My Roommate is a Gumiho: Ep 9 Rewatch @agdr03?

Are you ready, @agdr03?

9:00 PM Thursday in Sydney, Australia
7:00 AM Thursday, EST
4:00 AM Thursday, PST (or California time)
12 noon Thursday in England
7:00 PM in Singapore

@Janey, @FGB4877, if this is too early for you, just pop in when you’re ready.

Anybody who wants to join in, just come on down. The more, the merrier.

I’ll add gifs later…

147 Comments On “My Roommate is a Gumiho: Ep 9 Rewatch @agdr03?”

  1. Will do my best to wake up early enough to have a part downloaded by 7:00 AM ^_^ .

  2. Thank you, @packmule3.

  3. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @pkml3. I’ll see how it goes and will join in if I can!

  4. Thanks @PM3! Will try make it. 😴 😉

  5. Thanks so much Queen! 🙇🏻‍♀️😘

    I’ll be ready tonight! Canceled our mini stay but waaaaaa there’s a hot kiss but I got scared at the end of it. 😱

    @Fern, I haven’t watched it but I’m so glad they made up but then I’ll echo you, questions, questions.

    @Janey, thanks for my cucumber 🥒 ☺️

    See you ladies tonight!

  6. I had a long nap this afternoon, and I’ll set my alarm for 3:45am, but we’ll see if I actually get up. I may have some help from the sun, being that I’m in Seattle at the moment and the sun rises very early at this time of the year (and sets late).

  7. Hello @Packmule3 et al!

    I would love to be with you, but unfortunately I cannot!

    So I do hope you can enjoy the Episode!

    P.S. @Packmule3 can you check if any of my comments went to your spam folder?
    Thanks in advance!

  8. Yes, it went to Spam. But it’s out on the blog now, @cleopatra.

  9. Thank you @Packmule3! <3
    Sending cookies for your Rewatch party!

  10. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @pkml3, and everyone, I’m here!

    @Cleo, I saw at least 1 of your gifs. Thanks! Will take a look at them now as I wait for 7.00pm.

  11. I’m here too.

  12. I sent you an email Queen.

    I’ll be here but probably late. 🙏🏼

  13. I can’t believe I’m awake after only 3+ hours of sleep, but the sky was getting light outside as early as 3am. I’ll be back in a minute.

  14. @GB,

    The “I am craving her” one? I like that so very much!

    My favorite scene was when Dam-ssi told Mr. Fox what needed to be told!

  15. @Welmaris!

    Good to see you! I am sorry that you didn’t sleep though.
    I have to share with you that I slept 5 hours today… so *hugs*

  16. Hahaha. Welmaris. I woke up because I want to know what you all thought about this gumiho mating habit. I had to look up how foxes mate. Phew! It sounds excruciating, btw. No wonder Fox and Hyesun though the XRated movie was mild. 😂😅

  17. Okay, @agdr03. Come when you’re ready.

  18. Let’s go?

  19. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Cleo, I like all the conversation scenes here, especially when Fox and Dam are both being honest and reveal what’s in their hearts. They have what it takes to build a solid relationship… there’s just that little business of him not being human to get around though.

    I really liked seeing how Jang Ki Young is so unlike his character in the BTS.

    It’s 7.00pm!!! Shall we start?

  20. Let’s go.

  21. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Between JJ and Dan, I so prefer Dan for his neatness and responsibility.

    Hah! The morning after and JJ is in trouble.

    Yup all observers will think JJ and Dam are an item because of how he treats her.

  22. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I wonder where Hye Sun and Fox get all their money. HS can just get a new car after tossing out her old one.

  23. People might complain of Hyeri’s acting in her other dramas but for me, she’s hitting the right notes in this one.

    JJ is too funny. How did he end up being with Dan in the morning?
    And he wanted to have Dan to be part of his family? Too cute.

  24. Hello, Lovelies.

  25. @GB,

    I have to check that BTS! Is JKY funny or serious?

    I am glad they talked and said what needed to be said!
    Relationships need communication in order to work. I agree on that!

  26. I agree, Hyeri’s hilarious in this drama. My most funniest moment for this episode was inside the sauna with ‘Elsa’. Her face made me crack up so much. 😂

    Waving to @GB and @Welmaris! 👋🏻

  27. It’s because the people “in love” are “misunderstanding” Dam — just like what Fox advised Dam earlier.

    If only they only could see Dam whacking JJ all the time…

    JJ: You’d be like me when you get to college.
    Brother Dan: My gosh, why are you cursing me.

    Hahaha. I like the dialogues.

  28. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    JJ does not know that it’s the 2nd time Fox has seen him do something to a car while drunk.

    LOL HS crowing over Fox not becoming a decent human.

  29. @GB, maybe hundreds of years of compound interest?

  30. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @Fern, @Welmaris, Yes… the compound interest might be something else. Or they bought up land and sold it for development.

  31. This isn’t a rewatch for me: it’ll be my first time through Episode 9. I may be slow to comment for this reason.

    Here I go!

    That sigh of Dam’s, followed by Fox’s gulp. So much emotion in just the first few seconds.

    “I never get anything fixed.” If that’s Hye Sun’s true belief, I’d be afraid to be her boyfriend! And the soundtrack was funny playing the sound of coins jingling when JJ was taken aback by HS’s comment of him looking like he lacked money. Little details like that make watching this show fun.

  32. Hi there, @agdr03? Everything okay now?
    Where’s FGB4877?

    The Elsa moment was so unexpected. I totally didn’t see that coming.
    Yes, Hyeri’s face was so derpy.

    JJ: My brothers adore you. You know I love you.
    Dam: (pushing his face) I don’t need your love!

    Hahahaha. But both Tiger and Fox thought she was having lovey-dovey moments with JJ.

  33. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Cleo JKY laughed a lot in the BTS!

    Here he is sentimental about his failure in love. And asks Hye Sun how she could fall in love more than once. Fox has been running away from relationships and that’s why he stays away from people and is clueless about real people.

  34. I like that JJ got Hye-sun an English language book about Korean idioms. Does she even speak English?

  35. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Fern, JJ was so thoughtful of Hye Sun, who was supposed to have lived abroad.

    LOL the sibling relationship of Tiger and sis. I want her to get to meet Dan.

  36. Yes, Welmaris, the sound effects and the extra visual effects (they’re like the ones in variety shows) make this kdrama even funnier. I appreciate the production team and editors’ hard work here.

    “Wemust continuously attempt to observe human history as a whole. This is an effort to explain the essence and meaning of history. That’s why the philosophy of history is important.”

    But as soon as he said that he said that he was there to observe Dam. 🙂 So he was doing a “philosophy of the biography of Dam.”

  37. Not yet, still waiting. 🙏🏼

    Tiger is really trying hard. It was a cute scene with him and his sister but he knows he’s good looking. 😁

  38. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I really like Dan, he’s so observant. He notices his sister’s mood, he’s almost like a bigger brother looking out for her.

  39. Yes @GB. He really knows his sister, just like Tiger’s sister knows him. 😂

  40. I feel a bit relieved to learn that HS “was in pain” every time she fell in love. I’m glad she wasn’t just an emotionless user of the humans that came into her life. And because her EQ seems so high (she’s much more perceptive of emotions–hers and others’–than Fox), I can imagine her openness to emotions caused her to suffer when her relationships ended.

  41. @GB,

    I really like him. He has something that draws you in.

    Well, he is too sensitive and when his first love died then he abandoned the world. you know what they say. If you abandon something, the same thing is abandoning you…

  42. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Isn’t it great to have a friend like Soo Kyung who asks the questions we want to ask for us? LOL.

    Dam seems to be suspicious that HS is not human but a gumiho too.

    However the chicken wing shows that she’s human.

  43. Note: Dam is unconsciously/consciously mirroring the way Mr. Fox dressed up. In staid blazers like Mr. Fox.

    @Welmaris, I like that Hyesun understood that JJ was devastated to run into his ex that he drank himself silly. She knows now that she can’t treat JJ like that, too.

  44. @GB, I thought the same. Dam seems younger than Dan in some ways. He’s pretty cynical and conscious of social norms – and acts on them in ways that she doesn’t. Not that it’s bad for her – she is focussed on her history.

    @Welmaris, we have a new layer of Hye-Sun to see. She had been pretty glib about getting the marble to turn blue by her dating in the 1st episode.

  45. I really like JJ for being true to his word about being nice to Hyesun. ☺️

    I love my wings too not drumsticks. 😁

  46. Shallow Islanders, do we need to add Bae In Hyuk (Tiger Sun Woo) to our Dimples Hall of Fame? His aren’t deep, but he does use them to good effect.

  47. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hye Sun to the rescue with a jibe at Fox needing to be jealous. These characters sure need a push in the right direction from nosy ‘sisters’.

    Heh! Fox zooms in on Dam’s face only.

  48. @GB, I’m not sure that Dam suspected HS of being a gumiho. I think she was wondering whether HS was the new marble carrier. That’s why she was looking to see if HS could eat chicken, or have body aches when touched by a Tiger, and so on.

    She thought that the “accident” HS was talking about was like the “accident” she had that forced the marble to jump inside of her.

    So I don’t think she suspected HS of being a gumiho. 🙂

  49. Hear! Hear! @Welmaris!

    Let’s add him to the dimples of fame! 😂

  50. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Fox is never above using his magic to get close to Dam. He heard enough to guess that she’s remembered seeing the artifacts in his home.

    How pleased HS looks that her ploy has worked to bring Fox to Dam.

  51. Does he have dimples?? I liked him because he knew how to order adult food in the restaurant. It’s all about the food for me.

  52. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Ah yes, @pkml3, I forgot that it was that ‘accident’ that started it all. Yes, Dam did note that HS can’t be the new marble carrier.

    And now they end up going to the very Shrine where Fox had taken back the marble.

  53. I love that jacket/blazer of Dam where the collars go high on the neck! 😍

  54. I liked how the fish shaped wind chime rang just before Mr Fox appeared at the field trip.

  55. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @agdr03 I like most of their outfits with the turtlenecks and long coats/jackets.

    Heh! Even I could tell HS slipped by speaking in panmal to the professor!!!

  56. Yes, Hyesun really is like a younger sister to Fox in helping get Dam to him.

  57. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Fern, I thought the fish chime was a sign that Fox was using his magic.

    I like how Dam asks HS what she wants to know about the accident.

  58. Yes, I love how HS knows how to poke him where it hurts. Like a noona?

    I wish I wrote their dialogue down. I’ll add that later. Have to make a note that because of one bad love affair, he chose to live “for a very long time without showing affection to anybody.”

    “once burned, twice shy” trope, essentially. But Dam is the brave, daring one.

  59. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @agdr03 And like a real sister, HS goes to Fox to discuss and help make sense of the situation.

    I wonder what happened that HS is in tears over the death and wants to forget but not all her memories.

  60. He does. ☺️ The scene with his sister, I thought it showed there.

    I agree with the food. He knows it well.

  61. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I love how they have the scene on the bridge and one person has to cross it to the other person. It is right that Fox did the crossing.

  62. Hahaha. He was paying his sister for the flatteries/ego-boosters when he knew they were fake.

    Do we know where he’s getting his money? How come he has money but his sister is broke all the time?

  63. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    At last the full honesty, the expression of all the hurt … Fox and even HS didn’t consider that if she remembered, then she’d be hurt at the break-up.

    Now Fox’s turn to be honest. He’s not good enough for her! *swoon*

  64. Poor Hyesun. She must have loved that nan so much.

    Oh here comes Fox crossing the bridge to get to Dam. 🥰

    There’s a lot of dialogue that Dam said that I like. The way she said it too was whiny? But it’s her, that’s how she is. ☺️

  65. Dam — “It’s disrespectful for history and artifacts to go on a history trip in this mood.” I remember Hyeri in Reply 1988. She went on that field trip for friends and food.

    What’s up with SooKyung and that rival Seok? lol.

  66. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Fox says he didn’t feel anything in his past, but he did love that 1 woman who died.

    Dam is so clear… I like you and I want you to like me. No two ways about it.

  67. So Hye-Sun asked Mr Fox to erase part of her memories. She had 3 tails by then. So this sort of thing must have happened to her more than once? Given the end of this episode, I was wondering how HS’s love died.

  68. I know, I’m curious too. I don’t think he has a job?

    I thought that was funny and she was going to push it for more 😂

  69. I am about o create a new religion where God’s Mercy to Humanity is proved by the existence of Coffee… -_-ZZZZZZZ . @PackMule3 and dear Friends, let’s get rich!!!

  70. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Fern, yes I’m wondering too and here she is looking sad with her memory.

    When does JJ fall off ah now!!! LOL.

    She’s never come across so much sincerity without any motives

  71. Hahaha I think it’s either their dating or they broke up already. 😁 Something’s happened for sure.

  72. hahaha. @FGB4877! There you are. Just jump in whenever you’re ready, wherever you want.

  73. Let’s get rich! @FGB4877 😁

  74. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @FGB, good to know that you’re here… presumably with the coffee deity?

  75. @Fern, I’m falling for JKY. 😜 He’s my June/July crush! 😉

    Look at this couple after finally being honest. 🥰🥰🥰

  76. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I wonder if being with Fox or having had his marble gives Dam some extra sensory perceptions. She sensed something wrong with that unknown student.

  77. Coffee here, too. ☕☕☕

    I think it was said in an early episode that Sun-woo’s family is rich. He may simply have a bigger allowance than his sister. And she might spend more on accessories.

    I love Jae-Jin slapping at the coat arms that he put over HS to make them flap. They are so funny. And she is refreshed by his ways.

  78. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hah I love his smile too. So many cute guys in this show!

    I like these two teasing each other.

  79. Yeahhhh, he looks like a dreamboat. But when I saw how skinny he was — in that sauna scene — I was disappointed. Darn those oversized coats; I was fooled again. I thought he would be bulkier.

    He’s just as bony as that actor in “Start Up.”

  80. How quickly does Fox learn to tease? That chair pull! I like that better than other pull. 😁

    Shallow heart beating fast! 🤣

  81. @agdr03, I will have to add him to the gif search.

  82. What is with that student? Dan said that she’d never seen him before. Did he “infiltrate” that bus? Like he’s a mystical creature pretending to be a student?

  83. I’m really liking them @Fern. I usually don’t pay much attention to second leads but I love this one. ☺️

    I like that putting on coat on her. 🥰

  84. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yes @Fern, I hope there are many gifs of his boyfriend antics!

    Love him trying to look younger and she says he does… like 800 years old LOLOL. He was chagrined.

  85. Was he skinny? I love his V-shaped grin. Yes, v. shallow of me.

  86. Oooh. That swivel chair-pull is new. I don’t think I’ve seen that one before.

    Was Dam asking for a kiss? Was that it? Was that her joke?

  87. @packmule3, I wondered if it was the Mountain Deity in another guise, spying on them. For sure it will be someone supernatural given the music.

  88. Yep, I am starting now. The coffee deity has been kind to me since I left cold coffee in the refrigerator last night 😉 .

    Now, Mr. Fox has saved her literal neck and instead of a “Thank you Professor-nim” he only gets a sigh… -_-U

  89. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @pkml3 I guess we are to make a note of that ‘not-a-student’ and see him pop up in later episodes.

    LOL he watches really old dramas where sauna dating was the in-thing!! And he speaks of it like it’s such an exciting dating venue. LOL.

    Oh the Elsa scene!!!!

  90. We’re you looking for some beef? 😝 He did look skinny though.

    Oh Elsa is here. I’m cracking in laughter again. 🤣

    He was the one that made Dam become a lamb. 😱

    Fox was so proud of his FIRST DATES 101 ways. 😂

  91. Sigh. I give up. I knew it’s a lost cause anyway, Fern. I just knew you and @agdr03 would fall for this guy, but I was still trying to hold you back.

    Yes. He is skinny, @Fern. The arms. The elbows. The wrist. I guess he doesn’t need to hit the gym when he has magical powers to fight bad guys with.

  92. Yes! The sheep towel is so cute, though. Wait? That’s old-fashioned already? I wanted to learn how to make those sheep towels.

  93. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @agdr03 I was non-stop sniggering at the Elsa move.

    I recall that Tiger brought Dam to a nice restaurant but here’s Fox bringing her to a lower end place for fried chicken. At least he chose her fave food!

  94. Dam was saying she could ask him something even stranger and Fox looked worried so she said she was kidding but then Fox pulled the chair and voila! He said exactly the same thing.

    Dam swallowed hard. 😂

  95. @PackMule3, when saw this episode last night my Venezuelan “chalequeo” (joyful trolling) came forth and just decided than in Spanish his name should be Alan and his last name Brito… so he coulde be called “Alan Brito” or “Small Wire” -_-U . Sorry, couldn’t help myself.

  96. Oh, Elsa. ‘Let me show you something. Don’t be surprised.’ Then it turns out to be the towel-hat thingy. 😝

    Okay, skinny compared to some, but he probably has all the muscles that are needed. I may need to do some background research.

  97. Here you go. 😉

  98. He is entering his house where so many memories of Dam are entrenched. Suddenly a spacious home feels really empty.

    For me, some Ghosts are formed by absences.

  99. @FGB4877, I thought the same thing. His empty house without Dam must have felt so strange.

  100. He definitely came out of nowhere. Sounds like a bad guy base on the sound effects when it was him. 😬

  101. Good comparison, @GB.

    The cost of Tiger’s lunch date >>> the cost of Fox’s dinner date

    Tiger’s classy restaurant, the cuisine >> Fox’s sauna and that hard boiled egg, and that 40-year-old (was it 40 years old?) chicken restaurant.

    But Dam’s happiness? Priceless

  102. Definitely JJ is a Cupid that is slovenly, half stupid, random as hell and has girl problems. Also a comedic relief. Does it reflect Writer-nim’s pilosophy on Love? O_OU .

    Dude, you are so in the goddess’ black book…

  103. Gosh, watching her eat chicken got him rather excited. 🤭 In my subs, HS calls this appetite and warns him.

  104. @packmule3, at Tiger Sun-woo’s date, Dam seemed rather out of place and didn’t know what to order or if she would like the unfamiliar food. I had to laugh at her eating chicken – but it reminded me of Reply 1988 when Hyeri gnawed on the duck when she went out with the Baduk managers and the flight crew.

  105. Yes, even he was surprised at himself. That hunger was asleep for years and years. 😬 But look at the way Dam eats the chicken though. I’d be staring at her too. 😂

  106. @Fern, it wasn’t food porn at all but…the way she ate the chicken, with relish, triggered him to think of eating Dam herself.

    There’s something about the aesthetics of eating food, like sucking the flesh off the bones, that’s sexually suggestive.

    It woke up his appetite…and not just for food.

    But of course, knowing this kdrama, it’ll probably turn into something comical in Episode 10.

  107. Walking a fine line between hunger and love…there are plenty of human males that struggle to stay on that narrow path. I suppose the concern here is that Fox’s hunger was kept at bay for nearly a millennium and when unleashed, will be difficult to control. Please, Fox: no more noble idiocy. Talk it out with Dam. Remember, she’s strong willed. She can help you. And she shares your goal, also wanting you to become human.

  108. Waa… I clicked “stop” vs “snooze” and woke up an hour later. Hahaha. I haven’t watched episode 9 yet as I caught up with DAYS last night . Will pop in a bit as I start ep9 now.

  109. I know, @packmule3. He was turned on by her, not the food, and in a rather strange way.

    I hope you are right about it turning into comedy, but the kiss that started out passionate, but built to something else. And his eyes becoming red…like the killer’s eyes. Gosh.

  110. That’s okay. @Janey. Just keep writing things. I’ve to backtrack too because I skipped a lot.

  111. And that’s all that matters, which one was priceless? ☺️

    It should be Dam’s turn to introduce him to new ways of dating.

  112. I agree, @Welmaris. He needs to be completely honest with Dam so she can help him or bail. I know that she was warned by him here that he wasn’t normal or safe, but still – he won’t want to harm her.

  113. Even the music was sweet and then turned suspenseful. 😬

    That kiss though! 🔥

    Was that Dam’s first kiss?

  114. Yes. I think it was.

    The funny thing was in my Episode 8 Highlights, I just said that the Hollywood rain smooches felt like a sexual attack to me because of how stormy and torrid they were.

    And now. Surprise! Surprise! Mr Fox just kissed her “passionately,” in an animalistic, beastly sort of passion. hahaha.

  115. I think it was certainly a first love kiss. Wow. It looked like it would hurt by the end or that she wouldn’t be able to breathe. His hand left a red mark on her cheek. Even Hye-sun walking in the corridor could sense some danger.

  116. 😂 yes I remember because the gif you used was from The Notebook. 😂

    But Fox really missed her ok AND he didn’t do anything till after their first date. Technically say from the excursion, meeting at school then the date that night and then the day after, 3 days.

    I’m giving him an excuse. 😜

  117. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @agdr Hmmm hope the poor girl didn’t get overly shocked by her first kiss becoming so demanding and scary.

    Yup @Fern, I would like to know how the actors managed it, especially if it took more than 1 or 2 takes. That looked real painful!!!

  118. @PackMule3, Tiger Vs. Mr. Fox’s date remembers me the blue rose tale. A persian princess offered her hand to whom could deliver her a blue rose. She was offered a jeweled sapphire rose, a painted one, a tinted one… but she settled for the simple white rose her beloved bard offered to her 😉

  119. Yup, it looked like it would hurt by the end of it if Dam didn’t stop it.

    Like you and @Welmaris, I hope Fox just comes clean about it. But the preview says otherwise.

  120. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    When Fox watched her eating the chicken, she noticed how he stared at her and asked if he was hungry because of the way he looked at her. If only she knew that he was indeed hungry, but that she was the chicken LOL.

  121. The two girls that antagonize Dam and hovers around good looking guys seems to represent the shallow watchers. Tiger by comparing himself and deciding that he is better than JJ does the same. They think that looks matter way more than they are. At the end of the day you don’t live with a statue but with a person. And if the person gives you a hard time love will evaporate real fast.

  122. Devour would be the word if Fox was given the chance. 😱

  123. @GB, love to see you here!!! 😉 . Well, to be honest I didn’t care too much for Ms. Hyery’s looks but I find her really attractive here 7w7 . She really made an utterly lovable character in top of her own good looks. I don’t know if that twist’s innuendo is something I should be commenting…

    I don’t blame him 7w7 .

  124. @FGB4877, are those fangs?

    Maybe Fox *should* have dated a bit more to take the edge off his hunger. 😬 I can’t quite call him Mr Fox anymore after seeing his eyes turn red. She is inexperienced after all… Dear oh dear.

  125. I’ll have to add more comments later. 🙂

    I’ve been typing their dialogues so I’m behind you.

    @FGB4877, Mr. Fox’s narration sounds like he’s reading a love poetry. That’s his “old soul” talking. I’m compelled to scribble his words down so I’m slow in commenting.

  126. Dear @Fern,

    Have you watched a Discovery of Witches?
    Matthew De Clairmont is a similar case, but not a millenia of not dating.
    Still I prefer the amazing line: “I am craving her”
    I even posted the gif on the Episode 9-10 thread… *winks*

  127. It’s still before 6am here in Seattle, and sun is pouring in my bedroom window. Too bad the shades aren’t blackout. But I’m going to try to go back to sleep for a few more hours, then spend time with my daughter. After all, that’s the reason I hopped on a plane for the first time in ages: to see my baby girl. My last time seeing her and being in Seattle was January 2020.

    @Janey, I just caught up with DAYS last night. Loved Episode 13. Episode 14 was good, but didn’t have me saying yes! yes! yes! like 13.

    Tonight I’ll see if I can fit in watching both HP2:2 and MRIAG:10. My brain might explode.

    I want to join in the applause for the acting of Hyeri in the sauna ice room. Good for her for doing derpy with such abandon!

  128. ‘Am I just a marble carrier for you?’.

    ‘When I didn’t say I care for you it doesn’t mean I didn’t. I just don’t deserve you’.

    ‘I like you. I want you to like me too’.

  129. Crave. Devour. Ravage. Satiate. Hunger.

    Lots of sexual innuendoes when it comes to food.

    I’m sorry I’ve to go now. There’s an emergency at work. Enjoy the rewatch.

  130. Tiger’s very own sister told him oh so clearly that if he didn’t open his mouth he was the hottest… and the guy took it for a compliment -_-U . Really Tiger has a loooooong road before maturing.

  131. A thought about the first date. How can anyone think a sauna date is romantic? Dam and Fox both put so much thought into the clothes they would wear, only to don those blah brown, unflattering shirts and shorts. If actors can look good in sauna togs, they must be truly beautiful, because those clothes hinder rather than help appearances. Even hospital pajamas and scrubs look better than sauna uniforms.

  132. I’ll agree with the hospital pajamas being better than those sauna brown ones. 😁

  133. I must go as well. Thank you @packmule3 and all Lovelies.

    @Cleopatra, I just saw your ‘I am craving her.’ gif. Thank you. No, I haven’t seen that show.

    @Welmaris, you are rather far North just around Solstice. Here it’s getting light just after 4. But it means it’s not too extreme to say you were up until dawn, right? 😊

  134. Loved that moment at 17:50 where Ms. Fox breaks the fourth wall (while eating snacks!!! XD XD XD XD ). Her advice is sound: it is better to do something rather than to delve into depression.

  135. Ms. Fox really (sisterly) loves Mr. Fox. SO it seems that we have two Cupids, JJ and Ms. Fox =D .

  136. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FGB what do you mean by 7w7?

    I agree that Tiger boy has much road to travel before he can be considered mature. Dam’s brother, Dan is 10 times better!!

    Yes, Hye Sun was actually sisterly and somewhat a rival in terms of who gets to be human first, who’s smarter etc. However Fox seems aware that HS is more knowledgeable than himself in how to interpret and deal with people at the emotional level.

  137. He was brave to cross the bridge of misunderstandings…

    The same bridge she has crossed many times for him.

  138. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    That’s a nice name for the bridge @FGB.

  139. Mmmm… Mr. Fox fabricating a Fox Rain to cute meet Dam… Is it possible that Dadddy-god-of-the-mountain fabricated a landslide to help his foxy son instead of giving him extra allowance to go on his date?.

  140. Dear @Fern, 7w7 (which I naively used as a Wobbufett pokemon face before u_uU ) expresses a “thirst” of some kind 😉 . In this case I use it to express that I get the innuendo (meta) 😉

  141. Thanks so much Ladies for the rewatch. 🙇🏻‍♀️

    Here’s a snippet of episode 10. Dam was aghast. 😂

  142. Do you know what kind of date I would love to see them?, in an historically based one. Both dressing in Goryeo garb or in Joseon clothing. He has lived through those times and she is eager to know how things were done in that time. She even asked if dates really included a swing like in Chung-Hyang story. Mr. Fox knows her better ^_^U . But I guess that as comedic relief it is great (Mr. Fox has money, worldliness, is prepared, can use magic… but he is out of touch XD ).

    Mr. Fox’s clumsiness is kind of endearing 😉

  143. Dear @Agdr03, thanks for providing an excuse to have this get-together =D .

    Dear Friends, see you this saturday!!!

  144. @FGB4877, I would love to see that date. I wonder if the writer has planned that.

  145. @GrowingBeautifully, it has been a pleasure to read you (as it always is 😉 ).

    BTW, it is possible that my use of 7w7 is not the correct one ^_^U

  146. @Fern, this writer has been an unexpected pleasure so far. Doesn’t stray too much of the central plot, doesn’t create unnecessary drama and if a deviation is needed it highlights the central plot. For example the Maegu plot line was addressed quickly and served as a signal that his clock is ticking.

    Whish “One More Happy Ending” with Jang Nara in 2016 received this treatment. So much unfulfilled potential.

  147. @Packmule3, I hope the emergency that dragged you into work isn’t of epic proportions. I don’t know where you work in DC, but I worry that an emergency at your office might be something of national consequence. If it is, I’m glad you’re handling it, because I have confidence in you. Hwighting!

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