Goblin: Save the Date! Sat, Oct 23

Save the Date
for our rewatch of “Guardian: The Lonely and Great God”
aka “Goblin”
Saturday, Oct 23rd

credit: blaire-amore’s tumblr

Usual time: 13:00pm UTC

09:00am EST*
06:00am PST*
09:00pm Singapore, Philippines
08:00pm Indonesia
03:00pm Greece

*Daylight savings time ends on Nov 7.

@Growing_Beautifully, @Cleopatra, @Janey, @Fern, @FGB4877, and I are doing the rewatch.

Hope you can join us!

35 Comments On “Goblin: Save the Date! Sat, Oct 23”

  1. Starting with Episode 1, I would presume? Super! I will be a newbie, rather than a re-watcher. I’m looking forward to it. Many thanks.

  2. Kalispera! So happy we are going to rewatch this!

    Kim Shin ❤️ Gong Yoo

    @Fern Welcome on board!

  3. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks so much @pkml3 for the early thread and notice to all to join in. I tend to do things super early too, simply because I’ll forget if I leave it undone immediately!!!

    Hi @Fern!!! So glad that you’re going to join us. Yes, be a newbie, and enjoy it unbiased and fresh.

    This Show was one of the first (for me) to portray a grand romance, kdrama-style, through time/multiple lives and to introduce the mythical figures of a deity of sorts, and other co or sub deities in samshin, and goblin. And the odd grim reaper. I felt that this universe seemed to ‘make enough sense’ and went happily along with it.

    If nothing else, it looks very good!

  4. @GB,

    My pleasure! I’ve free time this morning to go through some posts. See you later. 🙂


    Hope to read all of you soon!, BTW dear @GB, I was FINALLY able to take the first SinoPharm COVID-19 shot!!! 😀 . Hope your MIL have recovered already and will read you soon!!! =D

  6. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Congratulations @FGB!! I’m actually thinking that regardless of what ‘experts’ say about the efficacy, the SinoPharm Vac is effective and likely to help you against more variants ultimately, because it does not just concentrate on a spike protein, but presents the entire dead virus.

    Thanks for asking about MIL. She’s more or less OK although less active, and she actually wants her booster shot, so we’re accompanying her for that later this week.

    I look forward to reading you and hope you’ll be able to join us for Goblin!!

  7. Woohooo! I’m in! 🙌
    Kamsahamnida, @packmule3😃😃
    It should be post-lunch 2 pm ish for me, which is a perfect way to spend Saturday afternoon 😄😄 I was quite sad to have missed the Healer rewatch, so I’m doubly enthusiastic about this one🤩🤩

  8. Count me in 😉 !!!. I have missed you a lot and also all our watching team.

    On another note I’ve finished “Omameda Towako to Sannin no Motootto” and I can wholeheartedly tell you it is a fascinating Drama that threads a lot of themes with deepness, humor, compassion and elegance. A great watch (but will love to have a second opinion from you all 😀 ). It is 10 episodes long, 45 minutes per episode. It is about reframing your life experiences but also about the people that has loved you along the way.

    BTW what are you watching right now? (especially on our Saturday 9:00AM Caracas – US Eastern – time slot ;)).

  9. Oooh great plan! Need some Gong Yoo and LDW bromance. I’ll fast forward all the nauseatingly faux cutesy FL scenes. 😀 Excited to watch it with you all.

  10. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Great to know you can join us @Phoenix! Welcome to the party MrsRJH1.

    Although I know many viewers did not like KGE as a highschooler, I actually found her realistic as a desperate teen. Eun Tak was an affectionate child, starved of love and attention, and looking for it where she could. She retained her childlike-ness despite the hardships and ill-treatment. She had to be winning and pushy, in order to not be ignored entirely. I found her teen character consistent and believable, her cheekiness a foil for the curmudgeon Goblin.

    @FGB, I looked up the Show you mentioned. It’s quite interesting that Omameda Towako to Sannin no Motootto has a woman in charge with 3 ex husbands as its premise. LOL. We should keep it in mind for your rewatch and our first watch!

    If you’re asking what I’m watching now, I was half way through episode 1 of Dali and the Cocky Prince. I liked the lighting and colour of Amsterdam. Now, I see that Hometown CCC has it’s subbed episode up already, so I may watch some of it before I knock off for the night.

  11. Pssst…I will let you in on a secret. I have never watched Goblin. 😂. I will see if I feel up to the challenge.

  12. ^I probably won’t watch at the allotted time because it would be midnight where I am at. So if I do join, I will join in the conversations afterward.

  13. @FGB – great to hear that you got your vaccine shot!!! Stay healthy and safe!

    I first watched Goblin’s ep 1 and was stuck there for many months and I don’t know why. I think I got weirded out with the age difference at the start. It took me watching TKEM to see what KGE can do with her role to spur my interest again. There were also a some similarities with Goblin and TKEM especially on the use of deities. But my favorite is the OST!!! So I want to rediscover it again.

    Welcome to everyone who will join the rewatch and conversations. Thanks @PM3 for opening your front porch for us to hang out! Chat with you all soon!!!

  14. Okay, @FGB4877,

    Please do NOT, I repeat, do NOT send me a copy of your vaccination card, okay? 😂😂😂

    I’m not checking cards.

    I still remember how shock I was to learn that you sent us your Social ID. 😂😂🤪😂🙂

  15. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @nrllee come along anytime! Knowing that you may be reading us the next day, maybe some of us will come back to read you too. 🙂

    Yes, @Janey, the Goblin OST was one I listened to for months. I particularly like the simple, plaintive and heart-tugging ‘First Love’.

  16. Thank you @GB unnie for a refresh of Goblin’s BGM. “First Love” and “Amnesia” are my personal favorites. ❤️❤️❤️

  17. @PM3, that was funny!!! XD . More seriously, it is a small testament on how warped our reality and everyday lives are in Venezuela 🙂 .

  18. @Janey, getting stuck in a Drama is not unusual. In Hometown CCC the scene where there is a party and Shin Min Ah’s character is still not accepting of the country folks has proven resilient to me 😉 . Hope you join us on Goblin, though.

  19. I will join you @FGB with the Goblin rewatch!!! And also the rest of the community who’ll chime in. Cheers!!!

  20. I’m sorry I’ll miss the first rewatch (I’ll be in Ohio to see my college junior present her summer research at a poster session: proud mama moment!). Goblin is still my favorite OST. Hope to catch up with you on future Goblin rewatches!

  21. @BethB, Yay for proud mama moments! Congrats to your daughter!!! Even though you’ll miss the first rewatch, feel free to comment later as your schedule permits. Cheers!!!

  22. Hello! I’m a lurker here, and I am so interested in rewatching Goblin. Can anyone kindly explain how this works? Do we use Netflix Party to rewatch together? Or do I need to get other certain applications or platforms advanced?

  23. Welcome to the blog, @kuroshio.

    You can watch from any kdrama site. I didn’t know Goblin was on Netflix! I thought it was on Viki.

    @GB or one of the ladies will explain to you how we do a rewatch. 🙂

  24. Anneyong @Kuroshio!

    We just tune in on Netflix / Viki / etc and we start livewatching all together at the same time the episode and comment over here.

    We share our thoughts and we are commenting on the plot. We just need our humour and good manners! I don’t think you will need more.

    Welcome on board!

  25. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @Cleo!

    @Kuroshio, Welcome in advance to our rewatch party. Yes, it’s pretty much what @Cleo said. We each watch the same episode at the same time and come here to chat about what we notice or what strikes us.

    If we can manage it, we also respond to each other, ie we are watching and reading each other’s comments, and commenting more or less at the same time. Just get yourself ready with a drink and the episode and join us on the this thread.

    See ya!

  26. Thanks for the tips!!@packmule @Cleopatra @GB

    Wow! This sounds exciting. Can’t wait to read all your brilliant comments on this amazing drama.

    See you!

  27. @Kuroshio – welcome to the rewatch party! It’s one of my favorite activities with the BoD because we get to do a synchronized activity together and chatting real time about our thoughts on the show. You can take your time also – I’m not the best of typists because I use my phone so I may sometimes lag on the watching and typing at the same time and that’s is fine. No pressure, just fun! See yah!

  28. I will be joining the rewatch party. A few days ago I’d typed a comment here saying so, plus chiming in on a few more things. I did it on my phone, then after I posted my long comment, my signal dropped. Poof! All that typing with my thumbs, gone!

    @FGB, I’m relieved to hear you got a vaccine. You’ve had to be patient and persistent.

    @BethB, congratulations to your daughter on the completion of her summer research. I hope her presentation wows her faculty advisors.

    Here’s a question for Goblin rewatchers: Do we want @Packmule3 to open a separate thread for us to talk about the OST? The music certainly does enhance the this drama, and stands beautifully on its own. I think it’d be fun to talk about why it speaks to our hearts.

  29. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @Welmaris! Good that you can join us. Yes certainly, if ever a Show’s OSTs should be showcased, it would be Goblin’s.

    Although I did say here that we do not need to do any homework, I find that I want to watch the Show again now, even before our rewatch date, and the OSTs transport me. Now that it’s 4 years later, I’m also watching with a slightly different lens, but it’s still lovely.

  30. @Janey It’s very kind of you. I enjoy all interpretations and analyses here. When I can not decide what to watch next, I come here. Yes, it is kind of my Kdrama IMDB. I like here very much because of the pureness of enjoying dramas and have learned a lot here. Since I am not an English speaker, it takes me time to read and type. But, yes, you’re right! No pressure, just fun! See you!

  31. Are you ready for Goblin’s Ep 1 tomorrow, @GB?

    I’ll follow your lead, okay? A new thread is already scheduled for midnight.

  32. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yes @pkml3, I’m sooooo ready for the re-watch, just to be online simultaneously with BoDers again! Yes, we’ll start with Goblin Ep 1 and we’ll watch every episode, while laughing and crying together. You can’t imagine how much I’ve looked forward to this Saturday night!

    Thanks for scheduling the thread. I knew you’d do it and would have posted a reminder here if I didn’t see it by your 12 midnight LOL.

    Gosh, I’m so excited! See you and everyone soon!!

  33. Hi Ladies!!

    I’d like to join you as well. This would be my first rewatch. I enjoyed this kdrama a lot, the romance and the bromance (if I remember correctly).

  34. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @Carolina, welcome to the re-watch party in advance! We’re always glad to have more BODers joining us.

    Whereabouts are you? Will it be early morning or midday or evening for you when the party starts?

  35. So, just like @Fern, this is my first time watching Goblin. Had watched the pilot episode last year or so and it didn’t draw me in immediately so I had halted it at the time. Maybe watching with a group will help me push through?

    Like I said in the Jirisan thread, I may not have the bandwidth to watch the first ep. today itself, but this will mostly be a refresher, so I can probably do it in the next week and share my thoughts here later 🙂

    Just as an aside, I would love to participate in a Start-Up rewatch party if and when the KSH fiasco dies down. I always see it as a missed opportunity to not have come across BOD during my first-time watching that drama, I know I would have loved it so much more ❤️

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