Vagabond: Post Spoilers Here

We don’t need a relationship chart for this one. Suzy’s and Lee Seung Gi’s characters are the lead couple and everybody else is a back-up singer…err…minor character.

Image result for back-up singer gif

We’re in need of a set of flashcards with the names and faces of the actors and the roles they’re playing or something like a Who’s Who flowchart.

I found one from @lsg_mx‘s Instagram. Credit goes to her/him. All I did was to copy and paste here.

However, if I were to do this flowchart, I would have done it slightly different. The actors’ names would have been written in small print while their characters’ names and roles would have been written in big font, uppercase letters.  I really don’t need to know who this actor Baek Yun Shik is. I just need to know that he’s the President.

For the sake of clarity and to de-clutter my brains of useless names,  I’m calling all characters (except for the main leads) by their roles in the drama.

And oh! before I forget: My good friend @lovebangwon would appreciate it (really) if we limit our criticism of her bae Suzy’s acting to a minimum. If she bites off your hand for speaking the truth/evil/mean things/whatever about Suzy, don’t come crying to me.  lol.

That’s a gif from “Roman Holiday” with one of my favorite OTPs, Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck. The mouth of the statue or “Bocca della Verita” is believed to chomp off the hand of a liar. According to the director, the actor was really playing a joke on Audrey in this scene, and she fell for it. Her reaction here was authentic, and the director decided to use this footage in the movie because she was so cute.

And in a way, that is how I view Suzy. I confess to giving her plenty of leeway because she’s cute.

I don’t demand an award-winning acting from her like I do with Shin HyeSun of “Angel’s Last Mission: Love”. I only expect to be sufficiently entertained by her performance because I anticipate to be fully engrossed in the plot. For this much-awaited kdrama, the story should be greater than the sum of its parts.

Let’s enjoy the show!

39 Comments On “Vagabond: Post Spoilers Here”

  1. @packmule3: Thanks for this great relationship chart of characters. I’m all set for this show now😊 Haven’t watched an action kdrama in a while now. For some reason, it reminds me of ‘Ghost’ or ‘Phantom’ kdrama which I really like.

  2. My pleasure. 🙂 It’s a good thing that person shared it on instagram. I’m assuming she’s a Lee Seunggi fan based on her instagram name.

    It’s good to see who’s who because I’m a bit slow at identifying faces, especially Korean faces, when there are no distinguishing features like a mole, hair color, nose, teeth, etc. 🙂

    The show is not yet up on Netflix.

  3. lol.
    im set to oversee your comment section, but i doubt there is hate comment toward her. haha because your blog more likely talking about plot and mystery arround drama. that why ppl living in harmony at your blog :p

    i hope people enjoy vagabond drama, the first ep was fun and feel too short. -.-

  4. Just done watching Episode 1. I teared up during the plane crash scene and especially on the part where LSG was watching his nephew’s video message. It was more than touching for me.

    Suzy is an eye candy. She’s extra gorgeous in the desert scene. Love the black dress! Got a bit of HDL feels when the black scarf was blown by the wind. lol

  5. Thanks, @storm moon, for the heads up. I’m steeling myself for the plane crash scene.

  6. I’ll watch it tonight. Have to finish Camellia first.

    It’s really hard to “hate” an actor if her performance is below expectation because it’s the director’s JOB to ensure that she’s emoting the right expression or doing the right motions. Remember: the actor cannot SEE herself on the camera while performing. It’s the director who’s viewing her acting on camera.

    So if her performance is sub-par, then the director should stop the tape, explain clearly what he’s expecting to happen on film, then ask for a re-take until she gets it right.

    Do you see what I mean? A good director will make even a mediocre actor shine while a bad director will blame his actor.

  7. Anyway, at first I thought the desert scene is just a movie scene played in LSG’s mind given that he’s an aspiring actor/director. But on second thought, I got the feeling that the first scene will be an actual scene some time in the future.

  8. Anyway, I initially assumed that the intro scene is just a movie scenario played in LSG’s mind given that he’s an aspiring actor/director. But on the second thought, I got the feeling that the first scene will be an actual scene some time in the future.

  9. Oops. I had to change some wordings in my comment cause it noted that it looks similar to my previous post. Now they’re both posted. Now I’ll apologize in advance if one of you here also got an OCD. You’ll know what I mean. lol

  10. The acting has to be really really bad for me to comment negatively on it, because it’s a bit rich for non-Korean speakers to diss an actor when we’re missing out on a quarter of the performance. I’ve always felt Suzy was a bit blank-faced but she tends to get cast in shows where that doesn’t much matter, and her co-stars on Dream High went overboard talking about how hard she works. So kudos to her for her grit as well as her charisma. I always like her characters, from that bitchy girl in Dream High to the female lead in Gu Family Book so she’s doing much that is right.

    Will watch Vagabond tonight.

  11. Excellent first episode. I cried over the tragedy, and felt my heart pumping during that final action scene (and I hate car chases). Li Seung Gi (or should I call him Seung Gi Chan after Jackie), who I never found attractive until Korean Odyssey, retains that rugged edge since the military that has increased his attractiveness exponentially. Suzy’s looking fine, and she could actually be a genuine villain. The little kid steals the show. I’ve seen him before, fairly recently.

    It was filmed and directed beautifully. So often in Korean shows of a legal, political or medical nature, something jars me as being unrealistic, like proper research had been skipped, but nothing like that happens in this; the far-fetched avenger plotline seems perfectly plausible because this quality production makes it so from writing to post-production. I’m looking forward to the rest of it.

  12. Haven’t dived in yet. This is giving me Jason Bourne feels? LSG is built for action (much like JCW) so I will try to carve out some time to watch. Never watched Suzy in anything so can’t comment personally on her acting. Although it seems like there’s a number who find her lackluster. I think you have to give some of these actors/actresses time to grow. If I see improvement, it’s a plus. If on the other hand I see none despite years in the industry, you have to wonder why she would get cast again and again.

  13. So far so good. Chase scenes were excellent. Looking forward to next episode.

  14. Yeah, it’s not showing up on Netflix for me either but Camellia is there though.

    I’ll watch it somewhere else as I want to be on top it even though I’m not into LSG or Suzy. 😄

  15. I see Vagabond on Netflix and will watch it today. Will post my thoughts tomorrow.

  16. Oh I had to do a search in Netflix and there it is. ☺️ Thanks @Phoenix I’ll watch it tonight and yes get on to King’s Avatar too ☺️

  17. Yes, I had to search for it too on Netflix.

    Btw, I want to recommend one site because its subs go up quickly and it doesn’t have all those weird ads you think might muck up your computer if you hit one accidentally. Kseries dot net.

    I can’t use Viki anymore. I watch everything on my tablet, and just recently Viki told all mobile consumers they couldn’t stream directly from their site anymore but had to download their app for android. So I went to download it but my device doesn’t support it. Sent in a complaint and cancelled my subscription since I can’t watch. Bad service for me and bad business for them.

    Thank goodness for the other sites and Netflix!

  18. Yes I’m grateful to Netflix these days for picking up kdramas and cdramas too. Thanks for the recommendation @Barbrey , always good to have a back up website to continue the addiction 😄

  19. @Barbrey: Thanks for the recommendation. I’ll check out the site too😊

  20. That intro scene in the desert of Syria/Kiria? That was unrealistic.

    A limo with only a Hyundai as escort?? 🤪 Four escorts would be minimum. First one is the scout vehicle: to go ahead and check route for danger and obstruction. Second vehicle carries the mission commander in charge of the defense and tactical operations of the convoy.

    The third and fourth vehicles are reserves. In case of threats or ambush, they come in to protect the convoy and counter threats or ambush with maximum firepower, and get the convoy moving out of there. If vehicle is disabled, like the limo, passengers can transfer to these reserve vehicles and move out of there.

    And no, the passengers shouldn’t have disembarked. What the ?? Did they think they were in Jeju island and could enjoy the breeze?
    Incidents like this, a sudden flat tire in the middle of the desert, should be treated as highly suspicious. Passengers remain inside vehicles, call for back-up, and prepare for ambush.

    And come on now, a flat tire? I don’t know about that limo but many vehicles have “run flat tires” (my cars do, lol). So if a flat were to occur in the middle of the desert in hostile territory, I’d assume the worst.

    Nobody gets out of vehicle because it’s not unthinkable that enemies may have already MINED the ambush site.

    That was actually an aggravating first scene for me but I’ll keep quiet now and continue watching. 😈 I’m not going to analyze the security breaches/improbable scenarios from now on, because I won’t be able to enjoy the show. 😂

  21. I get you @packmule3 😂 I just thought straight out in my head why did GHR go out of the limo and she was the one to check the flat tire? There was what 5 men with her? 🤷🏻‍♀️

    I’ll watch it again because I felt the pace was too fast for me.

    Hoon is the younger version of Park Seo Joon in WWWSK. He’s a great actor that young boy. ☺️

    So GHR is the villain, interesting. So maybe there’s no happy ending? 😄But I’m liking CDG already. Lee Seunggi Gi cries really well. I like him here already.

  22. Kseries dot net.

    I’ve to remember that.

    I’m frustrated too with Viki services. My main complaint nowadays is that I can’t travel with it unlike Netflix which allows me to download movies which I can watch when I’m flying or can’t sleep in strange hotels. I prefer to watch Netflix than watch the movies offered in-flight or surf the channels looking for an English program.

    But I’m not brave enough like you to cut ties with Viki yet. I’m worried about the bugs and spyware/malware in the other “unofficial” sites.

  23. Was she the one to check the flat? 🤪 I didn’t notice. My brains began screaming when I saw people getting out. “No, get back in! This isn’t a rest stop!” 😡

    But yes, as one of you commented, the scarf billowing in the wind looks like IU’s scarf in Hotel del Luna. 😆

  24. The scarf thing reminded me Descendant of the Sun.

    I’m not sure to have understood, it was Suzy’s character who killed the guy who was trying to save the plane?

  25. @sayaris, they certainly want us to believe it was Suzy’s character. She has motive, her build matches, and she was in Portugal. But we don’t see her face close up so there’s a chance it wasnt.

    The only reason to me Suzy might not be a straight up villain so far is because in the prologue Seung Gi’s character is reluctant to kill her, which doesn’t match with the grief he feels for his nephew. I rather hope she is a villain, but experience tells me even if she is, she’ll be greyed up with misunderstandings or selfless motive.

  26. @Pkm3, I don’t normally download but have done so from kseries dot net and experienced no problems (not to say I couldn’t but so far nothing). You’ll see when you go to the site that it seems more trustworthy by the lack of ads on the main page. When you start a show, you get one or two short ads at the beginning, built in so you’re not going off the video page, and then sometimes a short one in the middle. I like this better for fast forwarding purposes. All in all, the best and cleanest one for me so far and I think I’ve tried the main ones.

    It has Pegasus Market, first ep subbed.

    I wish it had more Chinese dramas. Cheers.

  27. @Barbrey> I don’t think she’s a villain. I mean maybe she followed orders without knowing the consequences. It was just they showed her black coat so I was wondering…

  28. Yes she checked the flat tire. I’m not sure what to think whether she’s a bad or a good girl. I mean she talked to someone saying ‘yes, suicide with a pistol’ and she had the black raincoat. Then episode 2, she helped put the pieces together that the crash was sabotaged.

    I’ll wait more on your input. I felt though that CDG doesn’t get tired. I mean he got stabbed on the leg while fighting in the car right? He even got thrown overboard.

    What about CHR pointing that gun on him? I thought it was a bit too much too even if it was night time.

  29. I think we have to suspend our disbelief based to some extent on the conventions of the genre. I’ve never seen an action figure yet who let a mere stab wound slow him down, so I didn’t blink at that one. The flat tire – I was more wondering about Seung Gi’s character and what the whole scenario was, who was setting up whom, why he did not seem to expect her presence, his conumdrum, etc. I did pause for a second of disbelief when people got out of the car – if they were in a security sensitive convoy that would be the last thing they would do. I’m sure pkm3 is right about the reality of the rest of it, but most of us don’t know it like she does (what the heck do you DO, Packmule3? LOL), and as well don’t know the situation, people or anything much else about those cars in the scene.

    Regardless of whether Suzy shapes up a villain, looking less and less likely, I think she should definitely play one. Her blank, still, flower-pretty face concealing a deadly amoral intelligence would make a potent combination.

  30. Hello to all! 😊

    @Barbrey , I just felt exhausted for CDG after coming from his flight and I know it’s an action drama so it is expected. 🙂 I know too where his determination is coming from.

    With Suzy’s character, I don’t mind if she turns out to be a villain because I’m not feeling their interactions yet. This is just me. 🙂

  31. “ I’m sure pkm3 is right about the reality of the rest of it, but most of us don’t know it like she does (what the heck do you DO, Packmule3? LOL)”

    If she told you, you’d be dead. 😂. She went AWOL not long back. Covert ops. Dyed her hair and everything…shhh… So yeah… you’re (and all of us here) better off NOT knowing.

  32. Given the story to date, the question for me is why is Suzy’s character the target in the opening scene? What is she going to do that makes her the worth the effort – in that part of the world, today, taking out everything and everyone in the no security convoy with IED’s would have been fairly easy, especially since they had the intel to preposition assets and were precisely tracking the target. So we have a scenario where someone that in the opening episodes looks to be a field agent is sometime in the near future going to be a target that needs to be hit without collateral damage…hmmm, a puzzle.

    That’s assuming of course that Suzy is the target, and we haven’t been fed a red herring. Looks like a big IF to me.

    And the mission control sounded to me like American English. So our hero ended up being a shooter for an American group of some kind? The other shooter had a Slavic accent, perhaps pointing to an international mercenary group? Interesting trajectory for our hero…

  33. After episode 2, let me adjust my rating of Suzy’s character, GHR, to May be an intern… or may be accuse the writers of a certain laziness wrt security.

    The script writers should have hired some security consultants…or maybe just read a few articles on it. Very basic failures of personal security, IT security, communications security…

  34. Roman holiday on vagabond’s post 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Only Packmule can write and insert (not-so) random (or is it not?) topic on whatever topic.. 😅

  35. Oh you can’t edit/add your comment here (noobie me!! 🤣 ) done with pilots episodes. I won’t talk much about the plot, also some of my opinions are already said by other commenters.

    But, as a lover of more realistic movie/drama even if the genre is action, I can’t help rolling my eyes watching the die-hard “Jason-Bourne-ish” Goen, who can fell from rooftop onto the villain’s car, dragged by car for quite a distance, manage to get in the car yet still can fight fiercely, get stabbed, get thrown out of the car and still alive, with only have “minor” scratches on next episode? Our (super) hero does!! Yay 😁

    I just wish they named LSG character, Vaga instead.. so they can insert scene where LSG looking suave, stare deeply into camera, and say, “my name is Bond.. Vaga Bond.”

  36. @Dey , yes it felt like Bond! I like that! 😄

    I believe that LSG is made for action series. He plays it very well.

  37. I agree. Suzy is the target.

    I think Lee Seunggi joined a group of mercenaries. Probably the same group that Michael had connections with during his CIA days. To me, if LSG wanted to get to the bottom of that plane crash, he would try to infiltrate the same group that carried out the mission.

  38. Yes. I’m surprised that her door only had one lock and her vehicle was a open-top Jeep Wrangler. Like yeaaaah, right. With a vehicle like that, she would have to inspect it every single time before getting on it. Not to mention if she gets caught in a sandstorm…. lol. Good luck with that jeep.

  39. Pwahahaha! You had me laughing at “My name is Bond…Vaga Bond.” Very witty, my friend!

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