365 Repeat of the Year: Ep 1 Rewatch Open Thread Sat, Sept 7

The thread is open for the Saturday Rewatch Group of @GB, @WEnchanteur, @feifei, @salteddust,Β  @monmor, and whoever else wants to join them. If you’re new to the blog, please try to comment (or say “Hi”) before Saturday’s rewatch so I can retrieve your post from the “to be moderated” pile.

“365: Repeat of the Year” seems to be another interesting drama about going back in time and “resetting” one’s life after a tragedy. Perhaps @FGB4877’s recommendation, a Japanese movie called “Before Coffee Gets Cold” will make a good aperitif?

The series is out on Viki.

Schedule of the rewatch for “365: Repeat the Year”:

Episode 1 on 7 Sept 2024
Episode 2 on 14 Sept 2024
Episode 3 on 21 Sept 2024
Episode 4 on 28 Sept 2024
Episode 5 on 5 Oct 2024
Episode 6 on 12 Oct 2024
Episode 7 on 19 Oct 2024
Episode 8 on 26 Oct 2024
Episode 9 on 2 Nov 2024
Episode 10 on 9 Nov 2024
Episode 11 on 16 Nov 2024
Episode 12 on 23 Nov 2024

The usual time:

7:00am PST
10:00am EST
10:00am Caracas
3:00pm London
4:00pm in Paris
5:00pm Athens
10:00pm Singapore

Enjoy the rewatch!

136 Comments On “365 Repeat of the Year: Ep 1 Rewatch Open Thread Sat, Sept 7”

  1. Hi! I am interested in watching this drama. I may not be available for the live group watch, but will read the comments. I am in Eastern time zone (US).

  2. @GB will be happy to hear this, @Snowflower.

    πŸ™‚ I didn’t know you and I have the same local time.

  3. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @pkml3 and @Snow Flower,
    Yes indeed, I’m totally happy to know that you’re interested in watching “365”. By all means, watch it when you can and come to the thread to leave your thoughts. BODers like me will come back to read new comments whenever we get notifications.

    Wow, the week has flown by and it’s almost time for another Rewatch Party!! I’m always so chuffed by this. Love my Saturdays because of the Party. πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ₯²πŸ˜‡

  4. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks for this thread @pkml3. I watched Before the Coffee Gets Cold and enjoyed the gentle vibe with both the pathos and the happy moments.

  5. Best dramas often have also best background music. We could get that in our last rewatch: Signal, Memories of the Alhambra, W two worlds. So I copy-paste the playlist of 365 BGM, and some comments I made about them in a thread on MDL.


    It seems insane to have produced a disc of 41 background music, for a 12-hour drama, and to have invested such a quality in it. However, the drama has something to motivate the musicians.

    I’ve noted these particularities:
    – On a few pieces in particular, some synth sounds that are a bit retro, reminiscent of the soundtrack to Terminator 1.
    – All kinds of disturbing, sinister, spatial, pressurizing or angelic ambiences. Very good electro compositions, too.
    – Good work on the sound, dark or strident effects.
    – Individually, each track is very rich, with several different parts, making the assimilation more complex.
    – I spotted the musicians λ°•μ„Έμ€€ (Kim Min Ji) and μš°μ§€ν›ˆ (Woo Ji Hoon) on the record. No wonder the BGMs are so good. These musicians signed compositions on the soundtrack of Extraordinary You. I didn’t like the drama, but Extraordinary BGM ! I haven’t made a list of the all musicians on 365 yet, but it would be worth it.

    Some pieces I noticed more, or enjoyed best.
    Classified in same order than playlist!

    Driverless Limousine: Appears on one of the most mysterious and well-turned emblematic scenes in drama. First a blocked and jerky beat on a religious atmosphere, a feeling of suspension, various little sounds on a cold synth, then a more classic ending that I like less.

    A Sign of Death: simply beautiful! πŸ‘

    A Lost Courier: minimalist start with a retro synth again. The track takes its true dimension on the second half. Beat slow and heavy, but with a light snare drum. πŸ‘

    Body In The Water: Strident wave synthesis, atmosphere of uneasiness and suspense, reinforced by colder and more serious waves. All this evolves into a more hectic music with classical effects. Very dark.

    In Search Of A Small Light: dark and distant, with a few guitar notes. It evolves on a rhythm with very worked out sound subtleties. Stridence on the synths with a clear and crystalline sound. πŸ‘
    NOTICE THAT: at 1:05, we get the theme of JOHN WICK movie!! Which was made after 365. Same sounds, feeling, and only last note change BUT is same note, just one octave higher in John Wick. I remember this part of the theme repeat more in the drama, or is maybe in another BGM too.

    False Statement: High-pitched resonant synth with two arpeggios. Lots of additional sonic subtleties. The sound of the second synth then has a kind of cold, scraping, slight stridence in the high register. There’s an effect, probably Phaser. ❀️

    Dark Voice: a song that begins with angelic hearts. Then violins a little too insistent, and finishes magnificently with slightly sad angelic hearts.

    Serial Killer: a bit in the same style as the music of Last Empress. The same musicians maybe?

    A Mysterious Flower Basket: this is supposed to represent the scary side of receiving a bouquet of flowers meaning a coming death! The synth sheet in the second half of the song gives the impression of a post mortem passage, finally, the end is dramatic and fatalistic.

    Reset: a rather melodic arpeggio track, which reminds a bit of the X-Files soundtrack, but more powerful.

    Munchausen syndrome: Still very worked sounds with a very slow jungle groove. The sound precision is incredible. To be listened with good quality headphones! ❀️

    A Witness In The Park: Spatial arpeggios that sometimes drift in directions of discomfort. Very short piece.

    7 Month Later: superb chilling intro, and music that seems to come from the soundtrack of Terminator 1, or Blade Runner, or Midnight Express. Blow effects on the end. πŸ‘

    Reversed Fate: huge rise in tension at the start, with a breath of techno, stop, then angelic synth, and cosmic and wonderful arpeggio. It reminds us of some tracks from Extraordinary-You.

    Terminally Ill: a simple, beautiful and sad song. Degenerates with a dramatic escalation, then at the end comes back to even more sadness. Make you think of the sad piano musics from MOTA, Signal, W. πŸ‘

    Hourglass: A slightly retro synth sound in the foreground, but coupled with much more modern spatial sounds in the background. A slightly nostalgic and distant track at the beginning, which evolves towards something more pop-electro later on. Short and wet beats. ❀️❀️
    My fav is last in the list. T T

    Lot of music not in this list! I may regret it later, just I need to listen more. It makes room for you to find favorites I missed. Quality is so high that I’m sure you will. πŸ˜‰
    Of course, say me your fav musics!

  6. Now some comedy. I copy-paste the worst comments I found about the drama. What is also the best ones in some way. Expect highly negative criticism here! I don’t copy-paste the name of posters. It’s not the goal to make fun of them, but rather to discuss about something crazy. First I post what they wrote, and comment later. And of course, say me what you think about that. πŸ˜‰

    “Finally finished this. this was a rollercoaster of frustration for me. The drama had too many twists to the point I totally lost interest. kinda liked the ending though. At least I got some sort of closure”

    “It was actually a wild enjoyable rollercoaster until the last few episodes where it took an inane turn and turn and turn and never stopped spinning in its absurd plot twists for the plot twists sake anymore that the rollercoaster derailed and crashed in flames down a cliff…… Like, there is a limit how ridiculous you can get with a story and its twists, even when the genre is fantasy/Sci fi. Or at least there should have been, since it would have been more believable and better constructed and not something from drawn from a cheap kbs daily drama plot-wise employing shocking twists for shock value only to construct a “tune in next” cliffhanger, logically held together by little more than spit and ductape. ”

    “Surprisingly boring…… I want back the many hours I spent watching this
    So would I recommend this to anyone no! Very overrated”

    “What Twists and Turns???Not for me.I was driving in a very straight and long road and i was hoping for a pit-stop ahead but… Suspense was forced and fake.The cliffhanger at the end of many episodes was just too unbeliavable,unrealistic and ridiculous.Giving us multiple suspects/villains just to create suspense when obviously noone would believe that “A” was the killer,to me is just poor writing.”

    “In my opinion i think it has too many plot twists which made the whole thing confusing and watching it was so frustrating.”

    I love that! The drama is accused to have too many twists and turns! Like was W two worlds by the way. But you know I’m rewriting season 2 of W. And of course, W have crazy and very numerous twists and turns. It’s the bet I have to take, the ultimate challenge: I have to make season 2 as intense as season 1 about that, and… let’s say, as a season 2, to be even more intense.

    So here the deal: I need a logical high-concept, not twists from nowhere. But still need crazy, awesome, unexpected, jaw dropping twists all the way! And I can say you that for sure: doing plot-twists is really difficult!!! It’s insane how it’s difficult when you want also to have a story and a concept without plot-holes.

    So, when someone says “too many plot-twists”, my answer is “there is never too many plot-twists”. This kind of criticism is turning a quality into a flaw. How bloddy-hell I could accept that?!! Would you accept to read a W season 2 and not being on the edge of your sit by an awesome (or more than one) cliffhanger at the end of each episode? Something mind-blowing that put your brain upside down?! And get even more plot-twists during the episodes? I’m sure you wouldn’t like this kind of boring drama if you are a lover of sci-fi, logical fantasy and great high-concepts.

  7. @SnowFlower: I’m happy to see you here. It’s some time we didn’t meet together. As you are musician and piano player, I think you’ll like the music of the drama too. πŸ˜‰

  8. @WEnchanteur,

    I listened to couple of tracks to get in the mood. I usually prefer acoustic/orchestral sounds, but I think the use of synths is very effective and appropriate for this drama. The music creates a mood that is both unsettling and mysterious. I am looking forward to watching the drama and listening to the soundtrack.

  9. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @WE, thanks for the link to the BGM and for the comment on reviews.

    I was trying to remember the name of the OST/BGM for the music when Heong Ju raced to get Ga Hyeon’s signature, but failed… and finally found it in the Movie Soundtracks for Running in this link.


    I love the score for Chariots of Fire, but the name of that movie kept escaping me. I’m glad to hear it again and now I’m listening to all these other very intense OSTs as well!

  10. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    About the plot twists… this show is actually great and more enjoyable because the plots twists exist.

    The going back in time, unlike in Nine: Nine Times Time Travel did not really happen repeatedly for the main characters, and did not need to, but it was a necessary device to create the plot. More of the plot then depended not on the time travel per se, but on other happenings and the twists. It’s funny (odd) the lenses people use for watching and what a pity to miss the joy of watching this show.

  11. @GB, ahahah! your turn to have a youtube link that doesn’t work.
    Anyway, I know the music you are talking about.
    It’s not on 365 record because it’s insert from another movie music.
    Used here for a comical effect. A bit clichΓ© one.
    I found the music, also used for comical effect here:

  12. Limousine scene.

    I put some notes first about this emblematic scene, one of the best of the drama.
    It’s halfway in episode 1. And it would be too long to comment live.

    How work time-travel?
    I can just say it’s beautifully absurd or impossible.
    But let’s see, it has some logic.
    Lee Shin is evasive when they ask how she can travel in time.
    She says “By chance, I found a breach in space-time”.
    “You can bring nothing with you, only your memory will go in your past-self”.
    We know she’s psychiatrist and practice hypnotism with success.
    So, the way time-travel work is psychic process.
    A breach between world and psychism.

    Then start a hypnotic travel with lot of symbolism and weird elements.
    The way the psychism is prepared to make the “jump” in the past.
    White limousine travel a long time to an unknow destination.
    With the feeling it’s auto-guided. Indeed, there is no driver.
    As if to say: it’s fate now and nothing and no-one can change that.

    In a field with ravens taking fly.
    In a serie of turns.
    In a grandiose landscape reminiscent of the beggining of movie “the shining.
    Occupants are sleepy, in alternate consciousness state.
    Then a tunnel. Tunnels are often used as symbolism of going in afterlife.
    Past the tunnel, a plateau with eary atmosphere, dark sky, almost another reality.
    The limousine go to the end, there is only a cliff, no more road.
    My feeling is similar to what legends said when people believed World is flat.
    We are at the end of the world. So, what is after?
    But we aren’t only at the end of the world, but also end of time.
    It’s not the end only of space, but of space-time.
    It’s the end of the universe because this whole reality will stop to exist…
    … after the limousine jumps in the void, and they jump in their past life.
    This should be death for them, but isn’t.
    They jumped in the space-time breach, their psychism escape this reality.
    And this reality by the way no longer exists.

    I think it’s not a time-travel with two continuum existing, future and past.
    Once they jump in the past, the whole future no longer exist.
    It’s what makes me think all this setting and symbolims.
    When Lee Shin present the winning numbers of lotery, we thougt:
    “oh, if she played the numbers, she’s rich now”.
    Of course, she didn’t played, it doesn’t matter when the world will end.
    And only what remains from her is her memory transported in the past.
    The new present so. The only world existing now.

  13. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE you’re up early and writing avidly already!

    Thanks for your evocative narrative. I agree that the current space-time for these people no longer exist. Their bodies die but their memories are added on to their memories of 1 year prior.

    All the symbolism of the journey, ravens and tunnels mean death to their current selves. It was a group suicide to avoid the consequences they were facing in the now. I thought the smartest person was the pregnant lady who refused to take that journey.

    While the going back in time concept here or the method is rather ‘crazy’, what I found weirder were the lack of questions, doubts, fears, etc from the participants. They were so easily persuaded with just the narration of some facts of the future.

    No one asked about the risks or what would happen to their current lives or family. I found that weird. I suppose it was because it’s a short 12-episode series that conversations deemed unnecessary were not included.

  14. @GB, they have motivations for going in the past. πŸ˜‰
    I think about that too:
    – Lee Shin call that “reset”, so it resets also the world!
    – In the limousine, they can’t see outside.
    It’s almost like they are Schrodinger cats in this.
    I wonder “how” “by chance” Lee Shin could find that method, that involve to die.
    But we will nerver know. πŸ˜‚
    As usual in kdramas, psychiatrist is the most crazy one.

  15. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hah @WE! I enjoyed that Rowan Atkinson performance with the London Symphony Orchestra. I watched it years ago and forgot about it!

    The link for the music went to the individual videos but when I searched for “movie soundtracks for running” I found a collection by Brian Tyler (Composer) of quite a lot of movie soundtracks, including Hans Zimmer’s “Time” from Inception and of course “Chariots of Fire’s” title soundtrack. Anyone interested can make the same search and you should be able to find this collection.

  16. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, as usual in kdramas, the how behind the fantasy/sci-fi are not explained!!!

    At the end we find out that it was not really Lee Shin who discovered how to slip through the gap in space-time. But we still don’t know how it was discovered.

  17. @GB, many fantasy stories can’t be explained. Like W one, nothing in the world can explain the absurd concept. We know how it works, but not why it started, it’s impossible.

    It’s in line with the good old series “the twilight zone”.
    Here my favorite episode “the after hours”:
    I had some difficulty to find it on internet.
    It’s short story, easy to watch. You’ll get this absurd and goosebump feeling.

  18. Hello everyone I am getting organized for this watch.

    I have only watched up to episode 4 or so.So this is essentially a first watch for me.

    see you all soon.

  19. Xian Institute.

    I complete with this place, too long to do in live comments.
    The quality of details given to this place made me like the drama from episode 1.
    Both beautiful and terrible place.
    Of icy sophistication, chilling your skin and freezing your blood.

    What is it?
    It’s supposed to be a place for healing, a psychiatrist cabinet.
    But all we see is from a weird cult.

    Let’s make a tour…
    – An inverted pyramid!
    – Not build in the sand, but in water?!
    Let’s talk about water…
    – The path and ground go below water level, in middle of the pond.
    – Main reception room have a upper window with water instead of sky.
    Many other weird details… (I’ll forget some)
    – A metal tree. (is this horror supposed to be a tree of life?)
    – Weird sculptures everywhere. (sounds more like meteorites)
    And finaly the scary trophy room.

    For a healing place… everything is inverted.
    Like… calculated to be disturbing and causing you discomfort.
    You have a good mental health, you go there…
    … then you come back half mad, ready for the asylum.

    And what do people here?
    The few servants and main doctor?
    Welcome patients? No. Only visitors are reseters.
    Like this place has no other reason to exist.
    Cost lot of money and produce none.

  20. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM See you in 11 minutes!

  21. Hi MM and GB.
    Ready early today!

  22. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Wow @WE! You’ve really done a deep dive on the Zian or Xian or whatever Clinic. Yes, it’s a mad man’s house. From the outside it is so forbidding, like a fortress. Inside it’s far from soothing, calming or healing. Shapes are sharp and hard. To get from place to place it’s a long and twisted walk and with stairs going up or down below the ‘water’ level. Even the doctor’s desk is elevated above a flight of steps… so inconvenient! I don’t know if it seems beautiful to any (besides the architect!) but I find it to be an ugly building and you may have a point… it might be designed to be the reverse of warm, comfortable and soothing. One can wonder why.

    It’s surprising, actually, that the police boss recommended it to Heong Ju, as if it was a well patronised clinic that had helped many patients.

  23. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Okie dokie @WE and @MM… we start NOW!!!

  24. @GB, Police boss rec it… hmm so weird.
    But it maybe just a plot-device.
    I find the set beautiful, but difficult to live there.

  25. Wow, everyone is up early! (or writing all day—). I just joined. Thanks @WE for the link to the music. 41 clips! Wow! I only listened to a few last night, but will listen to more later. I don’t think I have every had such a thorough introduction to the OST. As for Chariots of Fire, I too recognized the music (and remembered the movie), but not the name !

    Starting now.

  26. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    So we begin in Jan 2020… we get misdirection from the VERY beginning. And that’s the name of the plot twist.

    We hear the voiceover and we think we are watching the villain.

  27. Start with a fast montage.
    Then view on male protagonist.
    For a weird reason, there is a red herring making us believe he is the man scamming women.
    But I think it’s mostly for surprise value and starting with someting sharp and funny.

  28. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @SD!

    How did it happen that Heong Ju’s phone got knocked by the villain… but actually he didn’t know it was the villain!!! It was a coincidence that he was at the right spot????

  29. Woo many of us today! Hi hi to all. I will catch up with you.

  30. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I think the beginning is giving us the clue to how the twists are going to go. The bad guy or good guy…. who is whom?

  31. He arrest the crook but it’s only accidental.
    After rewatch: he didn’t know this beautiful guy was the one scamming women.

    Chain fast to female protagonist. “maru”.
    A bit unpleasant author, not liking really fans.
    We see also her two assistants (M and F).
    They are important for later.

    Follow the “not really funny” comedy run.
    Writer mostly want to make something moving a lot.

  32. Hi @WE, @GB, @FF!

  33. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @FF! Yes, we are well populated today!

  34. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Actually it’s 2019!!! She signs off as Maru and puts in the date as 2019/1/15. So we go back to 2018???

  35. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I think Heong Ju is trying to get the credit for arresting the Nam guy scammer of women LOL. His partner/colleague won’t have any of it.

    In that short beginning, we already see that Heong Ju and Park Sun Ho are very close.

  36. Hi FF and SD.
    This first part is mostly done to set the main character motivations. Sorry to break storytelling mysteries. The threads are big here.

    So he takes credit for arrestation when he was randomly here. We see the friendship with his sunbae cop.

    It goes really fast already, it chains at night with the mad criminal wanting revenge.

  37. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Immediately we shift into a different mood with the meeting of Heong Ju and Oh Myung Chul.

  38. @WE, I will have to watch the Rowan Atkinson clip later, but the clip here makes me smile, the slow motion race in a bookstore no less. A good sign that their is room for a comic break (actually multiple already as the fancy clothes are just for this book signing and the cop did not recognize the con man). So many things in these first few minutes only make sense on the rewatch, although the misdirection with the cop playing the conman still does not (I am not that far ahead). Maybe it is all in his head, the cop is day-dreaming about being the conman?

  39. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, yes we get a quick load of flashbacks on what the Killer Oh has been doing. The motivation for the reset.

    Whose gun did Killer Oh use? Was it from the friend, Det Park Sun Ho?

  40. Flashbacks, criminal at HYung Ju home.
    Now wounded.
    Ten minutes in the drama, it sets the reason he will go back in time, his sunbae death.

  41. The two main leads are depicted initially as very determined, one might even say stubborn.

    @WE Thank you for drawing my attention to the setting of the supposed psychiatric clinic. I am
    Trying my best to remember each character for future understanding of the story.

    I really need to suspend my disbelief. How could any of them be so stupid as to follow this crazed psychiatrist?

  42. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD no, I believe the misdirection as to whom is the bad guy is deliberate and we will see why at the end.

  43. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I loved the Chariots of Fire OST.

    Killer Oh says: β€œSomeone said that killing would be too easy. It’s better to let you live inpain until the day you die. That’s true revenge.” – I believe it’s ironic who said this. But we have to watch until the end to know who did.

  44. @MM there is a hell of names to remember.Sigh.

    Minute 12′.
    We get Ga HYun motivation!
    Now in a wellchair, without the event putting her into it. Unlike Hyung Ju, we don’t get her full story, it’s elipse.
    She’s welcomed by two assistants.
    (male one supposed to be his boyfriend, doesn’t look like it already)

  45. @SD I wondered the same if the cop was fantasizing about being the conman.

    I also wonder if a theme here is identity.And this is an initial presentation of the theme.

  46. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, I had the same questions about those people. They were so willing to risk everything by going in a covered limousine to a place they do not know. It’s only later that they say they should have been warned of the dangers …. but why did they not ask?

  47. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, keep that thought in mind for the end.

  48. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    So we see that the motivation for Ga Hyeon is that she lost her dog, Maru, and is sorry for herself as well as unwilling to be a burden to her friends.

    Heong Ju misses Sun Ho so much.

  49. Ga Hyun surprise the two assistants.
    She’s really have a bad mood anyway.
    No clear explanation why the boyfriend have an affair, probably because of her bad mood and she’s in wellchair now, and other girl is more sexy. ^^

    Looks at the screenplay here:
    x4 flashback of hug by sunbae.

  50. Police boss:
    I used this actor as an IT shop owner in W s2. ^^

    Here the scene when he advice to go to the scary Xian.

  51. When I first saw the scene of GH in the wheelchair, I assumed she must have been paralyzed even in the first scene since she is sitting down. Another bit of misdirection perhaps.

  52. Additional mystery: he have a dog called Maru, like author manhwa.

    First call from Lee Shin.
    Give a proof of time travel.
    But he won’t be enough yet to convince Hyun Ju.
    Still surprised with the flash info.

    I wonder if the TKX train incident will be something at the end of the drama.??!?

  53. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Out of the blue, he gets a phone call telling him that a train would be derailed and how many passengers would be affected. Next day at 11.34am, KTX 738 from Busan bound for Seoul will be derailed. Among 387 people on board, 2 will die and 58 will be injured.

    In a prefiguring of how he would collapse later, HJ falls drunk at home. And the news comes on and the call comes again. I take it that Lee Shin called all the participants one by one… and this alone was enough to convince them to go to Zian.

  54. @GB I can only think there is a level of desperation for each of them that we are not yet that aware of.

  55. He looks at images of Zian.
    The entrance is scary, like an egyptian monument.
    Angelic background music.

  56. @GB Or is the show trying to illustrate the absolute trust In an authority figure like a psychiatrist? In real life being able to trust one’s psychiatrist is key.

  57. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, even the date is a bit uncertain now. I thought we are in 2020 in this show but the date in the book signing was 2019.

  58. I like a lot Lee Shin character.
    So mysterious all the way.
    Very experimented actress.
    Her first drama was in 1993.

  59. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, what a long walk and down the stairs for Lee Shin.

    Some names: Hwang, Ko Jae Young, Kim Se Rin (the loud girl), Bae Jung Tae, Seo Yun Soo (BRIDE), Cha Jung Suk (FUND MGR) – – Choi Kyung Man (SECURITY GUARD), Park Young Gil (DELIVERY MAN)

  60. A lot of secondary characters we saw in other dramas.
    Old man: numerous roles, I hear your voice.
    The girl: yeah, it’s strong girl nam soon!

  61. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM we are never told what makes them desperate to go back in time. It might not be important to the plot. We don’t even know how Lee Shin chose this bunch of people to go back in time with.

    I’m not sure if she ever went back in time with a group before. It might be her first time going back with so many people.

  62. @GB, this long walk is to introduce her, to weight her presence, make her LOUD!!! πŸ™‚

  63. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE … Again the way Lee Shin is introduced with the mystery and so much weight is also a misdirection.

  64. Lotery scene: ahaha I said it in Sisyphus comments. Lotery is from 365! ^^

  65. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, you may have said something about the lottery, but I no longer remember much about Sisyphus!

    Now they all go off after asking so few questions. I felt the missed the crucial ones!

  66. Psychologist tip: best way to convince is just help people to make their own decision. So she doesn’t insist more.

  67. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    More flashbacks to seal how close HJ and Sun Ho are.

    He promised he wouldn’t die but now HJ is at his grave, and knows that the Killer Oh would not die from the brain tumour after all. He decides to change the past.

  68. Another flashback from a previous situation where SUn Ho is wounded. Set up in the grave motivation of Hyung Ju to go back in time, when he was “resisting to the call”. lol!

    Enjoy, with BGM music.

  70. But notice: the old man is the only one not getting sleepy, and observing other people. ^^

  71. I am still trying to figure out the drama, didn’t manage to do a pre-watch. Send your memories back to the past to change the future.

  72. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I didn’t notice the old man, Hwang.

    Ga Hyeon is back to when she could walk.

  73. Hyung Ju was time-traveling back into action.
    Need some time to understand.
    Then, to police station: hug-grip from sunbae!
    Alive! But now HJ has to make sure to save his life.

  74. Ga Hyun: happy to have her two legs.
    Now we see the dog Maru is her own.
    She’s so happy she even give a hug to the girl who had an affair with his boyfriend. LOL. So much forgiving.

  75. I noticed the death date on thewho’s stone to be january 2019. So I am also confused about the dates.

  76. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, yes it’s something like that.

    Good to see that Ga Hyeon is back and happier throughout. No longer grumpy and so negative.

  77. Manhwa event: now Ga Hyun is a nice author!
    She likes fans, ok for a photo!! πŸ™‚
    Ok to do the sceance longer.

  78. @GB About their desperation. Thank you for not letting me go down a non fruitful path of thought.

  79. The first episode gave me Squid Game vibes. The esthetic is different though. I am wondering who Lee Shin is, how she made her fortune, and what her real agenda is.

  80. One of the women going back in time played the crazy psychiatrist in the recent kim hanuel drama.

  81. @Snow flower, I get the Squid Game feel too especially when they were sitting together meeting Lee Shin for the first time.

  82. Real life: I fighted once with a guy scamming women. I’m lucky that he didn’t have a knife.
    I can put that in an idea box for screenplay now. ^^

  83. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @Snow Flower! Yes those are pertinent questions… not answered for the longest time!

  84. @FF, here it’s not squid game, but more “Final destination” US movies. They are worth a watch.
    Just replace “time travel” with “premonition dream”.

  85. The Zian ‘psychiatric’ clinic is frightening in a surprising way for a clinic which should give off calming vibes. The gate towers are too big, too imposing; it looks like a fortress. The water pools are too geometrical and the entrance is too long and looks too much like a maze, and like the pedestrians are walking into the water, the inverted pyramid, again imposing like the front gate, is the circle and rectangles a Tao symbol–I do not think so, but it reminds me of one — Everything is too much for a psychiatric clinic. I would be running for the gates. Of course, the music contributes to the tension, very good for the entrance into another life through supernatural means.

    Just noticed the logo (a ‘Z’) looks almost identical to Lee Shin’s sand clock, so does the inverted pyramid and it’s reflection.

  86. The lead cop becomes the criminal’s psychiatrist!

  87. Hyung Ju comes like a badass, hands in the pockets, to arrest the criminal before he commits crime. Ofc, short flashback to show the whole thing. πŸ˜‰

  88. Not
    A trustworthy psychiatrist though to the criminal.

  89. So he could prevent his sunbae to die.
    But…. what if this sunbae is a serial killers, killing all of them? ahaha. I know it doesn’t make sens now, but everything is about impacts in this story.

  90. What music is playing in the background?When the cop lead is eating with his friend after capturing the killer?

    So familiar.I imagine someone will know off hand.

  91. @SD, yeah, you captured the mood of Xian institute, I put a writing about that before, close to your! ^^

  92. @MM, read my comment about background music. Excellent musician. They made “extraordinary you” music too. Even when I don’t like the drama (mostly I don’t like boring part2), the musics were awesome.

  93. Ah shit! I made an error, it’s only now Ga Hyung witness her assistant affair.
    So before, she was really bad bad bad, telling her boyfriend she would never marry him because he’s from bad condition. Somehow she deserved to be betrayed.

  94. ‘Through the gap in time you will be sending your memories to your old selves’. I puzzled about this on the first watch. And @WE and @GB I have not read your posts up above so I do not know if you commented on this. But this seems to imply that big events — a hurricane, a war, a blast, a train wreck do not change. You only know more than you knew before. You yourself do not change; only if you can modify your behavior based on new knowledge can you change how you react and only then (perhaps) can you change what happens. We see some of that early on; Hyung Joo seems to be able to be a good cop now (although really he was perhaps always a physical cop not a thinking cop — now he only seems to be thinking because he happens to know the end result and does not actually have to puzzle it out).

    I will have to give the implications of this more thought.

  95. @SD, I put a post about the time travel concept of this drama. πŸ˜‰
    Sounds like a good one, as GB was ok with it. πŸ™‚

  96. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    We come to the first meeting after the reset… the one who should look happy is the most upset. The delivery man has died. And so we end our episode!

  97. Xian institute, Lee Shin walking (well, a bit shorter now).
    They all look like ginea pigs in this room, in front of her.
    She annouce the first death. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
    CLIFFHANGER! and awesome BGM.

  98. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Although they are not trapped in the Zian Clinic, the death of 1 participant among 10, feels like a locked room mystery.

  99. I counted the number of participants around the circle as LS left the scene the first time I watched it (multiple times actually – ha ha). 11. Not a usual number with any significance. So I was not surprised that one person dropped out. 10. Ten sounds like a much more significant number, though I am not sure how or why.

  100. My impression is this drama kicks balls hard and fast already. ^^

  101. @WE, the first death? You mean there will be more?

  102. @SD: the pregnant woman didn’t participate to the reset, it’s why they are now 10 (well, only 9 because of the death one) than 11. πŸ™‚

  103. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, Agatha Christie had a book: “10 Little Indians” and their numbers declined one by one. 10 always sounds significant.

  104. @FF, did you think this drama was a slow, boring and sweet story about people trying to rebuild their life? ahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahah.

  105. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, the first death yes… there will be more. We have moved from a time-travel tale to a mystery (maybe within a mystery).

  106. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, although it’s not sweet or boring, show still couldn’t keep me from nodding off!!!

  107. As usual, behind you all. I noticed in this rewatch how everyone dresses their best for this second visit. Like they still think they will show up in the past as their very best selves, instead of who they really are.

  108. @GB, it wasn’t the real title, but woke extremist canceled the real title, like in a 1984 distopy, the world we live in now, in western countries.

  109. Oops, my comment was for SD, not GB. aish.

  110. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the rewatch.
    For detail, look at the first comments of the thread:
    – About Limousine and time travel concept.
    – About Xian institute.
    I’ve to go now, it’s late here, time to prepare dinner. πŸ˜‰

  111. ooh excellent symbolic affects. The crows rising up as the limousine drives through (death), the winding road (time line, river like), the tunnel. And only now do we realize no one is driving! Somehow I missed that on the first watch — the empty, barren fields, the sign (No entry, No path — how evocative!), the music — all drew my attention away from that supernatural aspect.

    And only LS braces herself as though she were in an airplane; she has been here before.

  112. @SD, yeaaah! It’s pure gold. Kind of thing that generate in me a strong ENTHOUSIASM!

  113. I noted that her webtoon is also about character identity switches.

    Thank you everyone. I was not sure I would enjoy this drama. I had trouble keeping track of the characters the first time but now I am more focused and have the rest of you to help me.

    See you all next week.

  114. @WE enjoy making your dinner.

    @GB, I wasn’t expecting a mystery within a mystery. I have not read the earlier comments yet, will need to back track.

  115. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, when I first watched I was also surprised by the mysery aspect of this show. But that’s the story now… who will die next and why/how?

  116. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Bye everyone! I trust you found it to be an intriguing rewatch. So much is going on in this show and there are so many things that are hidden. Just like the webtoon, ‘Hidden Killer,’ that Ga Hyeon is writing about.

  117. @WE I look forward to listening to the music you posted above. I think the song I’m wondering about is not part of the o.S t but I will have a look.

    I know you watch “live up to your name” recently. I am currently rewatching and have not found a great quality copy. I’m watching between youtube and another streaming service. Did you find A good version?

  118. @MM, you can download it here with average/good quality (720p):

  119. @WE TY

  120. I thought That the psychiatrist. either said or implied that she had time traveled before. If their bodies all died then she must live out the year and then repeat with other clients Or I suppose the same ones if they survive.

    Also I thought The webtoon writer only had unformulated suspicions about her colleagues Which may have been why she treated the boyfriend the way she did. It was only confirmed in the past time line when she comes home early from the vet appointment because she had bumped into the cop.

  121. @MM, I can’t spoil but we learn later about Lee Shin and time loops.
    Yes, about Maru, her manhwa has some coincidences with murder.
    But here I think it’s just real coincidences, nothing revelant.

  122. @GB The light bulb just went off When I read your comment about the “hidden killer” title.

    TY @WE For gentle spoilers. That way I do not go down the totally wrong track but At the same time i’m not totally confused when the ending occurs, I hope..

  123. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM at true light bulb moment! Did the bulb come on or go off? LOL.

  124. I continue to rewatch before our “official” rewatch.
    Now on episode 9.
    There are so many things I forgot.
    So, I’m like in a first watch, trying to guess who-did-what.
    AND… I’m successful! I guessed one killer, but missed another one. ah!
    I’ve still some clues about another ones, but I’m not sure it will be used.
    Anyway, a great pleasure to watch that.

    I take numerous mental notes about screenwriting.
    I still see a flaw in the drama:
    Unlike many scifi/fantasy kdramas I watched before, this one is more indisctinct.
    I mean, situations are more repeatitive in same places.
    So, it’s not easy to find different scenes emerging and dominating.

    Another flaw: I think now main actress is excellent.
    But main actor looks like a lower clone of Ji Chang Wook.
    I think the actor is still good, but don’t have the natural charisma of big leads.
    You know, like Lee Jong Suk or Hyun Bin.

  125. @GB I was so focused on a Brief exchange about the characters in her webtoon that I did not even think about the significance of the title of the webtoon. So the light bulb went On.

  126. Oooh! I’ve an excellent new about the drama.
    I said previously: we will never know how Lee Shin found the way to travel in time.
    I WAS WRONG !!!
    We get a scene about that. Damn-it! Better than expected!

  127. @SD @GB et al

    Comments above have me excited about the symbolism and metaphor.

    There is a strong surrealistic aspect to this drama, at least so far. The clinic, the trip in the white limousine(interesting spelling, had to check). There is a dreamlike quality to the drama.

    I am getting myself even more excited about this drama. As GB knows I tend to overanalyze so maybe this is a drama for me!

  128. Ah, I’m in a point with flashbacks. But in a smart way:
    The script uses voice-overs (with sometime short inserts) instead of full flashbacks.
    Screenplays techniques used widly in this drama. I take notes!!!

  129. @WE I enjoyed this actor in support roles in City Hunter and Stranger. I have never seen him as a lead before. I see that he was in Am I a robot too? but I do not remember him.

    I will keep in mind as I watch your comment about the scenes not being distinct. I have had this complaint before about another drama but had not put it in such terms.

  130. End of episode 9: flashbacks refering to episode 1.
    And NOW !!! You know you are in an awesome planified drama!
    Nothing leave to chance or writing “on the fly”.
    Amazing structure of mysteries and given information for the whole!
    Damn-it, I love this drama.

  131. @MM, me too, I’ve not memory of the actor, and I watched too the dramas you mention!
    Yeah, the feelling I was writing about “indistinct” isn’t easy to grab.
    But I think you understand what I mean. It’s quite subtle but makes a difference.

  132. Even though I could not describe why I think this, I think this was something nine times nine did well.

  133. In stranger this actor had an uncanny ability to rotate one of his eyeballs.

  134. I’ve maybe made an error again:
    I was supposing Trophy room was in Xian institute.
    But I’m not sure about that anymore.

    @MM, I can’t asnwer to you about that:
    SJJ is my fav screenwriter and I learned most of what I know about screenwriting because of her. I rewatched too much her dramas. So now, it’s very difficult for me to have an objective opinion. Of course, I can about W screenplay, because I’ve read it many times. But her older dramas like Nince aren’t so obvious.

  135. I am on Episode 3 and I am starting to think that Lee Shin did pick the participants in the time travel randomly.

  136. Oops, I meant “did NOT pick them randomly.” I am wondering what is the connection between these people.

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