365 Repeat of the Year: Ep 4 Rewatch Open Thread Sat, Sept 28

The thread is open.

Schedule for the rewatch “365: Repeat the Year”:

Episode 4 on 28 Sept 2024
Episode 5 on 5 Oct 2024
Episode 6 on 12 Oct 2024
Episode 7 on 19 Oct 2024
Episode 8 on 26 Oct 2024
Episode 9 on 2 Nov 2024
Episode 10 on 9 Nov 2024
Episode 11 on 16 Nov 2024
Episode 12 on 23 Nov 2024

The usual time:

7:00am PST
10:00am EST
10:00am Caracas
3:00pm London
4:00pm in Paris
5:00pm Athens
10:00pm Singapore

@GB, daylight savings time ends on Sunday, November 3, here in the US and Canada. Tell me if you’re going to keep the same time.

Enjoy the rewatch!

96 Comments On “365 Repeat of the Year: Ep 4 Rewatch Open Thread Sat, Sept 28”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @pkml3 Thanks for the thread!

    As for the Daylight Savings time, those of us who do not have Daylight Savings will NOT change our watch time, which means that those who do have Daylight Savings will need to adjust their Rewatch Party start times.

    I’m always confused by what is meant that in Fall you’ll fall back an hour… does that mean you start an hour later?

  2. Hello everybody,

    I am in a process of moving, so I will not have internet for a while. But I did finish the show while I still had internet. This is a great show! I will continue to read your comments.

  3. Hello @SF. I may not watch the entire show with you (recovering from illness), but will be with you all for awhile. Getting my coffee; getting ready to begin.

  4. Hello Everyone

    I still have not finished this drama so I will make the best of WATCHING it for the first time as a rewatch.

  5. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @Snow Flower and @SD, glad to see that you came by or can continue to hang out with us for a while.

    I really missed a lot on my first watch (I think I slept through many important minutes!!!) and need to keep rewatching.

    As I’ve mentioned from the beginning, this show is great at misdirection. We are seeing and hearing something and getting a false idea/image. We are being tricked.

  6. Hi @MM. I am still where I was last week. Ahead of this current episode, but not finished. Watching autumn turn. Geese calling overhead on their morning rounds.

  7. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @MM, we’ll try to reduce the spoilery-ness of our comments, but there may be some spoilers since this is supposed to be a rewatch as well. 🙂

  8. Hi SD, MM, GB and SF

  9. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    It’s time by my clock…. we start NOW!!!

  10. Hi @GB!

  11. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @WE!
    Just started…. someone died in a car.

    HJ is running … this is a continuation of him running at the end of last episode. GH is in Bae Jung Tae’s place and confronted by someone.

  12. Hi @WE! Great music at the beginning. Must be somewhere on the list you sent us @WE, but I would not be able to guess where. And some of that misdirection you spoke of, @GB, we think that HJ is caught by a trigger happy crook not his pal.

  13. Recap of the triple cliffhanger.
    – First solved, it was gun of sunbae

  14. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, yes! Classic misdirection. Similarly, our GH is pretending to be Bae JT’s girlfriend LOL. GH and HJ make a great pair of partners.

  15. – Second solved for FL. It was a gang. Still better than a serial killer.

  16. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE we don’t get the 3rd cliff hanger solved until the end of this episode.

    Seems Bae had been tailing and taking photos taken of the resetters. I heard them say why he was doing it, but now I’m not sure.

  17. Hi everyone, I dozed off while waiting to start.

  18. @GB I appreciate that but I do not want to take away from others expressing their thoughts. I know that I like to rewatch to see how scenes connect to future scenes.

  19. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @FF, I’m sleepy too. Missed you last week.

  20. Lee Shin just leaves temporary the series. Lol, what happened? Actress got a cold? ^^

  21. Hi FF.
    Assistant amazed by the all-manhwa written in one day. Ahhh, she cheats and re-use what she did previous year.

  22. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, Lee Shin did show up here and there and gets back towards the end of this episode.

  23. @GB, lot of cuts on Lee Shin, starring in a mysterious way, but doing nothing precise, just to put some awe and suspicion. 🙂

  24. Hi @FF! @WE, GH seems to feel a little guilty about not actually working at her usual tasks and passing off ‘old’ work as new work to her new assistant. Not enough to change the series though.

  25. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, yes GH just wrote what she’d written the year after she reset. Fortunately, she has a good memory.

    Now we get to know about Bae and Cha. Another relationship where we are being misdirected.

  26. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, this episode we get a greater sense that something is not right about Lee Shin too.

  27. GH needs time to solve a real mystery so it is good that she can fasttrack her writing!

    There is a good spoofy scene coming up in a minute!

  28. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, that’s an interesting thought. It didn’t occur to me about GH. Not sure I felt that.

    Now we have HJ after Bae over his connection with Kim Dae Sung and scrapping cars for him.

    The stone threw the window was a great distraction and misdirection.

  29. Here it’s a bit blurry. THe guy from the company, he has debt from before the date of the reset? But now he won money with stock action?
    I’ve forgot this part already.

  30. @GB, I was away last weekend so I watched 2 episodes earlier today and read some of last week’s comments.

  31. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, LOL GH pushed HJ away when he wanted her to listen to the bugged phone. The music coming through the ear buds… again misdirection.

  32. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, the stocks guy, Cha managed to reset and pay back something of what he owed, but he still had stolen from the company and Bae was blackmailing him over it.

  33. Stone by the windows was… team work. ^^
    He makes her hear a song from a french movie “La boum”, really weird. Boum was the name of teenager party in 80s in France.

  34. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, you worked hard! But it’s fun work. 🙂

  35. @GB one of the greatest misdirection is Lee Shin herself. She always seems calm and interested and empathetic. As the viewers we initially buy into that, though having watched many of these time series, by now we know there is always a catch, a hidden clause. She is doubtful from the start since she knows about what is going on, but at all points also seems caught up in the time loop as well (at least as far as I have gotten). The characters only gradually start to mistrust her.

  36. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, this part with the music and how it was really to get her to hear calls from Bae’s phone was not too clear. It cut suddenly to the time before when he gave her the stones to throw. Confusing.

  37. Now we see the -soon scary- flower bouquet.

  38. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, yes, Lee Shin gets away with a lot because she’s the ‘doctor’ and we expect doctors to be professional, responsible and caring to an extent.

  39. That song Dreams appeared in another drama that we previously rewatched. The story of each character in this drama is so scattered, so difficult to link them together.

    The flowers do they look similar? I don’t think so.

  40. I am at the flowere bouquet now too

  41. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE GH makes such a good detective herself… so observant. She puts 2-and-2 together often and is quite often correct. She notices the flower basket and it starts to get creepy later.

  42. @SD, for sure, we start to mistrust her as well. 🙂
    But wait… I also have the feeling to mistrust her from the start, lol!

  43. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, the type of basket and choice of flowers were supposed to be similar. The one we saw was too dried up to look the same.

  44. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, who would have thought flowers could scare us.

  45. Cha resigns. I should have a mean to makes money with informations from the future.

  46. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, @SD, I felt doubtful over Lee Shin from the start because she was the one choosing and calling people to reset with her. She must have her own agenda. It was pretty shocking what it was… almost chilling but more a nasty surprise.

  47. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, this scene with Cha promising everyone a nice lunch on Saturday is the last happy scene they have together I think.

  48. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    HJ rushes over to Bae’s place… supposed to take 15 minutes but a lot has happened in those 15 minutes.

  49. Cha offers to pay them a dinner soon. As well to say he will be killed before. lololol!

  50. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I was actually sad to find out more about Cha. Scales fall from our eyes.

  51. Such a cheerful invitation to a meal feels very threatening in this context.

  52. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, Between Cha and Bae, it’s hard to say who’s the victim and who’s the perpetrator.

  53. We are not told who Bae was talking to over the phone but he mentioned that the other party came back and they should meet up. Is it Lee Shin?

  54. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, in thrillers and crime shows we’ve been conditioned now to expect that when good stuff happens, it heralds the advent of bad stuff. LOL.

  55. I remember now. Cha pays the gang.
    Hum, we just see it now.

  56. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, I was guessing that Bae was talking to Lee Shin. But Cha came first to his place, and brought thugs.

  57. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, that’s how this show works. We see something, but it’s not complete… we see a part of it only… get the wrong idea, then the full reveal comes later. So poor viewers get played!

    But there are interesting twists and things to watch out for, so we don’t get too upset.

  58. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    GH is proactive… she bravely goes around to look for the guys… she stares at Cha’s door but Show does not let us see what she sees…. however she guesses that Cha is in danger… put 2-and-2 together.

  59. @GB what does that say about us as a world that we are all conditioned the same way? That if good stuff happens it heralds the bad stuff. Perhaps just that we have become more simplistic in our thinking….

  60. Both men driving in opposite directions, both wearing beanie. I can imagine Bae wearing a beanie but it’s so unlike Cha’s style. Cha was later found dead in the car by suicide, when he wanted to fly over to Canada to live with his wife and daughter.

  61. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I’m wondering how the killer managed to make Cha’s death look like suicide so easily and get away with it.

  62. @GB Well done though. The cheer about his love for his daughter was foreshadowing that he was not such a family man.

  63. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD… we’ve become more cynical after being caught out a few times LOL. Well it’s only over shows like these, otherwise I still expect good stuff after a happy gathering.

  64. @GB, yes. We saw that with the park situation. Situation, then many flashbacks with more revelation into each.
    The drama also use another good trick. I’ll speak about that with a scene as example (didn’t happen yet).

    Now CHA is dead, so it should be solving of cliffhanger #3.

  65. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, precisely why his suicide cannot be suicide. He was all set to restart with his family.

  66. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, maybe he was sincere about his daughter, and not much else.

    Now the flowers emerge again.

  67. @GB SD I think many of us still have a superstitious side. I know when I make certain comments I feel compelled to touch wood and I am not a particularly superstitious type.

  68. I need to make a list of techniques:
    – Hidden in a scene and more revelations with more flashback.
    – Cut before a revelation.
    – Shot on people to make them suspicious.
    – Generate surprise in a scene (we’ll see that soon). What is the scene could be straight on, but few surprises are added to catch attention. I make analys of that in a episode of Marry My Husband.
    – Probably more tricks but not in my mind now.

  69. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, yes, Show does this hide the truth well and reveal at the right time later….

    Now we get to hear about the missing stuff. Trophies that the killer is keeping so nicely.

  70. Oh flowers again, received flowers and death will follow. This writer sure kills the romantic feelings associated with flowers.

  71. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM well I would never do what GH is doing now… tracking a dangerous guy all by herself in a place that’s deserted!!!

    Illegal gambling den, I think.

  72. Mysterious scene of a museum with item of the dead ones.
    Follow Lee Shin… so it’s not her in the museum.

  73. flower petal cutout in the door to the psychiatrist’s estate.

  74. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF LOL… now a beautiful flower basket will instill fear!

  75. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM Seems that Bae has someone backing him … he gets out of jail so easily. The suspicion that has been growing around Lee Shin reaches new heights.

  76. @WE, which episode of Marry My Husband did you comment on? I would be interested in reading what you wrote about attention getting surprises.

  77. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    The group that gathers at Zian Clinic is so small now. Lee Shin has returned.

  78. Every drama should have an adorable puppy dog or cat. 🥺🥰

  79. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Se Rin sees something scarier than Bae attacking her.

    The message with the flowers does not specify who the ‘you’ is.

  80. @GB, not sure it’s ep10 or 12. I’ve made the complete scene transcription about timecode, each transition.

    Here the scene I was talking about to add small surprises. But I’m a bit tired to make the full description. So I’ll post that later. It’s very used in this drama, and in many other dramas, but not easy to do, because once the writer knows the scene goal, it’s more easy to go to the end without.

  81. Bowing out early. Will catch up with the comments later. Hope to see you all next week.

  82. Flowers again! Huh the detective read the card that comes with it! But he cannot be the next death haha coz he is the ML.

  83. Oops, it was for @SD. I had to check, my most precise comment about MMH was ep10.
    At 22:22 and next scene an example of the “small surprise” technique I’ll mention here.

  84. @GB I would not even be on that empty road by myself much less in this context

  85. @ FF Yes I was wondering how I will feel next time I receive flowers.😁

  86. @ GB now I am remembering this scene on the dark road from the first time I watched so I know I made it this far in the drama. I must have been scared the first time too.

  87. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I didn’t notice the hiding in 22:22.

  88. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    By everyone! See you next week.

  89. Well, I write it now, so it’s done.


    See how is last scene of the episode.
    The writer have probably this on the outline:
    Reunite characters at Xian, brings bouquet of flower for the cliffhanger.
    Just that makes the scene work, and of course the message “it’s you now”.
    You can do just that and it’s be good, with the closeup on the faces of scared people.

    But what added the writer:
    An argument scene between Bae and the girl Se Rin.
    Of course, first a conflict is welcome to add punch to a scene.
    But the goal of this is just to make Se Rin run away out of the room.

    And so:
    Leaves the room just when the servant comes with… with something we don’t see yet!
    We see just Se Rin horrified, looking at something, screaming, and other people worried.

    HERE is the “small surprise” effect added. It doesn’t last long before the revelation, just 5 seconds. In some other cases, it could be 5 minutes or even 5 episodes.

    But just those 5 seconds make us a “WOO!” effect, dying to know what happens, what it is. What’s so scary?!! And BOOM! The flower bouquet. And the whole episode was about this damn flower bouquet, so the impact is high, we know what is means, visualy, without needing an explanation now.

    It’s one of the best example from this drama about how to make a scene better.

  90. @GB, normal, it’s about Marry My Husband Ep10, not 365. 😉

  91. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks for elucidating, @WE!

  92. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Got it @WE!

  93. I was expecting a cliffhanger when she screamed after opening the door. I guess it still is a cliffhanger- the flowers in themselves represent cliffhangers.

  94. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM yes the flowers are a mystery. They are ironically used as a chilling warning when they should be a warm gesture of friendship. And we don’t know who is sending them or why this person wants to scare them.

  95. I wonder if it means anything that Lee Shin is in NYC when she takes the call about Mr. Cha’s death (Chrysler Building through the window). And why does the camera linger on the empty frames above the ‘museum’ items? Why are they empty? Why don’t they have photos of the victims? I need to watch this in its entirety!

  96. @WE, I went back and rewatched the episode of Marry My Husband a couple of minutes early and then followed it through. I then looked through some of your comments (and complete synopsis of that episode!). I understand what you mean. The little cigarette holder (!), No! a medicine or mint holder! does add a little frisson of suspense in the Marry My Husband episode. In 365 the near attack of Kim Se Rin by Bae Jung Tae has that same effect of heightening the suspense (only more so). It makes the scream as she opens the door hit much harder (as in what could be worse than having your life threatened by a much larger and very mean looking crook!).

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