The thread is open. source: dramaaddict’s tumblr source: liveasbutterflies’ tumblr source: moonlightsdream’ tumblr Let’s enjoy the show.
Castaway Diva: Ep 9 On Resolve
Episode 9: Consolation vs Resolution Just to be clear, here are the synonyms of the words. Resolution = pledge, promise, commitment, resolve, decision, determination, tenacity I’m sure you’ll find many examples of resolutions in this episode. Thank you. I don’t need to write about them. Consolation = comfort, support, sympathy, commiseration, reassurance, compassion To console […]
Moon in the Day: Eps 9 & 12 Open Thread
The thread is open. In her novel “Beloved” Toni Morrison popularized the term, “thick love.” It means a love that is all-consuming, unbreakable, and inexhaustible. Thin love is not love. Thin love is incapable of surviving separation, misunderstandings, pain. Only “thick love” lasts forever. Here in this drama, I get to see “thick love” in […]
My Demon: Eps 1 & 2 First Impressions
My interpretations of the title Episode 1 Title: Living in the mist 1. First, the female lead, Do DoHee, can’t tell whether a person is a friend or foe. Her mind is in a fog. To me, she exhibits of paranoia when she wondered whether EVERYONE around her is an enemy. Though she isn’t blood-related […]
A Good Day to Be a Dog: Eps 7 & 8 Open Thread
The thread is open. I’m combining two episodes per thread. There are 14 episodes in all. Please, O Deity of kdramas! Please make her tell him about her doggy curse soon. source: dramascene’s tumblr An “idiot plot” is a term I first heard from film critic Roger Ebert to describe a story that’s “kept in […]
The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract: Eps 1 & 2 First Impressions
The actors are cute enough for me to ignore the tiresome contrivances of the drama. I should have known to lower my expectations since this is adapted from a web novel. For instance, I disliked the forced manner of getting the two main leads to meet each other. Park Yeon Woo (YW) had successfully evaded […]
The Matchmakers: Ep 7 My Highlights
This is late. But better late than never. 1. The Crown Prince and the oldest Maeng sister are the featured profiles in this episode. Lee Jae 14 years old Note: the only heir to the throne Second year Crown Prince He has an interesting take on the major drawback to marrying him. It’s not that […]
The Matchmakers: Eps 9 & 10 Open Thread
The thread is open. @Fern mentioned on another thread that SoonDeok’s mother-in-law, Lady SoHyun, still calls her as “GeunSeok’s omma” and that only a few people call her by her real name. I said it’s customary in Korea to refer to a parent by the name of their children. This practice is called teknonymy. We often […]
Nine: 9 Time Travels (2013): Rewatch on Sat, Dec 16
The thread is open. The “Song Jae Jung’s Kdrama Appreciation Rewatches” continue on this blog. After the completion of “Queen and I,” the BODers will move on to “Nine: 9 Time Travels” beginning Saturday, December 16. Please join @Growing_Beautiful, @WEnchanteur, @salteddust, @monmor, and feifei as they dive into the series again and discuss scenes that […]
Castaway Diva: Eps 9 & 10 Open Thread
The thread is open. This was a “duh” moment for WooHak and, lol, many viewers. source: orangesyellow’s tumblr Likewise, what kind of fool — and diva — would give up on her lifelong dreams for someone she wasn’t interested in? Didn’t she tell WooHak that she refused to live the rest of her life back […]
Queen and I (2012): Ep 14 Rewatch Sat, Nov 25
The thread is open. Three more episodes! 6.00am PST 9.00am EST/Canada 10.00am Caracas 2.00pm in London 3.00pm in Paris 4.00pm in Athens 10.00pm in Singapore Enjoy the rewatch!
The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract: Open Thread
The thread is open. This is on Viki. “My Demon” which is also starting tonight is on Netflix. Link to “My Demon” open thread is here. My Demon: Eps 1 & 2 Open Thread Since both plots revolve around a marriage contract, I’m going to observe which couple has: a better “meet-cute,” a more antagonistic male, […]
Castaway Diva: Ep 7 On Seagull’s Eggs, part 2
Where was I? Ah! I was about to relate MokHa’s story about the seagull’s eggs to BoGyeol. The link to part 1 is here: Castaway Diva: Ep 7 On Seagull’s Eggs Here’s the thing. Metaphors, analogies, fables, and parables are good only up to a certain point. The trick here is to find that “certain point” […]
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! “There is a Place” by Liam Lawton There’s a time for remembering, a time to recall The trials and the triumphs, the fears and the falls. There’s a time to be grateful for the moments so blest: The jewels of our memory where love is our guest. There is gold that is […]