14 Comments On “Again My Life: Eps 11 & 12 Open Thread”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I’m still testing the speed of this site. I found other blogs doing OK so maybe it’s just a passing thing and will go back to normal.

    My guess is that the female love interest will be the first girl, Kim Hee A. At least, Hee Woo evinced interest in her whereas he did not do so for the other lovely ladies who’ve had the chance to know him. On top of that, she looks to be set to do battle against the big, bad CTS whom her father had been resisting. Unfortunately she has to contend with hopeless, jealous, resentful brothers, in order to manage Chunha.

    Best clue that she’s probably end game (if Show bothers to develop the de rigueur romance) is that her name is on the top line of cast, on par with Lee Junki/Lee Joon Gi. 😆 🤪 😂

  2. I don’t think the romance angle will be explored at all, as this seems to be an out-and-out revenge drama between two characters. The way the plot is progressing, Kim Hee A is likely to inherit the Chunha group and I don’t see our prosecutor interested in her except as a friend. He doesn’t look at her that way.

    I’m quite enjoying this drama, just finished watching episode 11. My only complaint is that the actor who plays the primary antagonist, Tae Seob,doesn’t look villainous enough🤣🤣

    I’m very curious to know the grim reaper’s past and why she called the hired murderer “Oppa”, is he her brother!!

  3. I agree with you @Phoenix as to the aura of Cho Tae Sub, only his mind and way of implementing his dirty plans are villainous!

  4. I lose my motivation for this drama. I feel something empty. I don’t know what to comment about it. Not a lot of emotional involvement. Chess games but without any excitement. I would like to point what’s wrong. It could be usefull, but I have difficulties. The actors are good, directing ok. It comes from the script. I don’t dislike it, but don’t really like it either.
    The drama is like a cat 🐱 on my knees making purr-purr. Then I fall asleep. 😴

  5. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, interesting that I’ve been feeling a lack of interest in the last few episodes too. I’ve found that it’s hard to want to watch most of the shows nowadays. At the most I prefer short videos. Very few things hold my attention lately.

    The only thing that sets this show apart from others in this genre of one-upmanship between good and evil, is that the hero gets a bit of headstart with his prior knowledge. It was nice at first to see how he made use of his past life knowledge to help others and to gather his team, but somehow there is not enough character exploration and growth taking place, so it’s a mostly plot-driven show, but the plot is quite predictable.

    I, too, drag my feet about watching the next episode … in other words it is not a compelling show.

    Although the actors are good and the story has promise, the hook to grab us is lacking.

  6. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @pkml3, I feel we can rename this thread to just be the Open Thread from Episode 11-16.

    I’m not sure I even want to continue to watch it, and very few are leaving comments.

    It’s just scene after scene of individuals entering rooms and getting envelopes or files of dirt on someone else, intermittently broken by a fight scene to keep LJK in good fighting mode. It’s all conversation and plotting with little action. Nothing much in the relationship growth between friends and zero in character development.

    I only want to see the end and whether the Lady Reaper thing ever gets explained or shows up again… which at the moment, seems unlikely, since the lady is alive in this timeline and seems on good terms with CTS. I just want to know what CTS did to her or to her brother, to make her resurrect Hee Woo in order to cause CTS to suffer in this lifetime.

  7. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Episode 13 was meh, until the end and Episode 14 was better because CTS is possibly turning people Hee Woo trusts. Still the number of times that envelopes/paper/files get handed/pushed over keeps growing.

    1 point of interest might be how his friends choose or do not choose to stick to their principles. Another point is whether HW can tell if a hired ‘lady’ is going to try to get him into trouble.

  8. I finished ep 13, 14. It’s weird to think there is only 2 more episodes. It doesn’t feel like it. It feels more the drama didn’t really move since a long time. About the law plots, it’s a drama better to binge watch. The vilain… I wonder sometimes if he’s so much a vilain. I don’t know if he’s sincere, but in many way he have noble objectives. Only his methods can be harsh. However, even when he sends the killer, the killer always give a last choice.

  9. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, you’re right. The Show has been treading water and staying quite static for several episodes now. We just move back and forth from East office to Central office to Hee A’s office to CTS’ office or a restaurant here or there. I was about to give up. Pity the plot couldn’t be executed in a way that was not so staid and boring. I’ll watch it for the end.

    As for the love interest (if she can even be called that) whom HW will end up with… I still think it will be Hee Ah if she’s alive. LOL.

  10. @GB, my prejudice against dramas coming from manhwa is back!!! I could verify that the screenwriter did a good job, so the problem is definitely with the plot of the manhwa.
    Now some real fun, it’s time for me to watch Showtime! 🙂

  11. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @pkml3, please rename this thread to include up to Episode 16. We’re at the penultimate episode now and I feel I’m one of the very few still making an odd post or so.

    Episode 15 – It becomes interesting because the easy success of Hee Woo who used to have loads of help through colleagues, collaborators and alliances appears to have evaporated.

    We get just a snippet of backstory of Lady Reaper as a child. As expected, she and her brother were saved by CTS from a burning building. But the fire had been set by someone who worked for CTS.

    The culture of lifelong loyalty towards someone who has saved them, puts the saved victims into positions akin to slavery, in that they can never bring themselves to report or take action against their saviours, who make them accomplices to their evil deeds, and keep them in service. It seems they are bound to serve them their whole lives, unquestioningly.

    I’m wondering if we can see Lady Reaper ever take a stand to breakaway from CTS in tonight’s episode. Her brother has taken on the role of killer for CTS, and she has been privy to all CTS’s plans to destroy others. She’s still comfortably situated, but she is never free. So what will make her change?

    The weakness in this Show is that it never develops any character (besides Hee Woo, and even then, minimally) so that we will care about what they are concerned with.

  12. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I FFDed Episode 16 because I didn’t want to watch the ugly bits. It ended as expected, with the good guys coming out on top of the bad, the grey going to jail but the bad ones not really being punished. Not to mention that there are lots more evil ones to replace the ones that stepped down temporarily. Pity it left me feeling cold this humid night.

  13. Although there is an acceptable conclusion to the drama, I have the unpleasant feeling that it all calls for a second season.

    The main theme was that the hero needed to become as evil as the villain to defeat him. This failed because there was no violent inner conflict for the hero. Either a moment where he has to cause harm (possibly with the sacrifice of one of his own), and there he has to refuse, or accept. A progression leading the character to a situation where he could become ambiguous, or even evil. A real emotional conflict at least. The absence of this contributed to make the story very flat.

    The villain has a fairly classic pattern (and should have worked): he wants the same thing as the hero. But his methods are different. This trope has been pushed as far as possible, since there is even the usual dialogue in this kind of case: “you and I are alike”. The villain is defeated, easily enough, thanks to the last minute help of the grim-reaper. A twist that falls a little flat because immediately, we say to ourselves: if the character had been put in danger much earlier, it would have been more exciting. Scary scenes where an infiltrated character risks her life.

    The villain disappears at the end. We don’t see him commit suicide (unless my memory is playing tricks on me). It’s a clear call for a second season. The villain of season 1 will finally help the hero fight the new villain, a rich woman with no sense of national duty. A new villain with the same methods as the old one, but a different goal than the other two characters. A rich woman who is trashing society.

    The drama failed on emotional engagement after the first few episodes. It becomes a string of tasteless plots. Secondary characters that you don’t care if they die or survive. Proof of this is the geek at the end… who becomes stupidly arrogant when he dies (weird). He is kidnapped for no reason (supposed to have a bodyguard), and he survives for no reason (thrown from a building of at least 20 floors). The worst part is the arranged marriage, without any convincing intimacy being built up beforehand. Secondary characters, some of whom end up in the void. They were however useful in the story, but a little too numerous and with the feeling of having been tools for the scriptwriter.

    Only one slightly scary situation, episode 15. Otherwise, the hero was rarely put in danger, no suspense that he could fail, or that his partners risk a lot. A romance in the drama would have been useful and not just for the sake of having a romance. It means that the hero has a strong emotional commitment to one person. And therefore may fear for her life. Here, I never felt a strong commitment of the hero to anyone.

    Finally, the strange Lee Min Soo was not an envoy from the future. Any development of the concept of time travel is not used. No incredible plot-twist exploiting the high-concept which is only summarized as a single time travel. The last episode was very rushed. Fast paced. But the drama would have benefited from having a rhythm between the two because everything was quite slow. The idea of a second villain could have happened before (episode 12), and have a complete story that way. With a little less characters. Or exploit the high-concept.

    There is not much left at the end, except for some good fight scenes, and all this is forgettable, very forgettable.

  14. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thank you @WE. I like your ‘wall of text’. It saves me from having to build my own! Our opinions match on this Show. The premise was interesting but not utilised to add anything further more than a means for HW to return to his past and have a do-over. Pity it was so bland.

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