Sisyphus: Episode 7 Recap by Nrllee

@nrllee wrote this recap. Thanks, @nrllee. Your snarky side comments were hilarious.

I’m just adding my comments here and there, and some screenshots.



She wakes. Frilly curtains. Just as frilly dress. Where was her slinky maroon number? Her mind wanders back to the…hot steamy night….no…gun shot…she checks her leg. Rips off her catheter again (ouch).

I find that intriguing, @nrllee. I don’t think she minds getting treatment for her wounds as long as they’re not invasive…you know, needles, blood drawing, IVs. (spoiler) Considering what we know about the tightly-guarded hospital that she raided in Episode 8 to acquire antibiotics for her dad, I suspect that medical assistance/treatment from hospitals wasn’t available to all citizens in the post-apocalyptic world.

No name female (Sun’s sister?) speaks in hushed tones with Sun. O… she was the one who did the undressing…and dressing…of the wound. And put the drip on. SH’s first thoughts are of TSul (who else? ❤️). Sun shows her the news on TV and says he’s fine. SH is unconvinced and tries to reach him on the phone. No joy. She walks out into the kitchen and sees Sun’s mom cooking and offering his sister a taste. Flashback to when she was tasting her mother’s cooking in the kitchen. Sun’s mom tells them to sit and have a meal. Sun’s sister plays matchmaker. Family table banter.

Ha! So Seohae’s inspiration for being a “misogamist” was Jaesun’s sister? Seohae had written on the back of the photo she sent to Taesul, “I don’t want to get married to you either.” I bet she wanted to look cool.

And just so we know…the subbers translated them differently.


SH looks pensive as she gets another flashback. Her mother is handing her over to the care of her dad. She says goodbye, heads outside and closes a thick steel door on them as they weep. The ground shakes as the door shuts.

I mentioned this in the Open Thread, but I’ll repeat myself because I’ve a short memory.

My wild guess is her mother decided to leave the bunker because she required something to survive that wasn’t readily available to them… like a steady supply of medicine for a degenerative disease. So instead of burdening her family, she left the bunker. Also, we’ve seen glass jars in Seohae’s suitcase. We haven’t seen their contents and I wondered if they contain medicine. (spoiler) In Episode 8, Sigma also brought home jars. They contained pills.

Outside on park benches. Sun offers her a drink. He tells her he won the Lotto with the numbers she gave him. Flashback to the train station. He fills her in on all the details about how he got lucky. And then how he tried to find her again by tracking down Han TSul. Staking out in front of his house for days. Until he spots them heading into the house.

Note: The reason Seohae knew the lotto numbers was because this event already happened in the past. Jaesun’s lotto ticket was for August 13.

Had he asked at the train station what day it was, he would have been told that it was August 15. Taesul’s bodyguard was buying their train tickets on August 15 for the Busan conference on that day.

Jaesun wasn’t aware of the time skip because when he went back to the restaurant, his clock reverted to its original time, August 13. That’s why the news report he heard that night was still speculating about the return of Taesul as CEO. “Q&T CEO Han Taesul expected to return to the office soon.” There was no report of the sniper attack in Busan that happened on the August 15, because Jaesun was set back in time to August 13.

Had it been August 15, or any day thereafter, the news reports would have been about the sniper incident at Busan conference and the kidnapping of Taesul.

Sun – “Han TSul and you seemed all lovey dovey together (you got that bit right 2ML), so I didn’t want to help you (jealous much? But Sun, 2ML needs to be the one to give it all for the girl even when he has no chance you know? That’s just part of the deal?)…but I thought I should return the favour (sure you did.). That’s why I followed you”. (And came to her rescue. Just like a 2ML would. Hoping to dazzle her with your fancy ride and cool sunglasses – which you wore driving even though it was night 🤣. Maybe because you are “Sun” you know? And you had to wear “Sun” glasses? Okay that was bad…moving right along). “It goes from zero to 100 in 4.4seconds.” Like she’d care? But she indulged him and smiled…and that was enough.

Well…to put this in proper perspective: Jaesun just bought a car that can go zero to 100 in 4.4. seconds. But Taesul invented a time machine. It’s a no-brainer. Taesul’s “gadget” was more impressive.

He returns her gun. And tries to get her to tell him more but she shuts him up. You don’t need to know. He tries to sweet talk her. Can I call you SH? No.

I wish Netflix would actually use the Korean word Jaesun used for Seohae. He decided to call her noona.

I’ve to make a mental note here: He was born in 1997, making him 23 years old in Western age, and 24 in Korean age. She was born in 2012, so she should only be 8 years old. However, since she came from the future and traveled back in time, there’s a possibility that they’re the same age. For instance, if she came from the year 2035, then she’d already be 23 years old in Western age, and 24 in Korean age.

He tries to convince her to let him help her but she turns him down. I will help her anyway, he says gallantly. Gotta give him points for being persistent. And that dimple is deadly. He gifts her with a watch to thank her for helping him win the Lotto. And walks away. Is she moved? Unlikely.

I like this wristwatch. It had angel wings. But I don’t like the note that Jaesun had written. “I’ll return the favor for all my life.” This doesn’t forebode well. I hope this doesn’t mean that he’ll repay her with his life. He won about 2 billion won from the lotto, but surely his life is worth than that?

She dials her mom, hears her voice and she wells up. Her mom sheds a tear too (for reasons unbeknownst to her) as she talks to young SH at the table.

Yes. The mom shedding a tear must have something to do with the time paradox that the Asian Mart Minion explained to Taesul. “It’s their bodies and memories getting mixed up. And eventually, one side disappears.” Hmm… If this is the case, I hope when one side disappears, the kinder, gentler side is the one that remained.

SH reveals all to Sun. That the war will happen 31 Oct. That she’s from the future. And she has limited time left here. The glitches attest to that. She tells him to sell everything and move somewhere else. He is convinced. Packs his mother and sister (with valuables stashed) in the fancy car and all 4 of them drive away.

I wondered where she was going to bring Jaesun and his family. It was smart of her to think of Mr Park at Asia Mart. lol. Asia Mart was also a travel agency.  But it made sense. If Mr Park could move people from the future to the present, then moving people from one country to another shouldn’t be a problem at all.

SH at AsiaMart. Apprehends ditzy girl and tells Henchmen 1&2 to find Park. She hands him the key (?) and wants a favor in exchange. Intermittently emptying bullets on the table resulting in clouds of peanut (?) shells with some landing on Park. She means business.

I’m not sure if they were shells from peanut or sunflower seeds.

Don’t mess with SH. She demands that 3 people be smuggled out of the country. And she wants help to save TSul. The man seen in the video footage aired nationwide is NOT TSul, SH insists. They check TSul’s house and see that they have indeed kept him in the dark by cutting him off from the outside world. They work out a plan to save him. So apparently they can upload things into his house? And that’s how the EMP and photo got there in Ep6. Park adds the mug so that when the items arrive, the mug will fall to the ground and break (and get his attention). Park tells her there’s nothing she can do to change the future. Will we get them teaming up? 🤔. They track TSul and SH is off to rescue her man.

I was a bit disappointed with this writer here. Sending a box back in time with the EMP, photo, and the mug was “deus ex machina” or divine intervention. It was contrived. It came out of nowhere to get him out of predicament. I wouldn’t bat an eyelash had I been watching a James Bond movie because James Bond was known to carry around cool gadgets. But in this drama?? Ah, no!

SH and Sun in the fancy car. As 2ML, if subtlety and gift giving gets you nowhere, you have to try an alternate approach. Go hard or go home. Couch your directness with a healthy dose of self deprecation, “gosh I am going to sound like a loser” (err…you said it Sun, not her)…”but what is your relationship with Han TSul?”…”nothing” is her laconic reply…then bam…knock her out, “be my girlfriend”. Bet she didn’t see that coming?

I liked that he knew he’d sound like a loser for clinging to her, especially since he could already sense that she was attached to another man.

O wait…she asks why? Quick…plan B… convince her that you’re all about her safety. “Let’s leave the country together. There’ll be a war. Why stay here?” Yes Sun appeal to her common sense. She’s adamant, no. Now come back with an accusation, “it’s because of that jerk Han TSul? Isn’t it?” Because it’s about being honest isn’t it Sun? “Do you like him?” Her silence is deafening. She might as well stab you in the heart. Sorry Sun, that’s the plight of the 2ML, he’s there to force the FL to face her true feelings of love for the 1ML. Well done. ChaRaSo. They arrive at their destination and SH pulls out the sniper rifle from the boot and walks off. But not before Sun calls out to her, “Noona. I will wait for you here.” SH turns and smiles. ChaRaSo Sun ChaRaSo. Letting her go is hard but do it with a smile, even though your heart is smashed to a thousand little bits inside. Gah that dimple.

Awww…he was rejected! It felt as if Seohae had kicked a puppy.

SH takes her position and shoots MIB one by one. Except why is she holding the rifle like that? Is she even looking through the scope? 🤔 She must just have good eyesight. She parkours off a bridge. And we get a replay of the scene from last week. They meet on the bridge and TSul is stammering. Poor man has been drugged up and fed lies so he is disoriented. What’s real and what’s fake? SH grabs his hand (real enough for you?) 🥰. Let’s go. Yes let’s. SH walks with TSul in tow (he has a goofy smile on his face 😂). Pure bliss. She leads him back to Sun at the car. Sun was hoping TSul would take the backseat but he shoves in and takes the passenger seat instead 😂. Game on.

He was most fragile at this time. He was always so full of himself.  So I like that he was in tune with his feelings of bewilderment and insecurity, and wasn’t afraid to confess them to her.

And I rather like that Seohae was leading him here. He looked docile. His demeanor wouldn’t last long, of course, but it’s good to know that he wasn’t threatened by a strong woman.

Car conversation. SH tells TSul she had to give Park the key in exchange for his help to save him. Some posturing happens between the 2 competitors for SH’s heart . TSul hits Sun where it hurts. “This is a discontinued model (car). Did you buy it second hand? 😂. Who is this guy?”…”Me? The person who saved you”. SH tells them to shut it. TSul jiggles in his seat (apparently it’s uncomfortable 😂). They arrive at AsiaMart. SH commands TSul to go inside. She moves to the back of the car with Sun. TSul shoots them a glare and pouts. 😂. Sun makes one last attempt to have SH leave with him but she turns him down again. Strike 3 Sun, you’re out. Sun concedes and drives off into the sunset (pun intended).

It amused me too that Jaesun grumbled that Taesul just dropped the honorifics. They were strangers to each other so Taesul should have kept addressing in a formal language. But Taesul wanted to show that he was the alpha dog, and that he was older and richer than Jaesun. Hmph!

Downstairs in AsiaMart. Park tries unsuccessfully to open the safe with the key. All the while SH is reciting to TSul (and us) about why the blueprints can’t possibly be in there. Without the blueprints (which SH surmises is with TSan), TSul has to be kept alive so that he can invent it in the future. Park finally opens the safe and finds a letter addressed to TSul. No blueprints. Usual sentimental fluff…a photo of him at the conference. And then postscript…I found out who Sigma is. He was right next to us all along. TSul realizes that TSan had been looking for Sigma in all those photos he had taken in the past. Park demands to know where the blueprints are. TSul tells him TSan has it. Sirens in the distance. Ditzy girl bursts in, “the CB are coming!” SH calmly announces, “I called them”.

Three key points here:

1. The hyung didn’t trust Seohae. “You’re putting Taesul in danger. This is my last warning. If I ever see you again, I’ll kill you. You don’t care whether he dies or not if you can save the world, but it’s the opposite for me. As long as I can save Taesul, I don’t care what happens to the world.”

2. The hyung said that the blueprint was safe with him. But in the previous episode, wasn’t he seen in the same monitor room with Sigma? Wasn’t he gagged and hogtied to a chair? Does this mean that Sigma already had his hands on the the blueprint? Or perhaps Sigma wasn’t aware that the hyung had the blueprint with him all along?

3. If Taesul had any sense in him, he should listen to his hyung’s parting words.  “Taesul, I hope you make a choice that you won’t regret. I believe the outcome will be good when good choices are accumulated. As you know, I’m not that smart. That’s the only way I can look at it. You’ll do better than I did. Live your life to the fullest without any regrets. And don’t look for me.”

4. This advice from the hyung was bookended by the advice of the dying Hyunki to Seohae. He told her that forgiveness is essential. “No matter what I do from now on, forgive me. That’s the only way you can win.”

“Make good choices,” and “learn to forgive.” These two instructions should serve Seohae and Taesul well in the future.

CB men outside. With Officer Jung. Park sends Tweedle Dee and Dum upstairs. In the commotion, SH coolly grabs the gun off Park….okay… and they head out the back door. But not before firing off a warning shot at furniture (?). No peanut shells this time. I guess stealth isn’t part of the plan. TSul is smitten, “you’re so cool”. “I know”, she acknowledges. See Sun? This is how you impress a girl like SH. Pile on the compliments about her gun toting ways. Even if it was just to shoot at furniture. Park tells BingBing (O she has a name) to lock the doors and stay hidden. He will give himself up. Keep the downloader running no matter what is his final command.

I bet Mr. Park’s future self was about to arrive soon, and there’d be a time paradox merging of the old and the new. lol.

At the airport. Sun decides not to leave and tells his mother and sister to go without him. And he breaks into a sprint. Running back towards his death. I knew it. 2ML doesn’t give up that easily. He needs to go the distance.

I’m not sure if Jaesun’s decision to join Seohae is part of breaking the loop or if he also did this in the previous cycle.

Back at SJ’s palatial home. TSul pays Chairman a visit. The ominous red dot of a sniper rifle (SH) follows him as he sits at his study table. Goodness knows how from that angle because the windows are behind him. But whatever. This is giving me the Bourne series flashbacks. TSul asks the chairman who is Sigma. Turns out TSul had been eavesdropping on their conversations. When SJ hit him with the sedative on party night, he had taken his earpiece off and hid it at the foot of the study table. The cleaners weren’t very thorough obviously. Chairman recounts how Sigma was there from the start, turning the wheels of the cog. TSul demands to know where TSan is. Chairman tells him Sigma thought he (TSan) was getting in the way and sent him to a mental asylum. TSul loses it and demands how to contact Sigma and Chairman says he doesn’t know. He apologizes to TSul. TSul walks out in frustration.

Frankly, I don’t know where Seohae could have been hiding.

The office was on the second floor, wasn’t it? On one end of the room, there were glass double doors. Outside the glass doors was another room or passageway.

On the other end of the room, there were windows.  Outside the windows, there was a hallway or gallery lined with paintings.

Both the doors and the windows didn’t have access to the exterior of the building. The interior of the room wasn’t visible from the outside.

But oh well if the director wanted us to believe that Seohae had a view of the room from outdoors, and that beam of light can zigzag its way inside a house, I’d just grin and bear it.


Eddy Kim is trying to reach the Chairman for a press conference but to no avail so he decides to take the podium himself and make the announcement. Just as he is announcing that he will be taking over the reins from TSul, who should walk in but the man himself. He strides in and the reporters turn their attention to him. TSul sends a message (via the TV crew) to TSan saying they will meet again soon. Then issues a challenge to Sigma warning him that he will find him. Ooo…so much like Liam Neeson in Taken. But TSul doesn’t exactly have a particular set of skills (unless you count MacGyvering)? I guess that’s where SH comes in. What a team.

Camera shifts to Sigma and his multiple monitors…and he’s casually painting
…a monkey. Animal Farm. He pauses and smiles at the many faces of TSul and gives us a cryptic, “now it’s getting interesting.” Is it? 🤔

Scene change. SJ’s mom is ill in bed and Chairman is by her side. Such a sudden turn of events? She was well when we last saw her? Did TSul/SH turn the tide somehow? And alter her fate as a result? His phone buzzes. He picks up and apologizes for all the trouble he’s caused. He hangs up, walks over to his wife, holds her hand and apologizes. He walks out of the camera frame…sits at his study desk, pours a drink. Uh-oh…this is giving me bad vibes…he looks at the framed photo of his small family…and…opens the drawer to pull out a gun. 😬 His hand shakes as he takes it out of the drawer… eek…why must they put it in their mouth? 😬. A shot rings out and thankfully the camera cuts out and we see no gore.

At chairman’s funeral. A crying SJ is comforted by Eddy as the monks chant. Camera shifts focus to a single figure amongst the mourners holding an umbrella in the rain. It’s Sigma! He speaks. “Why all this fuss over 1 death? What will they do when 50million people die?” He flips something out of his hand and catches it. It’s the monkey that he painted? I think?

Good eye, @nrllee. I do think it was the monkey.

Thanks for doing the recap, @nrllee!!!!

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8 Comments On “Sisyphus: Episode 7 Recap by Nrllee”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @nrllee and @pkml3. That was a nice recap with commentary and review and it does raise the question about what time people are in. When we have a ‘now you see it, now you don’t’ or a ‘how come it hasn’t happened yet’ scenario, the question is whether the props got it wrong or whether it was a clue as to what’s happening. If when Sun is with SH, he’s skipped to the future, and then returns to his own time when they separate, that may explain why although she made Sun buy 2 tickets to Busan, she left without him. Perhaps she had to separate herself from him so that he could return to his own time.

  2. No problem @packmule3. Is there any significance to the animals Sigma is drawing/painting? Was it a cat or a dog the first time? And now it’s the monkey? Are they just boredom busters?

  3. Great refresher for the upcoming episodes! Thanks @PM3 and @nrllee!!!

    JaeSun’s mom and sister are going to NYC, flight on Seo 20, 2020. The boarding pass was on JaeSun’s car dashboard. I thought the nuclear disaster is global. Looks like east coast will be safe?

    The fund manager dies on sep 20, 2020 as he got hit by a vehicle. Not sure if the date is relevant but just putting it out here. There are a few instances that they put a clear date on the screen so…

  4. For the window and the Red Dot, I think I understand what this is about:
    There is a window on the opposite side of the windows behind the desk.
    So windows on the two opposite sides.
    You can see it in the sequence where Seo Hae is aiming at the windows. You can even see another room, also with windows on both sides of the mansion. And Seo Hae is indeed in an elevated position to aim at the second floor. (final shot).

    The problem is that the room used to shoot the scene is probably not the real room inside the mansion. And that this room does not contain a window on the opposite side.
    The director tried to hide the opposite wall. We only see a blurred shot at one point, without detecting exactly what we see, or we can assume that the window is more to the left.
    However, Seo Hae’s final shot of the windows is not consistent with the layout. There is a rotunda.

    It would have been better to place Tae Eul in the main chair, and So-Jin’s father in the chair facing the windows that we see in the scene.
    But even so, the shape of the windows would not have matched the shape of the windows in the exterior shot.
    The script is certainly right about the scene, but a technical impossibility related to the sets did not allow to realize it perfectly.

  5. @nrllee and @pm3, thank you!

    The dates😅 aigoo… I think JS is gonna die, hence SH made him leave. There is something in her expression that indicates it. And she seems to be hesitating… We’ll see.

  6. Thanks, Janey. I couldn’t see the flight info on tickets so I’m glad you looked into it.

    When Seohae was sitting on the bench and took out her phone to call her mom, the date on her phone was Wednesday, Sept 9.

    Taesul calculated the date was Sept 15 by the moon’s azimuth-schimuth. 🤪
    He was rescued at the tool market and driven to Asian Mart.

    Then, Jason left to join his family at the airport. His tickets to NYC was for Sept 20.

    Whoa! Time certainly flew.

    The fund manager was killed on Sept 20, too.

  7. 😔 Yes. I think so too. But I hope that his death will help change the outcome of the future.

    It seems like we’re not following the schedule as written on the back of the picture. The knife-attack, for instance, was attempt on Taesul’s life that wasn’t on the original list. Crossing my fingers that, with small deviations here and there, the protagonists can change the whole outcome. As the Hyung said, choices matter.

  8. @nrllee I think Sigma was drawing a cat the first time based off the cats on Seohae’s shirt. Have no idea about the monkey…

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