Kairos: Ep 13 Rewatch Open Thread Sat, Feb 22

The thread is open.

Episode 13: 22 Feb 2025
Episode 14: 1 Mar 2025
Episode 15: 8 Mar 2025
Episode 16: 15 Mar 2025

The usual time:

6.00am PST
9.00am EST/parts of Canada
10.00am Caracas
2.00pm in London
3.00pm in Paris
4.00pm in Athens
10.00pm in Singapore

Enjoy the rewatch!

95 Comments On “Kairos: Ep 13 Rewatch Open Thread Sat, Feb 22”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @pkml3! We are more or less settled on what we will rewatch next. It’s likely to be an oldie by Writer Park Hye Ryun, “I Hear Your Voice (2013).” This time 12 years later, I’ll be watching with ‘new’ eyes!!!

  2. Noted, @GB. The title sounds familiar. I might have watched parts of the drama.

  3. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi All, I’m here!!! I don’t promise to be able to stay awake all through but I did rest more today.

    I’m watching I Hear Your Voice and am very drawn in once again to the plight of the 2 youngsters who end up clinging to each other for help and protection.

  4. Hello @GB!

  5. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi there @SD! 2 minutes to go! Did you manage to do a pre-rewatch of this episode?

  6. Hi here.
    @Pm3: I hear your voice has best first episode ever… well, with Castaway Diva and While you were sleeping, by same writer. LOL !!

  7. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @WE! Now that I’m older and more savvy, I rewatch IHYV with different eyes!

    Let’s start now!

  8. Hi @WE! @GB, I just do the rewatch with everyone. For most of our viewings I have done the original watch fairly recently as I have not seen most of them before. So I am often just a few episodes ahead.

  9. @GB, I watched that x6 or more already. It’s also a confort drama because of the numerous feelgood scenes.

  10. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    So we see that Seo Jin met the father of Ae Ri at the site of the building collapse. I never noted it properly before but both SJ and AR’s father were buried near each other and survived for 31 days. But the father died.

    We see that he had the new watch on that’s how SJ ended up with the watch.

  11. I notice immediately the dark tones to this first scene. We know it is daytime but the cool tones and the fact we know now what this scene is, suggests the dark event to come.

  12. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, wow that’s a lot of times! I found the Min Joon Gook scenes unsettling and not comfort scenes at all!

  13. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, yes to the dark scenes… also the colour grading shows us that the scenes of things that happen in the past.

  14. The accident scene. I hope we know how he survived without water. Or where he found water, and a little food too.

  15. I am here. Was waylaid by the wordle archive.

  16. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    How old is young Seo Jin here? About 17? And little Ae Ri is only 7? So they are about 10 years apart in age.

  17. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @MM. What was the Wordle word this time that you solved?

  18. Wait… you don’t survive 30 days with a half empty water bottle…..

  19. Hi everyone, just came.

  20. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, seems they had some water with them. The last of the water AR’s dad gave to Kim so that he survived.

    Young Kim’s advice to little AR sounds so grim.

  21. Highly unrealistic about survival here. Gosh, I was thinking it’s basic information and the writer doesn’t know that? 3 days without water is death.

  22. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @FF! We’re about 8 minutes into the Episode.

  23. @GB, ok.

  24. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Finally the 1 month earlier Ae Ri and Kim are talking like friends. Now they know why they are connected 1 month apart and for 1 minute at 10.33pm,

  25. I would put him in a death-incoming situation, no water. But rain falls and infiltrate, so he can drink from water falling from the roof and fill his water bottle.

  26. Coming back to the flashback-triggering scene with the watch of AR father in the hand of SJ.

  27. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, are we getting the multi-contextual scene yet?

  28. @GB, not yet, but we have a lot of situation that are close. Or “mini multicontextual” if you want.

  29. @WE I had the same thoughts! You can survive 31 days without food, though you would be incredibly weak, but not without water. A little water dripping, that is all you would need to show.

  30. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I feel that the times when DH spoke to himself and here when Kim speaks to his future self are almost multi-contextual. Past Kim has AR with him but future Kim has her mother with him and AR is dead.

    And why is it that the bad guy never has any problem in locating our good guys who are trying to hide?

  31. I do love the device of having the person having a ‘new’ memory feeling an intense headache. It seems appropriate that there is a consequence for a changing time line.

  32. OH! I just realized that the Mr. Lee who ran off the morning the building collapsed is likely the same Mr. Lee who is doing the killing, Lee Taek Kyu. Maybe this was his first employment by the Chairman.

  33. @GB It was hunch a very appropriate word from march this year. yesterday it was risen so we knew we were doing the Easter one.

  34. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Finally past Kim and AR are working together. AR bravely offers to act as bait to bring down Chairman Yu.

  35. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, I didn’t really think the one who ran out was anyone other than a worker who saw that the cracks were forming and ran for his life without warning anyone else.

  36. Now that we are kdrama time-travel experts, we can notice that the “real time refresh memory” comes straight from 9 time travels. ;-D

  37. Yes that scene felt “multicontextual”

  38. Little trick from the writer: make us think the door open on DG, but it was the other guy. ahah.

  39. I made a mistake, downloaded the Spanish subs for this episode …. haha

  40. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF LOL… got the English subbed episode by now?

  41. If the mother doesn’t run away by herself, just send a villain kidnap her to keep the logic of the drama, lol.

  42. @GB, I understand a little bit of Korean and found chinese subs…. hee

  43. As I think I forgot, hello FF and SD.

    SJ finally try to stop the kidnaping.
    But who is it? I bet on DG.

  44. Sometimes I wonder if Geon Wu is just a friend or he is holding a torch for Ae Ri.

  45. @GB, I will double check, but I am pretty sure SJ’s father, yelled out, ‘Mr. Lee’ to the back of the running man.

  46. Ah no. Looks like another guys. Well, I’m not sure.

  47. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Seo Jin meets the kidnapper but cannot recognise him. It’s not Killer Lee. Seo Jin is also not much of a fighter.

  48. Useless cops think it’s SJ. Tsshhhhhhhhhhhh……

  49. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, yes you’re right about Geon Wook… AR was so blind. Everyone else noticed it.

  50. Makes him miss a time-travel call….

  51. Yes, minute 1:57, SJ’s father yells out, ‘Mr. Lee!’. We do not get a good look at his face though so I cannot be sure. It is at least some time though before the building collapses because Ae Ri’s father has to make it to the bathroom before it collapses.

  52. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, I believe the name Mr Lee was called out, however there are so many who have the Lee surname in Korea, and not likely to be the Killer himself who is now a young man which means he’d have had to have been a youngster, younger than Seo Jin. (It’s the same with ‘Kim’ and ‘Park’ surnames… so many families have the same surname).

  53. SJ missed the kidnapper by a fraction of second.

  54. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, we know that Chairman Yu had 2 people who worked as henchmen for him. Killer Lee was the younger man. The other we met before briefly. He had been talking to Yu.

  55. @SD, yes, there is a mystery. This guy knew the building was about to collapse and leave. But who is it?

  56. @GB, I think most of people are Lee, Park or Kim.

  57. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I don’t think the guy who ran away matters only that he must have seen the cracks or heard that the building was making scary noises. He took care of himself only, the punk!

  58. The kidnapper ran away without completing his mission?

  59. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE @SD, Yes we have some very common surnames over in my part of the world too, but I believe it’s not as bad as in Korea.

  60. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, I believe the mission was to throw Mum off the roof.

  61. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Instead of just a tracker, Geon Wook should have given her a taser or some weapon.

  62. @GB, yup the kidnapper ran off and Soe Jin became the suspect for kidnapping and attempted murder.

  63. AR friend finds out that Lee is expert fighter. OUCH.

  64. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Seems like all the good guys cannot fight as well as Killer Lee.

  65. @GB, you’re right. The current Mr. Lee is too young. A flash of erroneous insight, LOL!

  66. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    In the present or 1 month later, the police are wasting time with Kim in jail while past SJ is running around looking for AR.

  67. Police chief is like a bot. Doing what some people want him to do, and arrest regularly SJ because writer orders. It’s a NPC. 😀

  68. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    It’s fortunate that AR had told Kim about the plan to use the road without cameras since the tracker is destroyed and of course the police lost the car with AR in it.

  69. @GB, yep and it’s really precise about the script, how to plant seeds and give them a consequence. Here knowing the place. It’s an awesome work on this screenplay, very entangled with many setup and payoffs in a labyrhintic time-concept and non-linear storytelling.

  70. The police are always a few steps behind the bad guys.

  71. I don’t understand why Lee didn’t drive over her to espace, as he was about to do it to kill her. Hum.

  72. escape

  73. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE I like how this episode’s arrest of Killer Lee changes everything again, well almost everything.

    This is also like another kind of multi-contextural scene.

  74. The disintegration time reset now…..

  75. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, Da Bin and Kim’s wife are alive. Kim is glad to see his wife alive but he knows she’s not faithful to him.

    As for Seo, he is crazy with relief and joy to see Hyun Chae alive again.

  76. DK knows the filing system in the evidence collection room? The policeman just left him in the room to find whatever he wants to find.

  77. SJ is again with his lovely wife. lololol.

  78. DG hugs her. “bitchosso??”. ^^

  79. Lee Teuk Kyu another one who run away without completing his mission.

  80. Could she have said the evidence is in the trailer.?

  81. I’m behind again. Ae Ri walks in, Chairman Yoo is sitting like a spider. Dark creepy music with a ringing sound.

  82. Aggaghhh shit… AR is still dead….

  83. Ah but this is how she might get Yoo.

  84. It ends on DG getting the proof of CEO implication in the building collapse. Making he will have an important role in next episode.

  85. DK went to SJ’s house and hugs Hyun Chae!!!!

  86. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Well things are not going as well as they should for the good guys. It’s not obvious that the person who killed AR was not Killer Lee. So complicated that now they have to figure out how to keep her alive without knowing who killed her.

  87. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    OK I’m off to bed now. Good night! See you next week!

  88. @GB, good night have a good rest.

  89. Good night @GB!

  90. So Ae Ri is still dead and the evidence is in DK’s hands.

  91. Ok. How does DG get the evidence? The time line where he walks into a hotel room with blood spots on the floor is the time line where Hyun Chae and Da Bin die. They are now alive. SJ was not on the run from the police in this now current time line, Kwak Song Ja was not in hiding in that hotel room, the evidence would not have been in that hotel room. So how does DG get the evidence?


    Yoo has been weaving his web.

  93. @SD I think his getting the evidence was in the same timeline as the kidnapping. Does he come after the kidnapping? How did he know?

  94. @GB Thank you i had an easier time today following the drama and making sense of it.

    Now that HC is back in the picture more of her evil ways!!!! SJ knows she has been unfaithful. How much else is he now aware of?

    Goodbye for today, everybody.

  95. @SD, the answer is in the next episode

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