The thread is open.
It’s February already???? To borrow a quip from Groucho Marx, “Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.”
Episode 10: 1 Feb 2025
Episode 11: 8 Feb 2025
Episode 12: 15 Feb 2025
Episode 13: 22 Feb 2025
Episode 14: 1 Mar 2025
Episode 15: 8 Mar 2025
Episode 16: 15 Mar 2025
The usual time:
6.00am PST
9.00am EST/parts of Canada
10.00am Caracas
2.00pm in London
3.00pm in Paris
4.00pm in Athens
10.00pm in Singapore
Enjoy the rewatch!
Thanks @pkm3! I’ve started my rewatch before the rewatch!
You’re most welcome, @GB.
Don’t we all do that? Start the rewatch before the actual rewatch to double-check that we don’t miss anything and to have something to add to the discussion? I like the rewatches. When I free up more time in the future, I’ll do them again.
@pkml3, Yes the rewatch before the rewatch is great so that I can pay more attention to the comments and less to the Episode. I tend to get ahead of myself or of the others in my comments though, so I have to wait for the right time to slot in some thoughts!
Hi here.
Hello, I am here tonight. Missed last week’s rewatch because I was unwell and fell asleep after taking some meds but I have caught up with the episodes and have watched tonight’s episode in the afternoon so tonight will be a rewatch for me.
@GB as for the next drama to rewatch, I am not keen on Durian’s Affair. The drama started nicely but it did not hold my interest throughout. I can’t remember what it is exactly, I think I didn’t like how the story unfolded.
Hi Everyone, it’s about time. Let’s begin NOW!!!
Hi @WE
Hi @WE.
Hi @WE! It’s a very packed episode today!
Hi@SD, hi @GB.
@FF Hi there. Hope you’re feeling better now.
OK noted about Durian’s Affair. We’ll shelve it. We still have other shows to vote for.
Hi just starting
Hi @SD!
Hi GB, MM, SD, FF.
Happy to see almost everybody here today. 😉
Starts a bit before the cliffhanger.
Hi @FF and @GB!
I always get confused with the start of these episodes. Which time frame am I in and where am I at? I should have done what @GB did and rewatched the rewatch before the rewatch, lol. The sepia tone helps. Whatever the dates, this is the earlier time frame.
Hi @MM. So now we have Do Hyun trying to figure Ae Ri out. He gets really close and rude.
@WE, we see Do Hyun getting the changed memory of himself talking to himself … mind blown!!!
@SD, the rude Do Hyun with AR is the one in the past. Seo Jin in the bed is the present time.
Seo in SJ’s time hears his own voice over the phone! Mindblowing, so interesting to hear yourself from another time frame.
At least it did not take Seo Do Hyun ages to believe and figure it out. AR’s friends took longer. He has the text messages to help him. He has also met AR more than once when she seemed to predict the kidnapping.
AeRi has some good friends who protects her. Was pleased that they rushed out of the house to her defence against Do Kyun.
I love the scene where Do Hyun remembers hearing his own voice on the phone, and sinks to the floor and throws the phone away again when AR speaks! So satisfactory!
@FF, now armed with the knowledge of the past-present time connection, Seo will want to make use of AR to save Hyun Chae.
Now DG has a golden goal. But I think we didn’t see how SJ got the car accident with his wife.
@WE, the info on the accident comes later. We hear about it first and I think next episode we may see it.
@GB, that could be a blessing in disguise too since the accident may be avoided and SJ may not be hurt.
I find SJ’s skin looking so plum, smooth and bright in this episode. Does he always look this good?
In a surprise move, Kim makes Seo the manager of the project, trusting him so much still. Seo is not happy, he has other plans to betray Kim.
@FF, I find that most of the time Korean main actors look like they have great skin, even when they are on the point of death LOL.
Kim SJ seems to be kinder to the people around him now.
@GB, yeah, but the memory-back was already in the cliffhanger in previous episode. 🙂
This whole situation will create what I call a “multi-contextual scene” later. So, it’s one of the very rare drama with a scene/situation of this kind.
I don’t remember last episode well enough. Were there 2 scenes -1 in the past and one in the present where we see SK in that phone call with himself?
@FF, even Seo Do Kyun notices that Kim is changed… warmer? I think it’s the memories of the loss of Da Bin/wife in the other timeline that got him to be more considerate.
OK @WE, please point out the multi-contextual scene when it shows up.
@GB, this kind of scene hits hard, so you will see it by yourself. But of course, I will post a biiiiig comment with many “woo! woo!” at this point. 😀
@GB, yes it should be those memories that trigger the change in the man. He even visits the victim association to try to get their buy in to the new project.
Kim SJ was also blessed that his late father was quite a respected man within the community.
@MM, yes, last episode also showed us Seo hearing his own voice on the phone.
Now Kim and Seo are with one of the victims of the Taejung Town collapse and are taken aback to see that he’s in a wheelchair.
(I wonder where the lift is because they had to climb the stairs. But that could not be how this victim got to the office on the 3rd? floor. It occurs to me now because I’m going about with a walking stick!!!)
I would think that Do Gyun would feel guilty about his plans against Seo Jin since the latter is treating him so well, and with so open an expression. But nope. It’s all about his ‘love’ for this guy.
Ahh! A plot we could guess but too much happened. Yeah, it was so weird that SJ’s father commit suicide. So it would be a murder?!!
@FF, I felt that old man CEO Yu was super smart to make use of Kim because he could win sympathy by being a victim and survivor with a sob story. That’s probably why he was chosen to head the project.
But it will backfire on him because now Kim hears about how his father would not commit suicide. His dad was investigating Yujung over the collapse.
@GB, yes the stairs! The man must have lived on the third level throughout because in South Korea there are really very few lifts. Most of their restaurants/shops are 3 level high and there are no lifts, customers all have to climb the stairs.
@SD, Seo is a besotted fool. Let’s the woman change his principles and manipulate his thinking. He sold his soul for her. And she was such a cold and ruthless person who had tried to kill her father and would not stop at that but kill anyone who was in her way.
@WE, we are now being clued in that much more is hidden that needs to be revealed, like why did Kim’s father die and what does Kwak Song Ja have so that she could get Yu to insist Ae Ri got released.
@SD, as I watched this episode, I wanted so much to tell Do Kyun to wake up this woman is not worth it. How can you love someone who can plot to kill another? And Hyun Chae was not moved by the change in her husband, refusing to give him a chance.
@FF, Sheeesh! Then he must have had help to get out of that building!!!
Now we see cold Hyun Jae with Killer Lee, looking quite pally.
@GB: Seo is prisoner of love&passion. 🙂
@GB, the CEO of Yujun Construction appears fishy to from the start. He is unbelievably kind and understanding to SJ’s situations. Anything that is too good to be true must be a scam. He is a sly old fox.
We see the preparation of a plan for the car accident. But looks like it didn’t happen like that. So, Lee just choose to crash in the car when HC was inside? it looks like that. She was wrong to be so confident with Lee. I think it pissed him off.
@FF, we get another very important scene giving us info again from the Victim’s Assn guy. He is instrumental in getting AR and Kim to figure out what really went on with Yujung.
@FF, true… such a sly, old man with a mask of kindness.
@WE Lee was p*ssed because she could not pay him after she died LOL.
@WE, I suppose in a way that makes Seo a tragic figure as well. Classic hero who falls from grace. Clearly a skilled and intelligent individual and not a thug like Taek Kyu who seems to delight in killing (or maybe is dispassionate about it, only wants money and presumably power in his small way).
@GB, the victim association guy let AR know her connection with SJ. Their fathers are close pals.
Oh GOOOSHH, if Lee says the truth, it’s really unexpected. So he did like the plan, but something else happened? So HC was in the car?!
Just brillant!
@SD, well, Seo was really a tragic hero but only where Hyun Chae was concerned.
“Instead of killing you now, I’ll kill you one month before”.
@FF, yes, and now AR knows that Yujung is involved in what’s happening with her mother.
@WE Heheheh! Now Lee thinks Seo is crazy. Kill me in the past?
Mistake of Seo – get AR to do the killing. It’s true though that in the past timeline, she killed her friend but that was only because of her mum needing the money he ‘stole’. She has no compelling reason to kill Lee.
Do Kyun is also reckless, hahaha how can he ask AR to kill Lee Taek Gyu?
@FF Seo is crazy with grief and can’t think of anything except the direct route, kill the killer before he kills the girl.
Oh good! Now Kim has another memory and realises he is not delusional.
@FF, he’s smart to use the phone with messages, but asking her to kill someone is a bit too much out of SJ character. 🙂
@WE, yes especially the part where he says kill Lee and I’ll do whatever you want. Does not sound like Kim.
@FF, this episode I find that Hyun Chae’s face looks more plasticky like she’s wearing a mask. The others look normal.
I find the police very lax. They keep giving out info to civilians like nobody’s business in this show.
That is because her skin looks flawless, smooth and well hydrated but does not move much when she talks like she just did her botox.
Now Seo in the current time is on the search for Ae Ri. He decides to do what Kim did before, ie look for Kwak Song Ja but also Ae Ri.
AR’s mum ended up in the hospital but why does the bad guys always find her first?
@FF, I also wonder how come Killer Lee is so fast. However this time the police also have been calling up hospitals and looking for AR’s mum, but they are always a step slower.
When I first watched the scene between Kim Taek Kyu and Seo, I believed Kim, that he had not intended to kill Hyun Chae, since if he did he would not get money from her. His response to Seo and the reason for the response all made sense. Yet we find out later that is not what happened. So I am left wondering, was Kim really that good at acting this out? That part seems out of character. He maintains a stoical face, but you never get the idea that he cares about anything (except money). So why would he show anything here or pretend to?
Kim SJ has memory flashback again, but it made him realize that he never actually had photos taken with Da Bin together.
When Ae Ri spoke to Seo and told him where her mother had been found before, was it a trap for Seo, ie she gave the wrong location on purpose? He would then give that wrong info to her when she pretended to believe that he was Kim sending her the messages.
Not sure about what happen here. The car accident happened in the past? Then both past and present SJ are in a coma?
This would really have been a good episode to prewatch for the rewatch.
I was not able to do my ideal Set up for this rewatch, so I am not Organized
To be commenting.
@SD, Lee Taek Gyu is a one-note villain who only does ‘work’ for money. He’s out to kill if it pays him well. His only emotion was regret that Hyun Chae died because he could not get his pay from a dead person.
AR blew Seo’s cover, haha.
@FF, yes so now Kim acts a bit out of character in taking selfies and wanting to take more family trips.
@WE, no, only present Kim is in a coma. Past Kim is still thinking Seo is a good guy.
@MM, nevermind, just watch and enjoy. Comment later.
So good scene “you must wake up now, so I can save HC”. Then HAND GRIP from SJ !!!
@FF, yes, I liked that she knew how to trick Seo into giving himself away on Kim’s phone.
Now we come to great scene … a scary grip by the hand of ‘death’ LOL. Boss was almost dead but the news about Huyn Chae got his hand moving.
@WE, scary hand grip!!! Seo is still rubbing his wrist LOL.
@GB, I thought SJ’s grip was so strong for someone who just woke up from coma?
@FF like rigor mortis – a death grip heh!
Another person in hospital … AR’s mum. And AR has figured out Seo’s plan.
@GB I realize I never really watched this episode because I started speed watching in order to watch something else. So I will need to watch these before the rewatch.
Seo figures out that the person controlling Killer Lee is not himself but CEO Yu.
And of course it’s Lee and Yu who are there with Kwak Song Ja first.
Hyun Chae visiting the CEO? What for?
@MM, Yes, you’ll probably have to watch slowly.
@FF, Hyun Chae is playing a very dangerous game.
@WE the multi-contextual scene did not appear in this episode?
Of course, the old CEO was a villain.
Aahha, I guessed right!
End with SJ open eyes.
Good BGM in the last five minutes, frezzing the blood.
@FF, no, it’s in a later episode. It’s a very specific kind of scene when an intensity/meaning come from the high-concept (and audience can guess without explanation) + high-emotion.
@WE, it was a good episode for the revelations. Now we get confirmation about who the villain really is. We also have sub-villains but are troublesome but not entirely successful in their crimes.
I had noticed earlier in this episode that Seo Do Gyun seemed very comfortable going to the disreputable gaming rooms and pool halls and that he changed his clothing from the pressed suit look to the expensive black leather jacket look. What I missed last time, and only got this time was that Seo used to be in the criminal racket himself. The scene with the stranger who gets in his car and with whom he exchanges and envelope implies this. His ‘friendship’ with Taek Kyu now makes more sense. Even if Seo is not eager to kill, he has a dark side to him below his shiny, coiffed exterior.
So back to the choice of next drama: please vote….
If we want to choose a Park Hye Ryun drama, in particular the ones which include an element of supernatural ability in one of her characters, we have the following to choose from:
I Hear Your Voice, 2013 (18 episodes)
Pinocchio, 2014-2015 (20 episodes)
While You Were Sleeping, 2017 (16 episodes)
Other Series that Were Suggested Long Ago:
My Love From the Star, 2013 (Alien romance. 21 episodes)
Chicago Typewriter, 2017 (Ghost/Past lives? 16 episodes)
Tunnel, 2017 (Detective time travels through a portal. 16 episodes)
The drama dares to do crazy developement, because we got a car accident in already 2 episodes before but never watched it. Kind of mystery running in this part of the drama.
@SD, yes, those are some revelations for us… Seo and Lee were from the ‘underside’ of the city before they made good. It was easy for Lee to go back to violence.
BTW, please vote for the next show to rewatch!!! See comment above.
@WE, yes, show dares to push the accident to the 3rd episode before we see it. There’s something to hide until then???
BTW please vote for the next show. See my comment above.
@GB, I hear your voice, or While you were sleeping.
Then in the second list “My love from the star”.
@SD, yes the interaction with the guy in his car tells us that Seo too has a shady past.
Hi @FF, please vote for the next show. See my comment above.
@GB, I am ok with all in the list but my love from the star is the last choice.
I quit now. Have a good week!
@GB, sorry I hear your voice is my first choice.
See you all next week.
While you were sleeping and tunnel would be the top ones for me.
I hear your voice is my third choice.
I only one I have watched is ‘My Love from a Star’ (multiple times). I could watch it again. All of the others are on my very long ‘to watch’ list so I would not mind watching (and rewatching)! Higher on my list for watching are the first three (Voice, Pinocchio, Sleeping).
‘Tunnel’ looks to be one similar to those we have been watching. Pluses to that are that we are all VERY familiar now with time travel dramas and the puzzle aspect interests us. Minuses would only be if it is too similar to any we have seen or too simplistic. I don’t know about that. ‘Chicago’ I have no real positive or negative about.
@SD I agree with you about tunnel but I don’t remember it as being quite as complexes are recent watches. I might be wrong there. While you were sleeping and I hear your voice are good dramas and for me I wouldn’t enjoy watching something less taxing, much as I have enjoyed these rewatches.
I have watched my love from the star so many times. I have enjoyed Chicago typewriter
And watched a few times as well. Pinocchio was good but I prefer the other two dramas by that writer.
Correction would enjoy watching something less taxing
Votes so Far: I did a tie-breaker by voting for ‘I hear your voice’, but we still have a few more weeks to think about what we want to watch. I thought a very young Lee Jong Suk and the lovely Lee Bo Young who plays a strangely mannered lawyer would be fun to rewatch.
I Hear Your Voice, 2013 (18 episodes) [5 votes… @WE, @FF, @MM, @SD, @GB]
Pinocchio, 2014-2015 (20 episodes) [2 votes… @WE, @SD]
While You Were Sleeping, 2017 (16 episodes) [4 votes… @WE, @FF, @ MM, @SD]
My Love From the Star, 2013 (Alien romance. 21 episodes) [3 votes … @WE, @SD, @GB]
Chicago Typewriter, 2017 (Ghost/Past lives? 16 episodes) [2 votes… @WE, @GB]
Tunnel, 2017 (Detective time travels through a portal. 16 episodes) [2 votes … @FF, @MM]
I’ll post this again next week. If we are all agreeable, we have a few weeks to start our rewatch before the Rewatch heheheh!
See ya next week!
“I hear your voice” would be perfect. I have the screenplay but never translated it (needs some operations and soft-dev with my IT talents). Then I would translate it and makes a readable version of it. First episode is “perfect first episode”. If you watch this writer dramas, you know most of her first episode are huge. Castaway Diva and While you were sleeping had perfect first episodes.
@WE, yes, Writer-nim really grabs us viewers from the start. I felt the show might have been edited a bit more, but I liked the relationships. Hated the villain. He was a good actor. My heart sank every time he appeared.
I Have re watched I hear your voice recently. I enjoyed it so much that I tried to watch the Chinese version.But of course it was not as good and I did not get very far.
Yes I recalled the villain now that you mention him. He was scary right from the start. I particularly remember the emotion of some of the scenes in the courtroom. The nail lead was besotten, Always fun to watch.