Huh??? How could I have missed this news? Was I living under a rock all that time? Well, congratulations to Lee Dong Wook and Suzy! Not being a fan of Lee DaeHee, I think it’s awesome that Suzy beat her to him. LDW needs her to perk up a bit; he’s been looking – and […]
Bitch Talk: The Naked Truth About Condoms
Now that I’ve caught your attention…. The last time I heard condoms mentioned in dramas was in Because This is My First Life. One of the female characters ordered her young boyfriend to wear two condoms as a double protection…and I was flabbergasted. Nope dope! That was a totally wrong, and dangerous advice. To counter it, […]
Bitch Talk: No Computers in South Korea
lol. Today’s headline in The Mirror almost gave me a heart attack: South Korea to start turning computers off in the evenings to force people to stop working late For a nanosecond, I panicked because I only read half the headline. I was like, “Huh?? What about the sites like KBS, MBC, and tvN streaming […]
Bitch Talk: Drama Recommendations??
What dramas are you watching now? Can you recommend good romcoms? Even old ones will do? I want something light-hearted. My good friend mslee writes that she’s juggling quite a number of new dramas lately. “#myhusbandmrOh #evergreen (that man Oh Soo) #thegreattemptation #marrymenow (shall we live together)” But I’m still searching for my kdramas. The […]
Bitch Talk: I’m Back
I said I was a Bitch, not a Goddess. After enduring three long weeks without kdrama, two hotels in foreign lands, and one nasty fall from a @#$@#% bed, I’m back to bitch about dramas. What the hell is wrong with you, Hong sisters??!! I was expecting a nice romantic ending when I downloaded the […]
Bitch Talk: Shoutout to Dorotka
I swear I don’t filter the comment box so I don’t know why some of the messages come through and some don’t. Probably some messages are fated to be?? Some days, I feel like my wordpress is taunting me, too. credit: letsflytoasiarenata I happened to check my email yesterday and I saw this from Dorotka. […]
Bitch Talk: No Blog for Lent?
Originally I intended to give up blogging for Lent but after … let me calculate… about 40 hours of abstaining from visiting this blog, I had to reconsider my plans out of respect for my five loyal followers. (Thank you, followers!!) In lieu of blogging, I’ll give up wine for Lent. OhGong will have a non-drinking companion […]
Bitch Talk: Why Can’t OhGong Smell Lotus Blood?
Karen raised a good question in one of the posts, and some of you might miss this so I’ll bring it up as one of our Bitch Talk. This was my response: 🤔🐒I don’t know why OhGong can’t smell the lotus blood. You see, I’m unfamiliar too with the Monkey King stories and there’s nothing […]
Just Bitching: What Was Your First (Asian)Drama?
My first Asian drama was a lakorn. (Long story short: I thought it was porn. 😇🤦♀️😂) I still remember the title, Apple of My Eye. But I can’t remember anything else about the show except that the male lead was a blind man staying in Paris with his contractual bride to seek treatment for his […]
Bitch Talk: Goong’s Shipping Skirmishes, part 2
Twelve years after the kdrama Goong was televised, we still have unfinished shipping wars to settle. 😂 I brought up Goong in passing while talking about 2nd male leads I preferred to the actual heroes. Your Highness. replied and said this comment: I did! I loved Yul Goon. See? I still remember his name. I […]
Bitch Talk: Your Top 10 Favorite Dramas
I must not be a bitch after all. I’ve to return my bitch membership card. I was listing my ten favorite kdramas when I noticed a common feature. Most of my favorite kdramas are mellow. In no particular order: 1. My Sassy Girl -A sageuk romcom with JooWon and Oh Yeon Seo. I preferred the […]
Bitch Talk: Twitter’s Welcome Mat
Yesterday, I was on twitter (Had my first tweet! I’m in the mainstream of social media now /sarc). There was a hashtag trending #MyWelcomeMatWouldRead. If I was single, this would be mine. Only kdrama bitches would understand. But this would be the other mat … as you come in from the garden. Petty petty petty
Habaek: On Shin Sucky One’s Terrible Acting
I groused about Oh Yeon Seo’s terrible ingénue act in Hwayugi, but I can forgive her because she redeems herself in the snarky scenes. But Shin Se Kyung was all-around ghastly in Habaek that, for the sake of my poor heart, I dropped that show a few minutes into Episode 4. She seemed to possess […]
Bitch Talk: Lee Seo Jin Oppahjussi
My friend nonski dropped by and added another name to our ever growing list of oppahjussi or ahjussioppa (sounds like “Ah! Juicy oppa”). She said this: My Oppa: (pardon, I am not in the position to call them oppa but still…) … Lee Soo Jin because of his cockiness. Yes, how can I forget Lee […]