52 Comments On “Dr. Cutie: Eps 25 – 28 Open Thread”

  1. Stabbing! 😱 It’s a first for me too! 😂

    Can’t wait to watch the last 4 episodes but I feel I will do a rewatch! 🥰

    About to leave for open day!

    Later! 👋🏻

  2. Just watched Episode 25 for the first time. Restraining myself by not watching Episode 26 straight away…

    This episode is serious drama for the first half, without any humour. Notable here is we get a reversal from the earlier episodes. We were used to TQ lying to the men, but now it is the other way round.

    When contemplating her revenge for the death of her parents, TQ has not considered the Confucious saying “when you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves (one for yourelf)”. Couldn’t for a minute believe JH was responsible for the death of her parents, but didn’t understand why he did not deny it till now.

    Did like the humourous part near the end when Dr Ding meets Auntie Hong (aka Dr Ye) for the first time. Really liked the way she acts like a teenager!

  3. @HEHarry, Auntie Hong played Dr Ding like a fiddle. Haha.

    I like all of the role reversals, too, especially the one involving the little red book.

    Dear oh dear, the medicinal kiss! Love cures all, but this is OTT. The look on the others’ faces. 🤭😮 I think that more than one was called for, frankly.

    My only wish would be that there would be a return to the beloved and energetic TQ blarney from the 1st half of the drama. I found myself getting bored with the angst-y and repeating scenes with Zhao’er and JZ at her childhood home. There was a glimmer of the old TQ in the last scene, involving men’s clothing, so I’ll assume it’s there, just between the lines.

  4. @HEHarry , I like what you said about Confucious sayings on having two graves when planning a revenge. I felt TQ wanted that after stabbing JH. ☹️

    @Fern , have you finished it? I’m doing a rewatch of it. Yes, the angsts did take over a bit but I didn’t mind it as TQ really needed to go through the emotions of finally getting her revenge at the cost of her first love.

    I’ve seen a few yt videos of bts and there was one where they we’re doing workshops and one where the staff prepared a goodbye room for the three main leads. It had their costumes, props and lots of pictures of scenes. I thought that was nice. 😊

  5. Loved the final episode!

    Skipped eps 23 to 26 but will watch them now. 😂

    Dr Cutie >> Falling in Love

    I wanted to smack the hero there. Ugh! I guess his type doesn’t appeal to me. I prefer serious guys like Ji Heng and Ji Zheng than that Cuo.

    And the heroine?! Her cutesy behavior repulsed me. I tried to stick through this. But every time she did her stupid girl act, I was frowning. After Tian Qi’s cuteness, I couldn’t stand hers.

    Share more BTS here please. Are they subbed?

    By the way, that “healing kiss”? I didn’t think it was weird after I saw the subs. He was refusing to take the medicine. It was only after he felt her lips did he understand that it was Tian Qi urging him to open up his mouth for the medicine. That’s why not a lot of medicine was needed for the kiss. She was letting him know that it was her.

    And he responded to her even when he was “comatose”. Awwww. 😂

  6. Me too! I can watch the final episode a few times till I get sick of it? 🤔 But I doubt I’ll get sick of it. 🥰

    Yes, after seeing TQ one last time at the bridge with the fireworks, I felt he lost hope already of having a chance with her so he doesn’t want to take the medicine anymore when he collapsed.

    I thought the actual first lip touching was good because she did try to open his mouth. Did you notice her tears? Sun Qian was good there. I really like her. ☺️

    Oh the bts are not subbed, unfortunately. I was just happy watching them. Did you want it here? Let me know. ☺️

    The ending was perfect wasn’t it? 🥰🥰🥰 I love the epilogue. I wish I got my proper kiss then but it doesn’t matter. I wonder whose clause was it to not have kiss scene, her or him? 🤔😁

    Oh and their scene at the bridge was painful to watch but I liked it too. It connected everything between their childhood and right at her stabbing. How awesome was that line- when I stabbed you, I’ve severed all our connection. So good! 😭

  7. You have to watch 23-26 ok. 😁

    I haven’t gone back to IFFY because I had a hectic weekend and of course it was Dr Cutie’s ending so it’s definitely top priority. So much so that I’ve watched all of their bts etc 😂

    I’ll go back to I’ve Fallen For You once my addiction has subsided. ☺️ But it’s just because I don’t have any kdrama yet. I guess you’re not going to finish it now? All good. 😊

  8. Lol. With these Chinese actors, I don’t think they can dictate anything. They’re relatively newbies.

    They’re most likely going with the Chinese Ministry of Culture’s terms and conditions.

    We talked about the regime in NK during CLoY, but we forget that Chinese government can just be as repressing with their information and entertainment. Anyway… I don’t want to discuss politics on this Monday when I have Super Tuesday to get over with. 🙂😂

    I love the epilogue too!! The babyyyyy!

    Okay, what episode is this bridge scene you’re talking about?

    I’ve to go for my morning jog soon. Now that the weather’s not wintry anymore, I can go back to my morning jogs.

  9. I’m on Ep 12 of IFFY. But will skip a few more.

    I’ll give my grades for both Chinese shows.

  10. Oh what’s the Super Tuesday about? 😆

    True. But there we’re supposed to be a few kiss scenes and they didn’t need to be long. That medical kiss scene was vital though that’s why it had to be done. ☺️ Sorry I’m ranting now because I wanted it so bad after that epilogue with a baby. 😍 He said what does that mean after she whispered it to him. 😂 I guess he didn’t even know how to make it in the first place so we shouldn’t be surprised. 😂

    It’s episode 27. Watch it! Watch it! I’ll be on episode 1, I’ll just skip to their parts.

  11. I’m still on episode 3 of IFFY. 😂

    I’ll see how I go but right now Dr Cutie is running through my veins. 😂

    Enjoy the jog! 👍🏻

  12. The little red book was funny though. He knew he needed it for the wedding night.

    Ep 27? Okay. I must have skipped that scene.

    Super Tuesday? It’s politics so I’ll keep this short. There’s no clear-cut Democratic Party front-runner yet for the presidential election 2020. After Super Tuesday, the choice will become clearer because many states will hold their primary elections. A primary election is when voters indicate which candidate they want to represent their party in the general election. The primary elections tomorrow Super Tuesday will whittle down the choices.

    End of. 🙂

    It was funny how TQ and JH’s clothes were strewn all over the place. You could just imagine what must have happened that they were wildly disrobing themselves. 😂

  13. So how will you grade Dr Cutie? I think we have the same grade. 😂

  14. Thanks for the info about Super Tuesday. I did read somewhere about a candidate not going through with his candidacy. Hopefully it’ll get settled then. 😊

    Yes the little red book was funny but he was still smart to think of it as a guide. 😂 He couldn’t wait to get on with the honeymoon too remember? But TQ asked for wine. 😂

    So after disrobing, he’s like ‘what now?’ 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 Oh the thrill because it’s both their first time. 😈😱

  15. Did we give Love O2O A+? ☺️ I think we will have the same grade. 🥰

    This series is definitely second to Love O2O. I really had fun with it. The setting, props and costumes are all great too so that’s another bonus. 😊 I really like almost all of JH’s costume here, it really suited him and made him regal. 😍

  16. Yeah, yeah, we’re old biddies so we know (or remember 😈) all about the first times. 🥂

    She asked for a drink and he just got one cup because they’d be drinking from one cup forevermore. 🤪 I didn’t know he could be as over-the-top as Tian Qi with his speeches. He’s shameless too!!!

  17. But how do you explain her stabbing him though? Are you okay with that now?

    I liked it when she just signaled to his mom to leave her home. She didn’t have to say words. She just pointed at the exit.

    Yes. The costumes were pretty, right?

    And I liked that the two brothers were still loyal to each other. To the end. Ji Heng wasn’t a bad guy.

  18. He was shameless wasn’t he? 😂 At least his romantic like that. He didn’t need to be thought just like him giving her a gown after telling her he knew about her secret. 😄

    Oh this JH! 😍

    I’ll leave it here. Later! 😴😴😴

  19. I’ll reply to your question tomorrow. 😉 I think I can process it and accept it for what it is. ☺️ Like you said there are those love that go deeper and deeper still.

  20. I think JH can process his emotions better because he went through the wringer once already when he didn’t know about TQ’s identity.

  21. Good afternoon! 😊

    Just saw this on yt and we’re lucky it’s subbed. ☺️ I think everyone used their real voices in this drama because I’ve listened to all of the bts and they sound the same as the one on the series.


    He is cute! 😍 I liked that he went through his costumes and my fave is the blue with gold flower patterns.

  22. hahaha.

    How cute was that? Sun Qian, aka Dr. Tian Qi, was riding with him on the way to their photo shoot.

    And yes, he is cute. I like how their faces match each other, too. He has a skinny face and she has a round face.

    Thanks for sharing, agdr03.

  23. https://youtu.be/y9eF0QK_g50

    There’s another one but shorter. Look at Sun Qian, she’s always happy and hyper. 😄 They all get along well so it’s nice to see.

    I know right! They’re too cute together. 😍

  24. Yes, she was very comfy with them. She had no problems leaning in on the JH actor (I forgot his name) while she was fiddling with the camera.

    That was a good series. Overall it was fun.

  25. I thought it added as well to him blaming himself for her parents death. Remember in early episode, they showed him seeing TQ’s parents after they died?

    I’m watching it in Viki now so it’ll give me a different side to it.

  26. “By the way, that “healing kiss”? I didn’t think it was weird after I saw the subs. He was refusing to take the medicine.”
    I did think he was unconscious. I wasn’t sure he was refusing until I watched it again-again. I believe you’re right; so he was semi-conscious at least. And she wept tears right into the medicine. Sigh. 💘💔💖 Part Rapunzel and part Sleeping Beauty. His mother realised and accepted then and there. Later, when he was confirming that it was TQ who took care of him, he told Dr He/Auntie Hong that he recognised TQ’s (gardenia) scent from her sachet.🌸

    @agdr03, please write what you think after seeing the Viki version. Thank you very much for the YT links. The actors all look so sweet and comfortable with each other. I thought this was delightful.

    Do you think the brilliant Auntie Hong ends up with Dr Shifu? He was so funny about his bride-price. Usually it’s the woman who has a dowry but it was Dr Shifu who was presenting his accumulated riches to impress her. He probably didn’t know how much the owner of a brothel makes. Lol. And then she asked, ‘Do you think all of these can match my beauty?’ Of course, he has to say no, completely out-smarted. So funny. I’m not sure if he is not smart enough or JUST smart enough for her.

    Then there’s JH’s ultimate grovel – labouring at the Wanhong Club, the very place he forbade TQ to enter. Auntie Hong is so clever. #fuss over a blister; #’He is mine.’ Result. Heehee.

  27. But how do you explain her stabbing him though? Are you okay with that now?

    It’s never ok to stab someone especially the one you love but I can understand TQ’s circumstances. She witnessed her parents being killed at a young age so it was her main goal in life and it was her driving force in living again. Also, JH didn’t outright tell her about who he was. I think she would have just walked away once she found out from him that he was her ‘brother’. I feel she’ll never feel vindicated if she didn’t stab him. She didn’t mean to kill him for sure, that’s why she’s a wreck afterwards. But revenge is evil. 🙁

    I am glad that JH knew how hard it was for her all those years and yes his love for her was way deeper because he was ready to die again and again if that’s the only way for her to feel better. I’m so glad though that her love for him came through in the end. That’s why I love her conversation with JZ when he asked her why is she saving her enemy when she could be killed herself once she enters Ji Mansion again? She replied yes, in this life we are enemies but in the afterlife, I want to ask him to be with me.

    So yeah, I’m ok with it now. But only this time. I don’t want my OTP to ever be stabbed. 😬

    I can’t even imagine how this stabbing will be explained to their kids. LOL.

  28. @Fern , awww he really did love the smell from her gardenia sachet and even semi-unconscious, he recognized her and of course her lips. 😍

    I’ll definitely write something once I watched a few episodes in Viki. I was always excited to watch it when it came out hence my YouTube obsession. hehehe

    I’m sure there’s probably quite a few differences in the subbing. 🙂

    I can imagine Auntie Hong ending up with Dr Shifu. 🙂 He really thought about the whole thing hence showing her his dowry. LOL. How do you impressed the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with? You work hard and show her you can help with the household chores. 🤣

  29. ‘I liked it when she just signaled to his mom to leave her home. She didn’t have to say words. She just pointed at the exit.’

    I forgot about this one. I liked it too. I thought it was still respectful of her to just not say any more words because it still hurts for her.

    So really JH’s Mom poisoned his Dad and JZ’s Mom right? To secure his place as the next General? Did I get that right?

  30. Here is our favorite OST, All I Want Is You by Wen Huiri. 😍

  31. @agdr03, ‘How do you impressed the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with? You work hard and show her you can help with the household chores. 🤣’ Indeed. Prove your usefulness in her situation. Maybe you should write a book for men. Different than the little red book, but ultimately more valuable.

    ‘So really JH’s Mom poisoned his Dad and JZ’s Mom right? To secure his place as the next General? Did I get that right?’ Yes, that is how I understood it, too. She was definitely under the influence of her advisor Chen Wu Yong, however, and he was from the enemy camp. Do you remember someone (JH?) saying that JH’s father stopped trusting him after he returned from the war? It may well have been the advisor’s work spreading rumours/discord. However, it’s a reason but not an excuse.

    What I find interesting is that in some period dramas, the mother *never * backs down and defends her child-advancing actions even when it ends up hurting the child. It seems the woman’s only role in life is to advance her offspring. Here, I think Madame Ji feels genuine remorse. She doesn’t hang around the palace and scheme to get JH another (better) wife, either. Also, it sounds as though she and JZ ended on better terms. I really like the women’s roles in this drama; two female doctors, possibly a two more if you count Ning’er and her former servant.

  32. @agdr03, thank you for the OST video! 😍🥰

  33. You’re welcome @Fern ☺️ That video made my day.

    ‘Maybe you should write a book for men. Different than the little red book, but ultimately more valuable.’

    Is it me writing the book? 😬 Nah, I’m not good at it and we all admire men who can actually do house chores right?. ☺️

    Thanks for clarifying JH’s Mom for me. Yes, she did feel remorseful about what she did to JH and JZ. I think the fact that JH carried her sin already and got stabbed for it made her regret what she did already. The turning point was the thought that she could loose JH after everything, that made her atone for her sins. I liked that she did admit it and apologised to TQ.

  34. And since the mom becomes a nun, TQ doesn’t have to worry about being the sole lady of the Ji Manor. 😂

    It’ll be hectic today. Will write later after I come home from work.

  35. Oh watch this first before you get busy! 🥰 These two! Look at them, one is pulling hair and the other pulling an ear! 😂 Squeal! They showed the kisses there. 😍


    Later! 😉

  36. Awww TQ won’t have any problems in being the sole lady of Ji Manor. She’s smart, she can cook and she can cure sicknesses. I can imagine her having a rejuvenating clinic for every staff for her facial product. 😄

  37. And she’ll be a fun mom to have.

  38. Did he pinch her thigh? 🤪

    Be careful now, dude! You could have pinched something else!!

  39. Yes! I was going to add she’ll be a cool Mom too. ☺️

    Yes again! I wonder what conversation they were having? 🤔 Maybe she feels sleepy and so he said stay awake while pinching her thighs. 😱😂

  40. Agree with you. Madame Ji was repentant.

    She was wrong to trust her advisor Chen Wu Yong without verifying his loyalties, and to entrust him to discharge her duties as matriarch of the family instead of being more hands-on herself.

    But I’m glad she’s out of the manor.

  41. Yeah, she got influenced by him readily. It’s probably because of him that she poisoned her husband and his concubine. ☹️

    Yes, I’m glad too that Madame Ji left the manor otherwise there’s no hope for our otp. 😄

  42. @agdr03 and @packmule3, yes. Madame Ji is better off being with the nuns. I don’t think her heart was completely evil, otherwise she would have continued to do bad things. Maybe, some time in the future, they can reunite peacefully.

    I think that if TQ needs a role model, she has others. TQ’d be a great mother and will help JH be a good dad, too.

    @agdr03, thank you for the latest video. They seem totally natural together 💕. As to writing the book, hmmm. It seems to me that you and packmule3, and perhaps some other mothers of men out there, could come up with something. Romantic love without reality based love can’t last, can it? As you said, some house chores, roasting/brewing coffee, staying with someone when they are sick or sad, cooking, protecting; these things that touch us in dramas… these ‘side’ elements are things that make a relationship deep and abiding, right? I’d love to see a video collection of all time favourite things lovers do for each other that are about care and consideration, not just about sex.
    (Although I don’t have a problem Shallow Island, either.)

  43. Just watched Episode 26.

    I liked the twist where JH tells TQ he was her “little brother” but it backfires in his face. She mentions her only happy memories from her youth was with “little brother”, but the fact that her “little brother” betrayed her made her hate him even more.

  44. HEHarry, it was such a sad scene because he thought he could make things right again. 😥 Someone else said that was when he decided life wasn’t worth living.

  45. You’re right @Fern that Madame Ji is not completely evil and that one day TQ and her will be ok. 🙂

    I’ve been re-watching that video every now and then. 🥰 It’s true that Huang JunJie and Sun Qian are natural together, so natural that I’m seeing something else. LOL. But I’ve been there done that so I won’t ship them. heheheh They are the most comfortable actor/actress I’ve seen so far. It’s amazing to watch their bts. 🙂

    I would love to see that kind of video that you said too. Maybe one day we will see it. I wish I can do it but I’m hopeless with technology. hahhaha

  46. @Fern , here’s a good example of what I might have missed because of subbing issues.

    In episode 3, TQ asked who was the man they met and Grandpa Shen said it’s Commander J’s younger brother Great Brave Marquis. She said parrot? 😂 Because it sounded the same when you say it in Chinese. 😁

  47. Yes. I did wonder where that “parrot” come from.

    Maybe ask grace? Or who’s one of our Chinese translators here watching this show with us.

  48. Howdy! How did your Super Tuesday go? 😃

    No worries about this one. I think it’s the way you say that it changes meaning that’s why Grandpa Shen said’ parrot!?’. 😁

    I’m re-watching and I’m still laughing out loud. 😆 TQ daydreaming and saying ‘you look handsome, dummy!’.

    JH – HOW DARE YOU! 😡😂

  49. Okay, I’ve time to do a rewatch now. I’m off till next week. 🙂 But let me catch up on my reviews.

  50. Nice! 😃

    You go ahead with episode 2 of IGTYWTWIN (that’s a lot 😂) and episode 22 of Dr Cutie right? Oh and IFFY. 🤪

    We can do a rewatch together, we just need to set up the exact time and episode. ☺️

  51. Now it’s all over, now looking for something new to watch during lockdown.
    Starting to get into “Love is All”. Episodes 1-6 are now on YouTube.

    It started considerably lighter than Dr Cutie. However, there is a consistent underlying thread of a detective mystery going through it.

    I like the leading lady, who is very like Janice Wu. Very good facial expressions and lots of over the top behaviour. However, she is also capable of being serious. Nice interactions with the leading man, who of course she manipulates.

    There is one lady cross dressing, which works really well because she is tall and has quite a deep voice.

  52. Thanks, @HEHarry. @agdr03 and I can take a look at it.

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