Hospital Playlist 2: Ep 10 On Jang’s Rehabilitation

We knew this was coming, right? ShinLee were going to rehabilitate Jang’s character, give her a dramatic arc that not even the female lead, Songhwa, received, and portray her with such a pitiful backstory that, in the end, she’d be made “worthy” of our sympathies.

Hey, ShinLee, nice try but you can’t gaslight us!

The Neurocritic: Gaslighting in the Medical Literature

This is @Welmaris’ stinging repudiation of Jang’s sob story. She speaks for me, @miracle23, @nrllee, and many others who saw Jang playing the “victim card” as a plot hole. @Welmaris also pointed out that Jang is the wrong heroine for ShinLee to utilize in order to raise awareness on domestic abuse.

Here’s @Welmaris’ post in full.


I can see ShinLee planned this storyline for Jang since Season 1, having her be the one who ran after the suspected child abuser, but I agree with @nrllee: if Jang and her younger brother were beaten by her father, she should have recognized the injuries to the two boys and suspected their father’s explanations; if her mother was a victim of domestic abuse at the hands of her father, Jang should have recognized the signs in the abused wife and the controlling behavior of her husband. Jang says she lived in fear of her father’s violence until she moved away to college. It does not sound like his attacks on family members were isolated incidents. Jang must’ve lived for years with the injuries and lies typical of domestic abuse. I’m sorry she went through that, but she seems to have learned nothing from it: not even empathy for other people who are hurting and/or frightened.

If this is Jang’s background, rather than making me pity her, I’m more disappointed in her for her obtuseness when she encountered other victims of domestic abuse. She admits to sensing, but ignoring, her mother’s continued victimization. Although it was not Jang’s job to protect her mom–the adult should have protected her children–I see it as a moral failing in Jang that as an adult she intentionally turned a blind eye when her mother seemed incapable of helping herself. Jang has become a fellow, which means she completed three or four years of residency. Before that she completed six years of pre-medical and medical school, then one year of internship. That’s ten or eleven years Jang has been away from home, aware her mother was being abused and choosing to ignore it. So please, ShinLee, don’t try to convince me that Jang is a loving daughter. The moment Jang left her house, she stopped being a victim and abetted her father’s criminal behavior by maintaining silence. I am furious that ShinLee is trying to paint Jang as a heroine.

If anyone wants to argue that Jang didn’t know her mother was being abused, or blocked it out of her consciousness as a defense mechanism, I say nonsense. When her mother phoned her in the wee hours of the night, Jang asked if she’d had a fight with her father. That shows Jang was not only conscious of the potential for abuse, but believed it likely. Why else would she immediately ask such a thing? There are many other reasons a person might be awake at 4 a.m. (difficulty sleeping, reading, binge watching dramas), so why did Jang’s mind immediately go to thoughts of confrontation? Because she knew her mother was regularly a victim of violence.

We now know why Jang tells JW everything is okay, that she’s fine, when it isn’t true: she had that behavior modeled for her by her mother. Something else that Jang likely picked up from a parent–probably her father–is how to be controlling. Jang’s threats to her mother over the phone–that she’d quit her job and follow her mother to Gwangju–amounts to emotional blackmail. Do ShinLee think this is a noble thing for Jang to do? It isn’t: it’s another form of abuse.

If ShinLee are trying to raise awareness about domestic abuse with this show, they should’ve done a better job with their research and the script. As the character and storyline of Jang have been shown to this point, it would be an insult to domestic abuse survivors to hold her up as their champion. The best way, in my opinion, for them to salvage this character is to have her take a break from her job and romance to get intensive therapy and work on emotional healing. Without help, she’s likely to continue hurting the people closest to her and not be trusted to “do no harm” as a practicing doctor. Her lack of empathy and insistence on denial could put her patients at risk.

Thanks, @Welmaris!

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80 Comments On “Hospital Playlist 2: Ep 10 On Jang’s Rehabilitation”

  1. I am going to be very blunt about this. ShinLee’s plot bunny of having Maggot coming from abusive family is just an afterthought to make her character much more interesting. Koreans already find WG as boring as dishwater, and what more can give her more ammunition for people to be liking her more? Make her a victim! Yay! Like me, like me, like me you bloody Koreans!

    It really did not make sense at all because of how she was completely obtuse and ignorant in handling previous abuse cases especially in Season 1. Instead she’s just what, preening with her “i’m better than other residents” posture and basically just waddle around being rescued by the likes of Ikjun and PaBo.

    I don’t know if there will be a Season 3, but looks like hell no they are separating her from Pabo at this juncture. Which kind of sucks and I honestly think both ShinLee has their foot in their mouth here. Too bad, they’ve done it already and it’s irreversible. Idiots.

  2. @Welmaris thanks a lot for this write-up, each and every line resonated with me 👏🏽

    Lmaoooo I see that Maggot used that “stay with me” line on her mum too ❌ ❌ ❌ When will this stupid woman understand everything a’int about her, people have the right to choose what they want without her guilt-tripping them for their choices 🙄

    ShinLee think that by giving her this sob story, they can completely invalidate her S1 arc, little do they realise that with S2, they’ve gone into the same sin bin as her and PaBo and SHwa and the other muppet Ik-Jun.

  3. Kalimera,

    I was watching the episode yesterday and I have to say that I couldn’t emotionally connect to any of Jang’s scenes.

    I don’t like how they tried to rehabilitate her character. SHINLEE did a script mistake in the first place and they were trying to find ways to correct it, but for me it has the opposite effect. Jang’s story is poor written, the actress didn’t manage to get the emotions through and I wasn’t sated from what I watched.

    The next scene was IkSun and JWan’s. It was just for a few moments, in comparison with Jang’s three scenes, but the actress playing IkSun gave us a stellar performance in JUST TWO MINUTES.

    I don’t like how IkSun treated JWan, but the actress here gave us a reason with her voice, facial expressions, everything that can be used by an actor / actress to sympathize with her. Even though I don’t like IkSun’s character, since yesterday I salute her for the way she talked to Jwan.

    As for the abuse story, Jang is not a heroine. @Welmaris said it all. I agree with everything she said. Jang is a bad written character, the rehab was awful and doesn’t give justice to the abused victims and survivors.

    >> SHINLEE, HP is my first series that I am watching by you.
    Season 1 was a different story altogether. I was impressed.
    As for Season 2, script wise and directing wise is a mess and you are the only ones rensposible for that.

  4. For discerning viewers like us, they can’t rehab a poorly written character. I concur with @Welmaris and @PM3.

    And what more, even if we take it for what it is, it was poorly acted, too. Same with @Cleo, my heart was not tugged at all on Jang scenes with the brother, at the stairwell and I even laughed (sorry) when she cried in JW’s arms. That was such an awkward embrace. And what’s the angle of an intern having a crush on her? That’s laying it too thick, TBH.

    I don’t like the way the writer/director have been straddling IkSong and WG couples to see where the wind blows (fans service). If IKSong and WG will be end game, there are just so many inconsistencies to really make it a solid pairing. SHwa’s NO becomes a Yes, Jang character is rehab’d. If it becomes FG, there not much satisfaction derived because we did not see a full progression.

    This ep was a snooze fest. I literally slept ion some parts and had to rewind. Even the song felt flat to me. I like Superstar more – it was fun and with energy.. I think they look ridiculous with their attires. It just looked funny to me that they were dressed like that in the basement and with bright lights. A bit of darker lighting effects is more appropriate. This one I would gladly erase with the neuralizer!

  5. @Janey that intern/resident is a troll. That actor’s real name is Lee JeongWon 🙄. ShinLee are still trolling. That whole conversation in the GS Room (talking about break up…again 🙄) is a huge troll and a reminder of the shallowness that is WG. Jang was GeOn’s “ideal type” 🙄 so he was crushing on her. That’s just fan girl talk. Just like PaBo was Jang’s “ideal type”. 🙄. SW was in the room. As DLL. The only talk that had substance. About helping a patient out because of their financial situation. See the contrast?

  6. @Janey, I was so shocked my face frozen during the whole watch of that band performance. I just can’t believe my eyes at the ridiculous picture in front of me. Top it with the poorly sang remake… everything was overly done in such a poor taste. What a waste of an expensive song. What is this joke? HP2 has been such a big circus. The critics are flowing in since last night. The targets? The Jang actress for her poor/ fake emotion acting. lee woo jung x shin pd also got what they deserved for that poorly written plots, for accepting such poorly executed acting, for poor editing and directing. Unfortunately, these duo still so much living in their own bubble and self felt fame… drown in the noise of their cult shippers. 🙄🙄🙄

  7. @Miracle23 IKR. The actress who plays Jang can’t carry that character. She doesn’t have enough range of emotion to be in that situation : in love while having a burden of an abusive father. The result is falling flat on her face. She gave us a sulky face all the time we can’t sympathize with, no matter how sob her story is. She is simply lack of empathy (which is strange for a victim of abusive family). Shouldn’t she even have more attentive and more observant towards abused patients ? She is written in a very contradictive way and the actress make it even worse with that forever fall flat sullen pouty face

  8. @Welmaris and @packmule3 and @dashmam1010 and@Cleopatra and@Janey and@nrllee and @Fly, Amen to all of you. Shin Lee:s depiction of domestic violence did a grave disservice to victims everywhere. Compare and contrast it to a great depiction of it’s horrors in You Are My Spring where it was shown and not told and which showed it’s impact on our characters’ and offered the solution of escape. Those of us who worked as mandated reporters know how utterly phoney and lazy Shin Lee:s depiction was
    They did no service to victims everywhere and It was all about Maggot, not Mom. And when is Dad facing the consequences. He’s,s already being given the excuse of alcoholism.

    And did you notice that Songhwa is being made into a comic character with that whole trip reservation driving
    arc. Again, she was given a sparse amount of screen time.(I was screaming at my tv,)

    And don’t get me started on the breast cancer pregnancy story.It is very manipulative-coulfn’t Shin Lee give our comic relief doctor and his wife an elderly pregnancy story. I’m only glad that our doctor actor had more to do-(he and MiDo worked together in Another Happy Ending.)

    And the live liver transplant didn:t have the punch it needed
    I originally thought that the two friends were s closeted gay couple. But it all seemed ambiguous.

    What is obvious to me is that HpL2 has been a series of missed opportunities to deal with real issues in depth. Shin Lee just proved themselves superficial and lazy. And a small observation is that they are more concerned about meta references and Easter eggs which prove what+their intellectual credentials- at the cost of poor storytelling. To that end this episode fell down even in the surgery scenes.

    To say the least I am disappointed. And I guess we:LL see lots of loose ends going forward with passing references to DLL and Rosa and her gang.

    The preview hinted at IJ:s rehabilitation because I’m sure he was the doc being attacked.I guess that:s how they’ll play out the Iksomg ship.As a feminist that also shows me that Songhwa’s character mainly exists to support IJ. Why isn:t it the reverse.

    I also sure that Shin Lee will be feted and celebrated and praised to the sky. Totally undeserved, but they got ratings and did fan service.Oh well, we now know what their price is.


  9. My dear @OAL,

    You said it all! Thanks goodness for mentioning “You are my Spring” and how the Writernim and Director used their awful stories to be showned and not only told…

    It was the best written scenario for mental issues, abuse, neglect and the so needed healing of that family and friends I have seen.

    I am very disappointed with the message they are trying to give to the audience.
    It gives us the wrong idea again.

    If you want to see a healing drama that states the truth about ugly facts, go and watch “You are my Spring!”

  10. @BulmaGoku, apparently to Shin PD her acting quality is good enough for that scenes. Just shows his incompetency in casting and directing. He is self-absorbed. I am thoroughly satisfied that many kviewers who saw this have come forward and raised it. Being his self-centered person, Shin PD’s ego probably has a dent or two. Wait till he comes out with his nauseating rebuttal media release about his drama that tells a simple slice of life of ordinary people bullshits. 😒

    I will never comprehend and accept how they did Mido x yys dirty, story wise. The lenght they went through to promote such a badly written character and poorly skilled actress while sidelining Mido shows their mindset i.e. they don’t find their narratives/ what they did is wrong. That is how shallow they are. Their mentality is sick. Everything is a joke to them, even writing on beating god to fulfill one’s selfish desire. They are a laughing stock to come out with this when they themselves are in their 40s, supposedly more mature and wiser.

    Are shinlee themselves repressed and currently mentally driven by their hormones to end up with such ting tong production? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

  11. @Cleopatra, I lived that was so beautifully done
    It presented the messages so well and it also incorporated de light hearted scenes to ease some of the more horrible scenes. HPL could learn a thing or two from this drama YAMS that was even done on shorter amounts of time.

    ,@Cleopatra,I hope you are getting better weather and that the fires have stopped and you are safe.sending healing thoughts.

  12. @miracle23 why is the cover for It’s My Life this?

    That’s when SW found out about her mom’s Parkinson’s? We were never shown the gang supporting her at all. Only IJ. Still. That pic has no correlation to the song lyrics at all? It makes zero sense.

  13. I wish someone wrote this kind of analysis in Kdrama website. So they know that using domestic abused victim as their mean to rehabilitate a poorly written character is so manipulative and as @welmaris perfectly frame it, it is an insult to domestic abused survivors.

  14. @OAL,

    I am okay. Don’t worry! 🙂

    I am glad you enjoyed YAMS. I think it was one of the best (summer) series of the year! I agree with you, but ShinLee is not listening to us!

  15. @BulmaGoku,

    If I knew Korean, I would write it!

  16. @nrllee, #Troll. I couldn’t care less of the why. That poster has been posted and re-posted by them since few weeks ago. Who cares about the posters? They can lick up their own stupid game. /sarcasm

    I am cancelling these duo. They are such a cancer to the community. The fact that they know really well that they are manipulating viewers with their sick narratives is just …. -_- *roll eyes* They ALLOW that to happen for the sake of being in the hype. And they drag along the main leads into their messy mentality and agenda. *facepalm*

    Do you know they have now a fanclub for midowa parasol. Why do I feel S3 is in the making? Dang! Just stop it already! Stop dragging along these talented casts and make them work rubbish!

    With the rating slightly drop again… I hope the trend continues till final episode. 2 hours waste of time. Geezzz…

  17. Really happy with the negative feedback S2 has been drawing with the bashful comments and ratings drops in SK. Hope the duo get a reality check and quit making dramas, they are just no good at it anymore. They take their viewers for granted, laugh at their stupidity, and then end up serving a hot pot of garbage — why do these guys think that’s ok? Lol, bunch of megalomaniacs the lot of them!

  18. @Miracle23, on sidelining Mido, I remember her scene a couple of episodes back — the one where she was talking to her mom on the phone, and she was pretending to be upbeat for her, but in reality she was feeling miserable. That was a moving performance — however short that conversation was.

    I haven’t seen Episode 10 yet (I have found the time to watch it tomorrow! 🙂 ) — but I look forward to IS’s short and moving scene based on the positive reviews here on the threads. 🙂 I have always thought the actress playing IS is great — she is a very good complement to JKH!!! — only it’s too bad that IS is a little thinly written this S2. But, as the comments here say, at least the actress makes IS relatable, if not likeable, with great acting!

    @nrllee, on trolling, do you mean because the surname is Lee and the first name is JeongWon? Anyhoo… Whatever. 🙄 I get now when people say Shin PD has a big ego. Enough with the trolling and the thinking that he is so much smarter than his viewers. ShinLee seem to have forgotten that the most important and fundamental thing is still: good storytelling.

    And @OAL and everyone else, yes, I also agree that it is detestable that SHwa, the strong female lead of S1, is now just reduced to a mere love interest to IJ. Shipping aside, where is the strong, kick-ass, wise, awesome doctor boss from before?? Now she is reduced to a mere love interest who seems wishy-washy and cOnFuSeD about her feelings for her long-time friend. Girl, I thought you’ve already thought about this 9 episodes ago. 🙄 (And don’t tell me that popular “saying”, “I’m a girl. I’m allowed to change my mind every second.” I hate that stereotypical retort and all its negative connotations.)

  19. Kalimera @Cleo, Maggot being badly written is just another proof that she is a Mary Sue for the “feelings” like crowd to insert themselves in the history. I haven’t written as much as usually since I am kind of disconnected from this show. Yesterday only saw until min. 45 so I am still way behind to properly write about this episode.

    Please be patient with me 😉 .

    Hope to read from you all!!!

    PS: Dear @GB, could you consider Hotel Del Luna for our next re-viewing? 😀

  20. Someone is trending at with over 600 comments and growing on her foot acting. Yys x shinlee had their fair share of critics. Yys on his awkward hug. Many on wg … wg is boring, no chemistry etc. Some even said they skipped all wg scenes lol. I am glad we are not alone. 😂

    Reading Naver Talk HP site (HP biased) vs and DC (objective/ not blinded by HP) feel like they are two different worlds 😂. Even if shippers exist in the latter two, they are also many general kviewers who are not easily manipulated by shinlee’s thought process 🤭🤭🤭.. worry not, Shinlee and those affected will get wind of these criticism. 😏

    @pandamilktea, Kwak Seon Yeong (iksun), and Mido are distinguished musical actresses known for their acting prowess. I trust they will perform the best they can. While for that overhyped one, her acting in 2020 vs 10 years ago in Warrior Baek Dong Soo doesn’t change at all. I rest my case.🤐

    P/S: yeah lurkers, unlike you I watched that old drama, once upon a time when JCW still matters to me 🤭🤭🤭 I paid attention to their acting skills. It’s very very important to me. Unskilled actors are easily dismissed – past, present and future 😎

  21. @FGB4877,

    The Hong sisters have another drama in the works, “Return.” I read somewhere that it involves spirits too. There was a bit of controversy sometime this summer when the lead actress was suddenly dropped (or “fired” according to some news report) after filming began and replaced with Jung So Min (“Because This is My First Life”).

    Rewatch of HdL could make a good introduction to the Hong Sisters’ drama but I’d limit it to 5 episodes to avoid viewers’ fatigue. The Hong Sisters have been grim and melancholic lately and HdL was heavy-going. It put the drama back in k”DRAMA.”

    The wit is still there but they’ve lost their levity.

  22. @nrlee and all – Too much trolling is getting in the way of good cohesive story telling and character development. Now it’s just reduced to a sob story and a waste of a strong main female lead. Where is villain Songhwa?!!!

    @Miracle – IKR? That band cover is another wasted opportunity. I kept asking the TV why, why, what is this, what is this? I like that Bon Jovi song but it did not resonate in HPL. I feel like this are Shinlee saying it’s their drama (It’s my life!) and they can do whatever they want with it. It’s my first drama of them and color me disappointed.

    @AOL and @Cleo – 100% agree on YAMS, it’s the better kdrama than HPL S2 hands down on all aspects.

  23. I’m interested to see how this Jang actress does acting opposite Song Joong Ki. Maybe he will bring out the best in her? Or he may beg Jeon Yeo been -the Vincenzo actress- to come take her spot. I imagine going from the chemistry he had with JYB to chemistry he’ll have with Jang actress (gah, I can’t ever remember her name) will be quite different.

    One more thing to add to the Jang abuse story arc. If she’s been proven by ShinLee to miss signs of abuse in patients TWICE, and with the personal abuse she’s experienced, there’s no hope for a doctor. Once could be excused by some but she’s had years of experience and lessons taught to her by her sunbaes and she missed it AGAIN. She needs to turn to research and get a PhD and stay in a lab. To be a good doctor you must use all of your brain. If she can’t pick up abuse which she has experience, how will she be able to discern symptoms to get to a diagnosis that isn’t spelled out in all caps and black and white.

  24. Thanks for the amazing write up!

    Domestic violence is an issue close to my heart and i am disappointed with how they write it. I know people deal with traumas in different ways but i don’t like how they use this plot solely for us to feel sorry for Jang.

    It is almost as if this is a get out of jail free card that is supposed to make us forget about the insensitivity and the terrible things she has done. I am not belittling the “hardship” she suddenly has, but it is just so poorly written. I also don’t like how everyone just shrugged her off. “Don’t feel sorry”? “It’s not your fault”? How about recommending her to get the support that’s needed? How about showing us how we, as bystanders, can help this issue?!

    I genuinely consider dropping this drama because of this. Spreading awareness on domestic violence shouldn’t be limited to showing someone who experienced it, but also how to help and move forward. For some reason it reminded me of how abused people can be abusive. It is still not an excuse for how they hurt people.

  25. Right, @Sasa13?

    JW had such a pat answer. — Actually, it was Writer Lee who gave him such a canned response. Jang said X, so JW said Y. There’s no originality there.

    Same thing with JaeHak’s wife’s medical issue. We could see the writer(s) plugging in X, and coming out with a Y. (Wait! Did I write about “schematics” yet? I was supposed to write about schematics after Ep 7….) It was like the writer had a contract to write JaeHak a story to showcase the actor’s acting chops, and the writer chose to go down this route.

    The story of the traffic accident patient, DunA, was more stirring. When she struggled even to say the numbers — that must have been frightening and distressing for her.

    Oh well…

  26. If they don’t have a problem featuring problematic/not realistic relationships with professors and their students, I wouldn’t have minded seeing a patient fall in love with a doctor. Like the quadriplegic/social media story line or DunA and her recovery. I mean, why not just go all in.

  27. I’ve been thinking that Jang is written as a novelty from the first with her maggot experience and running prowess. Shin Lee this can mold her to please a large section of their audience, this we had the rabid WG shippers. This became their theme making HPL2 inferior to the first season. The emphasis on the five lead friendship was lost to the WG ship. Apart fr band practice and the occasional meal their interactions were sparse and unsatisfying. It seemed to me that everyone was more or less going it alone like the long scene where IJ ignored She’s on their walk through the hospital. Ebem the camping trip with Songhwa, IJ and U-ju fell flat.

    You can see how Shin Lee lost it this season by pandering to the WG cried and resorting to lazy formulaic writing, especially in long surgery scenes and cases. They missed the boat on a helpful vision of domestic violence and how to handle it with Jang’s “rehab”. She certainly continued to be self centered. She can’t,,y extrapolate her experience from her patients’. And Shin Lee gives us no way to escape DV that was so well done in YAMS. So Shin Lee don’t even show the viewers how to cbay DV by escaping to a safe place and getting help. They just tell us that Jang:d family is in an eternal DV loop where the kids leftom in the lurch and brother loses inlaw support for his cancelled marriage
    Mom will probably go back to her toxic relationship and be beaten again after Jang becomes exhausted caring for her. Jang this becomes a martyr
    So no real Jang rehab because she had not meaningfully helped herom and should know better.

    Unless they sctuly get a third season where they dry everything to rights, this season will go down as soany second installments of franchises like Star Wars as the one to write off. Shin Lee can’t redeem themselves in the next two episodes.

  28. @sasa13 and @packmule3, yup no meaningful help for DV victims. Don’t Korean hospitals have social workers? Don’t these doctors get training in DV identification.

    So Shin Lee are just filling on the blanks.They have fleeting moments of inspiration but taken as a whole to use cooking as an exr they ruined the stew. At this point in time I can’t see them getting out of this predicament. Even if they are given a third season I think they’ve lost audience with drop outs along the way.

  29. Agree with you all so much. Terribly written character and character arcs. And even more terrible was the acting. Maggot is awful and so is the actress playing her. All at the cost of SW’s screen time.

    What’s unfortunate is the Maggot actress signed not one but two new dramas as the lead. One with song joon ki and then another JTBC drama coming in October. I don’t think I’ll be able to watch either of those. I can’t stand to see her on screen at all.

    As someone who lived through a form of abuse growing up, here’s the thing. Growing up with abuse makes you Hyper vigilant. You pick up things and emotions in other people far earlier than anyone else. It’s literally a critical self-defense/self-protecting thing.

    So her wooden-ness just makes so sense at all. She would have picked up on things far earlier with the S1 patients.

    The episodes without her are vastly better to her scenes. WG makes zero sense,

    The heart of the show to me were always Jinwan, SH, SW. and Jwon when he was passionate about DLL and building his children’s hospital. IkJun had his own charm.

    But ShinLee have lost their way, and it’s so sad.

    Thank god for this site and all of you for helping me make sense of it all and stay sane.

  30. Exactly, MrsRJH1. Jang’s reaction to the child’s bruises in Season 1, Ep 5 made ZERO sense.

    Here’s what happened:

    JW: (opening the shirt and seeing the bruises) What kind of sick son of a bitch does this?
    Jang’s face: (staring at him blank-eyed, then blinking)
    JW: Dr. Jang. Call the police.
    Jang’s face: (surprised!)
    Jang: Huh? (She actually said, “Dae?” which the netflix subbed as “Sorry?”)
    Bong: It’s child abuse, isn’t it?
    Jang: (turned to look at Bong. Then to JW. Still blank-faced)
    JW: I think so. These aren’t bruises from a car accident. Besides, the bruises have different colors. These bruises from long are lighter, and the recent ones are more vivid. Seeing that his back is covered with bruises, his father must beat him often.
    JW: (he then noticed Jang just standing there, looking at a distance) Haven’t you called the police yet?
    Jang looked at him then at the abuser. JW looked at the abuser, too who started running away. Jang suddenly removed shoes and gave chase. JW just let her go after the man. Meanwhile back in the ER…
    Bong: By the way, will Dr. Jang be all right without her shoes?
    JW: (Sighing. He didn’t look concerned that she could get herself in danger. He looked exasperated that she overreacted.)
    Bae: I’ve called the police. They’ll be here in five minutes. They’ll bring a social worker with them.
    Bong: Shouldn’t someone follow Dr. Jang? You also called the security team?
    Bae: Yes. (sighing) She’s so bold. What if he has a knife or something?
    JW: (looking thoughtful but didn’t do anything)
    Bae: Professor, Jaeyoung’s brother was here yesterday as well. Will he be alright. His father said he broke his arm, but the x-ray showed he had broken ribs as well. It did seem strange.
    JW: (coming to a decision) Let me see his x-ray.

    Even if ShinLee had planned all along to give Jang such a backstory, the Jang actress’ acting didn’t measure up. She looked dazed, in stupor, dumb, rather than angry or “hyper-vigilant” — as you said, MrsRJH1 — when child abuse came up.

  31. Thanks for making a separate thread for this @pm3 and thank you too @Welmaris! You were spot on on your analysis of Jang’s situation and character! The moment Jang turned a blind eye on the her mom’s abuse, she had stopped being a victim and started becoming an accomplice. IIRC, this was also mentioned in the drama Kill Me, Heal Me where they discussed how turning a blind eye on an abuse is worse than the abuse itself.

    @Miracle12 @Janey I thought I was the only one who did not feel the connection of the song to the ep. It did seem out of place.

    I haven’t seen any previous drama of the Jang actress so I’m not sure if it’s really her acting or just the character. But even still, SW’s crying gave all the emotions needed for the scene while I can’t say the same for Jang’s. I even find IS’s explanation to JWan more moving.

  32. No one really knows what’s special about Shin Hyun-bin’s acting. Right? Haha. Even if she will star alongside Song Joong-ki in a new drama, I don’t think she’s to bring the hype. It’s gonna be Tiffany (Girl’s Generation) for sure, that is, if Tiffany will confirm her appearance.

  33. I originally thought that SHB was instructed to act that way by PF Shin. Now I just think it’s her limited acting skills. Her earliest work won her a best new actor Baeksarng but it was many years ago and she hasn’t been able to repeat. If you look at her body of work this role gave her the best opportunity to stretch given her story line and screen time and all we see is limited ability. Of she had the chops, she squandered them.

    As a relative newcomer to K Dramas (less than 3 years,)I have chosen what to view mostly by following actors
    For example I love Gong Hyo Jin. So I’ve seen lots of her grad and movies. YYS brought me to HPL because he starred in one of my favorite movies, Mood of the Day and the drama Dr. Romantic. He is a disappointment on HPL.

    Based on my picks I would not go out of my way to watch a drama starring SHB.

  34. Thank you, @MrsRJH1, for helping us look at this plot hole from the perspective of a domestic abuse survivor. Yes, I’d imagine if Jang really had grown up in a household with an abusive father, her self-preservation skills would have been finely honed. As @Packmule3 reminded us, we see exactly the opposite in Jang as she is written and acted. Her response in the ER to JW’s findings and directives was profound naivety. Did her family never have the police called in because neighbors were concerned about what they were hearing? Did she herself never suffer bruising after being beaten by her father? How is is possible that Jang, having had things thrown at her by her father and even breaking her arm in one confrontation with him, suddenly couldn’t recognize the physical evidence of abuse and the necessity of calling in the authorities? As one of my friends recently wrote to me, “We’re only willing to suspend our disbelief to a good bend, not a complete break of reality.” (Thanks for the quote, RDR.)

  35. I agree. Domestic abuse is traumatic and it’s not something to be made fun of especially by ShinLee. They are just turning it as a ploy to make viewers pity Maggot and make her to be likable. Minha is sooo much likable than her. They shouldn’t have done that – if her character is cold, so be it. She’s just a supporting character- focus on your leads! I don’t know, it’s like it becomes their life mission to rehabilitate Jang and unfortunately, this costs them a show. To me, the show has somehow jumped the shark the moment Jang cried her crocodile tears.

  36. @PM3, that was just an idea, loved that you liked it!!! 😉 . Hong Sisters rocked back in the day, Master’s Sun isn’t shabby except for the subplot involving the stolen jewelry that took way too much at the end.

    Changing topics, now that we know that Maggot has an abusive stepmother * ahem, sorry * father, I am trying to guess who would be her Fairy Godmother and her mice 🙂 . Chu Min-Ah seems to be a good stepsister to her 😀 .

  37. @FGB, I love the Cinderella story. However, Maggot can’t be Cinderella
    Cinderella is kind, puts up with all sorts of abuse, loved animals and people really works hard and hated injustice. Maggot had none of these qualities. All she is is a superficial makeover waiting to happen.

  38. Dear @OAL, Maggot is a false Cinderella. The true one even if she is not mistreated but rather is kind, hardworking, wise and does not like the limelight is SHwa 😀 .

    I was talking about the archetype the writer is trying to muddle Maggot with 😉 .


    Quoting 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

    (4) Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. (5) It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. (6) Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. (7) It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

    (8) Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.


    Maggot failed to protect her own mother even if she knew what was happening. Compare that to Disney’s Cinderella doing her best to protect her mice from Lucifer and Lucifer from Bruno.

    At the end of the day it made me sad how trapped she felt. There was a scene where she is having dinner with JWon and we see them from outside. She tells him her story but there was a beautiful image of her being behind a closed window that muddled her side of the room and “jails” her behind the wooden frame of the window while JWon is in the open air, unconstricted by said frame: he was free from all that baggage.

    That said she makes me feel disconnected from her scenes. Her character has been designed as a vessel for the “feels” crowd that believes that they should get the rich, handsome, competent, kind and loving man without having to work mainly on their principles and values.

    She kind of breaks the fourth wall, since her development is not organic nor consistent. She does not recognize abuse signals even if she experimented it in her own flesh… twice.

    So dear @OAL, please let me apologize for not making myself clear that what I wrote was not an endorsement of the character but rather an analysis of what the writer and director presented us as bait 😀 .

  39. I’ve read the article in theqoo and they severely criticized her acting but not only hers but also said that all the actresses are bad except Mido, they also criticized Yoo YeonSeok because there is inconsistence in his acting with his “loveline” and with his friends, and heavily criticized the directing and writing. Plus said their last performance was cringey 😖

    Honestly I’m still watching for Mido and Kyungho…

  40. @malterser5 Good that SHB’s acting is receiving negative feedback — she has been the weakest link on the show since its genesis and I think it was mostly okay because she was a temporary presence in S1. Had her role been of a similar capacity in S2, I’d like to think that people would have been least bothered. But they kept shoving her pouty face and dour attitude in our faces week in week out and thought that people would swoon over it just like they did during S1 and, my God, if I’ve ever seen a bad gamble, this is one of the worst of the lot.

    Would like to know what ShinLee *really* saw in her audition tape to warrant a script change — not what was shown to us in those BTS segments, but the discussions they had in the writers room. Did they really think she had enough capability to replace MiDo? 🤨 REALLY???? 😵‍💫

  41. Thank you FGB4877. Maggot is indeed a disconcerting character and I get what you are saying

    My problem is that by promoting the Jang character,Shin Lee are throwing Songnwa’s character under the bus with an IJ ship and her perpetual service to others while giving the undeserving Jang the sweeter romance and disproportionate screen time. IJ isolated Songhwa when she needs friends, ignores her when walking through the hospital and sometimes brings her coffee-,big whoopie! PaBo barely acknowledges the woman who took over and tan with DLL
    And all of the boys don’t allow her to sing. So Songhwa will probably have to physically care for Ij who is probably the injured doctor+ so much for giving her “,romance”.,Just buy her a vacuum cleaner for Valentine’s Day, will ya IJ.

    Life sin:t fair.

  42. Hi all,

    Just finished watching and reading all comments.

    @ Welmaris, agree wholeheartedly with your comment on maggot rehab.

    Jeez, the storyline is now getting worst and absurd as ShinLee progress in each episode. Give up on ShinLee. Where is our FG backstory? Why give so much screen time to maggot and IJ at the expense of the other leads? Jeez, is ShinLee testing our patience & intelligence?

    Never like maggot from beginning be it her manipulative character or poor acting. So for me, she is def out. I won’t want to waste time watching her dramas where she is the main lead. I really have enough of her in HP.

  43. I don’t know if the acting or the way the PD made her act. Because I have the same issue with Min-Ha, the both act cute for Min-Ha and childish for GW when they are with the Professor. But normaly, when they’re with other people. I found it pretty frustrating to watch. Both are competent doctors but they made their main story about their crush. It’s why I prefer Heo Seon-Bin as a character. She’s competent, has interesting conversations with Song-Hwa and acts as a normal adult.

  44. @Sayaris and company. From former posts you know that I’m not keen on Shin Hyun Been as an actress. She probably peaked early. To give her her due, I think she is taking direction. Director Shin may want her to give a flat performance. However, good actors always have ideas regarding their characters, so I think Actor Shin is playing it her way too. She did well for herself, winning a Cadre of fans for the WG ship and by getting better offers of future projects, taking two.

    The problem I have with her is that her role has antagonized me and I look at her face with disgust. Unless her projects are so good that they make me want to view them, I’ll pass. My one nay vote will not be worth a hill of beans but sobeit.

    The other problem I have with HPL2 is that it seems to me that each of the male leads have strong storyline, but our female lead has been given very little to do while two female supporting actors, but mainly SHB have been given a huge amount of screen time. I am so happy that Jeon Mido will now be appearing in a Son Ye-jin drama. I hope the new producers, writers and directors treat her better. She is a major multi-directional talent.

    The poor treatment of Jeon Mido, considering her casting tape, just makes no sense to me.

  45. @pm3 @OAL tbh i believe that this is a sudden change they link in s2 because it doesn’t make sense for Jang to be written so cold and unaware in s1 if they already thought things through. In addition, they can always make her have other flaws, why do they have to make her blame the mother of the child and be unaware of the abuse signs?

    Even in s2, she seemed to not change her ways. She keeps making mistakes and she is not growing as a doctor. At least, in dramas like grey’s anatomy that showed inconsistent character growth, the characters do get REAL consequences. Here Jang can do whatever mistake and be excused of it.

    It is also stupid for JW not to recommend therapy. She clearly has some issues.

    I also agree with everyone here saying how manipulative she was to the mom. Why did she threaten to leave her job? If she is not lying to JW, shouldn’t her mom already be ok to go outside now? She is isolating her mom, just like IJ isolates Songhwa from the rest of her support system.

    I am so sorry but i don’t buy Jang and IJ as good love interests in any way.

  46. @Sasa13, I was wondering about Jang’s threat to quit her job. Does anybody know how physician jobs work in Korea? Jang has come through her internship and residency. Now she’s a fellow. Does I t mean she’s a full fledged doctor who can practice anywhere or does it mean she has to complete her fellowship to be credentialed in her field. If it’s the latter does that mean that quitting her job would mean professional disadvantages. If that were the case wouldn’t our ambitious Jang be disingenuous because she knows her mother wouldn’t accept that. I think evenin her so-called care for her mother she’s an utter failure and playing martyr to test PaBo’s love, Also, Jang brought her mother to Seoul but in her “shame” didn’tbring her to her hospital.if she cared so much, Jang would have gone to Yul Je.

    Contrast her with go jt alone Songhwa who has set her mother up with diagnostic and treatment options in her hospital and you want to scream.

  47. Dear @OAL, the attacked person is most surely JWon since he crossed the abusive father back in season 1. It is a Checkov’s gun that has been in the wall for so long that powder should have become useless at this point XD .

  48. Does anyone notice in the preview when pabo folding clothes and talking with rosa that he doesn’t use his bracelet anymore?

    I honestly don’t know what to expect from PB anymore he has changed towards Shwa,,

  49. I found a website,, and went down the rabbit hole for awhile. I particularly want to call our attention to an entry which starts with this sentence: “A ‘Shaggy Dog’ Story is a plot with a high level of build-up and complicating action, only to be resolved with an anti-climax or ironic reversal, usually one that makes the entire story meaningless.”

    Here’s the link:

    Have fun! I suspect you’ll find names and descriptions of many tropes in Hospital Playlist that frustrate us.

  50. @Welmaris, I found that reference elsewhere when I wanted more info on Chekov’s gun. You are right on the money
    With the Shaggy dog story. We’ll see what happens beginning next week. Also along with canines we have the pescatotial stink of all the red herrings. Gnashing my teeth.

  51. @FGB4877 OMG! You might be correct! I remember now that father’s threat. And.. something JWon said this episode pinged me, he said he has his mind in sections. I wonder if that’s a premonition for the attack.

  52. @FGB4877, good point!!! But that is assuming the writers still follow the rules of tight and cohesive writing. 🤪 honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if their approach is now more whatever-will-push-the-immediate-narrative. 🙃

  53. To be honest the start of the WG romance was what stopped me from watching continously.

    It was only later that I checked out Season two and liked the Bear couple. But I have a feeling that he is going to turn her down because of his plan to fly to the US.

    The other character that had grown on me is Iksun and I hope that they would start anew.

    I am really not feeling the actress playing Doctor Jang so I have nothing positive to write about her.

  54. Yes. I noticed that JW wasn’t wearing his bracelet, too, @Letta. I don’t think the actor would have forgotten to wear it because it’s part of his costume.

    But I don’t know the significance, though.

  55. @packmule3, I think the significance of the removal of his Rosary bracelet is that Jang triumphed over God. It may be that Shin Lee succumbed to fan service at the behest of Netflix. We don’t know the terms of their contract. It is also interesting that Netix is removing the Reply series from their site by September 30. This Blog has been using that series as a template, so with it’s removal, the fans without other streaming services like Rakuten won’t have the reference to review. Whether it’s significant or not, we’ll see if it appears that Shin Lee have altered their approach for lucrative considerations.It also could be mere coincidence. But for my money, ratings plus buzz plus affiliation with a media behemoth adds up to fan service and holding one’s nose to creative independence. Will get the tale of the tape when we see their next projects and HPL2 comes to an end or if. Miracle of Miracles there is an HPL3.

  56. @OAL, by succumbing to fanservice post S1, the duo really did injustice to Mido as the FL. I won’t want Mido or any of the main casts, esp yys, to get tied down with these copycat duo anymore. It won’t do them any good, career development wise. HP2 is all buzz, no substance. Imagine the number of works the duo might copycat to write S3.😏 A total mess and incoherent it will be. Parody fest! 🥴🥴 They can just offer their maggot princess to do the job of filming the whole lot and hyping s3. We have seen how their efforts to put her in the spotlight in S2 have been /sarcasm 😏 That is the price they deserve for treating Mido and the others the way they did. They deserve every karma coming their way.

  57. @Miracle23, I still continue to wonder whether the Jang actress, Shin Hyun Been isn’t related to PD Shin and that we’re also seeing the effects if nepotism. I say this because of her position during the table read-right after the main cast, and some of the PR that featured her at the end ofeaso one and between season one and two. Her interviews didn’t seem to show the usual modesty that eventually leading cast members give and she seemed all too confident. Her one note performance has been underwhelming and do not see where she has charmed people. As actresses go, she has been given the ugly duckling appeal that is quite superficial. She got two good projects out of this series and they will determine her staying power. My guess is that she foesn’t have star power. What we know is that she’s polarizing at best. Even though she is ranked number nine on buzz this week, we may also think that buzz counts mentions, meaning both positive and negative comments.

    I agree that YYS has not been served well yet this series. While he is wonderful doing the doctor savior part of his role, he is reduced to a simmering idiot as Jang’s boyfriend and has been barely used as the DLL benefactor which could have proven to be juicy. Even a great opportunity for a dramatic turn during Rosa’s dementia scare involved little screen time. He should have gotten more. Compare and contrast this to Jang’s dating storyline using screentime and you’ll see what I mean.

    And our leads have not been given time(even though we have two seasons with long episodes) for consistent character development. They all seem to be marching in place. Will IJ have time tobe a getter father or even a lover if he and Songhwa really get together? We know a little about our bear couple but our professor got more to do last year with his father’s mistress. Same for our Iksun Jwan couple. We just get a few snippets.

    So my adv I certainly to a lead actor contemplating a role in a Shin Lee future project is run in the opposite direction…

  58. hi everyone! how are you? posting here since i didnt see a post on ep 11. its quite evident now that theyre going with iksong nad wg pairing that i actually just skimmed the whole almost two hour episode. they really made jang into a typical female lead with a tragic backstory. i agree with @old american lady that we may have to see if her other projects after this can prove her worth as an actress. other than the pairings, the patient stories seem to have lost their impact as well. am just glad about the bear couple and their relationship progression and uju crying. hes become mature for his age cause his dad always leaves him on his own. i just remember reading an article before where the pds said that this season is about what the audience wants. i dunno if i read it right but i guess this is the output of that statement. anything for the ratings!
    anyway, im glad i found this site where i can read very insightful content on dramas that im also interested in. thank you so much 🙂 i believe that there is a parallel universe right now where lovely songhwa is happier with the S1 jwon. they did both of them bad this season 🙁 so yeah am still in that canoe paddling into the sunset!

  59. @porites,

    email bodflowergarden at

  60. @porites check your email.

  61. So Iksong… can I get the password ? Love, your resident lurker since season 1.

  62. @lilprongs check your email

  63. Dear All,

    I have been reading this blog regularly since season 1, to search for assurance and safe place. 🥲
    For season 2, so many posts are protected and since I’m only a silent reader here, I tried to hang on with the support from your unprotected posts.
    But now, I’m really really desperate about this whole season 2, especially after I watched so many spoilers for episode 11. Honestly, I havent watched eps 10 and 11, I lost my interest. One thing that makes me happy now is the only one gomgom couple.
    And now after seeing the 11th episode’s spoiler, I just cant help to cry! Do you mind letting me know the password? I just cant help, all the instagram forum out there only talk about the Iksong couple.
    I cant find any folwer gardener shipper out there except from this blog.
    I really like the value that you all share here, and the depth of your analysis 🥺. All the details are just sooooo fascinating.
    Do I need to keep paddling for our flower gardener? I would be so happy if I can share the same feeling with you guys. ❤️

  64. @Aprilia Paskah send an email to bodflowergarden At

  65. In the end, as predicted by many people only care about the rating.

    Out of the blue IJ got accident, making SH took care of him and just realised of her feeling to him. There is inconsistency, in previous episode even though IJ made the effort to come to her and express his feelings it didn’t make SH accept it.

    It’s very disappointing. I think Reply series is still undefeated in many aspects.

  66. I told this before. Ikjun got the reference of Chilbong i.e. the long trip to confession, the baseball etc.

    Now similarly, he got the accident and hospitalised just like Chilbong did. Shwa accompanied him just like Najung did. Then the final confession. HP2 is a solace for Chilbong misfortune in R94 in the worse form i.e. Ikjun. In R94, Chilbong is the gentleman, who pointed out to Najung about her rude words, cared for her from the beginning. Ikjun? He is a big joke and I guess Shwa deserved it as well. 😏

    Now, do you see the copycat??? After R94 in 2014, this is all that they can produce. Pathetic, right? 😎

  67. @Miracle23 oof throwing one bomb after another in the form of comments 👏 I wish SHwa was as resolute as Najung though, when saying no to the guy who has a puppy crush. And yes, Chilbong had so much more substance than IJ will ever have over two seasons. Usually a story progresses over the course of seasons (that’s the whole darn purpose of splitting it into x years/seasons), but HP2 is a unique case where the story has regressed. The wirter/PD are truly displaying their immaturity in taking on this new format. Big thumbs down.

  68. Last episode is said to be 2 hours and 40 minutes. 😱

  69. @agdr03 O what? Do I really want to stay up that late? 🤔

  70. Yes @nrllee. I sent you a screenshot of what I read on Instagram.

  71. After those ships sailing except for Bear couple, I think not @nrllee. 😁

  72. Whoa, they are really so full of themselves. Do they think their last episode is The Fellowship of the Rings? Avengers Endgame?!? 🙄😂

    If anything, the ridiculous length just proves what a failure their writing and pacing is.

    Sooooo many loose threads that need to be tied, huh?? So many character rehabilitations, too, needed to justify the endgames?

    If they had a tight and organized outline — and I assume every high shooler all over the world already knows the importance of an organized outline when writing anything — they could have paced/spread their plot points better.

    Ew, HP2 is really a bloated mess!

  73. Wow-They ain’t Dickens. Bitches, please don’t put a hate on the Songhwa character. The character was fine for 22 episodes. ShinLee still has her being a great doctor and colleague. She was given one flaw at the last minute and that’s caring about IJ. We don’t see an improvement for Jang as a doctor. Maybe the last episode will take up most of the time with Jang acing a complex surgery finishing her overall rehab and then getting a glamor makeover. From her next show’s publicity still, maybe not so much-she has a natural sourpuss.

    I figure we’ll get to see U-ju again, though he is no longer baby cute. They have to show Songhwa as the ideal stepmother. I think they’ll touch on DLL, but maybe they’ll leave it up in the air.We also have Iksun:s cancer to resolve. And they have to get in at least two surgeries-one by IJ who had the brain injury and skull fracture, methinks. And we have the beloved Bear couple, Rosa and Ju, the complicated birth of the breast cancer wife of our new fellow. And finally a musical number with a cameo by BTS maybe and there you have it. If our be ObGyn goes to America, it will be the musical finale because it’s his mom’s basement. You can also take away from the plot with coffee and/or a meal or two. They have lots of ways to kill two hours and forty minutes. We’ll see how they sell out and if there is a fall off in the ratings going into the final half. And they remain a long way from their hoped for 20 ratings. If they make it sobeit. We know they messed up big time. And we also know that season two, which didn’t hold a candle to season one, doesn’t merit any creative awards given all of the competition out there.

  74. @pandamilktea Avengers Endgame 🤣🤣🤣👏🏽 35 minutes or 35 hours, won’t make any difference. They have ruined their reputation all the same. Even an FG endgame TaDaaaa moment isn’t going to save their skin.

    @OAL Song-hwa’s only weakness was not just to care for IJ, it was about putting on a brave face in E1 and then doing a 180 in the 11th hour — at 40 years of age, when she is one of the most accomplished women in SK apparently, it ruins any credibility she’s built up until that point; not to mention she showed no inkling of maternal affection for Uju during camping and now she wants to be a step mum? Thumbs down, all the way.

    I agree with your comment that you put in the HK thread about dissociating Mido from Song-hwa, that is completely justified. But I cannot condone the decisions the character Song-hwa has made. Yes, she is a victim of bad writing, and I haven’t spared the writer/PD any grace and you know that, but she still has made those decision being the supposedly “wise” doctor. So yes, she is a write off in my book and my heart hurts when I say that. She was one of my favourite female characters in S1, but in S2, I cannot stand her after E4 or 5, she has no substance of her own, no storyline of her own, and all those that could have strengthened her character (caring after her mother, having DLL flourish under her vision) ShinLee have abandoned. So yes, she is as shallow a character as they write her to be. This doesn’t take away anything from Mido and I repeat this time and time again that she has been a revelation. I will always be thankful to HP only and only for her and bringing her and YYS together. But Song-hwa, she has been an utter letdown, and that doesn’t even hit the tip of the iceberg of everything I feel about her character at the moment.

  75. I saw at the other blog that there’s no HP Season 3. Is it true?

  76. @tamee, I also saw no Season 3 of HPL. Good!

    I might watch an episode or two of Shin Hyun Been next project because our publisher in It’s Okay To Be Not Okay looks to be a male lead. They showed the posters for the new series and SHB had the same expression as her Jang character. She was more glammed up but her visual really didn’tstch the description of her character. Maybe that will be the kind of role she gets-miserable posters. She didn’t get top billing either. I’m not rushing to see this because we,,,,’re getting a treasure trove of dramas this fall.


  77. Glad to hear that there is no HP S3 🤣

  78. Hi everyone! I’m glad I revisit this section, I’ve been waiting for an unprotected thread since Ep. 11 huhu. I am a silent reader since S1, FG is my safe space. I always read FG blog and comments especially whenever I am frustrated with the episode, and I find this space really comforting.

    The endgame does not make sense, i agree with you all, there are many loose threads and inconsistencies in writing. What about the DLL? Baby Song Jeongwon? The children’s hospital? The daisies?

    And Ikjun SUDDENLY mesmerized by SHwa’s singing? NAH!

    I hope I can read more of your insights on the HP finale.

    I will keep paddling for FG despite the HP endgame, thank you fellow FGrs! Keep safe. 🙂

  79. @HyeriQueen thank you for your comment 🙂 There are no insights on eps. 11 and 12 because they are big fat nothing burgers, like most of S2 😂 Apart from how similar SHwa and JWon continue to be in their mannerisms, including doing a 180 with their feelings for the people they ended up with, there really is nothing to dissect with disingenuous writing.

    This whole season was made to be a gimmick, to ride on the success of S1 (destroying its legacy in the process) and for ShinLee to placate their own egos via some sort of perverse validation in partly joining the seasonal format trend, partly banking on their cOmEbaCk fanfare and partly ticking off all kdrama tropes in their bucket list lol

    Welcome to the blog and hope to see you around in another drama! 😊

  80. @HyeriQueen check your email

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