My Lovely Liar: Eps 15 & 16 Open Thread

The thread is open. Sorry for the delay. I was travelling again. Ha! I wasn’t surprised that the CEO turned out to be a killer and… a secret admirer of Doha. I wrote down my suspicions in my Quick Takes for Ep 10. I wondered if he was gay because that’s the only possible reason […]

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My Lovely Liar: Eps 11 & 12 Open Thread

The thread is open. We had the kiss, the glamping, the festival date, and the fireworks. source: pitterpatterpursuit’s tumblr source: lemonsourcrisis’ tumblr So all hell should break lose tomorrow. @Welmaris asked what I thought of the Doha’s mother when she spotted her son fraternizing with the “riff-raff” at the festival. My gut says that she […]

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My Lovely Liar: Ep 10 Quick Takes

This seems like a filler episode but oh well. The screenwriter has no other choice but to drag this whole EumJi mystery until Episode 16. 1. EumJi’s body unburied Do you know why those three men were digging in the woods in the middle of the night? I don’t. I didn’t like that deus ex […]

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My Lovely Liar: Ep 7 Quick Takes

Really just quick takes for last week’s episode. 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 1. DoHa’s surprising reaction I was expecting him to avoid encountering SolHee after she revealed that she was a human lie detector. After all, if he indeed killed EumJi, then he would be on guard every minute spent with Solhee. He would fear talking to her […]

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My Lovely Liar: Eps 9 & 10 Open Thread

The thread is open. I’m still watching this show. I’m just late in posting my Quick Takes because I was traveling last week. (Crossing my fingers that I’ll have them out today!) gifs from dramaism’s tumblr source: dramaism’s tumblr Good job, Solhee! She’s now reinventing her mantra, “If I say so, then it is so.” […]

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My Lovely Liar: Ep 6 Quick Takes

1. The dinner date I appreciate DoHa’s efforts in dining out in a very public place. He was so anxious thinking that people were paying attention to him. SolHee had to reassure him that people were just going about their usual business. From Episode 3: SH: You know, people don’t care about other people as […]

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My Lovely Liar: Eps 5 Quick Takes

1. That was a good use of flashback to give the viewers a recap of DoHa’s relationship with his missing Ex. They began dating in high school. Everything was going fine till she started exhibiting the “octopus syndrome.” She wrapped all her tentacles around him and wouldn’t let him go to Seoul. I was annoyed […]

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My Lovely Liar: Eps 5 & 6 Open Thread

The thread is open. gifs from goyoonjungs’ tumblr Was the word “Coke” computer-generated??!!! credit: goyoonjungs’ tumblr I found this scene inconsistent. If Doha was so afraid to be seen in public without a face mask, then why did they pick a table right in front of a picture window. Huh, director?? Or is this supposed […]

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My Lovely Liar: Ep 4 On Red Herrings

@Good Twin said this: I just started watching this. Wasn’t it implied in Episode 4 that his mom is the killer? Probably a red herring but she seemed to know that the girlfriend was dead and at the bottom of the ocean I wouldn’t mind if she was just a red herring. But her comment […]

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My Lovely Liar: Ep 4 Quick Takes

Just a few things. 1. Hong Sisters’ “The Master’s Sun” This is wasn’t a gratuitous homage to the Hong sister’s hit, “Master of the Sun.” It’s key to this episode. Doha was watching tv while SolHee was googling the names “Kim Do Ha” and “Kim Seung Joo” on her smartphone. Seeing that no articles had […]

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My Lovely Liar: Ep 3 Quick Takes

Great episode. Fun watch. Noteworthy things: 1. Doha doesn’t tell untruths or falsehoods, but… a. he has a way of admitting the truth without causing the other person more injury. SolHee: You heard everything, right? Doha: I wasn’t trying to. I just overheard. Here, she was definitely feeling awkward that he heard everything. But he […]

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