365 Repeat of the Year: Ep 6 Rewatch Open Thread Sat, Oct 12

The thread is open.

@GB, October is a hectic month for me because of the US presidential election next month. I’ll open several threads for you and the Saturday gang so I don’t drop the ball. 🙂

Schedule for the rewatch “365: Repeat the Year”:

Episode 6 on 12 Oct 2024
Episode 7 on 19 Oct 2024
Episode 8 on 26 Oct 2024
Episode 9 on 2 Nov 2024
Episode 10 on 9 Nov 2024
Episode 11 on 16 Nov 2024
Episode 12 on 23 Nov 2024

The usual time:

7:00am PST
10:00am EST
10:00am Caracas
3:00pm London
4:00pm in Paris
5:00pm Athens
10:00pm Singapore

Enjoy the rewatch!

92 Comments On “365 Repeat of the Year: Ep 6 Rewatch Open Thread Sat, Oct 12”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Buckets of thanks @pkml3!!! I knew you’d be busy and your silence on the threads shows it. I really appreciate your always remembering the Saturday Rewatch Gang!

    I’ll keep you and your country in prayer in this time of the Elections. May what is good and right prevail.

  2. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I had a short nap and am back! I hope I won’t start nodding off.

    10 minutes to go!!!

  3. Hello @GB! I will grab a quick cup of coffee!

  4. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @SD, we start NOW!!!

  5. Starting!

  6. Hi hi I am here.

  7. Hi FF, SD, GB.

  8. This episode begins with the horrified realization that even knowing about a death is not enough for HJ and GH to stop it from happening.

  9. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @FF!

    I’m a bit sad about that florist. She was kind of innocent.

  10. Hi @WE and @FF!

  11. Hi @SD, @GB, @WE. Poor florist was blasted.

  12. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @WE!
    Just at the explosion and the exit of the florist’s body. *sob*

  13. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD that’s a good point. They feel so helpless. Of course they go to Lee Shin and she acts like she knows nothing.

  14. I can’t miss a classic BOOM with a protagonist in front of the explosion. ahhhahah! badass shot.

  15. Is Lee Shin feigning ignorance?

  16. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, this show is filled with people who are amoral or immoral… they seem to have no problem with contributing to others’ deaths.

    Lee Shin seems to easily point a finger at Minion Song who does her bidding.

  17. Lee Shin, “ooh ooh I’m troubled… ooh no I didn’t know… ohh… what happened? .. I can’t believe that……” ^^

  18. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    The visit to Lee Shin would have been almost a complete loss if not for the apperance of that book, ‘Pieces of Destiny’ and the little girl.

    Now Heong Ju and Ga Hyun know Lee Shin has both.

  19. The character Lee Shin is so good a feigning ignorance that it makes me wonder if the actress is bad at acting, LOL. Every time Lee Shin denies something she is extremely believable.

  20. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, we can’t tell at this stage. Lee Shin is so good at the poker face. But from time to time, I felt her mask slipped. Like just now when her daughter came in and when she was talking about Minion Song. Her eyes moved anxiously sideways.

  21. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, we start to question Lee Shin’s veracity more and more as we go along.

  22. @GB, these people are partners in crime, aiding or abetting in crime.

  23. @GB, I noticed the eye movement as well. I wonder if we ever learn about how long she has known Ms Song.

  24. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, we find Ga Hyun has noticed Hwang outside the florist shop when it exploded. She’s observant and makes a good investigator.

    We get some of Hwang’s story, but there seems to be no way to verify it. We can only take his word for it.

  25. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, we have to keep asking… who’s in on this… how many are speaking the truth and when.

    Now we listen to old man Hwang…. followed by the doctor in Sejin Hospital. Again, all we can do is take them at their word.

  26. @GB, we saw the actor in I hear your voice as the kind chief of lawyers. It’s obviously a kind guy, with a sad story about his wife having dementia. And I need a handkrief right now. 🙂

  27. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, I wonder if there’s a reason she may need to lie about knowing Minion Song.

  28. Now even the old man seems suspicious, his explanation of why he was at the scene of the explosion is not convincing at all. Why did the camera focus on his hand movements?

  29. John Wick like music now.

  30. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE I liked that actor in ‘I Hear Your Voice’. He was so nice there.

    Now we listen to Minion Song… once again, are we hearing lies or truth? How much is true?

  31. @FF the camera want to say us something. 🙂
    Why the old dude so nervous? aaaah!

    Now the assistant plaiding.
    She’s not a reseter. Probably strange to work for a woman who reseted more than once. Even scary!

  32. @GB, what? He’s not nice here too? Ooh! Oooh! Oo

  33. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, we get another conversation … the doctors talk in the car and the Sejin doctor says she lied to HJ and GH.

    To avoid trouble from HJ’s suspicions, Lee Shin leaves Zian. I begin to dislike her smiling and calm way of speaking… I suspect that she’s lying to her daughter too.

  34. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, Se Rin asked a good question … they are not special, why were they chosen.

    HJ and GH start all over again to get their evidence in order.

  35. @WE, indeed why is the cafe owner so nervous, why do his hands shake? Is he really as nice as he seems or is he like every other character, somewhat shady or immoral? All of these characters thus far are flawed, why not him? As viewers, don’t his shaking hands lead us to question everything? It helps heighten the tension, at least a little bit. Similar to the disconnect between Lee Shin’s demeanor and what seems most logical — that she knows everything and controls everything. Even small eye movements that we might notice subliminally help notch it up.

  36. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    HJ and GH look for connections between all the Resetters. They realise that they don’t know for sure if the first Resetter really did die or not.

    LOL HJ cannot tell his friends what he’s up to and why but he has to spend money to bribe them with a good beef dinner!

  37. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE and @SD, the music too really helps notch the tension up a lot. We get the twin of the first guy who died now. As he climbed up the music came on to create suspense!! He seems to not have anything to hide.

    He gets HJ to speak to the colleagues instead and meets the driver whom Young Gil had replaced… this raises the question… who should have died in that accident or should there have been no accident in 2019?

  38. @GB, should I answer to the question “why are they chosen”?? Because it could be a spoiler for people not having ended the drama. 😉
    (what you should have done now, as it’s a rewatch)

  39. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    An interesting meeting between the ex-con Bae and the Bratty Gamer. Everyone starts to look more and more suspicious!!

  40. Lee Shin thinks it is fun to play hide and seek? Ms Shin thinks that Lee Shin knows the future and is in control. Oh so messy.

    Now HJ and GH re-start their analysis, yes probably better to reset their thinking about all these happenings.

  41. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I’m deliberately not saying anything but asking questions only… so as not to spoil but to drop clues.

    Actually you sort of gave the answer indirectly already when you answered my question last time with SPOILER alert.

  42. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE and @FF, I just heard the conversation between Hwang and HJ and GH, and Hwang actually drops a clue that is foreshadowing who is in the know and why the deaths take place.

  43. I like how GH has the most up-to-date board to write her thoughts on. It is reminding me of the white board in Signal…

  44. @GB, I missed that spoiler alert from @WE. This drama is messing around with my brain, I cannot watch and read comments, and I have fallen behind. Haha but I think I have @SD for company.

  45. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, I’m at the point where Se Rin calls GH to join her in a housewarming. Poor kid is all alone after moving house.

  46. This drama has a flaw (somehow it’s also its main quality), it relies mostly on “woo!” emotion, what coming from plot-points. Too heavy on plots and not enough on other emotions than “woo!”.

    I love “woo!” but when rewatching this, I could see better the mechanism of relying to much on plot. Other dramas with “woo” effects have a better balance. MOTA, Signal, W, Kairos, etc.

    Then, I don’t remember so fast paced dramas. Even W which is very fast paced. Maybe Death Games?

  47. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, this show required me to really rewatch closely. I kept missing stuff. I also kept falling asleep despite how exciting it was, because I was too tired.

  48. Terminator like background music now. ^^

  49. Ahh, background musics are so good in this.
    It add a lot to rewatch value.
    I noticed that when background musics and sound-effects are good: I’m thrilled by plot-twists, even when I already know the issue.

  50. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, which timestamp is the Terminator music?

    I thought there was some other emotional content besides surprises/shocks…

  51. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, yes the background stress-inducing music is very good!

    Everyone gets a card and they have yet to figure out what the cards mean. Who is playing a game… now without the flowers.

    At last GH, the best investigator in this show, figures out the cards’ clues.

  52. @GB, it was 34:00. I’d rather say it’s a mix of terminator and Midnight Express.

    At 39:00, we get again the John Wick music. Really very close to the one in the movie. Just, 365 was made before! If you didn’t watch John Wick yet and you like action movies… GOOOOO!!! Do it now!!!

  53. @GB, I find this drama exciting yet not captivating. It does not draw me into the drama, it just moves very fast so fast it is hard to follow. It does not evoke emotions that make the viewer want to keep watching but the viewer watches just to solve the mystery of Lee Shin, why she does certain things, who is she and what is she capable of.

  54. So, Baek was about to beat the girl. Hum.
    This drama is an endless series of racks into racks so we should expect something hidden in the scene.

  55. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE more stress now as we wait to find out who dies.

    Everyone got a card with the same quotation/verse?

    We get HJ doing some investigation work on his own.

  56. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, that’s true too. I guess that’s why I could fall asleep so much when watching! My emotions were not sufficiently engaged.

  57. @FF, yes you have me for company. I get a bit further each week and then come to some favorite character turning out to be more amoral or immoral than I thought possible and I have to stop for awhile and turn to something lighter, ha ha.

    I agree @WE, the music in this is SO good. I am terrible at noticing background music, but in this drama if I focus on it, the music is ALWAYS contributing to the plot. I also like the scene cuts. There was one earlier where it faded to the outline of Bae Jung Tae’s head that I thought was particularly tension inducing.

  58. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, show gives us misdirection after misdirection. Do we believe what we see or not…

  59. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, that’s a pattern, perhaps. Each character seems one way but turns out to be something else as well or instead.

  60. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE now HJ’s worst nightmare turns into a bit of a joke … his best friend and partner Sun Ho gets hurt after he calls him to help out with Se Rin. But we see Sun Ho has a bandaged nose LOL and their novice Det has given away that he’s in relationship with Det Jin.

  61. @GB, never trust a 365 scene until you see all the flashbacks, ripping it step by step like an onion. 😀

  62. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, nostalgic, touching music at 47:00 when GH speaks of her fears.

  63. Characters have weakness:
    Beak looks at this girl (sister).
    Lee Shin, her daughter.
    Of course, the two shoot follow one after the other.
    And I don’t say more………… 🙂

  64. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, yes, with 365 we need to have a lot of patience and to be awake and watching carefully. It’s hard to watch and type or read at the same time!

    Here we have Bae caught but he seems to have a lawyer to help him.

    We feel that with Bae in custody, we can relax a bit and just enjoy the show.

  65. Only romance we have in the drama: the two cops.
    Secondary characters. But it’s still fill the gap.

  66. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, and now we have a scene ‘flashback’ of sorts??? From Se Rin.

    She is still alone, even in hospital. She’s supposed to be only 19 years old. In one sense, poor kid.

  67. Corpse in the rive. Like the one in “Cheat on me if you can”. K-writers love body in rivers. 🙂

  68. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I actually like that there is no all-out romance being showcased in detail. We should have more kdramas that do not need a romance in them.

    A different song and many happenings take place in the time after Bae is imprisoned.

  69. “Final destination” moment… The guy who should had died finally dies… Our brains scrambled again.

  70. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, at least it’s a corpse… I hate it when kdramas have people stabbed or shot and they fall from a height into water and survive with hardly a scar!

  71. Lee Shin comes “you are right”!!!!
    AAaaggagaggAAAAAhhhhhhhhh moment.
    And this crazy one laugh like crazy for the cliffhanger.
    😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
    Shot of the killer museum.

  72. Why did Bae beat up Se Rin? Was it Lee Shin’s order?

  73. I am always amazed in these dramas at how fit the cops and villains have to be, LOL. I can’t imagine running that fast for that long!

  74. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, scrambled brain… not only does one who was invited to but did not Reset die in the beginning of the episode, but one who had nothing to do with Lee Shin also dies at the end of the episode. So who was supposed to die?

    The date on the cards was right.

  75. @GB, writer found the good tricks to make the audience 🤪🤪🤪

  76. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I can’t stand that Lee Shin dares to laugh after saying something so shocking to the ones who would be victims.

    All the trophies of the dead are on display.

  77. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, I don’t know how much of a Spoiler you want, but that scene with Bae and Se Rin is not as it appears. However after this, Bae really has a reason to beat up Se Rin.

  78. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, I pity the actors or the stand-ins who have to run over and over again for the re-takes.

  79. @GB, I think after X times, she became desensitised, insensitive (listen to bossa-nova song)… and now as she can’t hide anymore. BROM! on the table. YEAH, I lied from the start, do you have the guts to listen what I have to say.
    (me, going to hide in a cabin in a forest in deep Siberia, where only bears live)

  80. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE I find Lee Shin a very difficult character. She’s actually a villain too … (one of the last episodes shows she added the twist) but also a sympathetic character. There is no way to not judge her but then, she also cannot be punished by the law.

  81. Lee Shin must have disappeared for quite a while since everyone seems to be living happily for a while.

  82. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, we only the 7 month’s later info based on the hiatus of the killer… I guess the time is more or less that for Lee Shin’s being away.

  83. We do not know this yet, but later we realize we also cannot trust the cinematography. No nice fade in and out before the scene with Se Rin and Bae Jung Tae.

  84. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, yes, depending on who tells the story of the scene we are watching, we do not know what to believe.

  85. Sinister laughter from Lee Shin after saying that the resetters are all dead people.

  86. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, Lee Shin seems to be the most sinister of all after Bae.

    Remember we kept mentioning misdirection… this show is full of it.

  87. On this last misdirection, I go back to…
    Just cooking pasta. hahahaha.
    Have a good week everybody! See you soon.

  88. Mmm. Pasta sounds good. Have a good week!

  89. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Bye @WE!

  90. I was thinking of pasta and olive oil, kind of hungry now. Have a good week everyone!

    @GB, Yeap misdirections in this drama is a plenty.

  91. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Bye @FF and @SD

  92. Oops! I commented in the wrong thread. I have no internet, so can’t watch anything for a while.

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