Go Go Squid! Episode 8 Highlights

Don’t expect me to bore y’all with an episode-by-episode highlights because there’s, like, 80000000 episodes in this Cdrama. But there are episodes, like this one, that merit star attention.

Just because the couple interaction is light and fluffy doesn’t mean that a snarky, reasonably intelligent, bitter bitch like me, can’t appreciate it.

Okay, let’s go go packmule3!

1. Nian Nian is a genius.

As promised, and as a challenge to myself, I’m going to bring up one “genius” trait of Tong Nian in each write-up. In this episode, we find out that she was in the ACM competition the previous year.

So I did lightning research here. ACM stands for Association for Computing Machinery. It’s a computing programming society and they host annual competitions among university students around the world.

The competition was also mentioned in the beginning of Episode 5. Wu Bai also attended the same competition, and he met Nian there.

Bai: The girl today, I’ve seen her. ACM competition.
ShangYan: ACM? Did you go?
Bai: International Collegiate Programming Contest. It’s the top collegiate programming competition. You know I’ve always wanted to go.
ShangYan: How did the competition go?
Bai: (grunting evasively) Mmm. (pausing) A little better than her. But she’s not bad.

lol. My guess is Bai came in first and she came in second, and he only won by half a point or something, and she was sick, or had PMS or an emergency appendicitis the day of the test. Ha! I know how the brains of these writers work…

Bonus genius point for Nian:

She texted him to greet him on New Year’s Eve using her personal account.

She actually made her personal account into the Internet Café account so she could anonymously send him tests disguised as contest announcements, promos and updates. Ingenious, right?  I’d never have thought of that in a million years. Good job, Nian!

Of course, he smiled because he already figured out that it was her private account. Hahaha. No wonder he didn’t want to delete it when Wu Bai offered to fix the problem! He already had a hunch she was the one bombarding him with texts. lol.

2. Bossy Grandpa Bad!

At first I didn’t understand why Shangyan thought anything and EVERYTHING that his grandpa told him to do was bad. It’s not as Shangyan was still suffering from adolescent rebellion, right?

But this scene made me understand him better.

The grandpa told Shangyan, “Today is the first day of the New Year. Of course, I want my granddaughter-in-law to come make dumplings for me?”

Excuse me?

My instant reaction in gifs:

Image result for what gifImage result for nope octopus meme gifImage result for are you kidding me gifbangtan sonyeondan publizity gif

Yes, Grandpa!

Nian must absolutely come over for New Year’s Day to make him some dumplings. Because that’s just what every girl dreams of doing on New Year’s Day: make dumplings. Wow! What a way to start the new year with servitude.

Grandpa: Today is the first day of the New Year. Of course, I want my granddaughter-in-law to come make dumplings for me?
Shangyan: Do you have a granddaughter-in-law?

Shangyan then turned to Wu Bai and asked him if he was dating, because if Bai had a girlfriend then his girlfriend could come over instead to make dumplings. Bai deftly parried him with, “Don’t dump this on me.”

Grandpa admitted his real motive for inviting Nian over. “Last night, I saw through you. You’re not really into the girl from Tong family. (But I think he is! It’s just the wrong timing for him.) I’m helping you find an excuse to bring her over to celebrate the New Year.”

OOOOoookay! I get it.

And just like that, Shangyan gave in to his request.

I find this brief conversation interesting because SY revealed his real reason for resisting. He wasn’t resisting because it was his Grandpa’s suggestion. No. He resisted because he didn’t want to bring her over to make dumplings. When the Grandpa admitted that he was helping him find an excuse to invite her over, he gave in immediately.

See that? He liked her to come over, too, and spend New Year’s Day with them.

He quickly moved into action. He ordered Demo to come with him to pick up Nian. (Demo was one of his K&K kids staying over at his house during the holidays.)

When Grandpa ordered him to shower first (hahaha) because he was sweaty after his run, he retorted that he was fragrant. lol.

Lol. His knee-jerk reaction to his Grandpa is to revolt and argue. But if he’s made to see reason, then he’s obedient. Thankfully, he wasn’t stubborn when Demo told him to prepare a fruit basket for Nian’s family.

3. The fruit basket

He waited outside Nian’s house.

Demo: Boss, are you scared of meeting your parents-in-law? We’ve been sitting here for ten minutes.
SY: (lying) I’ve done nothing bad. What do I have to be scared of?

That wasn’t true. He knew he messed up at the dinner last night and made an ass of himself in front of Nian’s parents. I think he was strategizing on how to enter the front gate without being pushed back.

SY: (getting out of the jeep) Follow me.
Demo: (sprinting after him) Boss! Boss! Going empty-handed on NY’s isn’t really good. Aren’t you going to buy something?

Shoutout to @agdr03! You got to watch this show with me. You’ll find it how he looked like he was on a mission to storm into Nian’s family stronghold and abduct her. BTW, his sidekick Demo looked like a young Yang Yang to me.

SY: Buy what?
Demo: New Year’s treats, of course! Like peanuts, sunflower seeds, snacks, like that. Does sister-in-law’s family have any snacks? But them snacks too. If that doesn’t work, you can spare a bit. Go to the seafood market and buy some fish or shrimp. At least, it’s better than going empty-handed. At least, it’s better than going empty-handed. Anyways, my mom brings gifts like that. Also, me following you in there isn’t the best.
SY: Wait for me in the car.

Take note. That’s the longest I’ve seen Shangyan attentively listen to anybody giving him advice. He could never seem to listen to more than three brief sentences when spoken to. He was always impatient when people talk to him. And he was perpetually scolding the the kids for chattering.

But this time, he was all ears. I take this as a sign that he felt pressured. He wanted to please Nian’s family and make amends for his rudeness the previous night.

He went to the neighborhood fruit store and bought the whole store boxes of fruits for her.

He went overboard. You couldn’t even see his face.

I was laughing when the mother asked, “Who is it?” a couple of times and he didn’t reply.  I thought he was worried that she’d slam the gate on him if she knew it was him behind the boxes and basket.

The mother removed the fruit basket to see who it was and his face was finally revealed.

It was ridiculous. Come on, dude! Could you have at least smiled a bit here? 

I swear his look of utter discomfiture had me in stitches.  I’m sorry, bitches. But if I were Nian’s mom, he would have won me over already.

Mom: Little Han?
SY: Auntie, I’m …here to wish you a Happy New Year.
Mom: (very reluctantly) Come in.

To add insult to injury, she replaced the basket to cover his face again.

Image result for adele laughing gif

That’s how much she disliked him.

The dad was surprised to see the walking fruit stall. He asked, “Whoa! Who’s this?”

The atmosphere in the living room was so chilly, polar beans would fit right in with the mom, aunt and cousin.

Only the Dad talked to him. When the mom refused to call Nian downstairs for her guest, the dad had no choice but to leave ShangYan and go upstairs to get Nian himself.

See that? This is also another reason I’m convinced that he liked Nian already.  He didn’t know it yet but he was sweet on her.

Look: he put up with open hostility from Nian’s mother. He didn’t walk out. He remained cordial. He sat without saying a word.

If he had been doing this to please his grandfather alone, he was really better off  admitting defeat to his grandpa, “Sorry. I tried. They don’t want me. And the girl’s not worth my humiliation. Let’s call it off.” He and his grandpa were at odds over a lot of things anyway so what’s one more thing? He might as well be hanged for a sheep as for lamb.

It seems to me that he was willing to suffer her mother’s inhospitality because he made a promise to Nian last night that SHE was the one who was going to call it off.

This was another a painful sight. They were all uncomfortably seated together and waiting for Nian to come down when the Aunt remarked that the fruit basket lookd familiar. The Cousin (almost gleefully) volunteered the information that it was a fruit basket sold at the “fruit shop at the head of the street.”

This wasn’t exactly true. The basket was indeed bought from the fruit shop, but the contents of the basket were made-to-order. Shouldn’t that count for something?

However, that proved to be the last straw for the mom. She walked out. She thought the fruit basket was an empty gesture. Since it was a last-minute, spur-of-the-moment purchase, it lacked “sincerity.”

Once the mother left the room, the Aunt and Cousin, like evil witches, continued with their jabs.

Cousin: Our NIan Nian is so well-behaved, of course, she’ll have it tough with him.
Aunt: Look how old he is! And he’s still playing games. (he had taken out his Gameboy to pass away the time.)
SY: Aren’t you two also playing?

lol. The Aunt and Cousin were speechless. He tolerated the insult Nian’s mom dished out but there was no way he’d accept them coming from the relatives.

4. The shopping mall trip

It was an eyeopener.

One, she found out that it’s a privilege to sit in the front passenger seat. According to Demo, “Boss has never let anyone else sit in the front-passenger seat aside from you. You can see how important you are to him.”

As to be expected, Shangyan promptly ended his gossip with, “You two, what are you chattering about?”

Two, he knows how to do groceries!! Nothing good would have come out of expecting Demo and Nian to do the shopping on their own. It would have been the case of the blind leading the blind since neither one knew how to pick veggies

Take the cabbage for instance.

Nian: I’ll pick one. How about this one? It’s petite and pretty. (hahaha. She’s picking veggies that resemble her physique.)
SY: Good eye! I think that’s the one!
Nian: Does it look good? (holding one up)

Behind them, SY had been trying to stay out of their discussion but he couldn’t stand it when she picked the wrong sort of cabbage. He got it  from her and educated her.

SY: What do you mean “good”? There are so many folds. The smaller it is, the less water it contains.

He picked one out himself while Nian smiled at the side.

SY: (holding the right cabbage) If you’re going to choose, pick a big one. There’s more water. Got it?

Okay, the reason I love this guy is because I know my menfolk would be clueless about choosing cabbages. If there were no signs, they’d probably think Napa cabbage (the ones for kimchee) is some sort of lettuce.

Three, he doesn’t mind if she eats junk food. He saw her looking at snacks.

SY: Do you like eating that?
Nian: Yeah.

SY: Take it.
Nian: Okay.

SY: (picking another bag) This one?
Nian: Yeah.
SY: (picking yet another bag) I saw all the members eating this. It’s probably good.
Nian: Okay. Okay.

Now, he was recommending snacks. Behind them Demo looked shocked. And he tried his luck, too.

Demo: Boss! Why didn’t you ask me?
SY: (growling) Men don’t eat snacks.

hahaha. Didn’t he just say that his members ate snacks??!

Demo: (protesting) Men are people, too!
Nian: (grabbing the snack from Demo when SY wasn’t looking) Uhh. I want to eat this, is that okay? I want to.
SY: (side-eyeing Demo then said gently to Nian) Hurry and take what you want.

He knew that Nian and Demo conspired to get him to buy the snack for Demo. But he wouldn’t oppose anything Nian asked. He had promised last night that anything she wanted, she only had to say it. He would try his best to make it happen.

Nian: Okay.
Demo: (after SY left) Sister-in-law, you’re amazing! Sister-in-law, has Boss ever yelled at you?

From the other aisle, SY overheard the question and moved in closer to eavesdrop.

Nian: No.

Demo theorized that men who were mean to outsiders are actually gentle to their families and men who are mean to their families are wimps to outsiders.

Demo: He’s really never been mean to you?
Nian: No. He’s never been mean. He’s pretty good to me.
SY: (coming up behind them) What are you two chattering about?
Nian and Demo: Nothing.

lol. I know that he couldn’t be jealous of Demo, but it was amusing how he didn’t like them chattering together. I wonder if he felt left out and wanted to chat with Nian too, only he didn’t know how.

5. The car keys

She offered to carry some of the bags to the car, but he ignored her.

The gif said them better.  Gif credit: Kimp05’s tumblr

6. Staring at him

She was obviously crushing on him because he knew how to buy veggies at the market. She couldn’t help staring at him. But he instead of smiling back at her — which a normal person would do — he gave a mean look and almost bit her head off. “What are you looking at me for?”

Oh well. I think he’ll simply have to deal with her staring at him for the rest of their lives. She doesn’t stare at him because she finds him handsome. She stares at him because she thinks he’s competent.

7. He cooks the dumpling

He shooed away Nian and Demo from the kitchen and made the dumplings himself. Most viewers think this was the sweetest thing that he did. Personally, I think this is the SMARTEST move he made in this episode. If he’s going to hover and criticize every move that Nian and Demo make as they cook dumplings, then he should do it himself.

I must say, though, seeing a guy make dumplings doesn’t strike me as sexy as watching my husband grill steak, gut fish…and load the dishwasher. (Ha! That’s my ultimate turn-on. A guy doing the dishes.)

But I get why Shangyan toiling in the kitchen is a fantasy for women. Despite 100,000 years of evolution, we’re still thrilled when Mr. Neanderthal brings home the woolly mammoth (or in Shangyan’s case, the cabbage, pork, chives, flour and eggs for dumplings) to feed us.

Seriously now, this whole romcom has a lot of sexist tropes which I’m blithely ignoring. I’m not going to wear my feminist hat for this show unless absolutely necessary.

To continue…

He cooked while she entertained grandpa. She sang this really screechy song. I’m sure it’s an excerpt from some 20th century opera or something but in my ears, it sounded like nails scratching a chalkboard. To each his own.

Oddly enough, he heard her ruckus and he didn’t frown.

His grandpa came in to hand him a necklace to wrap in a dumpling. Grandpa said it was her surprise New Year’s present. He thought it was unsanitary to put in the dumplings so he refused to. Grandpa insisted and asked if he was going to throw a New Year’s day tantrum. To end the argument, he took the necklace but he must have the last word in. He told his Grandpa, “Don’t take this too seriously. What if we break up?”

At dinnertime, the eyes of Grandpa and Wu Bai were anxiously on her as she ate her dumplings. On her last dumpling, Grandpa asked her whether she tasted anything (more like, if she choked on something!) She replied matter-of-factly, “Chives and eggs.” Grandpa asked again whether she CHEWED something different. She was baffled and Shangyan produced the necklace. It had Shangyan’s initial letter on the pendant.

SY: Are you happy?
Nian: (nods) I like it, thanks!
SY: I didn’t buy it, Grandpa did.

No, why on earth did he do that? Was he getting back at his grandpa for forcing him to do something he didn’t want? Or was he annoyed that he himself didn’t think of giving her a gift? lol. Or was he being honest with her since there was no way he could have bought a necklace with his initial after dating her only for one night? I prefer him to hurt her with the truth than delight her with lies.

After dinner, he refused her offer to clean dishes. (See??? This is when he becomes sexy. Hubba hubba.) He asked her if she ever did chores at home, and of course she hadn’t being the only child of a well-off family. She replied honestly, too, “A bit. But I know how to wash dishes.” He told her, “Go and watch TV. If Grandpa knows you’re working, he’ll yell at me to death.”

No. I don’t think this is true. He made this up. He just didn’t like doing chores.

Left to clear the table, she and Demo bonded. Demo spilled the beans on his teammates and his Boss. He told her Shangyan was always alone so he learned to do everything on his own. Shangyan saw them looking at him and he approached them to ask his trademark question, “You two, what are you chattering about?”


8. Driving her home

He was more communicative with her when they were alone. Inside the car, he updated her on his schedule. “On the third, I’ve to go to the club so I won’t have time to come see you.” (I like that. When he shares his schedule, he’s including her in his daily life.) He noticed that it was still too early so he asked if she wanted to listen to some songs. Clearly, he didn’t want to part from yet. Neither did she.

She took up his offer right away. They were sharing a sweet moment listening to music like real couple in love when Dounan came bounding out of her house and ruined the mood.

Shangyan gave Dounan a mean look as Nian got of his car.

And when she walked inside, he groaned and facepalmed.

I don’t know why he did that. My guess is he was feeling frustrated that he didn’t get to be alone with her the whole day. If Grandpa planned for Nian to come over so they could get to know each other, then it failed. They didn’t have a chance to talk to each other without people around them.

I wonder though if he suspected (like I did) that Dounan was lying in wait for Nian. I wouldn’t put it pass her mom ordered him to do so. That would be very sneaky of the mom.


At least last night, when he brought home from the dinner party, they got to talk in her driveway.

I forgot to include this in the Episode 7 highlights so I’ll do it here.

Nian: I want to ask you a question.
SY: Say what you have to say. (turning off the radio)
Nian: When are we breaking up?

lol. I didn’t expect that question. He didn’t either because of the way he glanced at her. But this was a very reasonable question.

Nian: Because we should set a time frame, right? So I can tell my parents.
SY: When do you want to break up? (she doesn’t answer) You haven’t thought this through?
Nian: How about…how about next month? Breaking up during New Year’s is too fast. It’s not really good.
SY: How about this? You can decide.

Awww… He knew that she liked him! Allowing her to set the time meant that he was allowing her to cling to him. He didn’t mind if she was hanging around him and he didn’t mind pretending to be her boyfriend.

SY: Whenever you decide to break up, just notify me in advance. Before we break up, you are still my girlfriend. Whatever you want, you say it. I’ll do my best to make it happen. I’ll keep my word.

Awwwww…See? That’s why he didn’t want her to come over and cook the dumplings and do the chores. He wouldn’t let his girlfriend be pushed to do something she didn’t want. And he promised to be at her service. Now wasn’t that a weird promise to make if he didn’t like her at all?

Then, her mom came out of the house. He told Nian to go in since her mom was waiting for her. After she went in with her mother, he sighed. He probably realized that uphill battle ahead of him to earn her mother’s favor.

3 Comments On “Go Go Squid! Episode 8 Highlights”

  1. Growing Beautifully (GB)

    What fun @packmule3! Yes, this has been pretty much my interpretation of the scenes from Ep 7 and 8. Whether he wanted to acknowledge it or not, Shang Yan already liked Tong Nian. He may not even have totally aware of it himself, but he certainly did not reject her. I liked that he gave her enough detailed info about his whereabouts, as if she’d established that she had a right to know. He just voluntarily told her, so that she’d know what to expect. (This was so diametrically opposite to his behaviour when he was trying to comply with her mum later by ‘breaking up’ with her).

    I keep watching the relationship moments (I skip over some of the gaming scenes) to see how far SY’s frowns reduce their instances of appearing. I’m amused to note, that he is actually able to frown while smiling!!! Now how does one do that? I can’t manage it!!!

  2. Yes! Giving her heads up about his schedule is important to me personally. Only my husband, my PA and his PA have access to our calendars, itineraries and appointments. And it messes me up when there’s a sudden change (like the travels and last week’s garden show! lol).

    When SY informed her of his upcoming trip, I didn’t know whether he was worried that she might not find him or that he might not find her on his return.

    About frowning while smiling, I hear ya! I tried doing that, too, but I looked I’m grimacing in pain. A prune-face. He on the other hand looks good and comical,

    I don’t know why they keep harping about their 10-year age difference. Is it because she’s only 19? But the grandpa’s comment seems to be right on the money. SY does dote on her bec of their age difference.

    But the 10-year difference only looks odd right now bec she’s in her 20s and just about to start living. When she’s in her 30s, 40s, 50s, that won’t matter anymore because they’ll both be in sync.

    If you notice, most of my screenshots are of him and his scowling face. Poor Yang Zi!! I’m not ignoring her. To me, she’s playing the ingenue role very well, considering she’s no longer an innocent naive 19 years old. The actress in “Put Your Head on my Shoulder” sometimes looked her age. There were instances (i.e., when she scolds Gu Weiyei) when she’d look more mature than her character was. I think Yang Zi’s more experienced at playing the innocent roles and it shows. 😂

  3. Growing Beautifully (GB)

    I don’t normally follow cdramas, therefore I was surprised to hear that Yang Zi is much older than her appearance would suggest. In fact it’s the other way around for this OTP. Li Xian is one year younger than her, but he looks 10 years older!.

    I FFD enough to finish the series because I seriously wanted to continue with the few dramas I am watching, but stalling on, and start another kdrama, When the Devil Calls Your Name and prepare for a project.

    All the best to my self-discipline! LOL.

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