Tale of the Nine-Tailed: Eps 15 & 16 Open Thread

It’s finales week!!!

For all the students lurking here, good luck on your exams! In loco parentis, I encourage you to hit the books before watching kdramas. Your oppa can wait.

For the rest, good luck with the drama! I hope everything ends well. Thank you, @Growing_Beautifully, @agdr03, @phoenix, @cleopatra @anonymous, and everyone else in the threads.

The popcorn is calling.

All sizes | DSCF2212 ポップコーン popcorn (Animated GIF/wiggle 3D) | Flickr -  Photo Sharing!

Enjoy the show!!


37 Comments On “Tale of the Nine-Tailed: Eps 15 & 16 Open Thread”

  1. Wow! That popcorn looks so real 😁 is it triple cheese flavoured? 😂

    Thanks for the finale thread. Safe travels!

  2. I have only 2 wishes:

    Lee Rang, Soo-ho (Blacky) and Yu Ri live happily ever after.

    We finally see the oft mentioned but never seen (except for ugly shoes and his mommy’s candy box) Bok Gil. I don’t care whether he’s an existing character or a brand new one, just show the guy and get done and over with the tease.

    Everyone else, better luck next time. 🙂

  3. Hey everyone,

    I do hope we will enjoy the Finale!

    I am just waiting patiently for Lee Heon and Ji Ah have a life together!!!

    That’s all Folks!

    Let’s see how that will happen…

  4. Lee Yeon obviously…
    My phone just corrected the name…😂

  5. That popcorn does look real and inviting😋😋😋 Bring it on, show!!

  6. I’ve no clue what the characters were saying cause I’ve just watched the Korean upload (will take about a day for English subs on viki.com) but without spoiling anything, the last 10 min were the most homoerotic thing I’ve seen on TV. That was really hot. I ship it. can’t wait to see what happens next.

    Strong next to last episode by the look of it though strangely they started the episode with spoilery scenes from the end of the episode.

  7. @Anonunous,

    I got to watch the first 15 minutes on Viki with English Subs.

    Tae Ri / Imoogi #2 asked Lee Yeon if Granny had a son…


    I just stopped watching because no Subs!

  8. @packmule3, I’m laughing because that popcorn is ‘quivering’.

  9. OOooh, you’re good, Fern. I thought NOBODY would notice that!!

    I’ve to up my game here. I’m losing my subtlety. Tsk tsk tsk.

  10. @Cleopatra Thank you! Subs can’t come soon enough. The episode is very dialog heavy so while action is understandable, what characters say has always been the key.

  11. @Anonymous,

    I am watching it ATM on Viki with English Subs. I have a feeling it won’t be pretty..


  12. I expected this but still tears…

  13. With ENG subs being up and running on viki.com, unlike last week when they were slow to update, I guess it’s safe to talk spoilers with spoiler warning.









    OK, so big episode for Taluipa and even bigger for the show’s main mystery box (pun intended) Bok Gil. Everyone who theorized that Terry was Bok Gil was…wrong (well not really) but yes Imugi took Book Gil’s face so that one looked like the other was the right guess. We got an explanation why Imugi picked to look like him and how he caused the tragedy (gay for Bok Gil, jealous of his wife) but we still don’t know how that story connects with Yeon/Ah Eum/Jiah. There’s either something yet to be revealed or the writers bit more than they could chew. We’ll find out tomorrow where my guess is that Yeon and real Bok Gil will meet in the Sanducheon and we possibly get some flashbacks that explain things further (and I guess Granny and Grandpa reunite with their son somehow even if for a minute to patch things up). So it should be emotional. I have no doubt that Yeon will return cause his friends and family are assembling Avengers for the endgame. Whatever it takes, I guess.

    Other observations: CEO’s mini redemption by sassing Imugi and hearing his daughter’s voice was a nice touch. Jiah’s friends continue to be useless though Sae’s deux ex machine slap was something. Apparently that’s all that takes to pacify Imugi lol. Since the girl is full of plague I duuno reveal that she is reincarnation of Bok Gil’s wife or something. Slap aside, she and her eunuch buddy are useless and the reveal that they were Ah Eum’s servants doesn’t justify why they are on the show. At least Yeon’s friends and family actually do something useful.

    Rang and Shin-jo teaming up to save Yu Ri resulted in the episode’s most adorable scene. Pure love here and Yu Ri/Shin-joo shippers can now breathe the sigh of relief – Yeon’s wedding gift to the couple pretty much sealed the romantic endgame.

    With the first half more talky with Yeon basically saying goodbyes left and right (nothing spells “I’m gonna die” like giving the cherished soup egg to your brother), second one ramped up the action between supernaturals and we got some really awesome fights between Yeon/Terry, Terry/Rang and Yeon/Jimugi. Yimugi/Terimugi dying in each other’s arms for 10 minutes full of moaning, panting and squeezing each other was the hottest thing on the show ever. I get that, officially, they were mortally wounded but unoffically this is pure yaoi bliss.

    But the episode belongs to Taluipa who had strong character scenes with Snail Bride, Yeon, Fake Gil and Bok Gil’s box. I doubt it that she will remain a stone forever but when she comes back someone please restrain her from making shoes. No wonder Bok Gil let that fashion disaster behind before jumping.

    I feel for Rang who had to impale the yaoi couple with the phallic symbol but then that will just make him more determined to get his brother back. My guess is that fox bead will be the key since they were looking for it to no avail.

    Looking forward to comments and predictions. Preview stirred clear of heavy spoilers so we have about 18 hrs to figure out what’s gonna happen. 🙂

  14. Kalimera (or good morning) from my part of the world.

    This comment will contain *SPOILERS*









    I LOVED Mr. Snail’s braveness to go and see Granny and say to say to her, all the things she had to hear out in the open!

    After that Granny’s realization that she became like a stone because she couldn’t forgive herself for Bok Gil’s death was very touching and liberating for her character. So, when she chose to help Lee Yeon, for me that was awesome. That smile in Lee Yeon’s face made my night. How amazing is someone you respect and love doesn’t let you down? Even though it didn’t go as planned, well it mattered to see her like that.

    Well, the minute I saw that Tae Ri / Imoogi #2 went to the Governor, I realized that my presumption that he wanted his Mirror in order to use it against Granny came true. Still, I didn’t like it.

    What we feared the most about those Imoogi comments came to life. As @Anonymous said above, I was pretty sure that Lee Yeon would sacrifice himself. He said goodbye to everyone, even Ji Ah.

    I got emotional in the last scene when Lee Rang and Ji Ah broke down. It was painful to watch.

    Still on Episode 16’s preview, we know that Granny is alive. Everyone is well, except from Lee Rang and Ji Ah who are obviously in much pain.

    (I found a video with the preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hfq1c1Fxc5c )

    So, what do we know?

    That they are looking for someone to give them an anwer if Lee Yeon can be reincarnated or resurrected.

    So, I don’t think @Anonymous that the fox bead will be the key. If someone like the Fortune Teller comes back into our screen, he will bargain with LR and JA and they have to give up something. As we know, FT has the fox bead. So, there has to be something else.

    I think the answer lies in the Ji Ah’s prayer: That a KIND God will do a Miracle.
    How that will happen? The Answer is LOVE!

  15. Hi @Cleopatra!

    Yes, Jiah’s prayer for a miracle is all I’m counting in now. I had tears in the last few scenes especially when Yeon said to Rang that he wanted to end it with him still himself and not the Imoogi.

    He did what he said he would do but it was still painful. I felt bad for Talupia but her change in helping Yeon was nice. Where was her husband?

    I feel we will get our happy ending though. 🤞🏻😊

  16. @agdr03

    The Elder left Taluipa the night she decided to end early Ji Ah’s life span repeating the same mistake she did in the past with her son’s wife.
    He then proceeded to save Ji Ah and since then he stays in Mrs. Snail Bride’s Restaurant.He does care about her though, that’s why Mrs Snail Bride went to Granny with her medication.

    I had tears myself in that scene. In the end, Lee Yeon sacrificed not for Ji Ah but also for the entire world. That in my book means something.

    I have the same feeling myself! LOVE and FAITH will do the job I hope!
    *Crossing my fingers*

  17. Yeah, Elder did leave after she manually changed Jiah’s date of death. That was his last straw with her. Which was really bad because she did exactly the same thing with their son.

    I just wondered whether he knew the plan but maybe not.

  18. @agdr03,

    From the conversation the Elder had with Ms. Snail Bride, I don’t think he knew.

    I think the ones who really knew was Shin Ju and Lee Rang.
    Lee Rang was the one the one who had to do as Lee Yeon asked him to and Shin Ju will do what LY asked him after the events of episode 15.

  19. There was definitely enough goodbyes in episode 15 and Yeon was prepared.

    I’m looking forward to when he comes back and hopefully not in the last 10 minutes of the show. 😄

  20. I agree!

    We need dates and kisses! LMAO!

  21. Kisses and dates! YES please!!! 🥰

  22. I still don’t get Imugi endgame. It seems to me they threw so many different motivations on the wall to see what sticks. So we now know why Imugi was fixated on Bok Gil (basically didn’t want to share their “friendship” with anyone) but that still doesn’t explain fixation on Ji Ah, unless Bok Gil’s wife was the first incarnation of Ah Eum (second reincarnation) and Ji Ah (third reincarnation). We know that, out of the two, only Bok Gil can’t reincarnate but wife can and likely did.

    Other stuff from the episode. Imugi either flat out lied that it couldn’t save lives (hello, little bird) or the writers of the show forgot that he could. If it’s the former than Lee Yeon could have that power now that he’s merged with Imugi.

    Bok Gil is either going to be brought back to life or reincarnated as someone’s kid (Yeon and Ji Ah’s, Shin-joo and Yu Ri’s take your pick). Ep 15 sets it up so that’s that.

    Yeon is totally coming back because that’s how narrative works. if a character is stuck in hell in next to last episode, than last episode is how he got out. I hope we don’t get some dumbness such as Rang taking his place. If someone should his take place that’s Taluipa. After Ep 15, it’s clear that she is really the unwitting architect of the whole disaster. Imugi is just a catalyst. She isn’t a villain cause her intentions are always good, but she is a great antagonist. Also called that Yeon pleading with her in Ep 13 or 14 was re-enact of Bok Gil pleading with her. And she promised to break rules so that’s a solid set up.

    Rang should live and if there’s justice will live. He has a chance to be a better brother to Soo-ho than Yeon was to him. So that’s a terrific closure of this character arc that is the best on the show. We’ll see.

    Since Sanducheon (sp?) is going to be a big part of the episode, lets see if FT = King Yeomra theory pans out. Wouldn’t make sense not to see the King and also the twist is more likely than a brand new character. I used to think, once, that the old one-eyed man was a much bigger deity than let on but recent developments point at FT as KY.

  23. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Ep 15 – When Deals Made came to Fruition or were Overturned
    Finally had time to watch Ep 15 with subs. I enjoyed it thoroughly. Show has managed to remain coherent along it’s chosen trajectory and logic, which is a relief. I laughed to see so many twosomes making deals and was wondering which deal would supercede which.

    LY and Imoogi1’s deal obviously was going to be a double cross of a double cross and not hold. It was just a matter of which character’s cross would override.

    Unfortunately Taluipa’s belated deal with LY which might just have worked, totally had no chance because of Imoogi1’s and 2’s deal with each other. Imoogi 1 with Imoogi 2’s deal was intriguing. At last they brought in the other ‘magic’ article (the Mirror of the Moon), and put it to use. I liked that Imoogi 2 in Ji Ah’s body even got some super human strength to fight LY with.

    Ji Ah’s deal with LR was interesting. They both wanted to keep LY alive, but with LY turning into Imoogi, LR had to choose his brother’s deal over Ji Ah’s.

    Imoogi 1 and Yu Ri’s deal seems to have held since YR still tried to keep LR from entering the Samdo River house

    LY and LR’s deal also held since LR did drive that sword through both LY and Imoogi. That was a nice touch, because being impaled together meant that Imoogi couldn’t get away and LY was able to drag them over the edge to Samdo River.

    I assume LY’s deal with Shin Joo will hold so that SJ will take care of Ji Ah in LY’s absence.

    What amused me – Taluipa who was as cold as stone and who has the power to turn others into stone, most appropriately got turned into stone herself LOL. She took long enough to see herself in the ‘mirror’ with Snail Bride’s words and Hubby’s thoughtful gift of Glucosamine, to understand that her anger was actually hiding her shame/guilt over being a lousy mum. Ironically the next mirror she got to look into was the Mirror of the Moon, and she got herself ‘stoned’, LOL.

    I don’t really think CEO’s regret and attempt at remembering his family can be considered a redemption. It did nothing good for anyone and it wasn’t much of an apology for all the evil he had done.

    Lee Rang is only slightly redeemed by following through on his deal with LY, but he had earlier tried to get Ji Ah killed, which was a self-serving move to keep LY alive on his own terms and against LY’s wishes. The only thing is that he’s made the character growth to care for others a bit more.

    I’m waiting for Yu Ri to be less self-serving in her attitude and to care for others generally, rather than just for her fave persons.

    The best redemption was Taluipa’s, a bit late and ineffective in this episode, but she’s still got Ep 16 to prove her worth.









    Ep 16 = GOT Season 8 all over again. Thanks for nothing Korean D&D. I’m going to pretend that Ep 15 was the end. After all, this show is made only for the fans of Yeon and Ji Ah and no one else.


  25. I LOVED IT!!!

    (First thoughts after watching Episode 16!)

  26. I honestly think they ran out of money and shot new cheap footage around the old footage. That should explain why 50% was recycled scenes from previous episodes. It was so boring. 50% old footage and 50% filler. Nothing happened. One character disappearing and the other reappearing were the only significant things which amount to exactly 30 sec out of 1 hr and 19 minutes of completely plotless forced farce that dropped all loose threads and unanswered questions in order to be a looooooong self-congratulatory ‘well, we made it to the end” trainwreck. But if that isn’t infuriating enough, it breaks its own universe:


    In order to have a cake (LR sacrifices himself for LY to atone for being a bad boi) and eat it too (still gets a happy ending), they had LR die unceremoniously (he disappears into the light in slo mo while Yu Ri, Blacky, Shin-joo scream Nooooo in slo mo) only to be reincarnate as an 8 years old kid like 3-4 days later or something? How the heck that works? The kid was already born while LR was still alive. How can the kid be his new life? Not a single reincarnated character on the show was born while their past self was still alive. So this is breaking the rule of the universe for cheap happy ending.
    Another one. Yeon returns from the dead as a human. That’s both his punishment and his wish granted (he moped for several episodes about wanting to be human and he and Jiah role-played human life in bathroom break scenes). So all good cause that’s what he and Jiah wanted right? Well, no. We find out in the last 30 seconds that he is happy to still be a fox on the hunt for foxes that broke rules.Yep that’s the “twist”. Yeon is still a fox like in 15 episodes before and back to hunting supernatural Most Wanted like in Ep 1. What a great character progression (sarcasm).
    yeah this was terrible. The less said about Taluipa and her husband suddenly behaving like sitcom characters the better. Such a weird choice after the events of Ep 15.
    Worst finale I’ve ever seen. Honestly, this didn’t feel like a finale but like a deleted scenes/outtakes/goofs and gaffes feature on DVD.

  27. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Even before watching Ep 16, I like the title of the episode: “The Re-written Tale of the Nine Tailed” sounds like the kind of twist that will make me sit up.

  28. Looking forward to watching the last episode tonight! I saw LDW’s interview below after shooting his last scene and I can feel his sadness that the drama has ended.


  29. Kalimera (good morning) from my part of the world.

    I enjoyed the ending so very much. I will be writing later on!

  30. Now we have an Ending… *Spoilers*









    In the first part of the episode 16, we got to see how our characters all mourned Lee Yeon. I liked that it was realistic. I also liked how Ji Ah tried to wait for him and did that documentary dedicated to Lee Yeon.

    Watching Shin-Joo proposing to Yu-Ri was a very beautiful scene. The boy can sing!
    I really liked that Shin Joo tried to make everyone come together, as he promised to Lee Yeon and he broke down on his engangement day.

    I also enjoyed the extended family they created with Yu-Ri. Lee Rang and Soo-Oh being all together to the new apartment Lee Yeon’s gave to him was funny, yet emotional.

    I think that Lee Rang started to realize how important is to be part of a family, how it empowers you and make you feel protected. And for that reason he grown up emotional and as a character. He might have a cocky appearance, but he is a softie.

    So, the might Fortune Teller came again to Seoul in episode 16. And we find out that he is indeed the God of Reincarnation. We also learn that Taluipa is bugging her Brother King Hades to do something for the sacrifice Lee Yeon did.

    I expected that Lee Yeon will be coming back from the dead. I also expected that this will happen because of LOVE. And Lee Rang sacrificed himself with the last life span he had, in order his brother to live and have his happy ever after with Ji Ah. I find this okay as was his sacrifice the ultimate and unselfish action of Love, as Black did in Black Series.

    Now, that I call redemption. Lee Rang’s character did a full circle.
    That’s why he reincarnated so shortly in that boy.

    As for Granny and Elder, I am glad they tried to sort things out between them and what happened to their son. Life is hard, especially to a family that loses a child. Families are coming apart.

    So, Taluipa trying to be in better terms with the past and with her husband means that she is trying to heal all that was broken inside her and in their relationship. So this message is loud and clear.

    Now, Lee Yeon returned as a Human. We also got our lovely and ever after with that marriage. (Can someone explain to me the mechanics of getting married by yourself in Korean Culture? I have seen the same thing in Goblin.)

    Did he return as a Human Being, though? I think he did.

    But how are going to explain the ending ? I am a sassy girl, so I want to accept the following logical scenario based on our story so far.

    We found out early in the series that Ji ah was human but had a primary part of the Imoogi in her. At first was a sleep with the Fox Bead, but when it was threatened it took control of her.

    So, basically I am assuming the same thing. Lee Yeon returned as a human being, but because he died with Imoogi in him, I think he got resurrected with a nine tailed fox part in him, that activated when the circumstances arose.

    And that’s my explanation about the ending!

  31. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Cleopatra, nice thoughts on the last episode.

    I’m not sure about the couple being by themselves only and getting married thing, but I believe in Korea, people can ‘say that they are married’ and later on get the marriage registered. If it was never registered, and the couple breaks up, they don’t even have to go through a divorce.

    Marrying by themselves … I’ve seen it happen in Rooftop Prince, Goblin (as you noted) and in this show. In the case of the first 2, it was impossible to explain the bridegroom’s origins or antecedents, or (in RP) he was going to disappear anyway but they wanted to be ‘married’ before he did. Also the girl’s ‘family’ if they existed, did not know of the guy or care for their own daughter/sister. They just wanted to formalize it, privately if that makes sense.

    Ji Ah’s case is weird because her parents are in the picture and they like Lee Yeon, so the wedding should more normally take place in their presence. Since we are not shown, I guess JA’s parents allowed them to do things their own way. They wanted total privacy, so not a single friend was even there to witness it.

    Did he return as a Human Being, though? I think he did.

    But how are going to explain the ending ? I am a sassy girl, so I want to accept the following logical scenario based on our story so far.

    We found out early in the series that Ji ah was human but had a primary part of the Imoogi in her. At first was asleep with the Fox Bead, but when it was threatened it took control of her.

    So, basically I am assuming the same thing. Lee Yeon returned as a human being, but because he died with Imoogi in him, I think he got resurrected with a nine tailed fox part in him, that activated when the circumstances arose.

    This is a pretty neat solution to the conundrum. Congrats, you might be right and this might be what the writer had in mind with that surprise ending!

    That red umbrella of Lee Yeon’s remains a mystery. I believe an ancient cloth or paper based version of it was given to LY by the girl who was later reincarnated as Ji Ah. He kept the pattern that was on it when he got himself a modern, automatic umbrella. I’d like to think that it’s a magic umbrella, which in the hands of a gumiho, can turn into a sword.

  32. @GB,

    Thank you! I tried to have a logical explanation for the ending, according to what we have seen so far in the plotline.

    As for the wedding. I haven’t seen anything like it before Goblin. That’s why I asked. I thought it was something in their culture, I wasn’t awared of.

    I have read about the wedding rituals in Ancient Athens, but they were wide open to the family and friends, because the -legal- male offspring could earn the status of a citizen (politis / πολίτης)

    About the red umbrella / sword, I think you are right. Lee Lim in TKEM, also had his sword in his umbrella, except the Manpasikjeok. I am glad he left it to Ji Ah. It must have had a deeper meaning as you suggested!

  33. For the marriage it’s just paperwork that they need to fullfill for administration. Then how they want to celebrate it, it depends : catholic marriage, a big ceremony with a friend as host, just the couple, etc.

    Maybe if they did a big ceremony with everybody, Rang’s absence would have been painful for a happy day.

  34. Dear @Sayaris,

    Thank you for the information. This is not how it happens in my part of the world.
    You can either get married in an orthodox church or go to the Mayor’s House.

    The past two years, if I am correct, you can fullfill some paperwork for administration that say that you legally live with someone else and that’s it.
    But it is kinda new for us. Still some partners do it.

  35. Howdy ladies!

    I’ll second you @Cleopatra in saying that I love the ending of this series. ☺️ I’m sorry I’m only posting now but I finished it last Friday and I had tears. I’m probably due for some tear duct exercise so yeah. 😁

    It’s so good to think of how you explained why Yeon is still a fox at the end of the show. It made sense. I liked that Jiah, Rang, ShinJu, Yuri and Soo-ho tried to move on with their lives but still living with the hope that Yeon will return.

    I was happy that Rang made that sacrifice and yeah that’s his redemption for me. I can imagine Taluipa nagging her brother to bring back Yeon.

    I liked the wedding and the kisses that was shown. I was happy that I watched this drama. I can imagine that Yeon and Jiah having 4 kids. 😉

  36. @agdr03,

    You are not late at all! We all have our own pace to things!
    I am glad you loved it as I did! Finally, a finale that is not open or bittersweet! I am glad I watched the show with all of you! It was an interesting ride!

    It would be nice if we have a spin off with Lee Yeon’s daughter following her father’s legacy! I wonder though, what Ji Ah would do if she ever finds out that her Hubby Lee Yeon is a Hybrid Human with a Nine Tailed Fox…*LMAO*

  37. Hello everyone- I just finished watching the last episodes over the weekend and I liked the ending too. I agree with @Cleopatra and @agdr03 that it’s a relief to have a happy ending after all🙌 I thought Rang’s redemption arc was well done too, as was the closure for Taluipa and her husband. Of course I liked the kiss scenes at the end..so I’m not complaining about how LY continues to be a fox at the end😛 This drama was a light watch; while not memorable in itself, it was good while it lasted. So don’t regret watching it either😊

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