Bitch Talk: No Blog for Lent?

Originally I intended to give up blogging for Lent but after … let me calculate… about 40 hours of abstaining from visiting this blog, I had to reconsider my plans out of respect for my five loyal followers.  (Thank you, followers!!)

In lieu of blogging, I’ll give up wine for Lent.  OhGong will have a non-drinking companion these next few weeks.  Heeyyyy! I would have given up coffee but my husband wanted to survive these 40 days of Lent with me.


From Oppa Goddess:
Hmmmm… I never find LSG attractive, but he’s charming though.. (run before his fans angry with me 😅).

My response:

Same here! I don’t find him LSG handsome. But there is something exciting and vibrant about him that I find appealing. From what I remember of his appearance in variety shows, he seemed to be the life of the party wherever he went. He easily created a buzz about him, and moved people into action with his enthusiasm. He wasn’t a dull company.

I couldn’t care less about his looks in Hwayugi but I do admire his acting.

I like that I can see traces of a monkey’s characteristics in his movements. Cha Seung Won is funny in his portrayal of Mawang, the bull demon, but I don’t see any traits of a bull in his various facial contortions or exaggerated body movements. Instead, I see him as a parody of Simon Cowell of “American’s Got Talent” fame.

This is different from LSG’s acting. In his stance and his movements, I can readily visualize him as a monkey. He pantomimes the monkey’s behavior very well.

Take for instance, in Episode 3, when his character OhGong ran away in embarrassment from SunMi.

From the back, he did look like a monkey scampering away.
Image result for monkey scampering gif

Then, in Episode 13, he hunched over the God Representative and threatened to run amok in the heavens.

To me, he looked as intimidating like this gorilla.

Image result for gorilla gif

Then, remember when he was hurt in Episode 12? I thought he did look like a monkey that time – with they was he was crouching and extending a hand to ward her off.

He looked defenseless like this monkey.

Image result for baby apecredit: Tampa Bay Times

So, yes, I think LSG is portraying his monkey character well.


Speaking of Episode 12, this moment when OG started vomiting blood when he failed to listen to SunMi’s orders to stop,

is proof enough for me that OG is indeed in love with SunMi. You see, when back in Episode 3, SunMi had also commanded him to stop but he didn’t listen to her right away. That time, he didn’t feel pain at all. I wonder if he’s better of “hating” SunMi then…. He can do a better job of protecting her while she carries on with her heavenly task of saving the world. 


Thank goodness, I have some free time tomorrow. I can finally finish watching Episodes 13 and 14 and “carry on” with my earthly task of blogging. I was going to write something about “contracts” earlier but I saw your comments first and I didn’t want you to wait. I also owe Oli a post… something about stars and time.  See you in a bit.



3 Comments On “Bitch Talk: No Blog for Lent?”

  1. Hahahaha you must search everywhere to find thode gif! Such dedication 👏🏻👏🏻

    Yeah, LSG might not be typically handsome handsome, but he makes up with his personality, positive attitude, clever and detailed. He smartly interpreted whatever the script and director want for the role. No wonder South Korean love him so much.

  2. I remember there’s a term that Koreans use for him. umchinah

    That’s a mash-up of three Korean words: umma (mother), chinggu (friend) and ahdeul (son). Um + chin + ah

    It refers to a “son of your mother’s friend” who always gets talked about because he’s a paragon of virtue and excellence. He has “everything” moms ever dream from their sons and he sets the tough standards for other sons to follow. Lol.

    I know there’s a similar term in Chinese. A couple of days ago, one of my sons dropped by my office for lunch, and when he left he hugged me and kissed the top of my head. A colleague of mine happened to see us and she said that in her native language, my son would be referred to as “my friend’s son” which meant an ideal son. I had to laugh when she described to me what a “filial” son entailed. There were so many requirements!! Like, good conduct, academic excellence, respect for elders, social standing, etc. In comparison, my only expectation from my adult sons is self-sufficiency. 🤣 That was one of my great fears as a mother: that my sons wouldn’t cut the apron strings.

    Going back to LSG now, I can just imagine how hard it must be to live up to the standards of Korean “moms”! Failure isn’t an option for him. 😒

  3. “umchinah” nice! Thank you for the unexpected lesson.
    Also I’m selfishly glad you’re not giving up blogging for Lent

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