He’s Psychometric: Ep 14 Predictions

I haven’t watched Ep 13 yet and I’ll watch this back-to-back when Ep 14 is subbed.

But go ahead. You may place your predictions and spoilers here. I’m placing mine.

1. We shall recover from this thrilling roller-coaster ride.

2. Sungmo dies.

There have been foreshadowings:

a. the crucifix: Jesus died on the cross to save mankind. Sungmo must be willing to sacrifice his life, too, to save his loved ones.

b. the Little Prince: the Little Prince died to return to his flower. Besides, I don’t want Jisoo lonely in the afterworld.

c. the sunflower: 🌻 I’m heartily sick of sunflowers because of this kdrama. There were sunflowers too on door of his rooftop house. (Right now, I want to move our sunflower plot to a corner in the garden where I can’t see them bloom in the summer.)

d. the Tarot card: the ten swords stabbed in the back of the prone man can’t be a happy sign, right?

But hey, I don’t mind if Sungmo lives till the end;  I want Lee Ahn to have his Hyung. 🌷🌷🌷

3. It’s Jaein and Ahn against Sungmo’s dad in the final battle.

4. Jaein and Lee Ahn will have a baby girl. And Lee Ahn will make a good dad.


A little bit of housekeeping.

To lurkers and newbies: I don’t mind ranting and venting here. But the people here are bitches, not garbage collectors.

If you post “triggered,” incoherent, idiotic, and unconstructive rubbish which makes me question your mental health, I’ll block you faster than you can say “oppa!” 🤦‍♀️👿

18 Comments On “He’s Psychometric: Ep 14 Predictions”

  1. I think seung mo will die. Tbh i dont want jisoo to be alone either. Also thank you for that last prediction. I really just want them to finish everything in ep 15 and then give us a happy final episode. Also after todays episode seung mo really annoyed me. I just want Lee Ahn to smile again. 😭😭

  2. I think seongmo’s is going to die as well 😔 I don’t see there being a happy end for him with everything that went down.

  3. I haven’t watched Ep 14 either. You are wise to watch Ep 13 and 14 back to back. I feel like Ep 13 is the lynchpin and turning point. The writer has packed a lot into that Ep and it really warrants a second or third watch just to pick up the clues that tie things up or allude to the finale. Not sure I will have the time to though.

    Loose ends to tie up :
    1. JS’s dad/YSS/Lieutenant (?) Nam. Not sure if I am reading too much into this but there seems to be a lot more than just YSS leaning on him to expedite the apartment fire case?

    2. SM’s mom. I cannot get the image of SM placing the ring on his mom’s finger out of my head? He put it on her ring finger?? Did my eyes deceive me?? I have been rather sleep deprived trying to play catch up but that was what I thought I saw 😆. Only a groom does that for his bride?? It’s one thing for your 3yo son to want to “marry Mumma when he grows up” (😍) but quite another for a grown man to say that to his mother (😧). What part will she play if any in the finale?

    3. JI’s dad’s acquittal. Thus far it’s been implied that he will have his name cleared but none of the formalities have been followed through with as yet. Granted there was stalker dad and JiSoo’s death and SM going vigilante to contend with but the man is in prison and he needs his life back. SM promised JI to fix that. Maybe it will only be dealt with when the real killer/arsonist is finally revealed.

    4. Not even sure if this is a loose end but I will put it in anyway – the best friends getting together (Daebong and SoHyun?) in the end. Like PM3 I find their relationship arduous to watch (why drag it out?? 🙄) because it doesn’t exactly add anything to the main plot. Just give them their happy ever after already so we can move on 🙄

    My predictions
    1. SM dies. Like the Little Prince. And Jesus. He stopped taking his pills for a reason. Noradrenaline back to normal levels…hence LA is now able to read him/the things that he touches. Now that JiSoo is dead, and if he really is the VIP customer for KGY and called for the ladies to be killed, death is really the only redemptive path for him. Back to his rose/sunflower JiSoo. Her last words “come back to me” fulfilled. He dies in LA’s arms (like Vader and Luke)…and LA gets a final read on him for dramatic effect 🙂.

    2. Stalker dad dies. Mom kills him after he kills SM. She pleads insanity and gets put in an asylum.

    3. LA and JI live happy ever after. They have twins. A boy and a girl – SM/JS. Like the Little Prince – whenever the Aviator looks up to the stars he hears the sound of tiny bells and thinks of the Little prince…the children’s laughter like bell peals remind them of SM/JS.

    4. Lieutenant Nam and JI’s aunt get together, needless to say, and of course Daebong and SoHyun(?) too – finally 🙄.

    5. JI’s dad is acquitted and lives with LA/JI.

    6. JS’s dad is removed from his Superintendent position and has to live the rest of his life grieving. It’s ironic that his attempt to save/protect her actually resulted in her demise. ☹️

    Things I have been pondering about 🤔
    1. Presumably after their first escape and Police report they just lived like fugitives from the stalker dad and hid/moved around to avoid capture. There’s a second time stalker dad caught the 2 of them(?) or was it just SM he chained up? Mom and he were together after that second imprisonment/escape because they got to the apartment late at night together. What happened during that second imprisonment?

    2. Lost years. SM was living at the orphanage after he parted with his mom (she fled the apartment?). Then he disappears from LA’s life (to reconnect with his mother??) and reappears again after many years (LA finds puppy scene). Presumably he only enlisted KGY’s services when he was just starting out as Prosecutor and that was when he started to hide her with stolen IDs. She couldn’t have been living with him before then though? Stalker dad was onto him – he was no longer hiding then then coz he was studying to get to be a Prosecutor and he was hanging out with JS. If he maintained contact with her it would’ve been clandestine meetings or via a third party. Did the priest help keep her hidden in the interim until KGY came to the fore? The priest seemed to know quite a lot (implied) about his background from the brief conversations he had with SM.

  4. Whoa! You wrote a comprehensive report. Love it!

    Just got home but am sitting here in the foyer with my laptop in my excitement to respond to you. Maybe I’ll move to my study in a few minutes.

    1. I think Lt. Nam is to be trusted. But he might be killed by YSS as a result. He said something in Episode 12 to Jaein’s aunt about not wanting to take on anything that he’d fail at. Essentially, he’s a perfectionist. When he takes on a job, he wants it done well hence the “cleanest sweep in police history” of Dragon Hunting Enterprise/scam.

    2. SM’s mom is a lost case, too. If SM dies, I don’t know how she’ll manage. So, it’s best that she dies first, then SM. I didn’t see the ring exchange because I’m holding off on Ep 13 until Ep 14 is fully subbed. I want to watch in all in one go. (Kinda like a bandage. I prefer to rip it off quickly instead pulling it back slowly, lol.)

    I assumed that the ring was given by SM to his mom to “give” her respectability. But there’d definitely be an “icky” feel to the whole thing if Sungmo had placed it on his mom’s ring finger. It would evoke the image of a marriage ceremony between mother and son. Ewww. But I’ll see better if I watch the episode.

    3. The side story of Daebong and his GF would be jarring in these episodes of mourning for Jisoo. Really! Their problem is such a molehill.

    4. In this writer’s last kdrama, Moorim High School, there was a “fast forward” at the end. The couple remained together but time passed to show them seven years later as adults. I think the writer might go down this route again in this kdrama: have a two, three or four year time-jump. That should be enough time to heal if we’ll have more than one death in the next episode.

    5. There doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of plotholes, right? I was on YT (and twitter) earlier and had to laugh at the over-the-top comments about the writer’s incompetence. No. This wasn’t a last-minute change in plot.

    It reminds me of Reply 1988. @lovebangwon would remember that fun time, too. Back then, I also kept saying that from the very beginning, Taec was the writer’s intended husband for Dukseon. There were clues all over the place if the audience knew how to “interpret” them.
    But of course, when I explained them, the other shippers cried foul. Sigh. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.

    Will return to your post later after I watch the subs.

  5. If we put ourselves in the writer’s shoes, we’ll see that there are really two people worth-saving in this drama: Lee Ahn and Jaein. The others are expendable. Of course, at first, I wanted Sungmo alive and rehabilated/redeemed. I’ve watched this writer’s other kdramas and the redemption arc was a fixture in them, and I thought she’d do the same for Sungmo.

    But given that Jisoo already passed away, and his mother and father are too broken to be fixed, I expect Sungmo’s death would have a “sacrificial” element to it and would allow him to be “with” Jisoo in the afterlife.

    Same. I wanted Lee Ahn doing whatever he used to do, back in the earlier episodes. His antics made me die with laughter.

  6. Before i watched episode 14, i thought Seongmo’s intention to hone Ian’s ability is to eventually save him and reveals the truth because he knows KGT might do or say something against him since current speculations are leaning to Seongmo’s as the real culprit. But what Soengmo said in the last scene is confusing me. i have a theory but since maybe most of you here haven’t watched the subbed episode yet, then i’ll wait later. 😀

    and @packmule3, sorry that you have rude lurkers/newbies here, i hope they’re not GOT7 or Jinyoung’s fans..

  7. Just spill the beans please. I won’t be able to watch Ep 14 till tomorrow. 🤪

    No. They weren’t Jinyoung’s fans or at least they didn’t complain about PJY. 😂

    I’m just starting Ep 13 now. Jisoo was stabbed. Lee Ahn chased and beat up Geun Taek. Boy! That felt good when Lee Ahn was pummeling him and when he broke the wood with a punch! I guess being a street brawler in high school paid off for him.

  8. That beating was for his Noona 🙁

    Haven’t watched episode 14. I’ll post my wishes/predictions on how to finish this drama later.

    Enjoy watching!

  9. Just finished Ep 13. Will write something quickly before I head for bed. I see that I’m getting visitors on my blog. 😂

  10. Unwelcomed visitors? 😐

  11. Let’s just say visitors who were upset with Jisoo’s death and thought that we had control over the decision-making process of the writer and director. 🤦‍♀️🙄
    They should take a chill 💊 pill.

  12. Oh wow! Why didn’t you say you were the writer and director of this drama? NOT!

    🤣 🤣 🤣

    They couldn’t understand that you were able to analyse the show in your own merit and predict Jisoo’s death. They obviously did not see how upset we were too and that we didn’t want her to die.

    Anyway, you go do your thing. I’m watching Avengers soon with the family so I’ll be back most likely when you wake you. LOL!

    Good night my friend!

  13. I wasn’t implying Nam was shady, just that there was a backstory there with the 3 that wasn’t quite tied off properly (more is revealed in Ep14).

    “I assumed that the ring was given by SM to his mom to “give” her respectability. But there’d definitely be an “icky” feel to the whole thing if Sungmo had placed it on his mom’s ring finger. It would evoke the image of a marriage ceremony between mother and son. Ewww. But I’ll see better if I watch the episode.”

    I will let you watch it and you can tell me if you feel like me that it’s a tad too close to incest despite the conversation… 😬. But honestly SM and his mom are hardly ‘normal’ with their backstory so I will let it slide. 🤔

    Ep14 consolidates a bit (slower paced) and allows us viewers to ruminate more unlike Ep13 which was just blow after blow in quick succession. I agree that this writer has been really good so far. I look forward to seeing what she has in store for us in finale week. 😮

  14. Seriously?? lol i have no words for that, why are people like this?? 🤣 but take that as a compliment instead, because that only means you’re THAT good in analyzing the drama. To be honest, i was really impressed by your ring analysis, when Seongmo’s mother gave the ring back it means she wants to “break up” with Seongmo, and speaking about the ring, i thought Seongmo put it to her middle finger..? i think i saw middle finger not a ring finger.. 🤔 but for me its clear he doesnt love his mom like that.

    The beating scene is so satisfying indeed, and they made it in slightly slow motion, so i was like YASS he deserves it! And when he punched the wood, kyaaaa Jinyoung looks so cool 😍, ahahahha..

    “Just spill the beans please.”

    well okay, SPOILER begin:
    Seongmo appeared in the police office and offered to be interviewed but specifically asked Jaein to interview him. In the interview room, Jaein asked him questions based on Ian’s psychometric reading and Seongmo said, “are you asking this based on concrete evidence/witness or based on psychometric reading? you shall not use any psychometric reading as a valid evidence”. Basically he pointed out that they could not make him responsible for the missing of KGT, Kang Hee Sook (and friends)’s death, and Hanmin Care and Yeongsang Apartment fire case, unless the police have valid evidence.

    My thinking is that, him doing this to challenge detective candy couple to work harder in finding a concrete/tangible proof that could be used to solve all cases, and eventually released Jaein’s dad. In the end credit preview, there’s this memories of Seongmo and Ian talking about the Rubik’s cube:
    SM: Think that you’re solving the six sides all at once and take it one by one.
    LA: How can i think of all six sides? Maybe just one.
    SM: It would be easier that way. But i want to solve this side and that side, and solve it completely without ruining everything.

    And then also in Ep 14, there is this conversation between Jaein and Ian about “Boat”, “Sail”, and “Anchor”. This is a really heartwarming scene btw ❤️ and also used later to discuss about Seongmo’s motives in making them honing Ian’s ability. Ian said he did that because he feels guilty towards them, Jaein said he did that because he wants them to stop him. I would say, he did it for all 3 reasons they mentioned therein.

    Ugh, i really want to keep Ian and Seongmo brotherly relationship soo much (you’d still see how Ian is turning into such a baby brother in front of Seongmo even in those situations, he just loves his hyung a lot and i dont want him experiencing broken heart again please enough with the crying, i just cant, please 🙏), but i also think if Seongmo dead, he could be with Jisoo and have their well deserved love redemption in heaven (or hell).

    Anyway, i hope you had a good sleep @packmule3, and @agdr03 have fun watching Avengers, i’m still stuck at my office, but here i am sneaking to write this post 😁

  15. O writer’s last work was Moorim? I started to watch it (for the actress – I really liked her in Save Me) but the male leads just couldn’t keep my interest. I may give it a second go and push on after this drama to see how she unfolds the plot there. Thanks for the heads up.

  16. I have seen people call it bad and lazy writing because a character was killed on tumblr and other sites, it’s unfortunate that they’re lurking on this blog too.

  17. everyone, its “Trap” not “Boat”. lol so it should be “Trap. Sail. Anchor.”, am sorry for my brain in remembering things 🙏

  18. “I have seen people call it bad and lazy writing because a character was killed on tumblr and other sites, it’s unfortunate that they’re lurking on this blog too.”

    How is that lazy writing? Lazy writing would be killing a character off with no clues whatsoever just for shock value? Or when the writer runs out of things to say? Here the writer foreshadowed right through and dropped breadcrumbs along the way. I think we all saw that. She planned it all along. I was in denial and didn’t quite want to go there but she was brave to ignore popular opinion and stick to her guns. Bravissimo 👏

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