The Princess Royal: Ep 5 The Highlights

I’ll keep this short. 1. In exchange for Li Rong’s hand in marriage, the Emperor demands that Pei WenXuan (PWX) kill Yang Quan. His exact words – Emperor: Pei Wenxuan, if I make you my sword to kill Yang Quan as your betrothal gift to marry Pingyue, would you dare to do it? Though we […]

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The Princess Royal: Ep 4 The Highlights

The sweet moments aren’t hard to find. 1. Pei Wenxuan grills fish for her before grilling his own. This reminded me of that Pinterest illustration of a grumpy old man holding an umbrella over his wife during a fight. I like that despite being her victim in the Other Lifetime, he still takes care of […]

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The Princess Royal: The Kiss List

In this blog, we’re firm believers that love must be sealed with a kiss. Here’s the compilation of kisses from @agdr03, our RKS (Resident Kiss Specialist). Thank you!! I’ll add more gifs when I see them on tumblr. Our special thanks too to the gif creators for taking the time to create them. Enjoy! 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 […]

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The Princess Royal: Open Thread

The thread is open. Because @agdr03 and @GB are marathoning this cdrama, I’ll create this open thread for the discussions. Spoilers welcome.  Just write the episode number so it’s easy to tell where you are. This story is a second chance at love, mixed with court intrigue. The first 15 minutes of Episode 1 shows the […]

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The Princess Royal: Episode 2 The Go Game

I’ve delayed the write-up of Episode 3 because I’m too lazy to transcribe LiRong and Pei WenXuan’s (PWX) dialogue during the Go Game in Episode 2. Lol. I can’t shelve this task anymore because @agdr03 is going full steam ahead. lol. I’m using Netflix sub instead of Viki’s. Here goes…. The Go Game Li Rong […]

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The Princess Royal: Ep 2 My Observations

It’s easy to side with Pei WenXuan (PWX) in this episode. The Spring Banquet is Li Rong’s event, and she has an axe to grind. She hears from her maid that PWX accepted her invitation with conceit. PWX: (smugly) Though I’m not capable, I’m blessed with good looks. This response naturally vexes her. But I […]

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The Princess Royal: Ep 1 My Notes

The first episode is dense material, so I need time to disentangle what I see as relevant elements. 1. The title, “The Princess Royal” The title is to the point. There’s a difference between a “royal princess” and a “Princess Royal.” In case you didn’t know… The former is broad. It refers to the daughter(s) […]

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