Only For Love: The Kiss List

Let’s all thank @agdr03, our Resident Kiss Specialist (RKS), for compiling this list.

Thanks Thank You GIF by Debbie Ridpath Ohi

She specializes in cdrama kiss scenes. Her previous work:

Hidden Love: The Kiss List

@agdr03, I only found one set of gifs from tumblr and it’s for Episode 19. That he had to remove his eyeglasses before kissing her made me laugh. When I see more gifs, I’ll add them.



Only For Love Kisses List.

1 – Episode 14. Shu Yi said to Shi Yan that he did great in achieving his goals and dream. Shi Yan asked for a reward and so she kissed him.

2 – Episode 19. With the snow falling, Shi Yan kissed Shuyi. Officially became a couple.

#only for love from not enough drama#only for love from not enough drama#only for love from not enough drama#only for love from not enough drama#only for love from not enough dramasource: deokmi’s tumblr

3 – Episode 21. Shi Yan said he wanted to kiss Shuyi. He was a bit down after the launch of Heima Technology.

4 – Episode 22. Shuyi gave Shi Yan a kiss after recording his praises for her. He wants them to shine brightly together.

5 – Episode 22. Elevator kiss.

6 – Episode 32. After the movie kiss, for the outside world to see.

7 – Episode 32. Kissing near the door of Shuyi’s apartment. It’s a I miss you so much kiss.

8 – Episode 32. Bonus, a hickey.

9 – Episode 33. Kitchen counter kiss.

10 – Episode 34. Trying to kiss a sleeping Shuyi.

11/12 – Episode 34. Shi Yan couldn’t hold it any longer. 🥰

13/14 – Episode 34. Yi Yang called in the morning and Shi Yan made sure to let him know that he was interrupting them.

15/16 – Episode 36. Shi Yan comforted Shuyi because she didn’t get the team leader role.

17/18/19/20. – Episode 36. Watching the first snow.

21/22/23/24/25 – Episode 37. Wedding kiss and another after everyone left.

Note: I put 17-20 and 21-25 listing because the kisses were long. I enjoyed them a lot. 🥰😂

12 Comments On “Only For Love: The Kiss List”

  1. We can trust @agdr03! Many thanks to both of you.

  2. We sure can, @Fern! I’m still looking for that hickey. lol.

  3. Thank you Queen 🙇🏻‍♀️ and @Fern 🥰

    The hickey was when Shuyi was up in a tree while drunk. She jumped and Shi Yan caught her, she was saying things to him and then she just gave him a hickey. 😂 Hopefully my recollection is correct. 🤔

  4. Oh I had a quick look and it’s Shi Yan that gave Shuyi a hickey. 😂

    Blast this memory of mine! 🤣

    The one about the tree was episode 29. She bit Shi Yan after he caught her coming down from the tree. It wasn’t a hickey. 😅

  5. @agdr03, I think love nibbles on the neck, even energetic ones, deserve note.

  6. @agdr03, that’s even funnier.

  7. I think the hickey was when shuyi teases him about him being drunk and that she can do anything and he would not remember about it.

    It was after or before she makes honey water for him.

  8. episode 32 last 5 mins

  9. Lol. Are you a kiss specialist, too, @angelwingssf? I would never have guessed!

  10. No, Not at all. I watched it recently so, I remembered the sequence of when it happened. That’s all.

    Gold medal and Diamond Medals to @agrd03 and you Queen!!

  11. Hi @angelwingssf 🙂 I think your memory is much better than mine. I feel if it wasn’t Dylan and Bai Lu, I would have skipped this drama altogether. hehehe

  12. @Welmaris, I totally agree. Any love bites/nibbles on the neck deserves a note. 🙂

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