My True Friend: Episodes 2 & 3

It’s just the second episode but I’m already falling in love (mind you, only in a nonsexual, platonic, idealized sort of way) with this guy, Shao Peng Cheng. He’s not Xiao Nai who will forever be the Golden Standard for drama boyfriends in this blog.

Image result for xiao nai gif

But he has a charm entirely of his own: his impertinence. He’s cheeky, jokey and funny annoying. He constantly teases ZhenZhen. He’s that little boy in kindergarten who pulls the pony tail of the girl in class and pushes her in the sandbox. He’s trying to play with her and get her attention only to come off as a complete pest. Lol. Having lived with boys all my life, it’s obvious as the nose of my face what’s going on with him.

He likes her first.

After Gu WeiYi in “Put Your Head on My Shoulder” and Angel Dan of “Angel’s Last Mission: Love”, watching this brat Shao Peng Cheng slowly turn (48-episode run is undeniably slow) into a true friend and a lover is what I need.

To being with, he doesn’t fight fair. ZhenZhen has only one kind of insult to hurl at him while he has an arsenal. She merely protests, “Why is it you again?” and can’t come up with a witty repartee.

Meanwhile, he invents new names for her at a drop of the hat like “Snow White” and “Number 5”.

And he baits her with his lame joke-cum-insult.

PC: Hey! Number Five! (she ignores him) Do you know why I accepted you?
ZZ: Why? (gullibility here!)
PC: Because you’re dumb.

Snickers. I couldn’t believe she fell for that! It’s like a “Knock knock” joke with her as the punchline. She was expecting a compliment from him when he intended to insult her.

Or was it really an insult?

Remember their last meeting when she got fired by her leasing company? Here’s their dialogue.

PC: Let me ask you a question. Look here. We’ve bumped into each other a few time already but nothing good happened each time. It’s like…I lost a thousand soldiers and five hundred generals. Both of us didn’t get anything good out of it. But I’m also very curious about one thing. In principle, this situation should be your company’s responsibility. So…I’m thinking that YOU have a problem here. (pointing to his head) You’re always taking it on yourself.

He didn’t really ask a question. He was saying that she didn’t know how to defend herself in a war. He wondered why she always bore the burden and assumed responsibility even when she was the innocent victim. He wanted to know whether she was dumb.

ZZ: Who are you insinuating has mental problems?
PC: Then what are you doing? Are you just happy to help people?
ZZ: This is what I call taking responsibility.

ZZ: Forget it. I didn’t say anything. You wouldn’t even understand if I told you anyway.

She left and he looked at her thoughtfully.

That was their dialogue the last time they met. So put that into context here with his lame joke about being partners with her because she’s dumb. To me, his insult is his way of showing affection. He’s flirting. He’s showing his preference and indulgence for her even when he’s telling her that she’s too stupid to live on her own.

However, I don’t think he’s aware yet that he looks after her. He’s unconsciously championing her.

For instance, he got back at Manager Zeng for putting down ZhenZhen during her job interview. He overheard the office manager lecturing, “You were trying to be someone’s hero…For real estate agents, although we can’t commit fraud, we can’t be too upright, either.”

So he fires back with a backhanded compliment. He says that, thanks to Manager Zeng, he’s already learned a lot, “For example, being a real estate agent means not being too upright, not wanting to be a hero, and not having a bottom line.”

When he says it like that, Manager Zeng realizes that her earlier words to ZhenZhen sounded supercilious.

Bravo, Peng Cheng! He put her in place so she’d remember to treat ZhenZhen kindly next time.

To ZhenZhen, he seems cocky but he’s only trying to build up his “value” in her eyes. That’s the reason he pretended NOT to care about the real estate exam. She was worried about doing well on the test, but all day and all night, he acted as if he was too smart to study for it.

Then, when she called up to check whether he studied, he let her believe that he was goofing around. He told her, “What else would I be doing beside playing games?” He told her that he was playing “Sudoku”.

But look at all the books and papers strewn on the table.

The truth was he was cramming like hell. He was too busy to chat with her on the phone that night because he wanted to study. He was matching her diligence when she skipped lunch that day to study. lol.

After he ended their call, he air-talked, “Do you think I’m stupid? That I’d been playing games at this time? Just you wait, Cheng Zhen Zhen. Tomorrow, your brother will give you a surprise.”

In other words, it was game on. He wanted to show her that he was smart WITHOUT studying when he actually did.

To impress ZhenZhen, he was channeling the spirit of the duck.

Image result for paddle like a duck underneath

Of course, Zhen Zhen was very impressed when he answered the questions for their team. She thought he was indeed a genius that he said he was. Look at this smug face.

He must have very pleased with himself when she praised him after the exam, “How could you be so awesome?”

That’s why I said that Peng Cheng is trying to build up his “value” with her. However, although he wants her to see his good side, he knows that she’ll outright reject him if he shows her attention. She already did it once before when she told him to get the hell out of her face. All he was doing back then was offer a ride because it was raining.

Plus…he’s aware that she idolizes a famous guy. It won’t do to show her that he likes her, too, so he keeps the vibe between them LOW KEY.

Like when he bought her the bandage.

He noticed the blister on her heel and he sighed.

It must have dawned on him that the blister was his fault because she had walked all afternoon showing houses by herself. He should have been with her to help.  Instead, he played video-games and left her to do all the work.

And the worst part was she had nothing to show for all her efforts because she got conned in the end. Had he been there with her, he could have averted the trouble. He already claimed responsibility at the office meeting earlier. To ZhenZhen’s and the manager’s surprise, he admitted, “This is all my fault because today I went out to do some private matters. So I didn’t go to see the houses with Cheng ZhenZhen. If I went with her, this kind of thing wouldn’t’ have happened. So I take all the responsibility for this matter. Whatever you have to do, put it on me.”

Note: this is the first time he ever claimed responsibility for his own action. Of course, in his usual sneaky way, he turned this situation to his advantage. Didn’t I tell you in the beginning that he didn’t fight fair? lol. 

This is their dialogue after his gallant offer to be punished in her stead.

ZZ: Thank you for what you just did.
PC: Stop right there. You need to reflect on this and examine your strategies. I carried the burden this time. But can I carry you every time? Isn’t that right? (she’s about to leave.) Hey! I haven’t finished talking.

hahaha. Here he goes again. She’s actually “carrying” him but he knows she’s gullible, and quick to shoulder the blame.

ZZ: If you want to lecture,  you can lecture this wall here.
PC: For your performance today, wasn’t my action worthy of a little praise from you? Doesn’t this count as … personal loyalty to you? I confessed that I arbitrarily left my post.

He’s angling for something here. He doesn’t want to ask her to go on a date but he wants to eat out with her.

ZZ: Wasn’t that because your father is sick and he needed you to take care of him?

Look at his face. That’s because he lied about visiting his sick dad.

ZZ: (continuing) I’ll say it again. The mistake today was my fault. I can take responsibility for what I do. Your offer to take all the punishment alone wasn’t necessary. But I’m warning you. It has to be this one time. After this, do your job.

See? She was moved earlier when he proposed to shoulder all the blame.

PC: Look at you. I just praised you and you return it with this kind of energy. Treat me to a meal!

It’s obvious that this is what he’s been angling for. He wants to eat out with her but he can’t ask her directly. He guilt-trips her instead.

ZZ: Treat you to a meal?

PC: What’s the matter? Don’t you owe me that? Didn’t I just take a hit for you? Shouldn’t you compensate me a little? I’m realizing what kind of person you are. Every time I let you treat me to a meal, you pick at me. Pick! How much would you have to spend to treat me to a meal—

Huh?? He’s such an expert at playing the injured party. I don’t understand the sub very well but I think he’s telling her that every time he asks her to treat him out, she makes a big deal out of it. She quibbles about such a small matter like a meal with him.

ZZ: Enough. Enough. I guess it’s bad luck on me. Come on.

And he smiled smugly because he knew he tricked her again…

until he saw the blister on her heel.

Her blister made him feel guilty and sorry for her. He could hardly admit that he lied about a “personal matter” so he bought her a bandage instead.

Look at the reasons he gave to hide the fact that he felt sorry for her, and that he regretted what he did.

He said, “You treat me to dinner. I’ll treat you to this….It’s nothing special, I didn’t go out of my way. Don’t misunderstand. I saw your injured foot. I get sick at the sight of blood.”

See that? He pretended that he got sick at the sight of blood.

It wouldn’t do to tell ZhenZhen that he lied to get out of the task of presenting home. And it wouldn’t do either to admit that he felt sorry for her because, well, because she got duped AGAIN to treat him out to a meal.

lol. She got conned earlier at work, and she got conned again after work. 

Image result for laughing shaking head gif

When will she ever learn?

But what I liked best in these two episodes is that he allows ZhenZhen to lead him to places he doesn’t want to go in the first place.

He didn’t want to eat at the sidewalk stall.

PC: Wait a minute. Cheng ZhenZhen. Are you taking me to eat there?
ZZ: Exactly there. What? If you don’t want to eat there, you can leave. No one’s forcing you.
PC: Of course, I’ll eat. Why shouldn’t I? Let’s go.

He ended up loving the wonton.

He also didn’t want to go to the haunted house. He was such a chicken and she even the score by teasing him mercilessly.  Like here, using a fake hand to tap him on the shoulder.

But not once did he get mad at her.

These moments when he yields to her tell me that she’s the one to bring out the best in him. After all is said and done, she’s still the boss of him.

4 Comments On “My True Friend: Episodes 2 & 3”

  1. Thanks for this review. I love it. 😊 Yes! Peng Cheng totally likes her but he doesn’t acknowledge it yet and because he can’t compete with the one that ZhenZhen likes for now.

    I know he was offering her a ride because it was raining but I think I would have said the same thing as ZZ 😄 . After the aquarium and the hotel meeting, I’d be cautious especially because it’s him again. That’s just me though.

    I like how PC just gets on her nerves 😄 ZZ is really gullible, like me 😆 . The haunted house scenes were funny and the sound scary. I had to close my eyes incase something does come out 😄 I love it when dramas show those little things that shows a man cares, like buying a bandaid. 😊

    Do you like eating in street stalls? I do ☺️ That wonton noodles looked good. It made me want to have some after watching it. 😄

    I’m only on episode 26. I haven’t gotten back to it. P & P got to me 😊

  2. Am working on Ep 4 to 6 now.

    Will also create a Your Highness, Class Monitor post for ep 13 to 18 and transfer your post there.

    Will comment again. Have to get a fedex box ready….

  3. 🙂 If I were ZZ, I probably wouldn’t accept his offer of a ride AFTER I blew him off a couple of times. I was rude to him and took out my anger on him when he was just trying to chat me up…so accepting the ride would mean that I lowered my standards in my hour of need.

    However, if I’m just being me, the bitchy, flirty, devil-may-care packmule3 that I am, I’ll take it.

    You see, I wouldn’t have been pissed off when he approached me at the aquarium and the hotel lobby. ZZ was upset with Peng Cheng, partly because she was rejected by JR and partly because Peng Cheng witnessed her humiliation both times. She was frustrated and humiliated and everything else, but he happened to be the poor guy who got the brunt of her emotional fall-out. In my opinion, he became her punching bag.

    Now, if that had me, I would have shrugged “Oh well, I tried!” or made a joke of Jing Ran’s rejection. Peng Cheng saw my embarrassing EPIC fails but my attitude would have been, “So what?”

    You see, Peng Cheng, despite how pesky he was, would have earned my trust at the aquarium. You see, @agdr03, he did three things right. One, he volunteered at the tickets and when ZZ tried to wheedle her way in, with her cuteness and pretty eyes, he stuck with the rules. Two, he volunteered with the dolphin show. lol. I trust zookeepers and animal trainers because animals can sense good people. And three, remember when he gave her the fresh clothes? He didn’t try to make a move on her like a pervert when they were alone in the locker room. He told her to change her clothes and lock the door after she left. He wasn’t trying to hook up with her.

    If that had been me, I would have considered him trust-worthy by then. After he saw me get rejected in the aquarium, I would have joked about it with him instead of becoming defensive. He would have been “friend-zoned” right away, instead of “enemy-zoned.” Then, when he saw me at the lobby the following day getting rejected the second time, I would have shared a few more jokes with him — and probably would’ve blamed HIM for my spate of bad luck — then had a “pity party” with him. I’m used to guys chatting me up so I wouldn’t feel affronted that Peng Cheng talked to me without proper introductions.

    And that’s how I perceived ZhenZhen. Her attitude at the bus stop was “Are you stalking me? How dare YOU talk to me? Who are you? I don’t know you.” But the thing was he actually did happen to be at the same place that she was. He wasn’t stalking her, and it was presumptuous of her to think that he was chasing her just because they were seeing each other accidentally.

    Even if she didn’t know his family and educational background, she already knew enough about his character from their encounters that he wasn’t an ax murderer.

    Anyway, there’s not many street stalls here like the ones you find in Bangkok and Hong Kong. Here, we have hot dog stands, farmers markets and old train terminals converted into market with small vendors, lol. But no, we don’t have street stalls like the one in the show. I’ve tried them, however, when we traveled to the Asia. I’m more adventurous because I’ve a stronger stomach lining than most Americans. But I won’t eat chicken feet, anything to do with snakes, and baby duck eggs. And oh! fish heads with eyeballs. I can’t remember now whether it was in Nha Trang or Manila where I was offered fish head soup as a delicacy. Whoa! Too exotic for me… I must admit I felt like throwing up at the thought of eyeballs floating in the soup. hahaha

    Gotta go. It’s a long day today.

  4. Hi. Thanks for the explanation. 🙂 I totally agree that PC became her punching bag both times and she was rude to him. 🙁 It is true too when you said that PC’s character can be trusted especially that scene in the locker room where she needed to change her clothes. Those three points made PC’s character trustworthy, your right. 🙂 I guess I’m a snob. LOL!

    The issue was that ZZ didn’t get what she wanted from Jing Ran. If she did, she would have been totally approachable right? 🙂 She would have been calmer and not snarky to PC.

    We have a few street stalls here but you need to travel to get to them 🙂 Oh I am not into snakes too and baby duck eggs but my 11 year old son can. hehehe He had one last night too. He said he likes it. I like chicken feet and fish head with eyeballs soup BUT I don’t eat the head/eyeballs, just the soup. hehehe

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