The thread is open.
This is the last rewatch for the year 2024. See you next year!
The Saturday schedule of rewatches:
Episode 5: 28 Dec 2024
Episode 6: 4 Jan 2025
Episode 7: 11 Jan 2025
Episode 8: 18 Jan 2025
Episode 9: 25 Jan 2025
Episode 10: 1 Feb 2025
Episode 11: 8 Feb 2025
Episode 12: 15 Feb 2025
Episode 13: 22 Feb 2025
Episode 14: 1 Mar 2025
Episode 15: 8 Mar 2025
Episode 16: 15 Mar 2025
The usual time:
6.00am PST
9.00am EST/parts of Canada
10.00am Caracas
2.00pm in London
3.00pm in Paris
4.00pm in Athens
10.00pm in Singapore
Enjoy the rewatch!
Wow @pkml3! When it’s called the last for the year, it gives the Rewatch a certain extra significance! It’s true but I never thought of it that way before!
Thanks for the thread, as always. I’m getting prepped and ready to party!
I am here today!
Hi GB and MM.
I am here also! Hi @WE, @MM and @GB
Hello, @GB, @WE, @MM @SD.
Hi FF, let’s GO !
2008, starts with background of Do Gyun and first meeting with Hyun Chae.
Starts with very popular k pop group and song which I recognize but do not know the name Or group. 2008 Maybe big bang.
A classic: giving her his umbrella. 🙂
So does she meet him before her marriage?
Does the wife know Do Gyun before or after she got married to Seo Jin?
The annoying guy in the bar sounds very much like a plot-device. ^^
It seems like it is long enough ago that it was before HG got married to Seo Jin. Only she says, that actually she has a place, only that she did not want to go home.
The girl of his dreams go to sleep at his home on day one… 😀
Ae Ri is saved once again.
It’s hot!
Isn’t it strange that a girl will sleep over at a guy’s place when she barely knows him?
@WE, it’s hot but she covered herself with the blanket.
In this drama, It was Relatively.
Easy to guess
That the wife was in on the kidnapping, particularly with how they told the story of her suicide. I like how we are Given the clues and not in an overly confusing way. Good for someone like me who is not a particularly experienced mystery crime watcher.
I’m a bit lost about those tests.
But the chane in the past shows he did an additional test.
I was a bit lost with that as well. I understand the generalities behind it.But I do not remember the particular scenes.And sequence of scenes.
I think Seo Jin requested for additional tests and end up not using the sub-quality building materials.
@FF. Yes Seo Jin used additional tests from a more reputable testing agency (I think maybe a government standards agency?). Nice tie in with the music playing on the phone and the reason SJ did not pick up right away that the music playing on the phone call with his wife and with his subordinate was the same (the FAX came!). I also like this drama’s way of showing how the past changes for SJ — a very painful headache, as though the new memories are being pounded in.
I wonder who Ae Ri’s mother is calling.
So, SJ’s driver is the one who killed AR ?>!
@WE, yes the first time. Kim Jin Ho for all his flaws did not have it in him to be a killer, just a father grieving for his children. The second time it was likely Seo Do Gyun, or so we are lead to believe.
I missed this on the first watch. The wife and Do Gyun were using the drivers apartment for their laisons.
@WE yes As I recall.
I’m lost, it’s not the guy in jail who killed Da Bin?
It is not. There is more intrigue To come.
@SD, good that you highlighted that. I would have missed it too, them using the driver’s apartment for their rendezvous.
Good shivery scene. On the phone Call whenAE Reveals her family’s connection to the construction company And they both also realize this secretary is A murderer.
SJ saw Ae Ri’s mother dead; I think he will try to save her in the next episode.
Now we learn about the building collapse that causes the main male leads clostrophobia.
See you all next week!
The driver killed AR mother I guess?!
I’ve to go now. Have a good week!
bye WE
I apologize for a spoiler from a little earlier. I have lost track of what I have already watched.
Or not.
Now we get the big reveal. But I cannot remember if we already had clues to this or not up until this episode.
Bye @WE, I got distracted by some housekeeping issues so am a bit behind (house guests). I realize now the driver is the killer all along. He would have been the killer at his apartment.
For this drama, the accident at the construction site is the non-tangible connection between Ae Ri and Seo Jin, the spiritual connection as it were. Ae Ri because her father died at that accident and Seo Jin because he was in that accident (and survived). We do not yet know what other connections there are between the driver (why is he so willing to kill?) and the other protagonists.
@SD I have been distracted today too between family members coming and going and my Gmail is still not coordinated well to this blog.
Well done, scene with.
male lead walking past the hanging body And then we realize what it is when he turns back.
I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their holidays! See you all next week.
The music at the beginning of the episode where they meet in a bar Is haru haru by big bang. Release date 2oo8.
Hi All, my apologies for my absence yesterday. I had a strange human mental block ie I FORGOT!!! It’s the first time ever and shocked me the most when I realised it myself. I was all prepped and ready to party but I actually forgot. It might have been because it was after a day of a lot of new stuff happening and trying to recover from it. I see that it was a fun party regardless as it should be!
At this stage we are getting the backstory about Kim’s wife and beginning to realise that the kidnapping/death/suicide may not be at all what it appeared. A major gaslighting has been taking place, taking in the police, Kim, even Ae Ri of the previous month and goodness knows who else.
The question is just how wide the gaslighting extends. Is there just 1 bad guy with 1 agenda (or more) or more than 1 and how does Yujung Constructions come into it. I’m more inclined to think that Yujung, being the bigger body, is the key player, able to gaslight loads of people and then wonder how Kim’s wife and family comes into this and why.
As usual the roots of the trouble began years before when the building collapse killed Ae Ri’s dad, and the link between that and Kim himself being a victim of the same collapsed building now becomes clear. We can finally see why these 2 individuals were linked by the phone after Ae Ri ‘prayed’ asking her dad to help her find her mum.
So before her mum hides away, she was on good terms with Kim Jin Ho, but only disappeared when Killer Lee met her in the hospital. He must have threatened her in some way since she’s threatening Yujung in return.
I’m looking forward to the next episodes when more and more come to light. I should continue the count of who dies, and yet does not, in Kairos time. So far in Kim’s time, Ae Ri died before and could have died twice more times. She killed Geon Wook before, but he didn’t die only because of Kairos. Now we have her mum dead so we wait for next episode to see what Kairos can do!