100 Days My Prince: Episode 13 Quick Take

I only watched for two things in this Episode 13. I wanted to see that we had:

1) our proper closure at the beginning of the show,

hahaha. It happened just as he envisioned! She disappeared from HIS sight…and he didn’t even have to close his eyes.

Joking aside, I’m going to admit that I wanted him to make her an offer to place her at his concubine in the palace so SHE could turn him down. To me, his offer is a dishonorable proposition (i.e., committing her and their children to second class status) with an honorable intention (i.e., they love each other and can’t live without each other). He needed to make her this offer otherwise it would seem as if she meant nothing to him at all. However, she also must reject his offer so she wouldn’t compromise herself and her honor, as well as HIS honor. She was making a decision for both of them, and walking away was the right one.

and 2) a final commencement at the end of the show.

*lol. I hope by now he didn’t remember only a FRAGMENT of his past but the whole past. Surely, he must remember that his marriage with the CPrincess was a sham and the baby wasn’t his. Honoring the memory of Yeon YiSeo was the reason he didn’t and couldn’t consummate his marriage.

Everything that happened in the middle, I fast-forwarded through tonight.

This is me, being frustrated with all the secondary and tertiary characters and their subplots.
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Shoutout to Mooyoong and his dandelion weed.

We got the metaphor, okay?

Dandelions = wishes. People blow on dandelions to make wishes.
Unblown dandelion = wishes that MooYoon never made because of his cares and worries, responsibilities, ill-fated love and other pathetic claptrap.
Looking longingly at dandelion = longing for his love, CPrincess
(edited to add, in case this wasn’t obvious) Dandelion = the dandelion she stitched on her letter, ugh

Whatever. He’s still a feckless, deadbeat dad-to-be in my book.

I just want him to take away his lover and his baby somewhere very far away so WonDeuk and HongShim can be together. I wish he found someone else because she’s got more mental troubles than she’s worth. But then he was an assassin, so… 🤷‍♀️ Moral equivalence should come in handy as justification for this couple-hood. She’s bad! Well, he’s a killer!

He would have better luck with a dandelion than the Crown Princess.