Vagabond: LSG’s Shower Scene

What is it with kdrama heroes brooding in the shower?

Since @nrllee, @DEY and @agdr03 have been talking about the stills of Lee Seunggi’s shower scene so I searched for pics online.

Soompi had them.

source: Brooding Showers

I’m quoting @nrllee here on the significance of brooding showers. lol.

@DEY indeed. It is a well known fact that action men do their best thinking in the shower. When rivulets of water cascade down their well chiselled pecs and abs. Metaphorically stripping away all the non essentials and looking past the smokescreen of inevitable intrigue in the plot line. Absolutely critical in the grand scheme of things.

@DEY mentioned the brooding shower scene of Do MinJo from “You Who Came From the Stars.”

Related image

I’m sorry, @DEY but that is the dumbest scene ever. He’s lived here on Earth for what?? 200, 300 years? and he still doesn’t know how to take a shower?

However, for me, the quintessential image of a brooding, naked man is Rodin’s “The Thinker” in the Rodin Museum, Paris. To quote Rodin himself, “What makes my Thinker think is that he thinks not only with his brain, with his knitted brow, his distended nostrils and compressed lips, but with every muscle of his arms, back, and legs, with his clenched fist and gripping toes.”

Ha! Gripping toes. Let me see your toes, Lee Seunggi!!

Image result for the thinker sculpturesource:







6 Comments On “Vagabond: LSG’s Shower Scene”

  1. I’m laughing at the ‘take off the towel’ 😂

    We should add more kdrama lead actors in their shower scenes here. 🤣 So it’ll be a sight to behold but only the worthy ones ok 😆

  2. Lol. Can you imagine me heckling, “Booo! Take it off!” at that poor Do Minjo? 😈

  3. Yes I can 😂 That’s an aliens own way of showering here on earth. I mean who knows? But maybe he doesn’t even have that male part right? Because his ET in disguise 👽😂

  4. 😂. Showering with the towel takes the cake.

  5. @packmule I’m a good girl at heart 😜 So I won’t judge DMJ for the way he shower. I mean, if that’s the way alien take shower, and perhaps he might want to preserve his culture and habit, it can get lonely and homesick being alone on earth 😅 so I let him pass.

    @agdr03 that’s what I think too. I mean there’s other alien who wears his underwear on top of tights, (ehmmmm.. yes I mean you Superman!!!) Maybe it’s aliens way to express themselves on earth? We human just have to embrace the diversity 😂 anyway, what male part? 😉

    Oh right packmule LSG read your blog.. and when he got to the last part about his toe…

    Ah.. he was so happy before ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  6. The rock on which Rodin’s Thinker sits kind of looks like a toilet bowl. Close enough to the shower…

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