Kairos: Ep 14 Rewatch Open Thread Sat, March 1

The thread is open.

There are three more episodes.

Episode 14: 1 Mar 2025
Episode 15: 8 Mar 2025
Episode 16: 15 Mar 2025

The gathering time:

6.00am PST
9.00am EST/parts of Canada
10.00am Caracas
2.00pm in London
3.00pm in Paris
4.00pm in Athens
10.00pm in Singapore

Enjoy the rewatch!

112 Comments On “Kairos: Ep 14 Rewatch Open Thread Sat, March 1”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks so much @pkml3. You read my mind! I was thinking that it would have been great if you’d open the last 3 threads at one go and you did!!!

  2. Thanks for the whole threads. 😉
    Vive l’Amérique ! 😀

  3. Good Morning!

  4. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi there @MM and @WE! I’m still watching IHYV. I’ll be back in 5 minutes!

  5. Hello, @GB, @WE, @MM. I here. I have started on episode 1 of IHYV and realised that I have completely forgotten the storyline except for the leads.

  6. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @FF, yes me too. I forgot how it began and some of the major things. I did remember that there was a time skip, but that’s about it.

  7. @FF You can enjoy it all over again!

  8. Shall we start?

  9. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Let’s start now!

    Finally we see what is in the recording that Yu has been after.

  10. Hi MM, FF, GB.

  11. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    That package with Kim Jin Ho keeps appearing and disappearing… so stressful!

  12. Start: AeRi still dead. Her friend makes a drama!
    Screams, cries, anger.

  13. The video of Chairman Yu looks like it is recorded from a spy cam, and no sound?

  14. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, I think there’s sound but we don’t get to hear it yet.

  15. There is no fate rule like “someone has to die, if it’s not X then it will be Y” until now, but I think we are on the way.

  16. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Finally Soo Jung gets to hear future Kim Seo Jin on the phone while seeing that past Seo Jin is sleeping outside and not speaking with her LOL. She will freak out!

  17. The sound is postponed for a voice-over flashback. lol.

  18. DK is funny, why would he hide the document under the bed?

    @GB, ah so we will get to hear the sound at a later stage.

    AR’s girlfriend is flustered to hear SJ over the phone while watching SJ sitting outside the hospital room.

  19. Intresting how the drama shows the ML looking at his wedding photo. timestamp 8minutes

    Let’s keep us in suspense, we do not hear what the chairman is saying or the context for the video. I think this comes later?

  20. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOL Soo Jung is totally spaced out.

  21. I’am at 6 minute now.

  22. I’m at 6-7 min now.

  23. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM yes, we see him look at the photo without knowing what he is seeing at that time. Now remembering that she was unfaithful, he has no time for his wife.

    He also cuts off Seo Do Kyun.

  24. Hi @FF, @MM, @GB, @WE. I’m starting late this morning. I will probably keep my comments to a minimum.

  25. SJ is glad that his wife is alive but he is cold towards her.

  26. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @SD!

    I seem to be ahead of the others. I’ll slow down.

  27. Confrontation scene SJ + DG. 🙂

  28. SJ’s fine muscle twitch after sparring with DG….

  29. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Seo has the gall to smile when he hears that his abduction of Da Bin had succeeded in 1 timeline. He does not even remember it.

  30. Hi SD.

    So what do DG now. He quits his job?

  31. HI @SD, take your time. Just comment as you like.

  32. Argument with the wife. She’s so annoying, pretending to not know why he quits. tss tss.

  33. Good acting inmonmor the bedside scene with his daughter

  34. @WE, she is angry that he is dumping her and not the other way around.

  35. @GB I wondered what that little smile was about

  36. I like the way he ends his marriage. “This is the last thing I can do for you”

  37. The lovers together… And maybe first argument scene as DG understood what she did. Bad girl, bad girl, sooo bad girl, come on the bed so I can punish you. 🙂

  38. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM He seemed to smile in satisfaction that he’d gotten the better of Kim Seo Jin in the past.

  39. She tells him her sad story, but it will just make him even more in love. Guaranted 100%.

  40. Hyun Chae tells DK sob story and DK wants to kill her father for her. Hopeless DK.

  41. Now she is losing the protection of both her lovers?

  42. Finally the sister believe the time-travel, after getting a proof!

  43. SJ + DG. Important discussion.

  44. SJ did not accept DK’s offer of a deal because he thinks that he can change the past and get hold of the document himself?

  45. This episode needs concetration…

  46. The rules about diclosure of information change when needed by the plot in Korean dramas!

  47. @MM, double standard.

  48. I like how the music changes when Hyun Chae and DG discuss why SJ left. The moment HC realizes DG is angry the bass strings start, darkly. Classical music for the dark moment of the classical violinist. She immediately sees a way out though. Make DG feel sorry for her! She doesn’t miss a beat.

  49. AE’s mum finally thinks that she cannot protect AE by holding on to the evidence against Chairman Yu.

  50. What an insullt to SJ- to ask him for the money to fund his wife’s adulterous liaison!

  51. @MM and DK wants everything that SJ has. He must be mad.

  52. @MM, really.. lol!! Such a cuck thing: “hey, pay me for fuking your wife”. looooooool. You can’t do that to a man, unless he’s a woketard. 😀

  53. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    What did she hope to gain from seeing her father…out of the blue she decides to try to kill him again?

  54. He was thinking of calling her father but is he doing it now to feel he is strong after losing the conversation to SJ?

  55. A “normal” family discussion father and daughter. 🤪

  56. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Such a dense episode we have to focus on it and can’t comment much.

  57. @GB, Yep!

  58. @GB Was it out of fear for DG’s life. Talking will not be enough!

  59. Again the bad guys get to Kim Jin Ho first.

  60. I still do not get how DG got the USB from Kwak Son Ja. DG tells SJ he got it from her in that apartment when KSJ was attacked. But she was only in that apartment because SJ was running from the police and trying to protect KSJ. Now SJ’s wife and child are alive, he is no longer running from the police; in this timeline he has no need to hide KSJ and have her wait for Kim Jin Ho to bring the USB. In this timeline, DG is not helping the police by giving a tip. In this timeline, DG is not just outside the apartment! Aagh. What am I missing here?

  61. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, Yeah I’m so fed up that the bad guys are always faster than the good guys.

    Seems that Killer Park likes to tie plastic bags around people’s heads when he kills them.

  62. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, it could be that you’re right and there’s a forgotten plot hole where the package should no longer have been with Ms Kwak and in that apartment.

  63. AR meets the 2nd killer of the company.
    The one who tried to kidnap her mother.

  64. WHAT ????
    At 52, disintegration coming from time-change.
    But what caused it???

  65. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Now that Ae Ri knows about the 2nd killer from Seo Jin, she should inform her friends who can then look out for him.

    Meanwhile the abusive father is out and Hyun Chae calls DK for help.

  66. The 2nd killer is the corrupt cop. Gosh!

  67. @SD@GB There is a scene after the fight in the apartment where a masked man comes and takes the documents. I thought that could be SG? I do not remember well enough now how he would have known about the documents and audio file?

  68. CH is prisoner of her father.
    Blood on the ground.

  69. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, I don’t blame you for not remembering. This rewatch, I went too fast and now I cannot recall as well. I think DK did know that there was something people were after and that it had to do with Ms Kwak. He went there on the off chance and got hold of the package.

  70. Really shocking scene when her father beats her.
    Tension grows in a insane way.

  71. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, the documents in the past are with Kim Jin Ho, and then Jin Ho is attacked and ends up in hospital. So he never gives them to Ms Kwak. That’s why the package disappears with that timeline.

  72. About the apartment, AE’s mum told SJ the man who visited is Detective Park.

  73. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, The father wants to burn his daughter alive.

  74. DG just coming at time point to save the woman he loves. Just.. woooooo… but…
    INSANE FATHER STABS HIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  75. Oh shit. It was a crazy emotional storm!! I love that!

  76. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, at least Hyun Chae gets to run away as told.

    Now where is that package?

  77. Cop asks: “what your relationship with DG”.
    But we don’t know the answer. ARGH!!!!

  78. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hyun Chae has the unfortunate habit of provoking people into hitting her or loving her. She provoked Chairman Yu, and now provokes her father. She’s finally sorry that she lost Do Kyun.

  79. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Once again when Kim Jin Ho wakes up it’s the bad guy who is there first to threaten him.

  80. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Actually, I don’t understand what Yu would gain by planting explosives and making Taejung Town collapse.

  81. Mr Lee shows up. So there was a MR Lee running away from the collaps because he knew it was going to happen. Just not TK.

  82. @GB, the bad guys must have spies all over working for them.

  83. Mr Lee is delivering the explosives to the site and SJ’s father stops the vehicle..

  84. Also opening doors without checking who is there, very stupid, but it allows for the plot development.

  85. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM Remember that there are many people with the surname Lee. However he really might have been the one who planted the explosives and then ran off after doing that.

  86. The reason for the explosives is revealed in this episode or one of the last 2. It is a business strategy!

  87. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, oh yes… something to do with buying out Banyoung Constructions so that Yujung (the smaller company) became the bigger company. Yu was out to swallow his competitor, I suppose.

  88. I’m impatient to see next ep.
    I wish you all a good week. See you soon.

  89. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, in spite of their spies and speed, the bad guys still don’t know where the package is. So frustrating that the good guys don’t know also!

  90. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    See you @WE!

  91. There is an entire layer of this show I have not been atending to. The forks in the timelines. When the timeline changes what from the preceding timeline is still part of the new timeline. That may help explain the confusion around that d*** envelope with documents and audio file!

  92. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, That’s what @SD was on about. There was a fork in the timeline so that Ms Kwak was hiding away in the apartment when she received the package. But although that timeline was erased with Lee’s arrest, it didn’t erase the package from Seo’s possession yet. This might be a plot hole.

  93. I am still only at 52 minutes. I o not get the disintegration scene either.

  94. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM see my comment at 10.05am on why the disintegration happens.

  95. Bye @WE.

    @MM, we know that once the character knows about the phone connection, that character will remember his/her previous timelines. In this episode besides Ae Ri and SJ, Ae Ri’s mother remembers as does her friend Geon Wook. In any future timeline resets, her friend Park Soo Jung should remember as well, although since she gets confused easily, maybe not, LOL.

    However, what gets included in the new timeline should be whatever happened up to 1 month before. Anything less than 1 month could get changed, but otherwise it is locked in.

    Other than that I am not sure of any other rules.

  96. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yes @SD, that sounds about right!

  97. Another interesting use of music. When Jin Ho gets attacked, just having left his daughter lying on her floor mat hooked to oxygen, the sound is of a slightly off key, louder beeping as in when there is a problem with a medical machine in the hospital like an oxygen tube.

  98. @GB TY

  99. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, I noticed the strange ‘music’ when AR and Geon Wook were looking for Jin Ho’s home.

  100. So now it is not under his bed because Jin HO was attacked by the cop guy?

  101. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM yes, now Jin Ho cannot pass the package to anyone so it disappears from the other timeline.

  102. ? PPL for hospital slippers?😁

  103. @MM, it seems to be. It is as though in spite of the fact that SJ meet Ae Ri’s mother in the hospital as a fugitive and set everything up for her as a fugitive, that later aspect of the future time line is intact until the moment Jin Ho is attacked.

    If he is attacked he cannot meet with Ae Ri’s mother because he is unconscious (or something), so that meeting never took place so DG could not get the item. Even though, in my opinion, he could have never gotten it in the first place since SJ was no longer a fugitive and since then DG would not have been in front of the hotel, and would not have gone into the hotel room while the police had gone, since the police would not have been there. (!!)

  104. @SD Somehow your comment is both clarifying and confusing!

    Perhaps sometime in the not too near future we can do another rewatch?

  105. @MM, sorry, story of my life — both clarifying and confusing. It must be why I like writing poetry now (LOL).

    Bye everyone. See you next week.

  106. @SD @GB Makes me think of the conversation about it being mind blowing to remember all the timelines, that eventually it is too much. Was that convo in 9 times 9 rewatch?

  107. My family members are telling me I look very dazed!!! Too much intensity first thing in the morning!

  108. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @MMm @SD and folks in the Western hemisphere. Now that you’ve had a day to think about the episode, do the timelines get clearer? I slept on it but am as foggy as ever.

    I know that in order to really understand the timelines and forks in the road, I’d have to invest heavily in time to rewatch it slowed down and write what I notice. I don’t have that luxury this year, and so have been fast forwarding at times and have become confused.

    Still having you guys around as puzzled as myself and giving me insights has made the rewatch great!

  109. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM I was thinking that that conversation about not being able to keep track of timelines before… if it had been Nine: 9 Times Time Travel, at least there would have been only 9 timelines.

    In this show, it’s every time something bad happens. I didn’t note this in any form but vaguely from my bad memory…
    2)To change that Ae Ri was in prison for killing Geon Wook
    3)When Ae Ri died
    4)Again AR died so twice!
    5)When Kim Seo Jin almost died
    6)When Kwak Song Ja died and Kim was on the run
    7)When Hyun Chae and family were in the car crash
    8)Now they are trying to change things so that AR won’t die again

    I think there will be a 9th time reset and maybe even a 10th, but I cannot remember for sure.

    The ending I recall is appropriate.

    It’s such a relief that Kim Seo Jin in the month earlier is now firmly on board with Ae Ri and the gang. Everything depends on that.

    That reminds me that in the other show, “Love in Time” there was a rule that despite making changes in the past, nothing much changed in the future. The protagonists were frustrated and at a loss but they kept trying to right the wrongs.

  110. Yes it is a good rewatch.

    To keep track of it all, I would’ve been drawing diagrams and needing to put big sheets of paper up on the wall with those diagrams! I’m not that keen!

    I watched the last two episodes last week and it does wrap up nicely. At least I thought so last week.

  111. Regarding the plot hole:

    Soe Jin’s timeline is one month ahead of Ae Ri’s timeline.

    Episode 12:

    Ae Ri’s mum is in hospital for a check up due to her heart condition. She received news that Ae Ri is dead in hospital. She met up with Seo Jin who is wanted by the police for killing his wife and child. She spoke to Ae Ri who lived in the timeline that is a month behind (i.e. Ae Ri’s timeline).

    Episode 13:

    Soe Jin concluded that Lee Tek Kyu is Ae Ri’s killer. They hatched a plan to get Lee Tek Kyu arrested in Ae Ri’s timeline so that he cannot kill Hyun Chae, Da Bin and Ae Ri. When Lee Tek Kyu is arrested in Ae Ri’s timeline, Hyun Chae and Da Bin averted their death but Ae Ri is still dead in Soe Jin’s timeline. Soe Jin realised that Ae Ri’s killer is not Lee Tek Kyu but someone else.

    Episode 14:

    The show did not tell us what happened from the time that Lee Tek Kyu is arrested until Ae Ri’s death is discovered. So there is a possibility that events such as Ae Ri’s mum going to the hospital for check-up, receiving news that Ae Ri is dead, moving to the apartment, receiving the document from Kim Jin Ho, attacked by the police man Park Joo Yong, Soe Do Kyun picking up the document from the apartment still took place.

    When Kim Jin Ho was attacked and became unconscious in the hospital in Ae Ri’s timeline, the document that was hidden by Kim Jin Ho was not delivered to Ae Ri’s mum in the apartment. And in Soe Jin’s timeline, Soe Do Kyun loses the document.

    The show clued us on the killer: Kim Jin Ho was found with a black plastic bag over his head, I think Ae Ri’s was also found with a black plastic bag over her head.

  112. @FF Thank you, that is helpful.Yes Aeri Was found with a plastic bag over her head. So she did
    Die on screen This last time. I was losing track of her deaths🙃

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