Seems like the screenwriter decided that this is the right time for exposition, so viewers were suddenly inundated with background info on SeokRyu (SR). I’ll try to keep track. 1. The pomegranate tree In Episode 3, SeongHyo (SH) is worrying about the tree. No longer bare, it has now spouted leaves. He tells his co-president […]
Signal: Ep 16 Final Open Thread on Sat, Aug 31
Last open thread for “Signal.” 7:00am PST 10:00am EST 10:00am Caracas 3:00pm London 4:00pm in Paris 5:00pm Athens 10:00pm Singapore I hope I’m not spoiling anything by adding these gifs. source: kdramakitty’s tumblr Enjoy the rewatch!
The Princess Royal: Ep 5 The Highlights
I’ll keep this short. 1. In exchange for Li Rong’s hand in marriage, the Emperor demands that Pei WenXuan (PWX) kill Yang Quan. His exact words – Emperor: Pei Wenxuan, if I make you my sword to kill Yang Quan as your betrothal gift to marry Pingyue, would you dare to do it? Though we […]
No Gain, No Love: Ep 2 The Risqué Humor
If you’re under 18 years old, please exit this thread. I won’t be responsible for the corruption of your minds. 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 In another thread, I recommended this kdrama to @Grace with a caveat that the humor might not be appropriate for children. You see, @Grace often watches with her whole family. I said, however, that […]
The Princess Royal: Ep 4 The Highlights
The sweet moments aren’t hard to find. 1. Pei Wenxuan grills fish for her before grilling his own. This reminded me of that Pinterest illustration of a grumpy old man holding an umbrella over his wife during a fight. I like that despite being her victim in the Other Lifetime, he still takes care of […]
No Gain, No Love: Eps 1 & 2 First Impressions
To watch or not to watch? This should definitely go on the “To Watch” pile. Both main characters are quirky enough to be interesting to watch as they evolve and grow to like each other. And the story – although we’ve seen plenty of this marriage-of-convenience trope – is executed in a novel and zippy […]
Love Next Door: Ep 4 The Past Perfect
Episode Title: Past Perfect ➡️ Present Perfect Continuous I see two interpretations of the title: the non-grammar and grammar perspectives. a. From the non-grammar perspective SeungHyo’s and SeokRyu’s memories of their long friendship have been idealized, thus SeungHyo isn’t going to throw a wrench into their relationship and confuse or unsettle SeokRyu (SR). In other […]
The Princess Royal: The Kiss List
In this blog, we’re firm believers that love must be sealed with a kiss. Here’s the compilation of kisses from @agdr03, our RKS (Resident Kiss Specialist). Thank you!! I’ll add more gifs when I see them on tumblr. Our special thanks too to the gif creators for taking the time to create them. Enjoy! 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 […]
Love Next Door: Ep 3 The Stop Line
Episode Title: Stop Line ➡️ Starting Line I think most viewers will just stay focused on the cuteness of the couple and the “feels” this show gives them that they’ll miss the key points of this episode. So here I’ll try to list them. A stop line is the white line painted on the road […]
The Princess Royal: Open Thread
The thread is open. Because @agdr03 and @GB are marathoning this cdrama, I’ll create this open thread for the discussions. Spoilers welcome. Just write the episode number so it’s easy to tell where you are. This story is a second chance at love, mixed with court intrigue. The first 15 minutes of Episode 1 shows the […]
The Princess Royal: Ep 3 My Commentary
This is for @agdr03 and @GB. Is anybody else following this cdrama? I like this episode for four reasons: A. I like that Pei Wenxuan is still in love with Li Rong. Despite everything that happened in the past, he still loves her. LR: I’ll only ask you this. Why did you come here today? […]
Signal: Ep 15 Rewatch Sat, Aug 24
The thread is open. You’re almost at the finish line, @GB and co! 🙂 A rookery of rushing penguins is so cute to watch! Ep 15 24 August 2024 Ep 16 31 August 2024 The time. 7:00am PST 10:00am EST 10:00am Caracas 3:00pm London 4:00pm in Paris 5:00pm Athens 10:00pm Singapore Enjoy the rewatch!
The Frog: Open Thread
I’m sure this kdrama premiering this Friday, August 23 is nothing like Kermit the Frog of the “Rainbow Connection” fame. But to those who want to give themselves a little — or a lot? — of adrenaline rush tomorrow night, all eight episodes will be released on the same day. Judging from the trailers, there’s […]
Snow Fall: On Vampires and Jiangshi
@GB’s post on monsters and demons reminded me that a vampire has a comparable monster in Chinese folk lore. It’s called a “jiangshi.” Hmmm… was it in “Zombie Detective” (2020) when I first saw a jiangshi? I have to look this up. To me, a jiangshi is a cross between a zombie and vampire. It’s […]