Space Sweepers: Review

This movie was engrossing as soon as the opening credits rolled in. Didn’t you wonder why we were greeted “Merry Christmas” in February? Was the production company really named Merry Christmas. Lol.

The lead characters were likeable. Special effects were decent. No sex scenes, can you believe that, Hollywood?!

This is my review-unlike-other-reviews.

1. Imagery

I’ve come to expect overarching symbols and imagery from Korean screenwriters and directors, and I wasn’t disappointed here.

Taeho’s shoes. In the beginning, Taeho traded his magnetic space boots for a chance to look in the morgue. Without shoes, he piloted his ship “Victory” in socks. In the end, Taeho bought himself 10 pairs of shoes. But lack of money wasn’t the only reason he couldn’t buy himself shoes. Shoes were also a reminder of his quest for his dead daughter, Suni. He wrote a ditty for her that went, “I think of you when I’m eating food. When I tie my shoes, I always think of you.”

Dorothy/Kang KotNim. I don’t speak Korean, but I thought “Kot” sounds like the Korean word for flower or blossom, and “nim” means “mister” or “madam.” Since she was going to be instrumental in making plants bloom again, naming her Miss Flower would be apt.

Same with her colorful outfit, and her fondness for drawing pictures in Cray-Pas oil pastel. Oil pastel is more vibrant in color than regular crayons. These character details foreshadowed her important role to the planet Earth. She was going to paint the planet again in brilliant colors.

Tiger Park/Giraffe. The tattoo on his neck was a giraffe. I think that’s his spirit animal; he’s actually as gentle as a giraffe with KotNim. He thought KotNim was drawing a giraffe but KotNim said it was a diplodocus, a long-necked, plant-eating dinosaur.

“Leben und Lieder” or “Life and Songs.” The robot Bub was seen reading the book of poetry by Rainer Maria Rilke in the end. It’s a blink-and-you-miss-it moment. Rilke is a famous 19th century Austrian poet. But *I think* the connection with Bub is the gender confusion. Before Rilke was born, his mother had a daughter who died shortly after birth. She fixated on having another daughter. When Rilke was a child, his mother dressed him up as a girl. He grew up confused about his sexuality, just like Bub — who was exploring its gender.

2. Environmentalism

The “Black Fox” was the environmentalist group accused of stealing the child android Dorothy. On the news, disinformation was spread that the android was engineered for terrorism since it could detonate on command.

Personally, I find it ironic that the environmentalist group would be at odds with the UST president James Sullivan. In my opinion, Sullivan was the ultimate environmentalist. He was the personification of environmentalism pushed to the extreme. He absolutely hated pollutants and was determined to eradicate them with his means and power.

Unfortunately however, he believed that men were the worst pollutants. They committed atrocious crimes against nature. That’s why he demanded that only the best would inhabit his pristine environment. He wanted none of the undesirables since they would create adverse effects on his newly created Eden. From his extremist perspective, the members of the “Black Fox” were misfits; they had “greed and hatred” engraved in their DNA; they hated that he selected a chosen few to enjoy the benefits of the new Mars colony and coveted the same for themselves.

Of course, Sullivan didn’t realize that it’s the case of the pot calling the kettle black. He was just as greedy and full of hatred as the people he accused.

Moreover, I think that the environmentalist message was clumsily shoehorned into the script. Take this dialogue for instance.

Sullivan: As you are all aware, at UTS, we have been carefully cultivating life on Mars using the Tree of Life, the Super Plant. Now in three days’ time, when Mars is at its closest point to the orbit, we will be announcing the grand opening of the new Mars colony. (He interrupts himself to talk about the dirt on his hands) This? This isn’t dirty. Human beings are dirty. Their crimes against nature are. Which I assure you there will be none of in our new Eden.
Reporter: There’s something else that won’t be in your new Eden. Ninety-five percent of the human population. They’re still living on Earth which has long turned into a living hell. What about the people left behind?

Meaning only 5% could flee the dying planet and call Mars colony their new home. The reporter raised a good point but then he segued into…

Reporter: Or the space laborers from Earth? There is a humanitarian crisis unfolding before our eyes.

Hello???? 95% of Earth’s human population are living in a hellhole and this reporter’s talking point is about the space laborers??? Tone-deaf much? 

Sullivan’s aide: (interrupting) The purpose of this meeting is –
Sullivan: No, no, it’s…he’s right. This is a crisis which as a company we will be addressing.
Reporter: Space is full of trash. Expired satellites, abandoned space vehicles, and leftover space construction materials have collided to form millions of scrap metal parts precariously floating in space. Workers risk their lives to chase down space debris flying ten times faster than a speeding bullet just to be able to afford their next meal.

See what I mean about shoehorning this environmental message? What’s the ratio of earth-dwellers to space laborers? If there were 3 billion people living in hell on Earth, and about 1 thousand space sweepers living in hell in space, shouldn’t this reporter advocate for the 3 billion when given a chance to speak up and implore Sullivan’s help?

But yeahhhh, I get it. The titular group had to be introduced into the show. 🙂 They were important people, too, these space-age garbage collectors.

Incidentally, the title in Korean is 승리호 which is translated as Spaceship Victory.

3. Captain Jang

I like her. She wasn’t a physical, kickass fighter, but she was badass leader, nonetheless. I liked it when she tricked the police to leave their ship or forced the Black Fox group to disclose their operation.

I like how she cheats in poker. (I think they were playing poker with go-stop cards). As a trained engineer, she modified her “Top Gun” aviator sunglasses. That’s how she could see through the cards of the robot Bubs when they played poker. I like her ingenuity.

Because of those glasses, she detected the tattoos on the Black Fox members, and she saw KotNim’s special power when she saw her stop the gunfire at the nightclub. She understood nanobiotechnology. Taeho rifled through Kotnim’s baggage and saw the same books but he didn’t make the connection. Captain Jang did.

Didn’t I tell you that nerds are the sexiest? 😂

I like that she made her own lightweight laser blaster, too. She might not know how fly the spacecraft, but she’s their artillery. Taeho was their pilot; Tiger Park was the engineer; she was their weapons specialist.

Bub was the whole crew.

I like that she was feisty but wasn’t reckless (side-eyeing the heroine in L.U.C.A.). Too often, when writers create a “strong” female protagonist, they equate strength with physical ability, not mental prowess. The end result is an annoying woman who could karate-chop her way out of street brawl but would be clueless at leading a team of men into battle. Captain Jang was a different mold.

4. Money

For me, money was a red herring.

The movie opened with the text, “In 2092, forests vanish and deserts spread. Fading sun and acidic soil cause plants to disappear. Fleeing the sick earth, UTS Corporation builds a new orbiting home for humanity. But only a chosen few can ascend.”

That last sentence seemed to indicate a class struggle between the poor masses and the rich elite.

It didn’t help at all that Song JoongKi was contrasted with Richard Armitage. The viewers had no clue who Song JoongKi’s character, Taeho, was when he entered a seedy “Lost and Found” area. He looked rather shady himself as he tried to pawn off a few cups of rice.

In comparison, the viewers were briefed on Richard Armitage’s character, James Sullivan, prior to meeting him. “Doctor, physicist, aerospace engineer, historian. He’s the wealthiest man in the world as well as the oldest at 152 years old.” When Sullivan appeared in the middle of green field, talking animatedly of his plants, he looked like down-to-earth man. I couldn’t help thinking: he tended his own garden despite being the richest man in the world? Wow!

But eventually, the motivations became clearer.

Money wasn’t the end-goal for the crew of the “Victory.” It was only a means to an end. Taeho needed money to retrieve his daughter’s body before it disappeared completely in space. The robot Bub needed money for the expensive skin grafts so it could blend in with humans. Capt Jang needed money to retrofit her ship in the event that she met up with Sullivan again.

Even for Sullivan, money wasn’t the determinant. He was the richest man in the world so what’s the point of acquiring more money or surrounding himself with the moneyed people?

He told the reporter as much.

Sullivan: Did you know that you can tell a person’s moral disposition by his or her DNA? The first thing we see is character. At UTS, we select only the most upstanding citizens to bring to space. Special Force Squad are the exception. That these people are wealthy is just a coincidence. I don’t care about money. When you are as old as I am, money is hardly of consequence.

What Sullivan wanted was a “cleansing.” Instead of ethnic cleansing that Hitler and the Nazis did from 1933 to 1945, he wanted a wholesale cleansing of immoral people.
By calculating the years, we realize the Sullivan was a product of his time. He was born in 1940.

2092 – 152 = 1940. And we know what started in 1940, right?

Sullivan: I lost my family. A war broke out the year I was born. My father died in battle, and my mother had to beg on streets to provide for me and my four siblings. Genocide swept through our village. Every day, I saw dead bodies falling. When I was six years old, my family was killed. Burned alive before my eyes. I saw my mother screaming as her chin melted away. And in that moment, I made a promise to myself. I vowed that I would make the world a better place.

From history, Sullivan acquired a warped sense of self-righteousness.

Sullivan: This is your true nature. Greed and hatred are engraved in your DNA. Did you really believe you deserved a place in Eden? Answer me!
Reporter: No…
Sullivan: You’re a vile pollutant. You crawl into my paradise and infect it with your filth. The world will never be a better place while it’s infested with scum like you. My job is to cleanse the infection. The future of humanity depends on it.

That’s why I say that the money was the red herring in this movie.

5. Last but not the least, words of wisdom

Kotnim: There’s no up or down in space. Nothing out here is better or worse than anything else. That’s because everything out here has its special place.
Taeho: Who told you that?
Kotnim: That’s what Dad always says.

I understand what the writer is getting at here. Although I would caution people to apply Kotnim’s perspective to matters pertaining to morality and ethics, this is the best alternative — offered by this writer — to Sullivan’s worldview. The undesirables like the Reporter and Taeho, (even Sullivan?) can find a place in the new Eden. There was no need to purge the new world of people who are deemed as moral degenerates because everyone has flaws, and is a work-in-progress.

Me? I would say that extremist views like Sullivan’s could be curbed with a little bit of compassion and humanity.

Okay. That’s it. My “review” of the movie.

18 Comments On “Space Sweepers: Review”

  1. Really a good one as always. Here some cookies 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪😊

    I agree that it is hard to find one female lead like Capt. Jang in kdrama. Lady Aeshin is a close one as well as Kudo Hina, both of which came from Mr. Sunshine. I have high expectation for Kim So Hyun to rock the princess x assassin role. Looking forward to some action sageuk next🥰

  2. Great review @PM3!
    Some thoughts on your review:

    On Kotnim being “flower “ is so apt. Not the delicate type but the ones that yield fruit. Her English name as Dorothy then may be related to the Wizard of Oz? She meets Bubs (Tin Man), Lion (Mr Tiger who is a toughie but softie), Scarecrow (Tae-Ho – she keeps asking why is he seemed afraid of her) and the witch (Capt Jung) on her journey. You can probably expound this parallelism better than I can.

    Although the intro of the space sweepers in the conversation was awkward, I think the underlying message was that humans thru companies like UTS are also polluting space. Both Sullivan and the Black Fox seem to ignore this fact though, a lot of their focus is earth as environment. Sullivan has solution for a new livable Mars and his Eden “snow globes” but he is also a pollutant of space, the very thing he hates about humans.

    I agree on Sullivan’s motivation is purging and cleansing. He could have used the same tech for Mars to Earth but instead he wanted Earth to be destroyed. He also played god and judge of people’s character (thru our DNA?). He missed the point that being god also means being merciful.

    He seemed to be morphing into a sub-human with the red veins. I guess he would not have reached 150 years old without some boosters. Maybe it’s the dirt he eats? LOL! We were all turned off when he ate without washing his hands. Way to show he was a “down to earth” leader, literally! I found it a bit funny that he was trying to be Darth Vader with his voice and the last sequence when he flew a space craft to fight directly with Victory.

    Capt Jang
    Yup, she rocks!!! she’s a genius and we had money on her to figure out who and what Kotnim can do. We also understand why she drinks thru her backstory. Glad she kicked the habit after. I was worried there would be a drunk female trope in the movie. Whew!

    But there is also a jab on adults who already figured out Kotnim’s powers but not ask for her help or ask her her ideas. Adults always treating children protectively and insulating them from problems. I hope that if there will be a part 2 of this that Kotnim will be part of the solution. If they end up in trouble, She’s gonna save the day anyway!

  3. Insightful as always, thank you! I took the movie for granted because I put on the English dub and multi-tasked (what’s a wfh mom gotta do?!) But I loved how you pointed out the subtleties ~ now it’s like I never missed a thing!

  4. First thought was this movie was scheduled for Christmas’20, but I was wrong… Although it was planned to release in Korea somewhere last year before it went to Netflix. So I was wondering why the production co. named themselves MerryChristmas… attention grabbing?! Beats me. But I like their logo design!

    I felt that irony of the ‘Black Foxes’ being at odds with Sullivan too. I thought being humanitarian activists suit them better maybe. Sullivan wanted a Utopia, his version… his self-righteousness made him a terror lol. And yes, Capt Jang was soo cool!

    Also like the light-hearted ending, in the sense that none of the leads characters died in the movie 🙂

  5. #packmule3 and commenters, haven’t watched yet, but will watch tonight. You made it all so tempting. Live sci fi and want to see more nin-American productions. Is the name Dorothy a meta for The Wizard of Oz?

  6. @Old American lady – yes, I think Dorothy is meta for WoOz! In my comment above, the ragtag team has Tin Man (Tin woman in this case), Lion, Scarecrow and the good witch!

  7. @Janey, Just thinking about how WoOz has influenced so much media in many countries (may even have inspired the tornado(cyclone) in CLOY-tge CG sure looked like it).

  8. @Old American Lady – oh yeah, the tornado in CLOY is WoOz meta! I’m a newbie in BOD so it’s only lately that my eye for “meta” has been opened! 👁 thanks for the back reference!

  9. @Janey, I’mnew to “meta” too. It’s like the new Easter eggs. So much fun to find and share. And BoD is a fun place to find it all.

  10. I always like your review @packmule3
    Thank you for sharing it with us

    Thanks for The description of every character. I wondered about what Bubs read and now I can see why the scene is there.

    And yes I also note that there is no romantic or sex scene in here, yet this movie is still great right. That’s why I thought I could watch it with the entire family because I think it is safe.. I wish Hollywood could consider this for their future movies 😅

    I especially like Captain Jang here. She is the one who realized first who Kotnim actually is (not robot), she is a truly observer, and like you said she is also a badass leader. I can’t imagine anyone else could bring out this character as beautiful as Kim Tae Ri. There is something with her voice that made me feel calm and at the same time I could feel the strength in it. Hahaha..

    Oh and I want to appreciate the children here both Kotnim and Suni. They are so adorable.

    Somehow I see Sullivan is like Thanos in a way. He cares about something so much that he thought his solution is the only way to make everything right.
    And to relate this with the words of wisdom that Kotnim said: I see that every creature is holding a special purpose in their lives. Some people thought that it is better to live with certain kind of population and destroy the others, because they have not been able to see the purpose of every one.

  11. Oh! You’re right about the Wizard of Oz references, Janey! I love that.

    Bubs is Tin Man
    Tiger Park is Lion
    Taeho is Scarecrow
    Glinda the Witch is Capt Jang
    KotNim is Dorothy

    It’s funny because Wizard of Oz didn’t enter my mind at all because I was thinking of Dorothy HAMILL’S bowl haircut. 🙂

    Yes. Taeho was scared of KotNim because he was reminded of his missing daughter. He probably didn’t want to be emotionally moved by another child again.

    And yes. Capt Jang drank because she didn’t want to be reminded that she lost her crew and she was the lone survivor. But she was ready to self-destruct and take Bubs, Tiger Park and Taeho down with her. That’s why she bit down on the implanted bomb in her mouth. If Sullivan didn’t remove it in the nick of time — it had 4 seconds left — the whole ship would have exploded.

    True. They could have asked Kotnim for help. That scene when all four of them hid reminded me of Monsters, Inc when the monsters got scared of the little lost girl who happened to wander into their territory. They thought she was toxic. (Hmmm…I just checked. One of the monsters was named James Sullivan like James Sullivan in Space Sweepers.)

  12. I cheated, 2uke. I fast-forward-ed to see if any of the leads died in the end.

    Did you notice that there wasn’t a lot of blood in the movie? When the Space Force shot the Black Fox people and dragged their bodies out, there wasn’t a trail of blood. A Hollywood movie would have been gorier.

  13. Really, StarlettOnAB? It was dubbed??!! Why did I watch it in Korean with subtitles when it was already dubbed into English? lol.

    But I’m so used to reading subtitles that the thought didn’t enter my head to check the Audio. lol.

  14. And here I was thinking about Dorothy from Resident Evil when I was watching this movie since that is one lethal Dorothy 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  15. @PM3 – Monsters Inc, another meta! I also confirmed with the kids, we remember James “Sully” Sullivan. He was the best scarer but he was one of the good guys. And Kotnim is as cute as Boo!

  16. Yes! The Merry Christmas. I saw it and I was like ‘what?’. 😁

    Thanks for the review. It’s amazing that a movie carried itself without any kissing or romantic scenes but it’s all about four people who formed a family because of the genuine concern for a little girl named Kotnim. ☺️

    I agree, both Kotnim and Su-ni are the cutest! 😍

  17. Haha… I thought Jang n Park were dead until they appeared again 😮 My guess is this film primarily target at Korean family audience, although it’s multi-lingual. It was meant to premier in Korean cinemas during the Chuseok holiday (equivalent of the Mooncake Festival widely celebrated across East Asia) but Covid-19 spoilt it all according to Google.

    Yes, I did noticed the blood was missing n earnestly thought it was a laser gun-so no blood hehe. Talking about bloody-no blood, yesterday I was watching Mr Queen ep 17, it appeared hilarious to me that Lady Choi was slashed by a big knife (upfront view) n there was no blood! Woah, that’s v lame hahaha 😂

  18. Watched this with my friends for our movie night yesterday, they’ll do Korean movies but don’t have patience for dramas lol.

    Tbh we were too busy bantering for me to analyse like I do with a drama but Captain Jang stuck out to me as well. And like @Janey we discussed why the crew didn’t utilise Kotnim’s ability to communicate with nanobots to solve their problems. I guess they were so focused on trying to save her they didn’t realise she could save them too.

    Cute movie, if this is a franchise concept then I’m here for it!

    @Packmule most if not all Korean movies on Netflix UK/US are now dubbed in English. I don’t use it because I prefer the original audio but I imagine it’s great for when you can’t pay attention to subtitles.

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