Link: Eps 1 & 2 Open Thread

The thread is now open.

The full title is “Link: Eat, Love, Kill” but for conciseness, we’ll just call it “Link.” It’s on Disney+ again but it won’t be showing in the US, UK, India, and the Philippines (source: Not sure about Canada. We’ll have to find alternative source.

The story’s about a man who’s mysteriously linked by emotions to a woman he’s never met. I’m reminded of the Couvade syndrome or “sympathy pain” that a few husbands would experience when their wives are pregnant. They too go through the morning nausea, insomnia, and weird food cravings as their expectant partners.

Starring: Yeo Jin Goo (“Hotel Del Luna”) as Eun GyeHoon, and Moon Ga Young (“True Beauty”) as Noh DaHyun.

@nrllee and @Cleopatra are already in.

Let’s enjoy the show.

20 Comments On “Link: Eps 1 & 2 Open Thread”

  1. Kalo mesimeri @Packmule3!

    Thank you for the post! It is promising!

  2. I will be in but I can’t promise if I will stay till end🤭🤭🤭 I will start after ep 2 is aired. Till then, cheers!😊

  3. Got ya, @miracle23. Let’s see if MGY measures up to our expectations. 🙂

  4. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @pkml3. I’m not sure if I’ll start. It’s hard to stop once I’m hooked. I generally like Moon Ga Young. I guess, I’ll pop in to read, and if I watch, I’ll leave a post.

  5. Kalispera!

    I just finished Episode 2. I really like it. It is promising and intriguing.

    I think I will keep it… 😅

    More tomorrow!

  6. Still loving it. 😂. The mystery is gripping and the story flows well. YJG reminds me why I love him so ❤️😍. The characters are mysterious and beguiling. Range of emotions is on point. The drama is giving me a black comedy vibe? I like the voiceovers which tell the story and “link” the themes. Ep2 is aptly entitled “Lies”.

  7. Kalimera everyone!

    Hey @nrllee! Yes I think it is a a black comedy!

    What we know so far. Our Chef Eun Gye-Hoon had a twin sister Eun Gye-Young. Our boy could feel everything his sister felt. When they were ten his sister disappeared and hasn’t been found after 18 years. He blames himself for that. I won’t say more here. The whole neighbourhood seems suspicious about the disappearance of the girl.

    After 18 years, he starts feeling a link with someone and that someone is No Da-Hyun. He wants to find out if she is his long lost sister or something else is happening. She had a stalker issue.

    So, basically we have two incidents, mystery in the past, mystery in the present and two people with a link between them.

    Of course I don’t believe that No Da-Hyun is Eun Gye-Hoon’s sister.

    It started pretty well. Yeo Jin-Goo is very good at it and most of the times I am referring to his voice as Jang Young-Sil from Start Up… 🙄😁😂

  8. @Cleo you don’t think she’s his twin sister? I have left that open because she may well be. Although it was confusing because GH as a boy “felt” that his sister died? So the link is a mystery if DH isn’t his sister.

    Questions I have
    1. DH said she thought her mom and grandma seemed to have disposed of a body before? Was grandma’s story at the police station which they waved off as dementia related actually true? Scenario could be that Grandma’s hubby kidnapped GY (girl twin), Grandma and mum killed hubby and raised GY as their own. But they were there at the shaman’s dance in Ep2? It’s a small town. Everyone knows everyone? Everyone would recognize GY? But DH as a child looked different from GY.

    2. What’s the relationship between Police man and DH’s mom? They have history.

    3. There’s something about that spot that dogs and humans pee on. Was a body buried there?

    4. The body count is climbing. The body that they took out of the stalker’s apartment looked to be a woman?

    5. I find it hard to believe that GH didn’t open the fridge all that time. Not even to put a drink in there to keep it cold?

    6. Who killed the stalker? The flashback keeps changing. Was it really the mom/grandma?

  9. @nrllee,

    Good questions. I will try to answer them to you.

    I don’t think she is his sister, because I take as granted that GH “felt” that night that his sister has died. If that seems to be valid or not we are going to see.

    I believe that GH is like a radio antenna, he can listen to the one who is in the same frequency, in the past his sister, in the present DH.

    1. I really think that everyone in the neighbourhood has done something “bad” let’s say. It is plausible that indeed Halmeoni killed her husband. Yes they were in that Shaman’s dance. Another point why I don’t believe she is his sister.

    2. Another scenario could be that DH’s mother killed her father and the policeman knows it as well.

    Everyone in the police force seems so determined…not to find a killer / stalker / abuser etc. It is like they are covering up the suspects for some unknown reason, yet.

    3. The spot where everyone pee including that homeless man. He was there when EGY has disappeared and was looking for her, but also he was on the Shaman’s dance!

    4. As it seems the stalker killed another woman first and took over her apartment in order to be close to Da Hyun.

    5+6. I think that the body was removed by the actual killer who “killed” the stalker. It was not Da Hyun who killed him. The stalker could also be hurt and not dead. Of course they would open the fridge. They were buying food for their menu.
    In the beginning, they had only that fridge. So, something happened after they left. If you remember the ladies threw a stone and broke that door and the door was unlocked. It was the day before the CCTV was installed!

    That’s from me for now!

  10. @Cleo

    Good points.

    I am wondering if DH logged into that channel because she witnessed GY’s death when she was young? Or something like that. Which connected her with GY and therefore she linked up with GH 18years later when their lives moved close enough in proximity for that reconnection? Because GH mentioned for 18 years that connection was lost? Which was why it never occurred to him that his sister could still be alive.

    I like your suggestion that DH’s dad was who was killed and the Policeman covered it up. There’s a lot of talk about abuse of women in the background so it’s highly likely that she killed him in self defence.

    Good point about the door not being locked. So yes the killer could’ve already moved the body. But why? Why not just leave it in there as a diversion? And have GH take the fall? Or the ladies? 🤔

    I agree that everyone in that neighborhood looks shady 😂. I quite like the police couple who were exes. I like how they somehow manage to work together regardless.

  11. @nrllee,

    Thank you! A theory is circulating in MyDramaList and I am going to write it down for reference. It is a sad but plausible scenario. I don’t know if that is the case.

    They say that GY was abducted from an organ trafficking ring that was operating in the neighbourhood and DH was the recipient of her heart. Hence the “link”. This reminds me of “Black”, btw.

    They are all shady characters I agree. Also that man from the ex couple seems a bit off. I mean would you say that bluntly as a joke that you would poison someone?

    I think we are going to found out that many of them had to “kill” someone for some reason. They are all guilty for something… That’s why they are in good terms with each other, they share dirty laundry LOL!

  12. This drama is both creepy and funny, so I’m in. The last time I was this amused was Zombie Detective.

  13. @Fern I know. That’s why I am staying. It’s dark humour. And Zombie Detective was what came to mind as well for me 😂. A lot of the characters have this creepy vibe about them. Even the police. 😂. Like @Cleo, I am suspicious of the male police guy who just joined the force in the town.

  14. Kalimera Ladies!

    @Fern it is good to see you here as well! @nrlee and I are enjoying this one!
    I am glad we are dealing with a black comedy! It is so needed!

  15. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hello dear friends! I had a bit of time and watched Episode 1. What does it say about my sense of humour that seeing the guys push with great difficulty, the refrigerator into their store, set me off laughing with glee? The very thing they should not touch with a ten foot pole, they coveted as their own.

    Of course, we saw it coming a mile off, but what fun to know the one who had been accused as perverted stalker was now keeping perverted stalker nice and safe.

  16. Kalispera @GB Unnie,

    Welcome on onboard! The more the merrier! We are going to have fun with this one…

  17. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Your likening the link between GH and DH to him being able to receive a radio signal, or be on the same frequency is very apt because in the opening credits we see that image of a radio and a hand adjusting the knob with the cartoon drawing of GH and DH on the radio dial.

    Only the frequencies are:
    FM Happy … Fury … Angry … Gloomy … Shame … Funny
    AM Sad … Chill … Worry … Tired … Tingle…

    The radio even has a face display icon that changes from smiley to frowny depending on which emotion the dial is set to LOL.

    Random Thoughts
    In the first 2 episodes, the refrigerator seems to be a minor character on its own.

    I was thinking that with a mother like Da Hyun’s who needs an enemy, but at least she was prepared to turn herself in to protect Da Hyun.

    It’s unfortunate that GH and DH’s initial meetings were fraught with misunderstandings, starting with wanting to ask her personal questions instead of for her mobile number. Still Gye Hoon was always nice towards Da Hyun.

    GH’s inability to get DH to give him personal information is paralleled by DH’s family’s inability to get GH to either drink until he passed out or to give them a way to retrieve the fridge. LOL

    That new police officer, Ji Won Tak, the ex-bf of Inspector Hwang is interesting because he has no problem looking at a decomposing corpse, and his joke about putting poison in his fellow officers’ coffee was off. When he arrived, the taxi driver, Kim Min Cheol looked at him, found him familiar and noted that Officer Ji looked around at the countryside with interest. He was surprised to hear that Ji intended to live in Jihwa-Dong. His comment might be prophetic: “But you look like you came here to die.” Gives one pause, what?

  18. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    There seems to be multiple crimes hidden in this show, possibly multiple killings.

    The Stalker and the Other Victim
    It’s possible that DH was not Stalker Lee’s only victim. He may have killed and left a corpse in his own place, and then gone to get DH at her mum’s place. Because he was ‘killed’, the corpse in his apartment came to light due to the stench it caused. Or… see the possibility 3 below.

    Of the 3 possibilities to explain how the Stalker’s corpse was no longer in the fridge:
    1) One of the guys took the corpse out and hid it – but they have no reason to do this except to save their as yet unopened restaurant.
    2) Someone else came and took the corpse away.
    3) Stalker was not dead and walked out of the fridge. If it’s the 3rd possibility, then stalker might have gone and killed his next victim and left her dead in his old apartment, then ran off leaving the body to decompose.

    There is no confirmation about how Stalker was killed, if he was killed. What weapon was used for instance?

    The stalking has not ended since a new delivery came to DH’s old address. It happened on the day that the dead body of another girl was found in Stalker’s apartment. Was it planned so that DH would encounter the crowd and hear news of the decomposing corpse? If so then possibility 3) becomes more likely.

    The Kidnapping
    At the time of Gye Young’s kidnapping, Da Hyun’s granny was crying. Police Officer An Jung Ho asked if she was alright, and he gave her slight shakes and nods of his head, exchanging non-verbal communication. It was as if to say that he knew why she was upset or sorry and not to say anything about it.

    The MDL theory that @Cleo mentioned is possible in the sense that DH and GY were about the same age. If DH needed a heart transplant, GY might have been sacrificed to give DH a lease of life. DH may have been brought up somewhere else to recuperate, hence she was not visible in the past melee of persons out looking for GY.

    There was someone, Officer Seo Young Hwan, who tried to approach GH, but his father intercepted this so Seo didn’t speak to GH alone. However in the Ep 2 flashback, we see that someone had whispered into young GH’s ear: “They’re in this town. It’s the truth.”

    The officer who recognised him as an adult, and who asked why he returned, might have been the one.

    There appears to be a conspiracy of silence in the small town. Some of the ladies and the taxi driver Kim gave each other knowing looks, or stared in meaningful silence.

  19. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Da Hyun’s Family
    Their Familiarity with What to do with a Corpse – If the granny and mum had in the past had a hand in murder, the likely victims would have been the men folk. If GY had also fallen victim to them, then they would also have had to dispose of her body.

    Yes, I agree with the comment about Officer An Jung Ho – he has some kind of relationship with DH’s mum Hong Bok Hee.

    The Unfortunate Parenting
    Poor parents cannot afford any other way to have childcare, than to get the siblings to care for each other. The loss of a child means an excess of guilt for all, that would last a lifetime. The parents feel shame for having saddled childcare upon another child instead of protecting both, and the brother can never get over how he preferred his friends to his sister just before she was kidnapped.

    To make matters worse now, he seems to have in his care, a mentally unstable mother who’d sometimes dote on him or blame him for the loss of Gye Young. She seems to spend her time at home rewatching the variety show that featured her children.

    The unexpected humour
    Officer Ji tells his supervisor Inspector Hwang that she looks different compared to 3 years ago when they dated. She says that’s because then she was naked, but she’s dressed at the moment.

    All the failed attempts of the 3 women to get access to the fridge. It was so near, yet so inaccessible and the music changed to church choir music when morning came and they had still not succeeded. The angels had prevailed?

    GH’s unvarnished, brutal criticism of Choonok Stew’s food. Mum is irate but Granny is impressed by the criticism.

    The 3 women deciding to not turn themselves in but to live no matter what. And to the question of what they should do now, Granny says: “If push comes to shove, we’ll have to kill him (GH).” She might have been serious but said it was a joke. The relieved expressions on everyone’s face. LOL.

    All mention of death, dying or killing are funny except that they are often mentioned in dead seriousness.

  20. @GB good points. The problem I have with the heart transplant theory is that it’s not an easy thing to do covertly. Not unless you have plenty of cash to splash around? Heart transplant surgeons and hospitals would need to be utilised? It’s not something that can be done by a back alley doctor. There are too many things that need to fall into place for it to be successful. But hey this is KDrama so maybe it is possible 😂. Hence why I thought the link may be more mental. DH witnessed the killing maybe?

    My impression of the parcel received of the items that DH threw out was that it was just a delayed delivery. Stalker had posted it whilst he was still alive? I could be wrong. I didn’t pay much attention to the sequence of events. A body starts to smell due to decomposition 1-3days after death. I need to do a quick rewatch to get a timeline worked out and to catch all those things you pointed out surrounding the supposed death of GY.

    I think the stalker is dead. The fact that DH’s mother and grandmother seemed so calm about it all probably means they bothered to check that he was dead before they packed him into the fridge/freezer. Had they been more panicked they could possibly have missed it. But DH mentioned they seemed matter of factly about it.

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