28 Comments On “Grid: Eps 5 & 6 Open Thread”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thank you @pkml3.

    The highlight(s) for me in each episode are the scenes where Sae Ha and Sae Byeok cooperate. They instinctively trusted each other from the beginning and have been sharing information since then. They both need the expertise of the other.

    The other interesting partner is the girl colleague, Jong Yi. She’s eager to get involved in the investigation, has been observing that Sae Ha has been watching Boss Choi and that he can read lips. She helps to offset suspicion/run interference so that SH and even Eo Jin can get away with more than they’d normally be allowed to do.

    For a change, there are more interesting female roles here (Ghost, Sae Byeok, Choi, Jong Yi) than there are male roles. 🙂

  2. Kalimera and thank you @Packmule3!

    I don’t think the Ghost killed Sae Ha’s mother.

    Her appearance in his life is something else altogether. It would be too cruel to kill a person who is unable to live without medical help. I think the Ghost visited him in order to check on him, even briefly.

    @GB Unnie, I agree with you. I really like Sae Byeok. Sae Ha’s colleague Jong Yi was a surprise! We shall see what is her part in all this.

    Let us enjoy tonight’s episode!

  3. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Episode 5 – what an ending! Gripping and gripped (by the neck!) until next week.

    I wonder why the Ghost bothered to remove spectacles and let loose her hair before doing a teleportation. Interesting about her being able or not able to bring others along with her. Also interesting that she knows exactly where and when to teleport to, as in knowing where the thugs were.

    Pity the team is not on the same page. Eo Jin is more reckless than he looks, but with other people’s lives.

    We get a glimpse of Sae Ha’s sad backstory and something of Sae Byeok’s current life.

    So the question remains, what does the Ghost want that she entered Sae Ha’s life. The irony is that even when SB sees the Ghost dressed differently, she does not recognise her.

  4. Kalimera my agapimenes!

    So, we are in the half of the series and we are starting to have an idea of what is going on. Still is foggy and we cannot see the whole picture clearly.

    @GB to answer to your question. I think The Ghost fought with those two and she didn’t want to messed up with her fabricated icon – breaking those glasses mostly.

    The more we see the Ghost, I realize that my first impression that she is dying of radiation is correct.

    What is shocking is that the Grid’s current timeline powerful people are…fools.

    They heard Eo Jin’s idea and they used it to trick the whole nation, putting in danger people who look alike the fugitive’s drawings.

    One is for sure. Sae Byeok is more talented than all the others. Without having inside intel from the Bureau and the latest high tech equipment, by using her mind and old police procedures, got to find Beta / the convenience store’s killer before all of them.

    I am not afraid that she will be hurt. I am pretty sure that she will capture him and get the 700.000.000 won!

    I continue to believe that Sae Ha’s and Sae Byeok’s synergy is meant to be.
    Those two managed to understand the Ghost better than the others who is looking for her the past 24 years.

    I didn’t like how the Higher Ups scolded Yo Jin for saying that they need a time machine! So, they are making a time machine. So far they haven’t been successful.

    That’s why they took that risky measure with the bounty.
    I am waiting in the next episode that decision to bit them in the a$$.

    Does that Chief from the Bureau ordering his soldier to kill the Ghost will solve their problems? Even if they take the device away, do even they know how it works and how problematic is for your health? As it seems, they don’t care though…

  5. Hey @GB, @Cleo,

    Finished ep 5. Again, the security guard appears in each episode. Yo Jin’s comment about inventing a time machine is interesting. Perhaps the Grid is a time machine? @ Cleo I too don’t get why they don’t like her observation without explaining.

    @GB, you watched Life and Strangers, right? The writer is doing something quite different from her past works. I can’t see any glimpse of her observation of human life yet. For the first 5 episodes, this is really the chase of the ghost and murderer Kim. Unless, she is pointing out the snobbiness of scientists. They can’t be bothered explaining something who they think is inferior. For SB and SH, they have the ghost right in from of them but they couldn’t recognise her. People are chasing something all along and cannot see what right in front of them.

    SB and SH thought the ghost can’t teleport, but didn’t she teleport the two guys with her, potentially dropped them off in the train track? It is just after that, she looks exhausted, and left a trail of white dust/powder behind.

  6. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @Viva,
    Yup, the self effacing security guy keeps popping up. He could be the human recorder of what is taking place or a spy of some kind. Either that or he really is just a conscientious security guy. Was he also there when SH was a kid and comforted by Chief Choi? Until now, Choi has not realised who SH is.

    I watched Stranger 1 and 2 but not Life. What seems similar to me is Writer-nim’s comment about how organisations defeat the purpose of getting jobs done by continually keeping each other out/blocking each other’s efforts etc. There are both internal as well as external blocks (within AB and between AB and the police) which will result in the failure of their system, while the cooperation and collaboration of individuals from different organisations like SH and SB will be able to bring their skills to bear and succeed.

    Yes, there is less development of the characters so far in this show. I think the problem could be that Writer-nim said she’d cut back on verbiage and do more ‘Show-not-tell’. It would have been nice to get a few scenes of SH and SB chatting over drinks or a meal. Until now, SB still thinks SH is married and hen-pecked LOL.

    SH seems to know a lot more about SB, but that’s because he hacks into servers to get data.

    Yes about not being able to see what one is chasing when she is right in front of them: being able to hide in plain sight is a great talent of the ghost’s. I hope she will not harm the cleaning lady who can recognise her. Now both SH and SB have seen the Ghost at close quarters without recognising her at all. Like the security guy, she’s also so self-effacing, it’s hard to describe her.

    By turning up in SH’s home, Ghost indicates to us that he is important now and will continue to be important in the future, and she’s come to keep tabs on him. There must have been a reason for her to kill his father in front of child Sae Ha. Maybe it was so that he’d be where he is now ie a great hacker, lip-reader and working in the AB.

    SB and SH thought that Ghost got Kim Manok to run away, but didn’t run with him because while she could disappear, she couldn’t disappear with him. So they thought she could not bring him with her when teleporting. The question they raise is actually pretty important, I feel… why did the Ghost not care that she disappeared in front of SB?

    She had never done so in front of anyone else before. So SB also is an important person that Ghost wanted to keep intrigued and after her.

    The Ghost is scary in that anyone who threatens her, she is likely to kill. By teleporting with the 2 guys, it seems she brought them back only as white dust (cremated ashes???)

    Still so many questions. 😉

  7. Episode 5: Whaaaaaa. Sorry to say something so short (I’ll come back later), but just I fall on a sooooo good line from miss Chae (litterary expert, the girl they don’t want for building a time machine):
    – If they succeed, then they should be here at this time. So it’s the proof the don’t achieve that.
    Really… it’s the kind of thinking you always think about the existence and validity of a time machine. If someone build one in the future, I expect to see them now (or of course, they could have good reasons to not show themselves). But as a line I liked it. And it make a good point for this “only litterary diploma miss” to get into the project!
    Ok, now I continue to watch. Note: the heroine brother is so anoying, Ottaku!!!

  8. Kalimera Everyone!

    So Episode 6 was all action and bad decisions.

    The Administrative Bureau did a massive mistake. Not only they killed Ms.Choi because the Director gave order to use real ammunition, but they capture the Ghost and tortured her. They are all a bunch of hypocrites and lunatics. Eo Jin is a fool as well.

    I am glad Detective Sae Byeok is with SaeHa’s side in this one! She understood far more by looking at the situation in a limited time than all the others who were looking for The Ghost for the past 24 years.

    Did the Ghost kill SaeHa’s mother? I think that SaeHa is part of the problem and a solution too. The Security guy told us that it was his fault that let SaeHa’s father and the child in the branch’s offices at that time.

    I also think that BETA is lying when he says he doesn’t know her. He does!

    So the big revelation is that Time doesn’t flow. That means that this information changes everything in physics? It seems that yes. I found an article that explains such a thing. See below for the link!

    What I realized by watching Episode 6 is that by capturing the Ghost they – the AB – opened the Gates of Hell.

    When I saw the capturing scene I understood immediately that the Ghost’s device could be only used by the Ghost herself.
    So, HOW and WHEN was that chip implanted in her arm, in the first place?
    Is she an engineered human being? I do hope we will get some answers.
    It has huge possibilities and not a definite answer!

    Does time really flow?

  9. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Cleo I had no time to watch the episode. I’ll try to catch some of it now then have to go for dinner LOL. I hope it does not spoil my appetite!

  10. @GB Unnie,

    It all happens in the second part of the episode!
    I think you will be safe ! LOL!

  11. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOL @Cleo, OK I’ll stop short at the half way mark and go for dinner!! LOL.

  12. @GB Unnie!


  13. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Wow @Cleo, that was one Episode that could have spoilt my appetite. In the end I had to stop anyway, have a hurried dinner and see to some urgent stuff, so I only just finished the Episode.

    Just like in Signal, this Writer-nim unexpectedly kills off a person who’s ‘good’. But in this Show, it seems like a case of it being accidental rather than a deliberate thing. If deliberate, the investigation into that would throw more light on matters.

    It did occur to me that the time travel thing could bring back the dead, something that SH has focused on achieving all his life.

    So the question remains… did the Ghost do what she did so that SH would now be doing what he’s doing? Did she disappear in front of SB so that SH would notice and contact SB over the case? And …did the Ghost enter the AB knowing what would happen or did she not check ahead to know the future before she went in? Of course it could be that she never knows what would happen until the future ‘news’ is sent to her phone.

    The only thing we heard her say was that time does not flow. So many intriguing questions are raised and we’re more than half way through without any answers.

  14. @GB Unnie,

    I agree with you. We haven’t learned anything yet, except that “time doesn’t flow”. From the article I posted above and read, IF I have got it right, that means that the universe is coming into an end and a possible new beginning.

    I have read what all the ancient philosophers before Socrates said about Cosmogony and this reminded me what the ancient greek philosopher Empedocles of Akragas was saying to his theory about HOW the Cosmos was created.

    You can read more here: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Empedocles
    about Love and Strive and how they interacted with the four essential ingredients in his theory.

    If that is correct that means my hypothesis is the following:

    In 2091 where The Ghost is from, things are not getting better but worse.
    I also believe that she altered the past by making The Grid, giving to Earth some years before another catastrophe, if the Central Sun is deteriorating and having solar flares going around our Universe in deep waves.

    The question we haven’t been answered yet is how those people from the future came up with that tecnology in the first place.
    If destruction happened in the previous timeline, half of Earth’s population died and the Ghost erased it, how the scientific community managed to create something that advanced?
    We are talking about 2004 before the solar flare hit the Earth. 87 years before her time. If we take into consideration 1997, that is 94 years before her time.

    I believe that she comes from a timeframe in Earth, that is not human friendly as a habitat. Hence the white ashes, the Ghost brought with her, when she encountered those punks.

    Another thing that is unanswered is: If the Ghost is a hybrid or an engineered human. I don’t think that any of the others can use her time travelling gadget without dying first.

    I want to see where the Writernim will take this…

  15. Episode 5, 42′
    Here the ghost want to get ride of two guys knowing her identity. So, I look better at this scene. She disapear with them, and… I look better… The scene is in a timestop. Not a real one, but just a way to show, she disapear and reapear at the exact same second. Freeze on the ground. Maybe something that say where and when are these guys now. In jurassic ice age? lol!

  16. @GB, about character developpement. Sounds strange, but it’s always something I have difficulty to spot. Here I have two feeling about Grid:
    – It’s not so fast paced than that. The story don’t progress like crazy, in episode 5 we are still stuck with a lot of things we already know about the ghost, even if we learn a little bit more with each episode.
    – Emotion have difficulty to be there. I still noticed a good scene with the child and mom in flashback in this episode 5. This kind of story have always difficulties to mix with that. Even more as it’s a short drama.

    Now, they try to trap the ghost. Curious about what they’ll get from that. It should be done with in mind… she can go back in time. Damn, it needs a genious to anticipates her moves about that.

  17. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @WE, this show is more plot driven than character driven. I don’t expect too much in the way of character development, but there will be changes, I believe, in SH’s and SB’s attitude towards the grid and the Ghost.

    We’ll have to see how SH’s mother is after Ep 6. The Ghost approached his mum to get at him.

    The Show is not fast paced in terms of plot movement, but the music makes up for it by sounding so hectic, I usually have to mute it.

    About trapping the ghost, like in every movie with aliens, humans want to trap and keep them for study and experiments. They want the time travel technology and information about the future, but of course we are not ready for this because we are never quite responsible or unselfish or wise enough to use the technology without causing harm.

  18. Ep 6

    They always drop a small part of information each time about the SH. This time they reveal his motive. I thought he was seeking for revenge, but he was more noble than that. He wanted to change the past and bring life back – his parents and Ms Choi.

    @GB @Cleo @WE I guess they are trying to have just one question for 10 episodes – why the Ghost came back for Killer Kim. They may try not to overload us with information. They want to keep in simple. Whether the tension is there over 10 episodes is a question. I found ep 6 more exciting than ep 5.

    My thinking:

    1. You turned into dust if you tag along to the teleport without the chip
    2. I think what YJ is insightful than people gives her credit – she may be right the ghost can only digest sugar.
    3. The Ghost blood is dark red.

    It’s sad to see how they treated the ghost. They cut her up just like that! Very cruel.

    @GB I think this is the first time the Ghost encountered this. She can only correct it afterwards with her device. This time her device was taken off. So she cannot go back in time to correct the outcome.

    The Ghost received message from someone. Wouldn’t they know Ghost mission has failed?

    If the time doesn’t flow, does it mean future and present are present together? I can imagine someone in control is in an editing room somewhere: one screen is 1997, one screen is 2022, one screen is 2091 etc. The later years changed because of the “cause and effect” of the earlier years. Someone in a control room just order the Ghost around between “screens” to manipulate the results of the later years.

  19. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Viva, great guesses!

    As is usual in this kind of show, one wonders… by capturing the Ghost and taking the futuristic stuff away from her, have we doomed ourselves? May it not have been the case that we needed Ghost to keep us from major disaster, not only from solar flares/storms but from other calamities. When she can no longer help us, or refuses to, the consequences will be dire. The grid, too, can really break down, and no one really knows how to fix it…that’s why a report on it failing got the Ghost into the trap. She knew that only she could fix it.

    Show is becoming a bit lacking in interest for me, unless we get more SH and SB interactions or more clues for the reveal on so many questions. Giving us too little makes show less compelling for me. 😉

  20. @GB I found I can wait a few days before watching the latest episode. I think that means the show is not as gripping as it was before for me.

    Sci fi is a hard one. I recalled all the criticisms on Sisyphus: too many characters, too many sublots, too complex, too long, romance is not fitting. Grid has none of these. They keep only one major question open and reduced it to 10 episodes. Still, my viewing experience with Sisyphus was much better.

    @WE explained to me the story writing process is complex, it is hard to correct one part to make the story better. I don’t know how to make Grid more exciting. I found myself wondering – what is the point of this story?

  21. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Viva, I’m also wondering what the point of the story is.

    Boss Choi waited her whole life with the sole purpose of her work to find and catch the Ghost, and on the day this happens, she is shot dead. Speak of futility!

    I started to wonder if ‘futility’ is the point. They spent so much money and time on trying to get the Ghost that could perhaps have been spent on making their own time machine work.

    They wanted to use the Ghost to get a short cut to research and testing, instead of doing all the work themselves.

    The other thing is that the departments are not pulling together with unity of purpose. Live firing was not supposed to take place, and SH’s department had not been informed. Major Lim of the Special Investigation Bureau is making his own decisions apart from the joint team.

  22. GB, I think this is another experiment of K sic fi. Without the “pull at my heartstrings” element that K dramas are really good it, it is harder for me to relate, hence questioning what’s the point of the story. When there are 10 episodes long, it is also harder to give me the Edge of Tomorrow type excitement.

    I am guessing Ms Choi’s death, should give us a little of (spoiler alert if you haven’t watched Stranger) the other major’s character’s death in Stranger. I remember how sad I was. I have grown attached to that character in Stranger and very impressed at Cho Seung Woo’s acting in response to that. With the little character progression in this, it’s hard to grow too attached and emotional about Ms Choi death, other than, like you said, feeling her life is in vain.

    The selfishness of Major Lim, the head of the Grid Control team, the Secretary. They are all working to impress at all costs. To them, Ms Choi’s death is just another “cost”. Like SH’s father’s death, it is just another “cost” to have the Ghost to set up the Grid, the greatest invention at the time.

    It is possible that futility is the point. Once they captured the Ghost, what would be the “cause and effect” on them? The ghost is not there to save mankind from 2022 onwards. Let’s see what will come back to them, when it is their turns to pay the costs.

  23. Ahh off topic, I have started 21, 25! So far so good! I like it, only up to ep 3. I will read you there!

  24. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Viva, you’ve started on ‘Twenty-five, Twenty-one’? Yes, it’s mostly a delightful show. We just have our doubts that it will give us the kind of ending we’d normally expect or like. If you don’t mind an ending that is a twist and a half away from ‘happy’, keep watching. I still like the Show and don’t mind how it ends. 🙂

  25. @GB, hahaha yes, that’s right. Twenty-five, Twenty-one! :D. Thanks for the heads-up! With the daughter’s last name and your heads-up, I will carefully manage my expectation. I am OK with sad/realistic endings, but bitter endings normally prevent me from re-watching. I still haven’t re-watched Sisyphus again despite how fond I was of that show!

  26. @Viva,

    The more I watch this, the more I realize that the Killer is lying. I think he knows the Ghost because they are from the same timeline. I am waiting for this big reveal that he is from the future.

    When time doesn’t flow, as I have written above 4 days earlier, that means that the universe is coming to and end and possible a new beginning but we don’t know how the procedure is being done. The sun is unstable. Whatever you can do, the Ghost saving the planet for now, it will make you live longer but not endlessly. The sun will explode and that will bring havoc in the cosmos.

    That is how I am reading all these. Good conversation with @GB Unnie!

  27. Episode 6, notes…

    On the roof – the joke about the cigarette you can NEVER light in a kdrama. But ALWAYS, they make that joke!!!

    Revelation: the policewoman is the wife of this guy.
    (oh shit, I forgot all names of all characters, to comment will be crazy)
    There is problems in the grid now?! Could be more nice if we got much before, or I missed it…

    16:00, the writer knows this important rule, if the plot gets boring, introduce someone with a gun in the room!! ahah… so our policewoman comes to threaten the director with her gun… just to raise the pressure a bit.
    It falls very flat because we don’t believe it… The suspense is not there, the background music suggests that nothing will happen… I have the impression that they all come out of the midday meal…
    The scene logic… the policewoman is not even arrested for threatening everyone with her gun……….
    It’s like nothing happened! ahahaha.
    Ooops… I’m getting cruel with this drama? ^^
    A slippery slope leading to the worst excesses…..

    AS I EXPECTED (instinct is crazy)… the policewoman is invited to work for the BUREAU. But of course… with her ex-husband… who the male protagonist looked at suspiciously and mostly JALOUSLY in an earlier car scene.

    21:15 – OOookk! I saw it! The security man!

    My favorite character: the geeky girl who knows star trek and whose literary principles make a superior contribution to the concrete technical exploration of time travel.

    The ghost chooses to appear and disappear in the corridors, for style effect. A variant of salsa, I guess. Or maybe she’s checking from the future that everything went well, but why does she get shot in that case?

    25:00 – Finally a major plot twist!!!! … witnessed by the security guard….
    BANG! BANG! Director!!! They shoot any way these assholes.
    Director Choi will stay dead, until one of the protagonists goes back in time.
    Only… the device was taken by someone else. (a real dickhead)

    I have a hunch that the Ghost who killed the protagonist’s parents is not the woman who was captured… I don’t know who…
    They interrogate him (with drug injection)… the guy is a real bastard.
    – What is the mechanism of the device?
    – Your ass.
    No really…
    – Time is running out. Woooooo!
    Crazy revelation… but of course, it’s a bit fuzzy…….

    At the end… the Ghost, but we don’t know when, or from what future.
    Goes to kill the protagonist’s mother, but CUT before we see it (so she didn’t do it).
    Just to enrage the protagonist and so…
    Push him to steal the time device. Mouaahaha, it was all planned.
    A plan B in plan C in plan Z in plan OMEGA.

  28. @Viva… “without the heartstring”… Emotion is at a dead fish level here.
    This screenwriter maybe talentous, it was the same in Stranger, except one beautiful and so strong scene that make cry everyone. Else… it’s slow and cold calculation.
    Even here… some plot by the dialogs, so… not so good.
    This drama is enjoyable on a basic level but sounds a bit facultative.
    How to say, I’ve the feeling of being indifferent to it. Watch it ‘coz it’s a bit fun.
    And as GB said… We are we going in this story? Quite stalling one. Until Ep 6 ?!

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