The Korean word for this Open Thread is 주세요 or “juseyo.” It means “please.” More “Zombie Detective,” juseyo? Season 2, juseyo? Amuse us some more with your jokes and metas, juseyo? We want kisses next time, juseyo? Keep the same cast, juseyo? Juseyo. This thread is now open for your comments. Let’s enjoy the finale! […]
Zombie Detective: Eps 9 and 10
Once again, I’m impressed with the wit of the writer of this kdrama. Even the titles are witty — Episode 9 is “There are No Bad Zombies in This World.” Episode 10 is “The Secret of Birth.” 1. The titles On one hand, the titles can be interpreted literally. But they actually provide a tongue-in-cheek […]
Zombie Detective: Eps 9 and 10 Open Thread
As requested by @Growing_Beautifully and @Fern. I’m still working on my review. Meanwhile, let’s enjoy Zombie’s dance. Gif credit: kdram-chjh’s tumblr. Thank you for these great gifs of Cho Jin Hyuk dancing. credit: kdram-chjh’s tumblr
Zombie Detective: Eps 7 & 8
Another week, another entertaining and successful resolution in Zombie Detective. I like how an abbreviated schedule (12 episodes, instead of the regular 16) forces the story to be tight. The key background info and emotional content are delivered as needed. There’s no detour and red herrings. Every line and scene either reveal something about the […]
Zombie Detective: Eps 5 & 6
For viewers who are easily sidetracked like me, the references to other kdramas in this show is such a catnip that the mystery of Zombie’s death and Santa Killer’s identity fall by the wayside. Me: Who’s Santa? What’s going on? Huh? First, let’s get the pop culture out of the way, shall we? Episode 2. […]
Zombie Detective: Eps 3 & 4
If you’re watching Netflix’s “School Nurse Files,” stop and watch this instead. You won’t get lost in the worldbuilding because the story follows physical laws. In fact, the rules are twisted to hilarious results. For example, when Zombie Kim MooYung hasn’t eaten for days, he loses his senses and, to his horror, becomes a monster. […]
Zombie Detective: First Impressions and Open Thread
The humor in this comedy drama is so witty I almost died laughing. Starring drop-dead gorgeous Choi Jin Hyuk (“Pride and Prejudice” and “Devilish Charm”) and Park Joo-Hyun (the dead friend in “A Piece of Your Mind”), the first four episodes show Choi’s character transform from an amnesiac zombie into an undead detective. He awoke […]