9 Comments On “Love Scout: The Finale, Ep 12 Open Thread”

  1. Thank you!!! 🙇🏻‍♀️

    I can’t believe it’s finished by tomorrow. This was a surprise drama that I really enjoyed. ☺️

    I’m looking forward to the happy times. ❤️

  2. Perfect ending to round up a thoroughly enjoyable series. A symbolic “meeting in the middle” for our main leads.

    It was a mature look at love with laughter and lighthearted banter along the way. Loved the characters. Director Woo was my least favorite but it could be because I am never a fan of outlandish garish characters.

  3. Male lead a little too perfect and thus unbelievable, and plot too predictable. The tension was insufficient.
    Actually, even though the gender rules were reversed, the female CEO was much more dependent on her male secretary for her personal growth than he on her. In my mind it’s just a different kind of dependence than the kind that existed for women in traditional marriage relationships in which the man was the breadwinner for stay at home housewife.
    I realize my response does not jive with the majority

  4. @LL

    I was feeling alone in not being caught up in this drama.

    I agree he was too perfect and unbelievable. I particularly agree with you that the tension was insuffucient. I was bored in some episodes.

    I did not particularly enjoy the last episode. I did not feel the other characters- work colleagues-were developed enough for me to be interested in them in the last episode.

    The resolution, although heartwarming, fell flat for me.

  5. Hi all,

    Agreeing on the positives and the negatives here too.

    I lost a bit of momentum watching the finale. Some of the drama ‘vim’ was lost.
    Everything was delightfully resolved and I was happy for our central couple and second couple. I wouldn’t have wanted it otherwise.

    I think it may have needed to be watched in sequence directly after the tension built up in the previous episode. Just to create more dramatic interest or keep that intensity of viewer engagement and sense of narrative risk and bring the sweet elements of the story into sharper relief. It didn’t work so well as a final week standalone episode.

    One dark element was the baddie, ‘mean girl’ rival Director. She had to play her role to the full to offer some tension… and was a bit absurd in her relishing of the FL’s apparent downfall wasn’t she? She could not stop pointing out how bad things were now for JK in that acquisition meeting with EH also in the room. For me, that was badly scripted and it was a bit obvious that she was about to get her ‘come uppance’.

    When the ‘come uppance’ happened, I wasn’t convinced by the shrieking creature being taken away by the police. At that point she was in pantomime villain mode. I felt that the nasty rival director would, in real life, gone into a more strategic survival space thinking of her next move. We needed her story wrapped up for the denouement. Small critical point. Also, we didn’t have sufficient engagement with mean girl director for this to be as satisfying as it should have been. She was two dimensional. @Monmor has raised the question of character development.

    All of this said. I really valued this series as a whole and am really glad to have chatted about it with other BoDers. It is great to leave a show with a happy ending, healing, hope and new adventures for the protagonists.

  6. One more critique while there is time to do so…

    Our central couple – to my thinking – and purely in my opinion – moved from interesting romantic tension to a rather safe, pre-determined space, as if they had been married for years.

    The ‘waiting for the concert, plum coloured suit sequence’ was rarely bettered.

    Great for healthy depiction of a couple growing together but for me – personally -it also took some of the steam and dramatic uncertainty out of the show.

  7. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    After having been burnt by many unsatisfactory endings to dramas, I can finally say that this is the way a series ought to end.

    The characters remained consistent until the end. The decisions they made, made sense. Our OTP were able to communicate over difficult decisions and did not go into melodrama. The early scenes with blurry scenes and yellow tones have all been replaced by happy, natural and bright colours.

    I liked that we were spared long-drawn out angst and long filler scenes, and that the PPL was minimal. Best of all to me was that instead of cutting short the future of all and concentrating only on the OTP, there was sufficient forward progress for almost all parties so that we can imagine those characters continuing with their lives after this series ends. This was something I repeatedly regretted not knowing in the less thoughtful endings of other shows.

    And the thing I look for in every drama, this show delivered quite satisfactorily: character growth and hope. We even get the stubborn Wu father and son reconciliation which surprisingly brought a tear to my eye. Our Dodam Bookstore couple are finally prepared to take a step to parenthood, and we can tell what the family life of Eun Ho, Ji Yun and Byeol we be like. Even the exasperating Manager Kim finally valued time with his family. We see that people can let go of resentments, change for the better, grow more confident, get out of their comfort zones and keep moving forward.

    There were several messages in this series:
    To those who feel overly responsible:’We are not alone and we cannot work alone.’
    To those who are bitter: ‘Just because we were let down/betrayed/abandoned before does not mean that we cannot trust everyone.’
    To workaholics: ‘Work is not more important than family.’
    To vengeful people like Hye Jin: ‘Acting on hate will destroy you.’

    There are more of course.

    While there were some areas where show could be improved, on the whole the pros far outweighed the cons. It is what one of my friends who knew the drama industry would call a ‘solid’ show.

  8. Thank you all for the wrap up comments.

    @Kate Yes, Your point about the change in the schedule and how the last episode might have landed better for some if the last 2 episodes were watched more closely together.

    And yes the plum coloured suit was also the romantic highlight for me. Very nice that the show ended with 2 tickets to the same venue, for out OTP.

    @GB Yes lovely messages in this show.

  9. Howdy! 👋🏻

    I just finished the episode and it was a nice finish. I liked that everyone got their happy ending. ☺️

    I love the child actress who played Byeol. ❤️

    I have to put my fave OST from the drama. I enjoy it especially during my walk.

    1 – https://youtu.be/WabWOfxoBkM?si=6TGRb0cL1Hy54w6b

    2 – https://youtu.be/bXLLhO8NUAI?si=5sspn_XLc-rVTboN

    3 – https://youtu.be/gRW7Y9rYUL0?si=1IcrErxQ42g48PFo

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