The thread is open.
The Saturday schedule of rewatches:
Episode 7: 11 Jan 2025
Episode 8: 18 Jan 2025
Episode 9: 25 Jan 2025
Episode 10: 1 Feb 2025
Episode 11: 8 Feb 2025
Episode 12: 15 Feb 2025
Episode 13: 22 Feb 2025
Episode 14: 1 Mar 2025
Episode 15: 8 Mar 2025
Episode 16: 15 Mar 2025
The usual time:
6.00am PST
9.00am EST/parts of Canada
10.00am Caracas
2.00pm in London
3.00pm in Paris
4.00pm in Athens
10.00pm in Singapore
Enjoy the rewatch!
Many thanks @pkml3! You’re more on the ball than I am!!
Good morning, afternoon, evening All!
here is a link to another time travel drama which I have not wathed but am interested.
I started it awhile back but did not follow easily. I was also not familiar with the male lead who I now very much like after watching him in Go Ahead and You are my Lover friend, as well as in The day of becoming you.
Change of plans. We woke up to a winter wonderland so I am going for a walk with my daughter and her huskie to get some groceries.
I will tune in later.
Hi here.
Hi @WE! We’re still thinking about what drama to watch next. What sci-fi drama did that director / writer you named last week make? I couldn’t find anything based on the name.
Hi @MM. A drama about math! LOL. Math might be 99% perspiration vs. 1% inspiration, but I have met people who could do their graduate school theory assignments while watching their favorite football team and suffer no consequences. Some people are just born with the gift of insight.
Hi GB. You mean Park Yu Rhin ? Sorry I maybe write it badly.
She’s the amazing writer of Start-up, Castaway Diva, etc, and of course I hear your voice and While you were sleeping (and Pinochio), dramas with a fantastic element.
Hi @SD! Glad to see you!
OK it’s time, we start NOW!!!
Hi everyone.
Hi @WE and @GB! @MM, show here too, but just a dusting unfortunately.
Hi FF and SD. Looks like it’s time to start.
Hi @FF.
@WE, ah… I watched all those 4 shows that you mentioned.
Yes, pretty good shows. Well we’re still looking around and @MM is still coming up with new dramas. We can probably vote on something in a few weeks.
We stopped on the aaaaamazing scene of time-change in the motel courtyard, linked to the past event of finding the mother, so she couldn’t be in the wrong place in the present. Then I’m not sure about exact time change consequences. But the hero was accused of something about her?
Hi @FF!
You know, I find it hard to believe the police can say Kim Jin Ho committed suicide when he was in handcuffs. Kim Seo Jin noted this later. Jin Ho had a limp too. So weird.
Holy shit, the transmitter re-apear below Lee car, whyyyyy??
@WE, when Ae Ri changed the future by finding her mother, the transmitter under Lee’s car had not yet been found.
By taking her mother home enough changed so that Killer Lee did not kill her mum at the time, hence Kim was no longer a suspect in her death.
The chief cop says him he can ask for help, but I think that now, SJ knows he can’t rely on him. 😉
About that: a little flashback helping to understand, but I didn’t need.
Hi @WE, Kim SJ was accused of murdering Han Ai Ri’s mother since his phone pinged in the remote location where her body was found, on the probable night of her murder. Not sure why the jump to interested party to murderer was so quick. Why would he have stuck a tie pin in her mouth after all. Pretty bizarre. The way this drama handles a change in time is my absolute favorite. Especially how the person experiencing it, observes the dissolution of the world. So cool!
@WE, I thought that flashback helped Kim realise that Officer Park was always on his side.
I wonder if the mother is found dead again in the future (or present)… just in another way.
@SD, I think the idea was that before she died, Kwak Song Ja had grabbed the tie pin off her killer and had managed to put it into her mouth…. very unlikely, I know, but the police in this show are somewhat lacking!
@GB, oh yeah? I had to opposite impression.
Phone call time!
It’s ultra-short and cut. AAhh. ONE minute for good.
@WE, Ae Ri’s mother tires me out. She’s working at cross purposes of keeping AR safe. AR will keep doing desperate things to save her mother. I feel like knocking some sense into the mum.
In the end she only stayed around long enough to fill the fridge.
I think it’s the kind of drama you understand nothing about it when you start to watch at episode 6 or 7, without previous episodes. ^^
@WE, I wish they had more than a minute to talk. In that 1 minute they even have to read messages. At least give them 2-3 minutes.
@GB, it would be nice if this crazy mother stop to run-away all the time and hides in dangerous places. Because now, she’s the main source of stress for AR. But ok, now they can have a lunch.
@GB, I think the police in all K dramas are portrayed as lacking.
@WE, so this is the kind of drama that requires a good recap at the beginning of each episode. Heh!
So Mum can threaten people too. But her logic is faulty. Once she gives all the info she has to the criminal, they will no longer be safe.
@GB, Messages are downloaded, so they have time to read them after. 😉
@WE, once again AR is going to do something risky and reckless. Isn’t this the 4th time!!! And once again who’s going to rescue her?
@GB, there is a quick scene in Ep 6 (I just watched last night) where the villain notices the tie pin on the seat and we see him looking at it. I think also, he (or Seo DJ) says that they can now tie SJ to the crime.
@FF, this lot of police are quite high in the lacking field, considering that this is a serious drama and not a comedy.
There goes AR once again and Geon Wook has a bad feeling about how she’s behaving.
Now how does AR know that Killer Lee will be at Jin Ho’s place at that time??? Plot hole?
Arg, I was absent-minded a few seconds, focused on the chat, so I missed the AR dangerous decision. T T
@SD, yes, you remembered correctly. Killer Lee put the tie pin into Kwak SJ’s mouth, but the police accepted that as if Ms Kwak could have done it herself or that the killer would have done it. Too bizarre!
@GB, I doubt it’s a plot-hole. Probably more an information we forgot. SJ said her maybe.
Why does A Ri’s mom sound like she is not telling Ae Ri the truth?
@WE, it’s good that Geon Wook has been witness to enough weird knowledge from AR to realise that she’s telling the truth about the time warp phone. Soo Jung is scared to death at their seriousness about it, but is so annoying.
ARRGGRRRGGGRRRR, The mother runaway again!!!
She should ask for a gun instead of a taser. ^^
@WE, I can’t recall any clue as to how she’d know where Killer Lee was exactly on that day. But nevermind.
Now we have the child tracker given to Da Bin. A very important plot point.
@FF, Mum is lying all the time to protect AR. All that she said starting with that she’d tell her everything and all would be true….that already was a lie.
Side comment here. The food in these dramas always looks so good. There is a Korean restaurant here in my town where the chef watched Korean dramas and decided to learn to make the food since it looked so good. Other than the spiciness which I could not handle at K-drama intensity the food is pretty good. It would be fun to learn to cook it.
Love story scenes. So warmfull. But poisonous love story. 😀
The mother run away again, so tiresome. Ae Ri only had peace for one night.
@SD, go for it! You’ll have to be able to cook quite a quantity though because you’ll have to get quite a bit of Korean ingredients. This might mean you have to keep them for a long time unless you cook Korean often.
SJ wife is not dead in present time, nor Da-Bin.
I presume… It’s part of GY plan for steal the wife and daughter.
Maybe-boyfriend stop AR to do something stupid.
@WE, actually Seo is bad but not as bad as Killer Lee. He wanted the woman but was prepared to be a dad to Da Bin. Killer Lee would have had the child killed LOL.
Seo is not a killer, …. yet.
– I can’t help you if you don’t tell me the truth.
– I get phone calls from the future.
– ……………..
@FF, that’s why I’m fed up with the mother. Causing more stress and danger for all. And without the guarantee that she can keep anyone safe after she dies or the info she has is lost/given away.
Kim’s wife is one dangerous woman. She has Seo twisted around her little finger. He will give her everything she wants. Poor sap.
Now we get to know more about Hyun Chae and her dad. He’s threatening her or it’s probably blackmail.
Wonder how Hyun Chae’s father can find her over and over again.
Cold blooded woman choosing a corpse to impersonate her child …. chilling!!!
Oooh Shiiiiiit, amazing move!!! The teddy-bear should have a tracer in present time now! Ultrasmart, but does it works?
Big boss of Yujung seems to never want Kim to come to work.
I wonder what made Killer Lee check the bottom of the car and find the tracker.
Aya, conflict between GY boss and his henchman…
@GB, I found the boss of Yujung Construction suspicious too. Never wanting SJ to return to work.
ARggn, he can’t find the teddy-bear tracker.
Now a romantic scene with DG and SJ wife…
WHAT?!! A new guy with a horrible burned face.
Could it be SJ wife father? So he survived the fire?
Do Kyun is foolish in love.
AR is so concerned about the kidnapping but the mother of the child is only interested in threatening AR, instead of keeping her child safe. We know why of course.
AR gets Hyun Chae all puzzled and thinking that she’s a lunatic.
Sure he have a lot to tell to his granddaugther: “hey, did you know that your mother tried to kill me with fire? your mother is something!”.
@WE, he threatens to tell his son-in-law and Hyun Chae is afraid to lose everything so she stops him from meeting Kim.
Hey, it’s weird… Lee looks under his car and finds the transmiter.. but why??
Another aspect I like about how this kdrama presents time travel is that the new memories SJ receives regarding a changed past are always painful, as if there are consequences to changing even the memories of the past.
@WE, that’s my question exactly. How did Lee know to look under his car then? Did he see a light blinking?
Of course, a child that attached to a stuffed toy would notice immediately that a switch had occurred, LOL!
@SD, Yes, I imagine that the brain needing to forcibly add new memories on top of the old ones must cause a terrible headache.
@SD, yes I’d imagine the toy would feel/smell different to the child after she’d been holding it for so long and so often.
DG tries to confront SJ… Quite bad idea. SJ knows more of course… but not the total truth… Heavy conflictual scene.
I’m at the point where Kim sees Seo and his wife. What wonderful music that leads up to it and the change in music at the new realisations.
Again a conflict scene, AR + SJ wife. Good!
What a cliff hanger – double barreled on both AR’s and Kim’s end.
@GB, I’d need to rewatch the scene (and/or the drama), but he had a reason the be suspicious at this point, related to the fact he saw a car following him and guessed it could be SJ.
I like the irony of the ending. On one hand Kim finds his family…. but at AR’s end, she thinks he’s going to lose his family – she’s about to save his daughter from being kidnapped to save his family too.
Of course it’s not going to go smoothly.
WHhwHHHATTT.?!!! WXhen he thinks he loose the teddy-bear tracker, it reactivates and so it shouldn’t be the same teddy-bear???
I think this is the first episode where we see the date stamps. Very helpful in later episodes (and adds to the suspense). Also, in this episode (mid-way) we still do not know just how evil Kang HC is. It seems only as if she wants her money, her daughter and her lover (and in that order, LOL) and is willing to do a lot for that.
Gooosshh… the cliffhanger is leading to… He will see his wife???
@SD, yes, show really hides the true Hyun Chae until the future episodes. We are getting glimmers of truth about her more and more.
@WE, Da Bin never let go of that teddy bear. Seo had to bring in another teddy bear for the ‘evidence’ that Da Bin had been tossed into the river.
His daughter!!! Just 15 meters aways.
And his wife!!!!!!!!!
….. and Da Gyun… CRAZYYYYY. oO!!! OoOoooO
ANd to make it worst… they see him.
And even worst!!!
BUNG!!! LEE stuns him. Blood running on his head.
What??? He’ll kill him???
He’s dead now?
Slow motion… Da Gyun steps…
CRAZY cliffhanger.
But there is a last scene in the past.
Well, looks like the only survival solution.
Is that a violin playing in the background when SJ is searching for Da Bin at the Villa? Hinting that he will see his wife or that the wife is the mastermind?
Lee Teak Gyu just loves killing people, does he not?
@FF, interesting point… maybe the violin music really does signal more about the wife as the mastermind or the boss of some kind in that fraudulent set up.
I too thought it was her playing that got Kim to follow the sound and find her, but it was just background music. Still I like the music transitions in that fraught scene.
Has everyone finished the episode? Great cliff hanger, right?
Catch you all next week!
I am always behind on these rewatches. I will get there soon. But I (mostly) remember this ending! See you next week.
@GB awesome cliffhanger.
I see you next week!
I have a terrible ear for music so I cannot be sure Kang Hyun Chae is playing the same music as for the concert, but SJ stops in his tracks as soon as he hears the violin music. He starts looking for the sound. I think it is Kang HC who is playing. And of course at this point SJ does not know of the full betrayal of Kang HC and Seo. He only knows that Seo and the villain are connected somehow. He realizes that not only might Da Bin be alive, but his beloved wife might be also.
ok. I was wrong. Still he stops as though he hears the music and he does not look at his phone from that point on. Weird.
@GB, the music in the scene where SJ finds his family, and the change in the music when he sees Seo is fantastic! That subtle soured note(s) when SJ turns his head and the camera follows and we see Seo! As are the expressions of the actor. What a scene! I had only seen Shin Sung Rok in My Love from a Star so I did not realize until this scene what a fantastic actor he is.
Oh I guess I saw him in Vagabond as well, but did not realize his acting range from that. Anyway, good bye, see you all next week!
See you all next week.