6/12/2020 Update: @Growing_Beautifully suggested using this emoji link. https://www.emojicopy.com Party Decor 🎈: I thought we could do no worse than imitate our show in hauling a few 🌳🌳 trees in for the scenery. These are not gingko trees but they look sweet! Some 🎋 bamboo 🎋 too, I felt, won’t go amiss! 🎋 🎋 Of […]
The King: Ep 16 Open Thread
The thread is now open for spoilers, comments, prayers for a happy ending (lol), and analyses of the final episode. Thank you everyone for being such great models of Alice and for accompanying me down the rabbit hole. It’s been fun chasing the proverbial White Rabbit in Wonderland with you all. Except that plagiarist Rosa […]
The King: (Bitches)plaining Ep 15
I must be masochistic. My two favorite scenes in Episode 15 were the two goodbyes scenes. 1. The goodbye scene with TaeEul LG: You said this position is actually really uncomfortable. TE: Do you think I even tried it before? I just said it without thinking. Now that I’ve tried, it’s really nice. Meaning, she […]

The King: (Bitches)plaining Episode 14
Nowadays, there are so many different ways to “explain” that I get confused. There used to be just your regular explanation to clarify things. But then came people came up with the term “mansplaining” for when a man explains something to a woman in a patronizing way. Then, there’s now “whitesplaining” for those times when […]
The King: Eternal Monarch:: Ep 16 Happy/Sad Ending Theories
While waiting for Episode 16, please share your theories for the ending here. They’ll be easier to access and we can keep the Eps 14 and 15 Open Thread focused on comments, and Questions/Answers about Eps 14 and 15. All theories, big and small, will be welcomed here. We can bash characters (they’re fictional, so […]
The King: Updated: Questions and Answers, part 2
Updated: 6/5/2020 More questions from the lurkers. Sorry. I didn’t have time to go through the inbox. 1. From @ann just realised something weird in ep13…TE says her pass was stolen by Luna..but in the scenes in the police station after she came back, she was wearing her pass!!!! Is it possible to reissue a […]
The King: Eps 14 and 15 Open Thread
The thread is now open for spoilers, comments, analyses, theories and scrutiny of Eps 14 and 15. Let’s enjoy the wedding, credit: cloudywithachanceoffreedom’s tumblr but please no eleventh-hour separations and deaths of Lee Gon, TaeEul, Lady Noh, and friends! credit: bai-feng-jiu’s tumblr
The King: Eternal Monarch:: The Ultimate Drama Guide
“This is too complicated!” said no Bitch ever! We can handle anything and everything. Thanks to @Welmaris, we have our Family Tree, Character Guides, and Frozen Times. Other Court Ladies and Gentlemen helped, too! Thanks to @Growing_Beautifully, @JT7, @Phoenix, @mychoiyoung, to name a few. It’s been a labor of love. I’m linking the Character […]

The King: Welmaris’ Frozen Time Recap
If all the Frozen Times and Legal/Illegal Immigration are confusing you, here’s a recap from Welmaris. This is all Welmaris’ work. I only added the pics because I’m a visual person. 🙂 Thanks, Welmaris!! Thanks for keeping us in order. @phoenix!!! I didn’t expect our two islands to match the kdrama’s two world paradigm so […]
The King: Ep 12 Help with Star Constellation?
If you have time for more research, please help this Bitch out. This has been bugging me. This is the Gemini constellation in TaeEul’s room. It looks like this: But I don’t think this is the Gemini constellation at all. The stars are hanging in Luna’s van. From Ep 13, 54:00. Can somebody please check […]

The King: Ep 12 The Gingko Tree and the Magic Lily
First, there was a discussion whether the flute was from a bamboo or a tree. According to the legends, the Manpasikjeok was made of bamboo. It made sense that flute activated a portal in the bamboo forest. However, I said stop! Let’s wait and see about the bamboo. The bamboo is a weed. It’s not […]
The King: The Tree of Welmaris
I had to give the tree a name so I might as well name it after Welmaris because she brought it first to our attention. Good eye, Welmaris! You win the Bitches’ trophy again!! Thank you for pointing out the tree was in the Lee Gon’s court. I see a similarity between the design on […]
The King: Ep 12 On Product Placement
I heard that one of the major complaints of netizens about this kdrama is that it’s full of product placement. My answer is so what? I counted the product placements in “Crash Landing on You” and nobody seemed to raise a stink that in the first 15 minutes alone of Episode 11, there were […]

The King: The Balloons
I only watched the first few minutes of Ep 13. But @Growing_Beautifully asked this from another thread. @pkml3 I’m trying to work out if there’s a plothole. In the zany universes of opposites and mirror images, that there are 2 different ways to cross the worlds and they have different effects. There’s the short cut […]