Snow Fall: On Vampires and Jiangshi

@GB’s post on monsters and demons reminded me that a vampire has a comparable monster in Chinese folk lore. It’s called a “jiangshi.” Hmmm… was it in “Zombie Detective” (2020) when I first saw a jiangshi? I have to look this up.  To me, a jiangshi is a cross between a zombie and vampire. It’s […]

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Snow Fall: On Dr. Situ WeiLian

There were two pressing questions about Situ. Let me see if I can answer them. But first, some gifs from 01432853’s tumblr. Please credit him/her if you’re uploading this elsewhere. source: 01432853’s tumblr 1. How are Dr. Situ WeiLian and Shen ZhiHeng related? They’re half-brothers. Same father, different mothers. Situ Wei Lian’s real name is […]

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My Cdramas This August 2024

Since this month, I’ve been watching more Chinese dramas than usual, I was curious to see how my tastes in cdramas compare with other viewers. I went to “Marcus Here” on Youtube to find out the “Top 10 Chinese Dramas” of the past week. According to Marcus, this popularity survey is based on views on […]

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Snow Fall: To Watch or Not to Watch?

I have to temporarily (hopefully, it’s only temporary) halt my viewing of “The Princess Royal” to watch this vampire fantasy cdrama set during the Republican phase of China (1912 to 1949). The Republic period follows the collapse of imperial rule but precedes the communism era. The set design appears decadent, Westernized, and very stylized. By […]

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