Go Go Squid! Eps 13 & 14 Review

I’ll combine two episodes because they deal about the break-up. Plus, I’m a firm believer that band-aids, and most things painful, should be ripped off as fast you can, so the discomfort is over fast, too.

1. She thinks/He thinks

Their break-up hinged around this moment:

It amuses me that such an innocent hug could be considered life-changing. Both Nian’s and Shanyang’s worlds were shaken the day after their hug and they felt extremely embarrassed… but for different reasons.

Shanyang was EXTRA grumpy during his morning conference with the K&K kids. None of their written assignments could pass his muster. In between his critiques of their works, he had flashbacks of Nian.

“Too many wrong characters. Write it again!”

“Mixed English and Chinese. Can you speak a language?”

“There’s not a bit of literary grace. It’s dull and trite.”

The viewers assumed that he was upset with Nian for behaving indecorously (or sluttish). It only became clear, after his phone call with his stepmom, that he was temperamental that morning for a different reason.

THE reason: he was embarrassed that he couldn’t pay for the jewelry he gave her. lol.

Remember now. This is the guy who prides himself in being a man of action, “I only believe in doing it or not doing it. I don’t think about whether I can do it. If you don’t do it, then you have nothing. Isn’t that so?

Welllll…as 97 said, he “hit a wall.” He could nod DO it because his bankbook couldn’t do it. lol. Our loverboy should have thought about his financial situation before giving Nian the jewelry.

But his judgment was impaired because all he could think about was this:

And the reason he didn’t think of his money was because he was moved by this:

He wanted to give it to her because she thought it was hers. She said, “Thank you. I like this. It’s so pretty. Thank you.” In his romantic state of mind, what Nian wants, Nian gets. I agree with @agdr03, he went gaga over her.

If he had been “chill” like Wu Bai, he would have stopped and considered that Nian was drunk. She wouldn’t remember what she said. He was off the hook for promising to “give her a gift” so she’d release him.

SY: It’s…Auntie’s necklace she had me buy last time. I accidentally gave it to Tong Nian.
Bai: Accidentally gave? Then just ask for it back.
SY: I already gave it away. How could I be so shameless to ask for it back?

See? He thought it would be SHAMELESS of him to ask for it back, and so he chose to dig himself a hole. He knew the necklace wasn’t his to give and he was strapped for cash to pay for it upfront.

In other words, he was embarrassed. This is a guy who prided himself in being self-sufficient and self-determining. Remember his speech before he retired from Team Solo and CTF about forging their own destiny and not answering to anyone? lol. This guy who prided himself in his independence had to swallow his pride.

All because of drunken Nian.

Now, if you replay that whole scene, you’ll see Shangyan face-palming or face-fisting

as he remembered their hug, THIS hug.

Meanwhile, somewhere in dreamland, Nian remembered the same hug, too. She awakened and wondered “Is this real or a dream? Was he very close to me? What happened?”

Now, with Nian, it was easy to see why she was mortified.

Being a good girl, she was embarrassed at the way she behaved when drunk. She wouldn’t have remembered much of the incident had it not been for the jewelry she found in her backpack. When she saw the necklace, the image of her toying with it immediately flashed in her mind, and she was embarrassed.

To make matters worse, when she called her friend Meimei to ask what happened the night before, Meimei scolded her for being drunk and creating a big trouble for “God Gun,” the idol of her husband.

MM: Right. Her Highness Squid, you’re too embarrassing. You only drank one or two and you already got so drunk. Did you do anything before you got too drunk? Answer honestly. If you confess, the sentence will be lighter.
Nian: I won’t talk to you now. I’ll hang up first.
Nian: My god! What on earth did I do yesterday? So embarrassing.


She immediately texted Shangyan to apologize. “I’m sorry for yesterday. I troubled you again.”

When he didn’t respond, she thought, “I definitely scared him yesterday. He hasn’t replied. Must be unwilling to forgive me. I deserve it. How could I let him see such a messy side of me? This time it’s probably the end of all hopes.”

But as she was berating herself, Shangyan was leaving his room in search of Wu Bai for a loan. That’s the reason he didn’t see her text and didn’t get to respond right away.

Do you see how well the scenes were edited? Her voice-over, moaning about her “messy side,” was playing at the same time that Shangyan was taking care of his own “messy side.” lol. They BOTH had messy sides that they didn’t want the other person to see. For Nian, she didn’t want him to see her immature and childish side so her drunkenness embarrassed her. For Shangyan, he didn’t want her to see his immature (yes, he was) and incompetent side so his money woes embarrassed him.

2. Karma

Do you believe in karma? If you do, then you could say that Shangyan was “karma-ed.”

The necklace was his grandpa’s gift to his stepmom. Shanyan was tasked to buy it in Norway and give to his stepmom. The stepmom already wired him the money.

But it was actually his grandpa’s gift to his daughter-in-law as she was about to remarry and leave the Han family.

Now….do you remember this scene?

His grandpa ALSO bought Nian a necklace and he wanted Shanyang to pretend and give it to her as a New Year’s Day present from himself. He didn’t want to but he was forced to give it to Nian. He didn’t like that he was being “forced” by his grandpa, so to spite his grandpa, he outed him as the real giver of the gift.

Demo: (gawking) It’s the initial of Boss’ name!
SY: (looking at her excited face) Do you like it?
Nian: (nodding head excitedly) I like it. Thank you.
SY: I didn’t buy it. Grandpa did. (scowling at him for his interfering way)

He didn’t really want to ruin Nian’s romantic fantasies. What he wanted was to ruin his grandpa’s vicarious happiness from seeing him in a match with Nian. So, he told Nian that he didn’t buy it. His grandpa did.

Wellllll, karma struck.

This time, Shangyan couldn’t complain anymore that he did NOT buy Nian the jewelry because he was bankrupting himself just to pay for it.

Happy now, Shangyan?

3. The Break-up

Three things to note about their break-up.

Point One: It’s super quick and easy.

At 13:30 she texted him.

Nian: Let’s break up. It’s fake anyway.
SY: Have you thought this through?
Nian: Yes.

By 13:33, it was over.

It took them 3 minutes, give or take a few seconds.

Here’s my “Agony Aunt” advice” to young single ladies out here: Unless your guy’s a stalker and/or a life is endangered, NEVER break up by phone. You owe it to yourself, him, and the Romance Gods who brought you two together, to end the relationship face to face. It’s courtesy and decency. It’s good to break up in a private place, but if you expect the break-up to be emotionally charged or to deteriorate into a physical fight, the a public place is better.

Anyway, I get why she broke up. She thought her drunk behavior so repulsed him that he didn’t want to continue with their relationship. However, she also thought he was hindered from breaking up with her, even when he wanted to, because he gave his word that the decision to break up was hers to make.

Remember this from Episode 7:

Nian: I want to ask you a question.
SY: Say what you have to say. (turning off the radio)
Nian: When are we breaking up?
Nian: Because we should set a time frame, right? So I can tell my parents.
SY: When do you want to break up? (she doesn’t answer) You haven’t thought this?
Nian: How about…how about next month? Breaking up during New Year’s is too fast. It’s not really good.
SY: How about this? You can decide. Whenever you decide to break up, just notify me in advance. Before we break up, you are still my girlfriend. Whatever you want, you say it. I’ll do my best to make it happen. I’ll keep my word.

And note this: When she talked about breaking up, both times, his follow-up question was “Have you thought through with this?” He wanted her to be sure of her decision and not break with him on a whim.

Point Two: They didn’t like the idea.

He looked hurt. He shook his after he sent the text, as if he had no choice but to agree to the break-up.

And she cried when she received his text.

Yang Zi’s acting was on point. But she looked cute. I’d like to have 16-year-old granddaughter like her.

Point Three: She was still concerned about his well-being after the break-up.

Nian realized that, while she was able to receive a lot of support from her mom and dad, from Meimei and her other girl bestie Yaya, Shangyan was all alone. I like that, even when things didn’t work out romantically between them, Nian could still wish him the best.

With Little Ai’s help, Nian sent him pictures of his former Team Solo with an accompanying message, “Han Shangya, I asked Little Ai to find some pictures that could motivate you. wrote him a letter. Although we split up, I still hope you can become happier.”

Point Four: Coping Skills

They couldn’t have been more different.

He was EMO!!! He stared into space,

listened to sad music, played the game she made, checked out her rest of the content of her USB.

Note: Their break-up slowed down his reaction time by .001 second. lol.



On the other hand, she cried buckets, but in between tears, she had a successful software demonstration and ate a dinosaur. Her friend called her an “Iron Lady.” She was heartbroken but she still functioned well.

lol. Her appetite didn’t diminish.

4. Where is the necklace?

His grandpa hounded him about the missing necklace. When he said that he lost it, his grandpa followed up and asked whether the club was losing money.

He admitted yes. His Grandpa immediately thought he sold the necklace because he was short of cash.

Shangyan replied that the other branches still made enough profit to cover up the losses. Grandpa told him if he needed money, he should just tell him. Shangyan railed against the assumption that he swindled his stepmom’s money. “What do you think of me?”

His pride was hurt of course. Straight away, He deposited $140,000 to his stepmom’s account and he’s left with $30 in his bank.

Oh no!!!! We have an impoverished hero!!! lol. Really. He was just cash-strapped.

But what pushed him over the edge was when he checked Nian’s account on NetEase. He saw her recent post. “The heart is like a rollercoaster. Rising, falling, and flipping. Currently rushing towards the bottom.”

And he got upset.

He got upset because he was the JILTED one. She dumped him. She was the DUMPER, and he was the DUMPEE. And he had this huge debt that he had to fix.

So in his mind, why was she talking about her life “rushing towards the bottom” when it’s his life that was going down the toilet.

Image result for toilet draining gif

That was why he went to the kitchen and started cooking up a storm.

Do you see the way he was cooking the dishes? He was venting. He was releasing his anger and frustration on the veggies, fish, and chicken.

He was doing a whole lot of knife action: cutting, slicing, mincing, paring, and chopping. hahaha. That’s probably how he felt. He wanted to chop off the memory his short-lived love affair with Nian from his brain…and heart.

So…it wasn’t at all surprising that all the food he cooked ended up spicy. With that much aggression in his body, of course, the food he ended up cooking would also be “hostile” to the taste buds, too.

Hot temper = spicy food

6. Singing audition

Nian was the favored one to win the audition. She introduced herself like this:

“I really like to sing. Moreover, I like to sing for the person I like. I hope after he listens to it, he can feel happy and be happy. I think songs are the best way to communicate feelings. I’ll put all my feelings into my singing. Even if he doesn’t like me, and I think there’s no way to insist, at the very least, I want to try. If I don’t put in the effort and sing to him, he might never know that I like him.”

Arriving late, Shanyang joined the panel of judges as she finished her introduction. But he heard every word she said, and he shot her an angry glance. Another judge asked him to give Nian a name of a song he thought was suitable for her to sing.

And striking back at her, he told her, “Then use that flowery method you just mentioned to sing, “Little Donkey.”

In other words, he was letting her know that he heard her spiel about doing every thing for love even if hers was an unrequited love … and he absolutely did NOT buy it. To him, she was all talk –“flower-y” and sentimental talk — but she couldn’t match actions to her words.

Remember: she said that, even when her love is unreciprocated, she’d sing her best to convince the man of the sincerity of her feelings.

Moreover, he was sending HER a message that he thought she was immature and childish. Hence, his choice of song for her to sing, “Little Donkey.” Ha! See how mean he was? To the other judges, he sounded like he was only challenging her to show her singing ability. On the surface, he was only challenging her to interpret this silly song as a love song for a guy she wanted to convince of her true love. The judges could then grade her on technique and credibility. That is, her singing technique should be able convince the judges of her sincere love.

However, both Shanyang and Nian knew that Shanyang was talking about something else. He was talking about their break-up. He was DARING her to convince him that she could be sincere even after she dumped him. He was practically telling her, “NO way am I going to believe your sentimental nonsense after what you did to me.”

But most importantly, Nian knew that he was still very upset about it. She knew that he was telling her that she treated him shabbily and childishly. She knew that he hadn’t forgiven her for breaking up with him.

Now, listen to the song again. First, she sang the song hesitantly. Her voice faltered at the last line. Then, when she repeated the song, her voice was stronger, more confident but still NOT as giddy as a children’s song should have been.

I have a little donkey that I never ride
One day it suddenly entered my mind
to ride it to the market
I hold a whip in my hand
My heart feels delighted.
I don’t know how
la la lalaa fell and got all muddy.

He avoided her eyes while she sang.

One of the judge asked her if there was any feeling that she wanted to express with this song. She answered, “Since the judge (referring to Shanyang) asked me to use the (sentimental and romantic) method of expressing emotions that I described, to sing this song, I imagined that the Little Donkey to be my lover and sang this song.”

He looked at her then.

The judge continued, “Then, what happened to your ‘Little Donkey’?”

Her eyes glanced at his direction, then she answered, “My ‘Little Donkey’ is gone….I’m sorry.” She quickly turned around and sat down.

Now, a lot of viewers (and commenters on Viki, lol) didn’t get this part.

They thought it was dumb that she had to sing the “Little Donkey” song and that her singing was UNimpressive.

But if I were the judge, I’d give her the full 100 points. You see, Shangyan’s challenge was to sing just like she said she would in her introduction. Remember: even when her love is unreciprocated, she’d sing her best to convince the man of the sincerity of her feelings.

And she did it! She expressed the feelings of a girl with unrequited love.

Look: the first time Nian sang the stanza, she sang very tentatively. Why?

This was to show how a girl sounds when she’s hopelessly in love and doesn’t want to insist on being loved back. She knows it’s futile.

That’s why Nian sang softly, sadly. Her voice almost faded at the ending line…to suggest insecurity. To me, this was brilliant because the happy lyrics of the song contrasted very well with her wistful voice.

The second time she sang the stanza, she sang louder. Why?

Again, she was only doing what she said in her introduction. Remember: she said she’d put in all the EFFORT in her singing so the guy would know without a doubt that she liked him.

Put in more “effort = sing more confidently

That’s why she was singing with more assurance although she was still singing softly. She wanted her guy to know that her love is real. She was being earnest in her singing.

Stylistically then she nailed her song. She was able to express the different moods in her voice.

But what I also like about this moment is that it backfired on Shangyan. He intended to embarrass her and pay her back for dumping him. But in the end, he was MOVED by her. And he understood her.

First, he knew that she called him a donkey, and he acknowledged that he was acting asinine. Two, she was singing that song for him and ABOUT him. lol. The song was all about him.

You see, the meaning of the Donkey song could be subverted to express her real feelings. Just like when he sent her a message when he chose the Donkey song, the judges and the other listeners were totally oblivious to the PRIVATE communication while they knew the hidden meaning. They were talking to each other about something only the two of them could understand.

The donkey lyrics — here, I’ll repeat the song —

I have a little donkey that I never ride
One day it suddenly entered my mind
to ride it to the market
I hold a whip in my hand
My heart feels delighted.
I don’t know how
la la lalaa fell and got all muddy.

could have a double meaning, like this:

I have an ass (or jerk) of a boyfriend who
I no longer meet
Until one day he shows up in front of me.
My heart feels delighted.
But I don’t know why he’s suddenly mean
and still angry with me.

Do you see it?

Shangyan understood then that she was heartbroken, too, about their break-up. She looked woeful when she said that her Little Donkey was gone. That’s why Shangyan looked away. He was feeling sorry, too.

7. The Make-Up

Nian KNEW that Shangyan understood her. She knew he wouldn’t approach right away after the auditions because HEYYY! The man’s got pride. lol. She knew she had to give him time (like a week’s time, lol). He was going to forgive her in due time.

The director did well here. The camera focused on Nian and Shangyan because they were communicating. If they could speak directly to each other, Nian would have asked him, “Did you understand what I was singing about? I don’t want this break up.”

And he would have said, “Mmm. Let me think this through.” lol. He always wanted her to think it through before acting.

But she was right that Shangyan got her “telepathic” message in the song because he waited outside in his jeep to watch her say goodbye to the others.

He made up his mind to see her in a week’s time.

That’s why she was waiting to see him at the recording studio.

She was so sure he’d show up that she was heartily disappointed when he didn’t. She couldn’t sing well; she couldn’t focus because she was waiting for his arrival.  Of course, he was outside preparing drinks for them.

When she saw the encouraging message on the juice bottle, she knew she was right.

He’d use the bottle marked “Confession” because she made a confession during the audition, and he got it.


okay, this is rough draft (and will probably stay this way…) I’ve to run errands before the beach trip.


35 Comments On “Go Go Squid! Eps 13 & 14 Review”

  1. Awww that song was hard for her to sing because it came from her heart that’s broken. 😩 But she gave it her all. Hands down to NN! 👏🏻 I love your lyrics 😍

    But HSY’s reaction to the break up was real too. After he read her ‘yes, I’m sure’ reply, he just flopped down on the bed. He felt it alright.

    Karma is very real. HSY’s karma was so expensive, he will keep asking Wu Bai for more money 😂

    Thanks for this and oohhh the things that you noticed are awesome. It adds more to my feelings of happiness after watching it and understanding it better.

    I have to give him plus points for buying those confession juice bottles. He wanted to reach out. ☺️

    This actor Li Xian is a treat to watch. I don’t think any other actor could pull off his HSY character. Hands down to him for playing HSY perfectly.

    Hopefully you can catch up with me. I’m on episode 26 and oh I was laughing my head off with this one. You’ll know why when you watch it. 😄 I had to stop watching because I won’t sleep and it’s only up to episode 31 that’s available. I didn’t know there was such a thing as break up fee. 😆😉

    Enjoy the beach weekend with your family and your son’s girlfriends ☺️ We love playing mahjong too. ☺️

  2. Just tell me what happened in Ep 26. I don’t mind spoilers.

  3. Howdy! I’m so sorry, I went to sleep after my comment. 😬

    HSY finally made a decision to be with NN so he went to find her. When he did, senior friend of NN was trying to tell NN that he likes her.

    HSY cut in just before he could and then the introduction for him came. NN said they have a close family relationship. Senior then calls him UNCLE. 😂

    Then he teases senior by ordering lots of food because senior said he’ll pay. 😄 I thought he was cute being jealous. But HSY paid for the food anyway.

    Sorry, that was all. ☺️

  4. Ouch! He was called “uncle” by that geeky-looking upperclassman? Lol.

    That’s not going to be the first and last time.

    This story seems to make a big deal of heir age difference and to paint him as a “cradle robber.” Well…he is certainly robbing the cradle bec she’s only 19, but given that this is his first experience in romance, he isn’t that much older than her. At least, emotionally anyway.

  5. Yes, the geeky guy from university. I was caught off guard by the Uncle and I was really laughing 😂 HSY looked so – what’s the word, annoyed? I think he gave his best frown/scowl then. 😁

    I couldn’t agree more about their emotional level being the same as it’s both their first time being in love. But I guess that’s where her family are coming from too, it’s her first time in a relationship. I’d like to see how HSY will prove to her parents that he’s worth it. ☺️

  6. Haha. I’m looking forward to this episode. 😂 I’m gobsmacked that I’m watching this for his scowls. But he makes laugh so hard.

  7. You’re watching it because of how he held and took care of Solo’s cat. 😉

    But seriously, he’s a good guy and when he does things it’s not halfway like when he got Nian Nian to come over in Sangya? Sorry not sure about the city. You’ll know it when you see it. I forgot already what episode but that episode was good for them. They spent time together and the lunch scene was awesome. He came to her aid and I thought he did that with flying colours. ☺️

  8. Howdy! How are you?

    I’m still on episode 26 of GGS. I haven’t continued where I left off the other night. I want to watch this other cdrama called Arsenal Military Academy but there seems to be no subtitles on most sites that I go to. I love the pairing in it, Xu Kai and Bai Lu.

    Anyway, just wanted to say hello. 🙂

  9. We arrived home about an hour ago. I’m doing laundry right now since I brought home all the dirty sheets and towels from the beach house.

    I’m thinking of what to write about for HdL. 🙂

    I’ll watch Ep 16 of GGS tomorrow.

    How was your weekend? Who’s Xu Kai and Bai Lu? Is this on YT?

  10. Nice that your home now 🙂

    I thought you were going to write In Memory of the Living Part 3. 🙂 It was nice that different scenarios of letting go was shown, 1- coming from a loved one and coming from parents to their child. I don’t want to include the serial killer because he killed himself. Never nice 🙁

    Our weekend was good. Mom, Grandma, cousin and I went to see some cherry blossoms in another suburb and Grandma had some sake and oh after drinking it she said her head was heavy. 🙂 She had fun but I think we tired her out. She went to bed early.

    The beach weekend was good? Who won mahjong? hehehe

    Xu Kai and Bai Lu were the leads on that other cdrama that I watched called The Legends. I loved them there so I want to see them again but I think I might have to wait awhile. 🙂

    Aren’t you tired from trip? 🙂

  11. That wasn’t nice of you to mention mahjjong, @agdr03. We play 7 times. I lost every single time. My sons alternated with their girlfriends, and I think they all had “beginner’s luck.” (hahaha. I’m a poor sport, right?)

    We played scrabble instead.

    Is it springtime there already? How come the cherry blossoms are out?

  12. hahaha Sorry I didn’t realize you were NOT the winner. LOL! We love playing it so I’m fond of the game.

    Yes, springtime is officially here in OZ come September 🙂 Actually you can feel it during the daytime now but the mornings and evenings are still very cold. 🙂

  13. Totally off topic but because my Darling Daughter off handedly mentioned today that GOT7 is “HERE in Sydney”. So I thought of you @agdr03. 😂. Will you be going? Daughter dear was at Luna Park with 1000s of others fan girling when Ateez (?) had their concert (2 weeks ago). She’s still gushing 🙄 about how beautiful they were. She bought tickets which included a “High Touch” (which I later found out was like a high five delivered above your head) so she “touched” them. Although judging from the conversation with her in the car (yes I was on pick up duty) she doesn’t remember much of it. She was stunned and those seconds flashed by and she kept saying, “I should’ve said Anyeong but all I could say was thank you” 😂. She was lost for words and now she’s kicking herself and bemoaning missed opportunities 😢.

  14. Hi @nrllee thanks. Yes. They are here because I saw Jaebeom post a picture of him at the Sydney Opera House last night. They’ve done some touristy thing already. I wanted to stalk them but my husband would go nuts 😂 Unfortunately I won’t be able to watch them because no one wanted to come with me 😩 and I guess I didn’t want to be called Ahjuma 😂

    Here is Jin Young sending his Sydney greeting. He’s so cute! 😍


    Awww so happy for your daughter to watch another kpop group. I haven’t heard of Ateez though. Im sure they’re great too. I’m jealous of her 😂 I missed the chance to ever watch a kpop group. I’ll cry with her. 😩

    Anyway I’m actually waiting for my eldest son to finish watching an anime movie with his classmate. ☺️

  15. Haha. Good morning, Ahjumma!

    @nrllee, how I envy you! Daughters can be so much fun especially when they’re extra chatty and hyped up.

  16. It’s almost goodnight to this Ahjumma! 😆

    Good morning to you! 😄

    I’m about to watch Rookie Historian now.

  17. @agdr03 Stalking? Yeah that’s a given. DD was major stalking and she wanted to just head to the city in the vain hope of bumping into them “coincidentally”. 😂. You should’ve just gone. Daughter dear went on her own to the Ateez concert. None of her friends like KPop. But she had a ball on her own regardless. She lined up 😳. Concert doors opened at 530pm but she arrived at 11am 😮. And sat all that time in the biting wind. I thought she was crazy but she told me that there were people there lined up since 7am. She had the best time just chatting with fellow fan girls and they handed out free photo cards. “Everyone was SO nice”. She did mention that the crowd whilst mainly high schoolers did have a sprinkling of Ahjummas. 😂. Yes Daughter Dear and I talk KDrama/KPop stuff (we’re also learning Korean) and the menfolk in our family just look nonplussed. We’re making a trip to Seoul next year in Feb. Boys wanted to ski in Japan instead so we will part ways after transit in Singapore. We’re going to do the spa thing 😂, I watch so much of it in KDrama we have to go experience it for ourselves 😊. I thought about PM3’s “rent an oppa” option but I think DD will think it’s weird so I will have to pass on that.

  18. Nnooo! Rent an Oppa! Please do. That would be so hilarious. Think of him as a tour guide.

    Try staying in a hanok, too. It’s fun and memorable. If you go in February, the host might be using the ondol system to warm the rooms. Be prepared to sleep on hot floors. 😂

  19. @nrllee , hands down to your DD! She’s awesome and really that’s how it is when you like your kpop 😄 I couldn’t stalk GOT7 yesterday because I had work and my Boss was at his Grandmother’s funeral. If he was at work I would have gone 😂

    Going to Seoul together and doing all those drama worthy things with your daughter sounds awesome! 🙌🏻 When I mention to my boys that I want us to go to Seoul Korea, they reply to me saying, ‘we’ll go north Mom’. 😱They’re teasing me 🤦🏻‍♀️😂

    I think that rent an Oppa might be a good idea. Get DD to chose the Oppa , she might like it more 😁

  20. I’m keeping up with GGS, I’m on episode 31. 😄

    Watch out for this one and you’ll know what I mean, it’s funny. 😂

    I’m watching Viki and there’s a dialogue that HSY says, ‘easy there, don’t hit anything’.

  21. What? She hits him below the belt?

    I read somewhere that the actor in GGS was the second choice. Yang Yang was the director’s first choice. I’m glad that this actor stepped in. He nailed in. Yang Yang would have been fine as Han Shanyang, too, but the vibes would be totally different. This actor (what’s his name again??) makes me laugh at the way he frowns at her all the time, then he ends up acting very wimpy because he likes her. I can’t imagine Yang Yang acting wimpy.

    He was in a Chinese variety show with Deng Lun. Happy Camp. I’ll edit this to find the YT link.

    Here you go:

    Deng Lun really plays these games well, doesn’t he? He’s competitive.

    His name is Li Xian. Goodness! I really should remember his name.

  22. Morning! 😊

    Yes someone posted it here that Li Xian was second choice after Yang Yang but to me he’s the PERFECT choice because he’s supposed to be older than Yang Zi’s character and the way he delivers that frown/scowl of his is PERFECT too 😂

    I saw a bit on insta that Deng Lun and Li Xian we’re in Happy Camp. Thanks for the link. Loved that it’s subbed! Winner! ☺️ I have a soft spot for Deng Lun. 😍

  23. What? She hits him below the belt?

    They’re seating in his car because he didn’t go home after dropping her home so she sneaked outside to have a chitchat but her Dad walked out of their gate with the dog and HSY had to push her on his lap so she can’t be seen 😬😆

  24. Lol. I fast-forwarded and watched Ep 31 last night and saw that scene where he said “don’t hit anything”. 😂 Didn’t he push her head down? So why was he telling her not to hit anything?

    And that dog, Summer, must be the dumbest guard dog in that street. 😂 Didn’t it see Nian run down the driveway? It didn’t bark or show the slightest bit of excitement that Nian was around.

    The female costar of Deng Lun, something Ma, was on Happy Camp. She looked friendly with him too but NOT in a romantic sense. She’s a bit of a tomboy.

    I think DL is a better actor than LX, too. He has more range.

  25. It was funny wasn’t it? 😆 I don’t think Nian Nian realised the ‘thing’ that she could hit while her head was on his lap 😂

    Oh I forgot about Summer! 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 You’re right! She didn’t even noticed that Nian Nian was close. She’s only loyal to Dad 😂

    I think Sandra Ma is the costar of Deng Lun in Mr Fighting (on my future watch list). I’ll have to watch that Happy Camp tonight. Agree, Deng Lun has more versatility. But Li Xian is a stand out as Han Shang Yan. ☺️

  26. Yes! Sandra Ma! I like her.

    About Li Xian and Deng Lun appearing in Happy Camp — I was hoping the emcee of the show would stoke up a bit of rivalry there because of the two actors’ connection with Yang Zi.

    Lol. I like to think that, as their leading lady in their break-out dramas, Yang Zi “made” them popular.

  27. I haven’t seen any dramas starring Sandra Ma.

    Oh I have to agree that it was Yang Zi that made Deng Lun and Li Xian very popular as I think she’s supposed to be a big star in China? Someone please correct me if I’m wrong. 😊 But it adds that their character blends very well together.

    But personally on Yang Zi, I don’t know as I’m just not into her. I’m sorry. I don’t know why 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t mind watching her drama though. Which reminds me again about the Ashes of Love which I think is a big hit. We just have our preferences.

  28. My first impressions of Yang Zi in Ashes of Love ruined me and her absurd character in Ep 1 and 2 just threw me off so I didn’t proceed.

    Maybe I’m not into that whole grape sprite-meets-Phoenix-overlord fantasy world.

    Her childish image worked well in Go Go Squid bec she did look like an innocent teenager in the story. At the same time, the actress’ 26-year-old naughtiness came in handy during the drunk scene.

  29. I don’t mind the premise of Ashes of Love because I watched Martial Universe but I just found the first episode really slow and boring? My cousin said it’s actually good as she likes Yang Zi. Anyway maybe later I’ll end up watching it but it’ll be because of Deng Lun ☺️

    Agree, Nian Nian was suited to Yang Zi. I mean did you see her jump on HSY when she saw him that morning in episode 31? 😄 Who would jump like that? 😄

  30. What do you mean “Who would jump like that?” Are your asking me seriously? But…who would NOT jump on him like that? Wouldn’t YOU jump on him, too? Or isn’t that done in Asian movies? Hollywood movies always feature a girl jumping on a guy after a long separation.

    But if he were my boyfriend, and he waited up all night, then yeah, I’d jump his bones. hahaha.

    Seriously, though, waiting for her outside her house is the “approved” version of Edward Cullen/Robert Pattinson watching the girl while she slept in “Twilight.” I know many girls found that scene romantic but it would creep me out knowing that a guy was in my room, without my permission, watching me sleep.

  31. I wouldn’t jump on him because it’s broad daylight and in the street 😂 I’d be too conscious of my surroundings especially in front of my house where my parents could walk out anytime 😂

    I’d jump on him yes if he was my boyfriend and if no one’s looking and my jump comes with kissing 😂 I have to give it to HSY though because it’s an effort to stay outside your girlfriend’s house just because.

    Oh I didn’t like that Twilight watching me while I sleep too. I wouldn’t be able to sleep.

  32. I can imagine Nian jumping on him but I didn’t expect HIM to welcome such an effusive greeting. I kinda expected him to put her down hastily and self-consciously, and to scold her for acting indecorously in public.

    So it’s an improvement in his personality. 🙂

  33. Oh yes he’s a changed man since realising that he wants to be with Nian Nian. You watched their conversation too in the car right? 😊

    What about that the last 10 minutes of his time is important and so they just need to be together that whole time ☺️

    He got a weibo account too and it’s only Nian Nian that he follows ☺️

  34. I’ve finished GGS! 😆 I’ve enjoyed it and I liked the ending! How’s that for a wedding, Grandpa says they will have 5 weddings! 😱😂

  35. Pingback: Go Go Squid: Episode 15 Highlights – Bitches Over Dramas

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