Kairos: Ep 12 Rewatch Open Thread Sat, Feb 15

The thread is open.

Episode 12: 15 Feb 2025
Episode 13: 22 Feb 2025
Episode 14: 1 Mar 2025
Episode 15: 8 Mar 2025
Episode 16: 15 Mar 2025

The usual time:

6.00am PST
9.00am EST/parts of Canada
10.00am Caracas
2.00pm in London
3.00pm in Paris
4.00pm in Athens
10.00pm in Singapore

Enjoy the rewatch!

110 Comments On “Kairos: Ep 12 Rewatch Open Thread Sat, Feb 15”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks for giving us 3 threads in advance @pkml3!! I feel one less reason to be stressed 😢😬😟 on a Saturday morning. Heheheh! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜‡

  2. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I think I’ll transfer the stress to @Fern and @Welmaris instead. And delay opening a thread for their Love Scout. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ˆ

  3. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi Everyone, I’m in and out but still mostly with you.

    This week’s episode finally tells us why the Ae Ri and Seo Jin are 31 days apart in time and the phone call works only at 10:33pm.

  4. Hello everyone, I am here.

  5. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @FF! Just in time!

  6. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Let’s start the party NOW!!!

  7. Yes let’s start.

  8. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, I actually forgot what happened to lead to Ae Ri’s death, and watched last week’s episode again but it didn’t reveal anything.

  9. Hi GB & FF.

  10. SJ escape from the hospital to look for Ae Ri and found her dead. Is this the 3rd time that she died?

  11. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @WE! We start off with our heroine dead and everyone in an uproar.

  12. @GB, a good “surprise first, explain later” trick. ^^

  13. Hi @WE πŸ™‚

  14. Morning!

  15. @GB, me too forgot why SJ was at AR’s house. I went back to read last week’s party comments for quick recap.

  16. Hi @MM.

  17. Hi all, starting a bit late.

    Good starting scene even though it repeats last week’s ending.

  18. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, Think she died once and another time her murder was avoided just in time.

    I find that Show making Kim ask Seo why the building collapse a great way of telling us what the issue was with Yujung. They wanted to save money and went ahead with the building when the ground was not well prepared.

  19. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I was confused and went back to rewatch thinking I’d missed something with all my falling asleep last week.

  20. Hi @SD πŸ™‚

  21. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @MM, what time in the morning is it for you?

    We see Da Bin trying to be so mature for her age.

  22. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @SD, poor Mum gets to hear that her daughter is dead from the police.

  23. Hi MM,

    We go back to SJ and Da-bin.
    The change of time is quite clear.
    Oh the moment when she falls now.
    Maybe he will get a memory flash?

  24. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF did our comments give you any clear idea what was going on with Ae Ri dead and Seo Jin going to look for her?

  25. Da Bin fell and SJ did not hear her fall, hmmm good sound proofing in the house.

    Finally when AR’s mother stops running away, AR died.

  26. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF what puzzled me was that Mum thought it was safe for her to go home but instead AR gets killed. Does not make sense.

  27. @GB, I thought that the reason SJ had DG tell him what would happen is that it was so obvious to all. Anyone in the field would have known and would have compensated for the poor terrain or chosen not to build there. I don’t think DG has a civil engineering degree though I do not remember for sure. I think he got where he is by his ambition/help from Hyun Chae

  28. Mother seems a bit mad now…

  29. 9:09 I am a little late because my daughter demanded.We do wordle!😁

  30. @GB, nope. We talk about SJ escaping from the hospital, pretending to have memory loss but no clue as to why Ae Ri died.

  31. Huge amount of melodrama and crying.

  32. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, that’s an interesting take on why Kim asked Seo those questions.

    If it was so obvious, however, it becomes obvious also that big wigs were paid to stop the authorities from looking into it.

  33. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, Wordle can take quite a great many minutes!

    I like that Kim tells Ae Ri that she’s going to die in a month.

  34. Ae Ri’s mum is definitely excited to go on a date with Ae Ri. She is all dressed up and ready to go.

  35. I am surprised Ae Ri’s mother can survive the shock of seeing Ae Ri dead — weak heart and all.

  36. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, but the crying drama is suitable for these characters who are so attached to each other.

    Mother is so cute that she dresses up for a date with people who see her looking so drab all the time.

  37. Ae Ri is so bold, she told her mum that she will be dying in a month’s time. I hope that will not lead her mum to do something stupid again.

  38. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, We hear how the young people knew each other for so many years.

    Ae Ri has to tell Mum the hard truth, knowing that Mum will not understand, but hoping that it will prompt her to reveal the secret she’s keeping.

  39. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, I was very afraid that Mum would die on the spot after seeing Ae Ri dead.

  40. @GB, it wasnt negative criticism, I quite like melodrama. And it’s moment when we see if actors are good at crying and giving us the sadness.

  41. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, so frustrating that Mum thinks she’s protecting AR by her silence when it’s the opposite.

  42. Now she can understand her mother Better. They seen where they cuddle in bed

  43. In screenwriting tips: avoid melodrama. But I really don’t care about this tip. I write kdrama, so there will be melo, and it will make you cry!! That’s my philosophy about writing. Ahah!

  44. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Great scene transition from future back to the past as the car driven by Kim passes by Ae Ri’s house in the present and in the past the group returns from their date.

  45. @GB, the frustration is obviously intentional. It works like a horror movie. We know what the characters do not and cannot know and it ratchets up the tension.

  46. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, definitely dramas should make us feel with the characters. We need to laugh and cry with them and at them from time to time.

  47. @GB, yes the Mum still thinks that keep Ae Ri in the dark is the right choice. In doing that she is putting her trust in the sly CEO to keep his words not to harm Ae Ri. Why trust a man who cause the collapse of the building when constructing it, shifted the responsibility to another company and subsequently bought over the company?

  48. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, yes I appreciate that the show does a good job of keeping us in suspense and giving me stress!

  49. I wonder now if there was a kind of dark aggrement to make this building collapse volontary, for financial scam. Some people got money for that. But who paid? Then where has gone the money?

  50. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    True @FF! Just like how can Seo trust Hyun Chae who was prepared to betray her husband. This week we find out more horrible things about Hyun Chae.

  51. Dramas must also have those hateful characters, keeps the viewers irritated.

  52. How did Hyun Chae’s father know of all her dirty stories?

  53. Even the hard hitting truth was not enough for the mother to divulge.

    I am realizing another reason.I have trouble following this drama.And I should have realized this earlier, Is that time continues marching on in both time lines.

  54. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    We now get the Hyun Chae scene and hear what else her father can accuse her of. Good way to summarise what kind of person she is.

  55. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, Seems that Hyun Chae’s father has been keep track of her doings for years. He’s been out to blackmail forever.

  56. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM We are seeing what happens in Sept and Oct at the same time.

  57. @MM, you are so cute! Time continues marching on in both timelines.

  58. The wife is cursed and her father is always anywhere she is to torture her psychologicaly. Making her even more mad over time. ahahahahah.

  59. @GB, Hyun Chae’s father must have been watching her from a distance.

  60. @FF, it’s “we love to hate a character”. ahah.
    Irritating bad guys, a bit different of big villains.

  61. It was wrong of SJ to blame Hyun Chae for Da Bin’s injury but I am glad that he realise his mistake and apologise to Hyun Chae.

  62. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    The daddy and Da Bin scenes are nice in that we see him changed and improved once he remembers the tragic past that did not happen in the new Sept timeline.

  63. I have enough trouble following time marching on in one time line, Much less two.

  64. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, this show is interesting that there are so many grey to black characters. More than 1 villain in more than 1 sense.

  65. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF Despite noting the changes in Seo Jin, Hyun Chae still wants to leave him instead of trusting him with the truth and getting his help against her father.

  66. @WE, maybe the building collapse was not just for a financial scam. We learn in the interview Ae Ri has with the person handling the families that there was not enough rebar reinforcement and that buildings around would shake at the slight impact of a truck driving by. They were motivated by their greed to build a high building cheaply (and we find out later what else they did — perhaps, they were in fear that it fail after construction as well.)

  67. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM now we have to grapple with a current timeline where both Ae Ri and Seo Jin’s family are dead. This is new. Previously only 1 or the other was dead, but now both. That leaves Seo Jin in the current time with Ae Ri’s friends.

  68. The phone call between SJ and AR friend is such a good scene. Woo! I’m blasted by actors and dialogue.

  69. @GB, Hyun Chae notices the change in SJ but I supposed she had given up on him thinking that the changes may not be permanent. She puts her trust in herself to change her future.

  70. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, yes I like that scene too. At last these 2 characters in the same timeline are talking instead of being suspicious of each other.

  71. @WE, Ae Ri has got very good friends who are willing to do anything to save her.

  72. @GB Thank you. I am not quite there yet.

    I was thinking about the condominiums near the river where we live and the controversy about underground waterways of which there are many in My city.

  73. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE at last we get the scene where Ae Ri gets back the watch belonging to her father. It is the means by which we find out from Seo Jin how come they are connected.

  74. @GB, you are ahead and didn’t see, or I was just reading comments and missed it?

  75. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE you will see it soon. It’s coming up towards the end of the episode.

  76. Those scars on her father’s face make him really creepy, Especially
    When he is close to her in the stairwell scene.

  77. Ae Ri’s mum is so agitated, she has a weak heart so worried that her heart may just stop.

  78. What a high screeching noise to illustrate HCs Distressed in the car after encountering her father.

  79. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM Yes his scarring from being burnt is terrible.

    The actor must have sat through hours of makeup to get that done up for a short scene.

  80. We see in this episode that Hyun Chae is far worse than we might have guessed — crippling a fellow orphan — (though burning her father alive was clearly bad enough), but we also see just how motivated by fear of her father she is. It drives her actions.

  81. Then we immediately go to a sweet scene between sj and his daughter.

  82. @MM, those scars are thanks to Hyun Chae. The fire she started in the house to burnt him alive.

  83. Mother is a painful character all the way. When she doesn’t run away uselessly, she’s just mad.
    Let’s see if she remembers and talk to SJ now…

  84. @GB, it is interesting to see him play this character. He is so completely the opposite in Rookie Historian Goo Hae-Ryung

  85. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF @WE, great scene with Mum speaking with a past Ae Ri who is not dead yet. So AR gets confirmation that she would die in the future. Tears all around.

  86. @GB, that scene is so emotional luckily it lasted only for a minute, the conversation abruptly.

  87. @GB, oh yes, we are near of a “multi-contextual” scen here, using the concept for emotion, or at least a small one, not yet the big one.

  88. I’m drowning under the endless flow of tears. LOL.

  89. I like that Lee still call DG “hyung”.
    Lee is in bad condition, but now he’s ok to speak a lot.

  90. @WE, he told DG about Hyun Chae’s plan to flee without him. I hope DG wakes up from his dream of living with HC.

  91. @FF I think she set the fire when she was seven years old, Just barely able to understand culpability.

  92. @MM, she went on to do more evil things later on in her life, at different stages of her life.

  93. @FF, I don’t think he’ll wake up about HC because he loves her beyond limits, and he will oblirate it in his mind and let only his heart speak. Yeah, it’s tragic.

  94. obliterate

  95. The ending is a revelation, SJ was trap with AR’s father in the collapsed building and the watch stopped working at 10:33.

  96. @WE, DG is *roll eyes* hopeless in love.

  97. So, it doesn’t end on suspens but on an emotional link. SJ was with AR father during the 30 days of surviving the collapse. Now, let’s see how it turns and if past SJ becomes aware of the calls from his future self, what would help a lot.

  98. @FF, and gosh, that! Watch stopped on the 10:33!!
    Everything is clear now. (if we can really say that, lol)

  99. @WE, SJ speaking to himself is next week’s episode. See you then!

  100. @FF Even at her current age, She would rationalize her evil actions. She is
    Psychopathic and would not feel guilty. I do feel sorry though for a 7 year old who was driven to do that by an abusive alcoholic father. That is my hazy memory of the fire scene.

  101. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, yes Hyun Chae was only 7 when she decided to kill her father. She can look at him and the scars without a pang, but then she hates him.

  102. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF See you next week!

  103. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, yes your hazy memory is right.

  104. @GB Your comment makes me think further about that scene On the stairwell. He has continued to terrorize his daughter and she, In her psychopathy, has no guilt . I don’t think she appeared that fearful either In that scene. I would need to rewatch because clearly.She has been so afraid of her father that she is planning to leave the country.

  105. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Finally a scene where past Ae Ri and past Seo Jin can speak with each other without SJ being suspicious of her.

  106. @MM, it is the scene immediately afterwards where Hyun Chae stops the car that we see her fear and in that fearful state she calls Lee TK and asks for additional passports for herself and her daughter.

  107. It was a great episode and see you all next week.
    Good week to everybody here, and I feel so good after the rewatch party with all of you and the good ambiance and friendship.

  108. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE I’m glad you enjoyed the ambience here. Cheers to all our friends!

    See you next week!

  109. @WE and @GB (and @FF) see you next week! @WE, I agree good ambiance and friendship. Even though I proselytize about kdrama and how wonderful they are, no one in my regular life seems very interested. I am sure I sound a bit like a fanatic (LOL). So it is nice to have people who share my fascination with these dramas. Plus, I am learning a lot about screen plays just from your comments!

  110. I am still not finished the episode. I need to get groceries before the weekend snowstorm we are expecting. It is already snowing.

    I very much appreciate being able to share my passion for Asian dramas with others with the same passion. Here we can refer to ourselves as passionate about dramas rather than as fanatics, as others may see us. I know my daughter and husband think that way. They have no idea how it is so much more than watching too much TV. Actually I do not mind calling myself a fanatic when it comes to dramas.That does describe it.

    So see you all next week. πŸ˜€

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