYeong to pass by the convenience store. He met her in the rain. He asked her if she was really going through with the fake marriage. When she said yes, he walked up to her, and apologized. Then, he got under her umbrella and held it with her.

Note the symbolism there. I wrote about the usage of umbrellas in kdramas elsewhere in this blog. I said an umbrella moment typically signifies that the hero intends to protect the girl from the proverbial rain, i.e., distress, danger, threats, problems. This umbrella symbolism applies to this kdrama, too.


When HaeYeong and JiUk are both under the umbrella, he deliberately encroaches on her personal space.

HY: What are you doing?
JU: Are you okay?
HY: What?
JU: Is your heart racing? Are you short of breath? Do you feel anything?

Of course, she assumes that he’s talking about sexual attraction, and that he’s asking her if she feels turned on by their physical proximity. She shakes her head in disbelief. When did he suddenly become this cocky?

HY: No. Not at all.
JU: (tugging the umbrella so she falls on him) Even now?
HY: Yes. I don’t feel anything.
JU: Then, I’ll do it.
HY: Do what?

Lol. To be honest, I was so confused when I first watched this scene that I replayed it. I thought there was error in the translation because, ordinarily, in a logical world, he shouldn’t want to marry her if there was no physical spark between them. Right?

JU: The part-time job. I’ll be your fake groom.
HY: (excited) Seriously? Will you really?
JU: On one condition.
HY: What? What is it?

And this MUST be one of the “innocent” subs that @GB was referring to. If you watched this show with the Korean audio and the English subs, then here’s the translation you got.

JU: A home.
HY: (blinking) What?
JU: A roof over the head.

But check this out ➡️➡️ HaeYeong slowly lowers her gaze to look down at something, then quickly looks back up into his eyes. Why does she do that???

However, if you watched this show with the English audio, then you wouldn’t be confused by her action at all. You’d know exactly what she was looking at.

You see, the dialogue in English is different. Here’s how it went.

JU: On one condition.
HY: What? What is it?
JU: I need you to take care of…
HY: (blinking) Hmm?
JU: Of someone.

Lol. See that? It’s understandable why she looks down for a moment. She’s a pervert! She lowers her gaze to look at… what else?… his crotch. 🤪🤪 She thinks that he’s telling her that he has sexual needs that she must take care of before he consents to a fake wedding.

Snicker. 🤭

But you know me; I go an extra mile. I google-translated the Korean closed captioning, and this is what I found. The words were actually more direct.

According to JiUk, his one condition is that she must “take and raise” someone/something. She doesn’t get who/what he’s referring to. So, he repeats himself and says, “kiulago” or “raise it.”

Now, to “raise” has many meanings.

One can raise – or bring up – kids.
One can raise – or cultivate – plants.

But the double entendre here is to raise him — or make his male body part erect.

Slowdown Gif - IceGif

Haha. 🤣

Now, the last example I will give you is the last scene in the bridal shop.

HaeYeong is surprised by her ex and his wife checking out the gowns. The wife disses the tuxedos in the shop because the off-the-rack suits there are “just fine.” Meaning, a custom-made suit is guaranteed to make the groom look better. JiUk interrupts her rambling and says that he’s done changing.

Wife: (surprised) Oh! Is that the groom?
HY: (flustered)
JU: May I come out?
HY: Noooot yeeeet!!
Wife: Oh, yes!

The curtains open and the wife gasps. Because HaeYeong’s back is turned away, she assumes that the wife is gasping in dismay. So she immediately excuses JiUk’s appearance.

HY: He just came here from his shift at work. He usually looks better than…(turning to see JiUk)… Huh?!
JU: How is it, ma’am?

In Korean audio, he says something like “Odeyo, sonnim?”

Sonnim” is usually translated as either “sir” or “madam” in kdramas. But it’s a word that has more subtext than is normally revealed in the translation.

It’s an honorific for an esteemed guest/visitor or customer/client.

To me, when he asks her how he looks and calls her “sonnim,” the innuendo is blatant.

For one, he knows that he’s a beefcake. He’s there to be ogled at. He isn’t really asking her whether the tux looks good on him. He’s asking her — his sonnim and customer — whether his “hotness” appeals to her taste in men.

The answer is yes. 👍

CC's Reading Progress for Marriage Games - Oct 17, 2016 12:27PM

For another, when he calls her “sonnim,” their unequal status and unequal power are clear. She’s the dominatrix…err…boss in this relationship, and he’s there to do her bidding.

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So, do you get what I mean? His question sounds innocent enough, but if you know how to read between the lines (or you’re old as I am), his question can make you blush because of the sexy thoughts it conjures.

He actually reminds me of those world-famous Chippendale men in suits, before they strip off their shirts and bare their chests for their female audience. (lol. Don’t ask me how I know….)

27 Comments On “No Gain, No Love: Ep 2 The Risqué Humor”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOLOL @pkml3, how do you know???!!!

    Ah, I like my more innocent subs. I missed everything and went through it thinking everything was on the up and up.

    My subs said ‘a home’ ‘a roof over the head’… I did wonder why she looked down but dismissed it LOL.

    It did grate on me a bit that he called her son-nim (my subs simply translate it as ma’am) in front of her ex, but then, it might also have been a private ‘term of endearment’ between fiancé and fiancée. But although I know it to mean ‘customer’ it did not occur to me that he’s hinting at being a gigolo or something, who’s trying to please his client LOLOL.

    Dear me, I shall depend on @pkml3 to educate me to the subtext littering this show!

  2. I’m always at the front seat when we have classes like this. 😂 Keep it coming. Thank you teacher. 🙇🏻‍♀️

    At my age I really still can’t pick up on these things. 😆

    I like this drama better than Love Next Door. I feel JU is rich too but he’s hiding it.

    I like that because they live in the same neighbourhood, he knows pretty much about HY and her situation.

    I like her reaction when she saw him in his tuxedo. 😂

  3. Did you watch the epilogue? There’s an epilogue okay?

  4. Yup! HY was giving him the courtesy (?) of being free once the fake marriage is over so the groom should be forgettable. But oh man! 😍😂

  5. I laughed because she said that the groom couldn’t be a “stud” otherwise the guests at the wedding would remember him. Just like they remembered the surfer dude in Bali. 🤣🤣 So true!

    I remember studs and duds.

  6. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @pkml3
    Just leaving you this note here…

    Here are the episodes and dates for our Rewatch of 365: Repeat the Year

    Episode 1 on 7 Sept 2024
    Episode 2 on 14 Sept 2024
    Episode 3 on 21 Sept 2024
    Episode 4 on 28 Sept 2024
    Episode 5 on 5 Oct 2024
    Episode 6 on 12 Oct 2024
    Episode 7 on 19 Oct 2024
    Episode 8 on 26 Oct 2024
    Episode 9 on 2 Nov 2024
    Episode 10 on 9 Nov 2024
    Episode 11 on 16 Nov 2024
    Episode 12 on 23 Nov 2024

    I believe Show is available on Viki and Apple TV. Not sure about Netflix. Definitely on alternative drama streaming platforms.

    Thanks for giving us space to party and play! 🙂

  7. Got it, @GB. My pleasure.

  8. Ah, translation made I missed most of the jokes. In the umbrella scene, it made sens for me he prefers she feel nothing, as it’s a fake mariage. I find sexy jokes “risqué” because half of the time I don’t find them funny, althought I used it a bit in my short drama beggining “bookstore where you rent my heart”.

  9. This is not a risque joke.At least I think it is not. But there may be a translation issue here.

    When they are looking for the vanishing cat at the female lead’s apartment, her sister says just don’t feed her And then it will. either leave or come out. The sister At the time is lying on the couch munching on some kind of chips and drops the bag when she says that. I wonder if it was a reference to how they each feel about living together or about the one visiting so much.

    I’m not sure the translation really got that across.But I think that was what it was Getting at. Otherwise the scene seemed pointless or awkward

  10. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I watched Ep 5 and it ended where I wanted it to. 🙂

  11. oooooo I am excited. I will be settling down to watch it soon. I think you did say earlier.That you had a hope as to where it would end.But I forget what that hope was. But that’s okay.It’ll be even more fun for me if i’ve forgotten.😁 I think it was romantic.

  12. I just finished episode five.

    So he probably is the son of the ceo. I was thinking I would be disappointed, wanting a twist on this trope. The mysterious way it is being presented though is satisfying. And then the scene later where the ceo tells his son he is changing his will. I loved how his wife called him on his threats by threatening him in the same way.

    I am also enjoying the secondary plot with the Bok character , his secretary and the children’s writer.

    A very funny scene earlier in the hospital room where Bok is upset that he is imagining his secretary as the male protaganist in the story.

    I have some thoughts about the sexual harrassment in the workplace thread and will return later.

  13. More on
    Episode five

    The sexual harassment thread did not Pull me in. I was too busy thinking that it was so inappropriate of a bystander to report it before talking to the supposed victim. As well they seemed to be having a disciplinary hearing without even having spoken to the supposed victim. So this thread took me right out of the show.

    Until now I have liked how different threads have built to climactic moments. This thread of course , started in the initial interview.

    I like the outcome though Because it will create interesting scenes in the workplace and an interesting challenge to the couple.

    I wonder if someone was behind such prompt action on this report. The ex boyfriend for example who might still want to take over that team. Or the mysterious backers of the male lead who do not want him involved with her, perhaps.

    Looking forward to more fun moments in today’s episode.

    Was it referred to as sexual harassment? I may need to review their conversation. I am trying to flip it the other way and imagine it was what a man was saying to a woman.

  14. I ended Ep5 too. I don’t like the drama, too hollow. But anyway, I don’t care to spend some time on it, it’s funny to post comments.

    @MM, if you look more closely you can see the gap of time between foreshadowing (etablishing) and resolution are very short in this drama.
    For example, in this scene you didn’t liked: put on the table FL interrogation by the company (without the victim complaint!). It’s used as cheap plot-device for ML to reveal his identity as resolution (and cliffhanger).

    Most of points are done like that. Almost just 5 minutes between a point and its resolution. It’s like the drama was made for people with a red fish memory!
    Compare that to 365, where something is foreshadowed episode 1 and you get resolution episode 10, with large amount of time for you to guess what.

    Also, many stuff doesn’t really matter. Can be harassement, or the beaten child. Everything serves only as plot-device followed by a quick resolution.

    This drama is the bottom of the basket. As was Nam-soon, my-demon or dreamin of freakin romance. It looks like rom-coms in recent time has shifted to hollow and artificial content. Somehow technically correct because screenwriters still have some craft, but nothing to say.

    The one of this drama uses shamelessly terrible comedy. A scene in slow-motion where ML remove his helmet. Seriously, it’s supposed to be funny? Lot of examples like that. But the worst are of course the little sound effects ruining every scene. Here it’s more the director or editor doing that.

    This drama feels like the consumer product a studio can sell, and hire some people to do the job. Not a sincere work supposed to provide quality. It’s light years below some acceptable rom-coms we could get years ago. At random, I’ll pick “My roomate is a guihmo”. Not the best rom-com in the world, but enjoyable. Writer who take care a little more, managing better what is serious and what is comedy. Good actress really funny. More focused.

    Because here again, I already said it, but it’s so easy to put in the mix so much secondary characters. So it can be used as fillers. They don’t matter much, just alternative stories along the main one, rather than ones focused on building the main one. Some of these characters are quite bad with awful design or purpose. Like the CEO mother reading erotic novel. It creates cringe scenes.

  15. GrowingBeautifully (GB)


    @MM I think it was workplace harassment (not sexual harassment), and verbal abuse.

    LOL and just after she’s said that the next ceremony she’d hold for him would be a funeral. Let’s see how the non-event of a funeral plays out.

  16. @GB Yes, I can see that.It is workplace harassment and verbal abuse. That makes more sense. In the interviews Initially it was Verbal
    Sexual harassment.

    @WE This is the first recent Romcom I have even bothered to watch. I have been watching an older one- This is my first life.

    I like Shin Mina. KWD is ok. To me it feels like the pairing works.

    I will be disappointed if this show devolves into A birth secret plot with no Variation. So far we really do not know and it will be interesting to see how they handle it.

    I agree with you that the harassment
    Plot line was not well managed And did seem to be a Contrived device to achieve a certain end. The abused child discovered at A company promotional event was very similar to another drama.Which I don’t remember.In that case it was an abused wife. A legal drama.

    Taking the helmet off is straight out of “this is my first life”and other dramas as well.

    I am trying to remember another drama where kopico Chocolate was so prominent. There was one but I don’t remember. Reminds me of the female lead’s occupation in this is my first life. She wrote the product placement scenes.

    Having one of the characters being a writer is not new. However I like the way they are playing it out.

    I am enjoying the humour. For example having my children read things I have put on My tablet is a nightmare scenario For me.. I don’t just have a pattern to open the tablet. I have a pass key to different apps.😁 So I am finding this thread very entertaining.

  17. @GB It may
    End up being a funeral after a murder!

  18. @MM, I’m sometimes grumpy. Maybe I like that.
    And I probably need to find dramas I don’t like as a pretext to be grumpy! 😄
    I watched “this is my first life”. I liked, but I put on-hold or maybe dropped I don’t remember. At one point I lose touch with the drama, maybe something else I had to do in my life, so it quietly slipped out of my mind to continue watching.

  19. I always find it interesting how Different people approach dramas.

    You are right about a show like 365.Repeat the year being so good.

    This show may technically not be as good but I am enjoying it in a landscape where there is a dearth of good rom coms.

  20. GrowingBeautifully (GB)



    LOL so there was something like a funeral but the corpse was not as expected.

    I was saying I wanted the couple to move on from “ma’am” or “partner” to using terms of endearment… well we’re almost there. At least in public she has to call him “yeobo” LOL. It looks to get better next episode.

    It’s still entertaining and the birth secret thingy is as expected.

    I want to know why Chairman Bok dislikes his own son, Gyu Hun, and wants to cultivate another ‘son’. Also, in this day and age, why does he do this secretly? There are many dramas with chaebols accepting in public their out-of-wedlock children by mistresses. Might his fear of his wife be manifested in his dislike for Gyu Hun?

  21. @GB, come on. What birth secret? It’s all spoon feeded fromt start. Drama insists so loudly on President cheating and FL mother to welcome unknow children. The scenes with the “gray” man telling ML he has only to be good at work in the company. The inheritance contract the president was about to sign.
    So ML is the son of President, final clues at the end of episode 6.
    It’s phoned from the grave of bad drama writers. 😄
    Foreshadowing for red fish memory audience. ahahhahhahahahahhahahhah.

  22. It did not feel like there was as much movement in this episode As I would have liked. I would have preferred more main couple exchanges. What he said at the dinner About the reason he likes her
    Was engaging. I need to listen to that again. The almost kiss in the car, for me, was ruined by the music and those extraneous noises which I had not really noticed that much until this scene. Sweet that he purchased the ring.

    I can see where scenes are trying to parody but I think it somehow falls flat at times. For example the scene where in fantasy he pushes her off the top of a building. I did not enjoy the first few minutes of this episode.

    I am enjoying the slow build up, For the characters, To the reveal, Which we already pretty much know, unless there is going to be a twist, Which would be nice.

    I am appreciating the male lead’s acting more than I did in “moon in a day.”

    I did think having the third person in the bed was pretty funny considering we were all just considering it As the usual trope of A couple ending up in bed Together after drinking.

    I was not at all expecting the c e o mother to become mean about the writer.

    The scene where SMA character Is being lectured about preparing Breakfast for her husband was well done-with her expressions and the out of body way of showing her real feelings.

    One thing this drama is getting right are the kind of comments women endure About how Society thinks they. should be.

    I am also thinking about a comment from GB That this drama is commenting on parasocial relationships With the plot line of the hate comments. It will Be interesting to see how this plays out.

  23. I also enjoyed the female leads confusion about being asked the kind of questions the future daughter-in-law.Usually gets asked at family dinners. And the male lead talking about His childhood situation.

  24. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    My dear @WE…. you know and I know it’s not a secret. As long as they keep it a secret from the public, it’s still named a ‘birth secret’ but not to the viewers.

    This kind of show is not meant to be too obscure or so full of intrigue and mystery. The only mystery to me is why Chairman Bok dislikes his legitimate son who’s doing all he can to be a good boy. I guess he’s not too smart, so that’s why?

  25. @GB, yep, I think it’s not supposed to be complicated.

  26. @GB The other mystery is why they are going about the Birth secret storyline the way they are. To paraphrase what you said earlier, why is it not an open secret?

    Is it because the ceo’s wife Rules the roost, as Hy Recognizes in the family dinner. I think you made a Comment to that effect, as well.

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