Happy Thanksgiving!

October 10th~14th – St. Paul School Website

Happy Thanksgiving!

Since Thanksgiving is not just about getting food coma from all that turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, and pumpkin pie, I’ll include this Song of Thanksgiving, from the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 12.

On that day, you will say:
I give you thanks, O LORD;
though you have been angry with me,
your anger has abated, and you have consoled me.

God indeed is my salvation;
I am confident and unafraid.
For the LORD is my strength and my might,
and he has been my salvation.

With joy you will draw water
from the fountains of salvation,

And you will say on that day:
give thanks to the LORD, acclaim his name;
Among the nations make known his deeds,
proclaim how exalted is his name.

Sing praise to the LORD for he has done glorious things;
let this be known throughout all the earth.

Shout with exultation, City of Zion,
for great in your midst
is the Holy One of Israel!


25 Comments On “Happy Thanksgiving!”

  1. Growingbeautifully (GB)

    Happy Thanksgiving @pkml3 and everyone! I wrote on another BOD thread that I’m thankful for being well-cared for, and that God has given me a wonderful body so that I can be healed. I add my thanks to God for all other kinds of healing, for lovely people around me, for BOD. 🙂

  2. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Yes, @GB. Knowing that you’re in good hands in times of illnesses and that you have access to the best available medical care is something to be thankful for.

    My heart goes out to:

    parents with a sick child or aging family member, who have to choose between buying groceries or buying meds.

    And individuals with long-term illness but no safety net to pay for long-term care and services.

    I remind my sons around this time of the year to donate to Ronald McDonald House charities and their local food pantry. I like to think that part of giving thanks is paying it forward — or passing on the blessings to others. 🙂

  4. Dear Friends, Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!!

    Even in the direst situation you can find friendship, companionship and a way forward. Big hugs to you @SnowFlower, dear @PackMule3 and last but not least, dear @GrowingBeautifully!!!

    Have you been OK?

  5. Happy Thanksgiving, @Packmule3. Warm greetings to @GrowingBeautifully, @SnowFlower, and @FGB4877. On this holiday I am grateful for many blessings, not the least of which are BoD and you, Packmule3. I want to especially thank you, @Packmule3, for openly speaking in this blog about your faith. At a time when I was wrestling with anger and disappointment, you rolled pebbles across my life which, when joined by many others, became a landslide that swept me back to prayer, Bible reading, and eventually back into fellowship with other believers. What started out feeling like an ending turned into renewal.

  6. Old American Lady (OAL)

    @packmule3, To you and everyone on BOD and their loved ones, Wishing you all a blessed Thanksgiving. May your lives be healthy and filled with love. May you never go hungry
    And may the world finally know peace

  7. Amén, dear @OAL!!! 😀

  8. We dont have that here and eat the turkey at Christmas.
    Then, happy thanksgiving for countries where you celebrate it. 🍗

  9. Happy thanksgiving! There is always something to be thankful for.
    Get well soon @GB!

  10. @Janey, you and your family have been in my heart these past weeks.

  11. For the past two days, South Korea has had epic snowfall. Check the news!

  12. Growingbeautifully (GB)

    @Janey, many thanks. I’m indeed progressing. Baby steps, literally, with a walker. I’ve been praying for you.

    @Welmaris thanks for the news on snow-caused chaos in Korea. I am reminded that beautiful may not mean safe.

  13. Happy Thankgiving BoDers! Thank you @Packmule3 for this Haven for all of us!
    My best wishes to all of you that you celebrate it!

    For the rest of us, it is great to be grateful! Being grateful is a very nice feeling!

    Several of my friends are in my prayers! It is good to know that you are okay, loved and taken care of! Sarangheyo!

  14. Growingbeautifully (GB)

    Hi @Cleo, nice seeing you here. I’m thankful for you and your prayers. : -)

  15. Unnie,

    I am happy to see you here too! ❤️✨🙏😘

    Of course, I would come to give my wishes! 🥳

    Well, there are people and things to pray for… 🙏

  16. Happy Thanksgiving to you Queen, your family and to everyone who celebrates it. 🥳🥳🥳

    Thank you for this especially made for b—tches home that you’ve given us over the years. How many years has it been? ☺️

    This year is almost coming to an end but I’d like to think I’ve said and given back my blessings back to my family, friends and those who needed it the most.

    God is good. 🙏🏼

  17. @Janey, so glad to see you here. 😘

    Happy Thanksgiving. Sending you lots of hugs. 🤗 🤗🤗

  18. I am grateful for the friends I have met here atBOD.

    @GB I send you my best wishes every day. Keep heart! Physiotherapy and rehabilitation can do wonders!

  19. Growingbeautifully (GB)

    @Monmor, so true. A will to exercise and the slow progress of physical improvement, really keeps adding on hope with a sense of achievement.

    A clear goal ie to be able to walk independently is very helpful! 😀

  20. Thank you @GB, @Cleo, @welmaris, @agdr03 for your kind words and thoughts. There’s still a lot to be thankful for even in these times.
    @welmaris, my son and I were actually in the middle of snowy Seoul doing our historical tour in hanbok and traditional costumes trekking on ankle-deep snow! It made for an interesting and memorable experience, the palace and surrounding areas looked magical. I’ve never seen such amount of snowfall (we do not get snow in our area). Pls take care as well!

  21. @Janey, visiting historical sites in Seoul during snowfall does sound magical…and cold!

  22. Happy Thanksgiving to @packmule and all the BOD’ers – to all who celebrate. May God bless all with good health and happiness and peace on earth.

  23. Old American Lady (OAL)

    @Janey, wow-you wore a hanbok. I would love to wear a hanbok. I think they are beautiful and look very comfortable. But, I’d be afraid of being accused of cultural appropriation. I read somewhere that there is a contemporary Korean designer who does modern takes on the hanbok. I like looking at national dress. When I was a teen I liked looking at kimonos. I also remembered wearing so-called “peasant” blouses but in retrospect I think real peasants could never afford the intricate ones(with beautiful embroidery) that were sold at premium prices to rich hippies, who, in many cases sere singing folk songs. Lots of irony there. but getting back to hanboks, I find it a joy to look at them.

  24. @OAL – the hanboks were very pretty, one can choose different colors and embroidery designs. They have done an easy way of wearing them for tourists (the skirt part is structured like an apron with adjustable shoulder straps for the height). I wore my long sleeved shirt, jeans and sneakers underneath the costume with a hoop skirt. Then the top part is a simple short kimono-type with a sash. Done in 5 mins! We got the basic rental only but there are options for full hair and make-up and the works!
    Hope all is well with you and your hubby!

  25. Old American Lady (OAL)

    Hi @Janey, Thanks for the hanbok information. If I ever get to go to South Korea, I’ll definitely wear one. We have several Korean communities in the New York area and one central one in Manhattan that is known as Koreatown or K Town. It us a short walk from Macy’s and is quite compact but it’s lively.The other areas are in the botough of Queens going into Nassau County and in New Jersey, mainly in Fort Lee and Palisades Park. Those communities are much larger and growing. And the Korean coffee shop, Paris Baguette is everywhere and in many ways rivals Starbucks. There is also a proliferation of Korean zfried Chicken places like Bon Chon, as well as the supermarket chain, H Mart. And most local Asian Markets have a Korean section. Those include Kam Man and 99Ranch. Locally, in. Y community we have two Korean friedChicken places, ab Paris Baguette and two Asian markets where kimchee and frozen Korean foods can be purchased. These are welcome additions to the culinary scen e here that also includes Chinese, Turkish, other Midfle Eastern, Russian, kosher and the requisite Italian(where one can purchase fresh pasta, beautiful produce and fresh made mozzarella and bur a ta cheese, as well as snexcellent butcher and fish market(great Squid and octopus).There is also a small Greek presence(I love taramouselata) and a large Sri Lsn I an community with excellent restaurants that offer some different dishes but compare to our zinnias restaurants. Our Chinese population has increased so much that the community supports a hot pot place, a dim sum place and a few bubble tea places. And 9f course, we are also known to have excellent pizza places. And we have several diners where one can eat all day breakfasts, hamburgers deluxe, and a huge menu of all sorts of foid(and where Greek food is prevalent because the diners are owned by Greek people ).

    So we’vegoneftom clothing to food.

    On a personal note, my husband 8s going through another set if rounds of chemo. He is layer low by these infusions and takes days to recover. He is resigned to live this way for the foreseeable future. However, he has also started as a Pati e nt at one of the United zstztds’ premier cancer hospitals, where there are different therapies. So right now our lives are centered around his therapies. To use the old adage, where there’s life, there’s hope. I am pretty confident that we’ll get him through this. My distractions are k dramas and I’m glad to have resources like Amazon when I can’t get out to get groceries. If it snows, we have good neighbors who have offered to clear us out. So in this season of thanks, I am thankful for the wonderful people who have offered their help and the presence of commercial entities who make it easy to be stocked if we can’t get out.

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