Extra-ordinary You: Ep 16 Swoonworthy Moment: To Agdr03

I might forget this so I’m posting these gifs now. Later when we’re doing the re-watch, I’ll just pull them up and repost them.

For many viewers, one of things adorable about DanOh was that she was unafraid to initiate skinship. Take for instance their kiss in the library in the last episode (Ch 31 at 7:47)

DanOh had made a list of things she wanted to do with Haru before graduation. She wrote on her phone:

DanOh and Haru’s list:

1. Write a letter to each other
2. Get a matching couple item
3. Kiss 100 times
4. Give each other an unforgettable gift
5. When we’re 20, meet at the 300 year tree on October 10.

Haru was making a couple item: a paper chain necklace that they could wear together. He had barely finished them when she came bounding in to see what he was doing. He then gave her the paper necklace to wear and he put on his. She thought it was a corny thing to do. But he smiled at her so nicely that she couldn’t resist him. She whacked him on arm (like a teenage girl does when she’s flirting) and said, “Yaaaah. How can I not like it when you’re looking at me like that?” She then tugged him closer so she could kiss him.

Gif credit: mufalo’s tumblr

lol. Just look at her lips puckering up for the kiss. They look like fish lips.

Image result for fish kissing gif

She actually said, “Oh come on! Why are you laughing?! Don’t you ever — (she meant to say: don’t you dare regret this and ask for your kiss later).” He asked, “What?” She replied, “Oh! Forget it!”

Of course, that was cute when she pulled his necktie but the second thought that entered my head was…what?! his necktie has an elastic neck band?? Is he still in elementary school? lol.

Gif credit: mufalo’s tumblr

For me, on the other hand, one of the things I find adorable about DanOh was that she liked to pretend afterwards that nothing happened. She would either play the innocent or go on a denial mode. She didn’t realize that her act was too obvious. People who experienced this kind of high school or first boyfriend/girlfriend relationship always have a sensitive radars to detect what’s up.

For instance, after their kiss in the library, she was the FIRST one to emerge out of the library and to sit at their usual hang-out spot by the window.

See that? That was suspicious to me. Where was Haru?

lol. You know what she was doing, right, @agdr03? To avoid detection from their nosy classmates (like Dohwa), she LEFT the library first.  lol.  They couldn’t be seen leaving the same place together.  They had to pretend that they weren’t involved in a kissing session earlier.

He followed after her. You could see him holding on to his tie. His eyes immediately searched for her.

She on the other hand was pretending as if nothing happened. hahaha.

He approached her and she began to fix her hair.

Notice how he wouldn’t let go of the tie? He was still holding on to his tie…the tie that she had messed up to kiss him. lol. I think he was dazed.

Gif credit: liveasbutterflies’ tumblr

Gif credit: liveasbutterflies’ tumblr

And to me, she looked quite content with herself. Kinda smug.

It was only later on when she updated her bucket list that we realized why. She had crossed of 100 kisses from her list.

I don’t know how she counted 100 kisses. Maybe she considered a very long kiss, i.e., a kiss that lasted a minute and 40 seconds or 100 seconds to equal 100 kisses? Who knows.

But yes, she considered her “100 kisses” goal completed.

6 Comments On “Extra-ordinary You: Ep 16 Swoonworthy Moment: To Agdr03”

  1. 😂. I thought that was cute too. KHY can do no wrong. She’s just delightful.

  2. Danoh and her kiss obsession was so funny! When Saemi told her to know if she likes someone, she must imagine herself to kiss him, she was the one to kiss him in first under the tree too, in her room she imagines a lot of things too :p

    The difference between their reaction is so cute. Haru looks like he’s wondering what just happened and Danoh is a proud teenager dreaming and Dowha didn’t understand at all what he saw :p

    I wonder how Rowoon didn’t laugh more during the shooting, I mean Kim Hye Yoon face is super cute but so funny.

  3. It’s all about the kissing session in a quiet place where people are not supposed to know but the people involved had so much excitement and their hearts beating wildly. 😍😉

    Danoh’s look said ‘ Yes! I got you and my 100 kisses!. ☺️ They are cute together even with the height difference.

    I haven’t started on this one but I’m on episode 2 of Reply 1988. 😉

  4. Good morning, @ agdr03. hahaha. You caught me! I’m cybershopping right now.

    They’re cute, aren’t they? She looked like a cat that got its cream…super-pleased with herself.

    Are you on ep 2 of Reply 1988? I’ll post something short for you then.

  5. Good morning to you! 😊 I should have just done that instead of going to the shops for this Black Friday sales weekend. I was exhausted and didn’t really think the sales were that great. 🤦🏻‍♀️ It’s only your part of the world that has great sales. 😄

    That’s why I couldn’t start on EY. But I’m getting hooked on Reply as I find it funny. Deok Seon is hilarious 😂. My only complaint is the siblings violence. 😆🙅🏻‍♀️ It’s just too much. I’ve never experienced those except for a few smacks here and there. 🤪

    I’ll comment more on your post tomorrow as I’m still recovering and needs my beauty sleep. 🤪 But the thing that struck me was what Deok Seon said to Taek – my Taek, drink milk and hurry up and grow up, you have to grow up and marry Noona’. That with a tap on his behind? 😂

  6. Yes. That tap on the behind….
    Okay, I’ll explain that, too.
    I’m posting on Reply 1988 now.

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