Bitch Talk: Anti-Love Contest

@Table122000 and I are going to enter a contest in soompi. Lurkers are welcome to give their comments… ahem…constructive comments.

For Day 3

Here are Table122000’s guesses:

#1 Ms. Hammurabi? or Judge Vs. Judge?- this one I’m stumped on.
#2 Switch ( The other twin legal drama Your Honor had a romance with kissing)
#3 Mother
#4 Heart Surgeons

My comments:

#1 Let’s go with “Ms. Hammurabi.” The first picture shows Lady Justice being blind and that’s what the female judge in “Ms Hammurabi” aspired to do. Hammurabi refers to the Babylonian king who enacted one of the first known legal codes about 2000 years BC. Babylonia is in modern-day Iraq.

#2 This one, I think we should go with “Suits.” The suits of those two boys were a giveaway.

Image result for suits kdrama

#3 I’ll defer to you. I have no clue. I thought it had something to do with Peter Pan or Wendy and the lost child but “Mother” makes sense. I looked up the drama to check.

#4 I’ll defer to you, too. I had two other choices: “Life” starring Lee Dong Wook, and “God’s Quiz,” but “Heart Surgeons” should be fine.


I saw @lmangla’s new picture for #4.

#4 is “Life” with LDW. lol.

#2 is correct. It’s “Suits” as I suggested. @lmangla posted Ryan Gosling.

@lmangla: Did you do the first set of pics? They were too vague considering the preponderance of kdramas with the medical theme.      

flatline + doctors suit = any medical kdrama from 2000 to 2019


By the way, I made a logo for our team, lol. Speech bubbles + abbreviated names.

I’ll post around midnight?

11 Comments On “Bitch Talk: Anti-Love Contest”

  1. Hey @packmule!
    For Day 3:
    #1 Ms. Hammurabi is OK with me
    #2 Well, I thought the 2 kids in the picture were identical twins, but I see what you mean about the suits, so Suits is OK by me
    #3 Mother is good
    #4 I chose Heart Surgeons because they specifically chose to show a heartbeat monitor for the top picture, so if you are OK with it I think we have a good chance for it to be correct.
    Go ahead and post our answers. as you stated.
    I like the team logo! Looks cool!

  2. Lmangla just added another clue for #4. Stages of “life”

  3. Oops! Sorry I just saw your edits with new pictures
    OK just go with your choices
    #4 Life
    #2 Suits
    #1 Ms. Hammurabi
    #3 Mother

    Sorry for the confusion

  4. I read up on the clues and comments and I think you and @Table122000 have got it all right!

    Good luck! 🙂

  5. hahaha. It’s a case of two heads being better than one. 😀

  6. All the best for the contest, @packmule3 and @Table122000!!!

  7. Thanks, @phoenix. It’s just for silliness (there are no prizes for winners.) and to help out my friend, lmangla. She’s the mod for the Events and the increased participation creates a “buzz” in the forum.

  8. Thanks for the good wishes, everyone!

  9. Hey @packmule!
    Here are my guesses for Day 4 of anti love game:
    #1 Voice
    #2 Medical Top Team?? Not sure for this one
    #3 Children of Nobody
    #4 Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul Ho? I’m kind of stumped for this one

  10. Yay! We got all of Day 3 answers correct! the “drama bitches” rule!

  11. I think I got this. Wait a second. Let me post in another blog.

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