Kiss Sixth Sense: Ep 3 My Takes

I’ll limit myself to six points.

1. The non-consensual kisses

There were two in this episode.

a. The reverse-Sleeping Beauty trope. Yesool wanted to kiss MinHu while he was sleeping to “double-check” her vision of their fated romance. The kiss was averted when he woke up as she was puckering her lips.

b. The Drunk Kiss trope. Methinks Yesool purposely drank a lot to give herself courage to tell MH about her vision.

YS: But Mr. Cha will you really believe me?
MH: (Sighs)
YS: You really, really wouldn’t believe me. I said “really” twice.
MH: I’ll believe you.
YS: You will believe me? No matter what I say?
MH: Yeah.
YS: (poking him) You’ll be pretty shocked, though. You know. I see the future when I kiss someone. I saw it. You and I will be sleeping together in the future.
MH: (Silent)
YS: To be honest, I can’t believe it either. Think about it. You and me doing that. So I wanted to double-check it.
MH: Double-check?
YS: Yes. Can I?
MH: (Silent. Thinks about it. Rubs his throat unconsciously.) You asked for it first, all right? (Then kisses her)

You’ve heard me gripe about the Drunken Kiss trope. Korean drama writers really should desist from using this trope because it rarely portrays the heroine or the hero in a good light. It makes the heroine look naïve and irresponsible while it makes the hero look knavish and exploitative.

In this scene, Minhu knows very well that she’s too drunk to know what she’s doing, yet he proceeds to kiss her because she’s “asking for it first.”


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Fortunately, he stops after the kiss and doesn’t bed her like the trash of a 2nd lead in “Business Proposal.”

2. Yesool’s character trait: she needs to double-check everything.

Her cousin and housemate, HoWoo, is Yesool’s foil. HW throws caution to the wind and is carpe diem-ing – or to be precise, she seizes the week or carpe septimana. Given her YOLO mindset, she has no need to double-check anything. She simply plunges headlong into new adventures and romantic liaisons and moves on to the next big thing after a week.

In contrast to HW who lives her life in weekly segments, YeSool attempts to survive in the present with the future in mind. She isn’t “seizing the day.” Rather, she’s seizing the future.

In effect, her third eye has become a hindrance to living in the moment. She doubts the permanence of her relationships and needs to double-check everything to ensure that her vision is correct. Since she thinks the future as immutable, she’s resigned to her fate.

Unfortunately, she fails to consider the possibility that perhaps she’s engaging in a self-fulfilling prophecy. She doesn’t question whether she’s unwittingly sabotaging the relationship because of her dire predictions.

Take for example her relationship with her then-boyfriend PilYo. It could be argued that her expectation of a break-up stirred up her insecurity and jealousy and caused their break-up.

In my opinion, the real test of her love for Minhu will come in a vision of their breakup. If she’s willing to continue a relationship with him, despite her vision of a sad fate, or if she’s willing to defy the fate and alter their ending, then she truly loves him.

3. MinHu is a stalker.

Since he overhears everything that Yesool says and does, he’s always shows up at the right moment to help her. Ordinarily, his behavior would have been called out as stalkerish but since he’s the hero with unusual superpowers, he’s given a pass.

Personally, I don’t mind because I’m aware that the writer is employing the Benevolent Boss/Lover trope here. Meaning, Minhu has Yesool’s interests at heart.

For instance, he knew when to give her a hand with her box of props because he could hear her ending the conversation with the worker. Afterwards, he knew where to find her in the empty event hall because he could hear her taking pictures by herself.

He also knew where to rescue her when the lights went out in their building. He must have heard her when she bumped some furniture in the archives.

And when she left the party, he knew to follow her out of the hotel. For sure, he heard Pilyo proposing to Yesool and expected Yesool to want to get away from the reception.

However, it wasn’t only his sixth sense that warned him of looming trouble. He also had the advantage of knowing her for the last five years. Since he previously dealt with her emotional breakdown, he knew that Yesool’s encounter with Pilyo would have shaken her up. He followed her in case she needed another shoulder to cry on, just like she did last time.

So yes, Minhu exhibits stalker tendencies, but I’ve excused them primarily because he’s rescuing her from trouble, and not attempting to harm her.

4. Yesool is an unreliable narrator.

To be honest, I had thought all along that Yesool was a reliable judge of Minhu’s character. I believed her when she said that Minhu was a sociopath.

So it’s only in this Episode 3 that I’ve realized how greatly she has misrepresented Minhu. Episode 3 shows that he’s been supporting her quietly all these five years.

For example, two years ago, when she rambled about liking the sound of summer rain and wanting to put a bed in the lobby, Minhu not only listened to her, but he also remembered her fascination for the sound of rain.

YS: (in a flashback) The lobby on a rainy day. Isn’t it nice? So why is the summer rain always so loud? I feel like the sound of rain will suck me in. Maybe it’s because I work all night. I want to put a bed here and sleep on it, with the sound of the rain in the background.
YS: (in the present time) You still remember that?
MH: Did it ever occur to you that you’re the one who can’t seem to remember pretty much everything?

I wouldn’t be surprised if her words inspired his nature concept for the Billy bed ad campaign. Both she and Minhu came up with same idea without consulting each other.

Yesool’s version:

MinHu’s version:

They envisioned putting the bed in the most unexpected place — in the middle of a pasture – with nothing but the peaceful sight and sound of nature to highlight the comforts of the bed.

To me, this ad concept was influenced by Yesool’s wish to put a bed in the middle of the lobby and listen to the rain.

Take another example. Three years ago, when she broke up with Pilyo, it was Minhu who sat patiently with her while she drowned her sorrows in soju. Minhu didn’t look like an ill-tempered brute then. And the fact that none of her coworkers had no clue that she dated Pilyo meant that Minhu was the only witness to her breakdown.

To me, Yesool made much of Minhu’s tyrannical disposition that she overlooked those moments when Minhu was quietly by her side as a confidante, rather than a boss.

5. Minhu’s complaint about YeSool had a personal undertone.

On one hand, Minhu seems to complain a lot about Yesool’s work habits. But on the other hand, he seems to be voicing his frustration about Yesool’s treatment of him.

He made three comments that I thought had a deeper connotation.

a. “Yet you can’t even read the signs.”

I’m sure there’s a double meaning here. Outwardly, he’s lecturing her about the mistakes she made due to her oversight. But secretly, I think he’s alluding to her inability to read his true feelings for her.

Ever since he overheard her badmouthing him to her coworkers and making fun of his unsuitability as a lover, he realized then that she has totally misread his intentions. That’s why, after that incident, he sulked and avoided her until the Billy promotion was successfully concluded.

To me, that’s the reason he unexpectedly brought her to the event hall. Ostensibly, they were going to clear up the site. However, since he loathes to explain himself, I suspect that he brought her there so she could hear first-hand from the site manager that he was helping her behind-the-scenes.

He wanted to correct any misconception she might have that he didn’t care about the success of her first PM job.

b. “Did it ever occur to you that you’re the one who can’t seem to remember pretty much everything?”

Again, this sounds to me like MH is nursing a grievance. He probably resents that she persists on painting him as the bad guy and fails to remember the many times when he watched over her.

Like when he brought her to the hospital for her check-up.

Or carried the box of props.

Or helped her down the stairs in the dark.

Or brought her an umbrella.

It sounds like he’s pointing out that she overlooks the good he’s done for her because she has friend-zoned him…or “bad boss”-zoned him.

c. “Just like that day.”

Because she always kept him at arm’s length in the office, I was surprised to hear her beg him to feed her. To me, this is one of the biggest revelations in this episode.

MH: Are you crazy? Get a hold of yourself!
YS: (crying)
MH: Why are you crying? Why? Why?
YS: I’m just…
MH: Why are you crying?
YS: Why are you yelling at me? I was startled as is. Why are you yelling at me?
MH: Sorry. (then pats her)
YS: (whispering) I’m hungry.
MH: What?

YS: (still whispering) Rib eye steak.
MH: Are you crazy?

He’s calling her crazy because it’s a ridiculous moment to ask for steak when she nearly could have died.

However, the fact that he did bring her to a restaurant to eat meat tells me that he has a soft spot for her, and that despite his gruff ways, he’s prepared to indulge her whims.

Moreover, I was shocked to learn that this wasn’t the first occasion that she’d asked him to feed her.

YS: By the way, how did you know that I was here?
MH: (doesn’t answer her)
YS: I’ve been craving meat since earlier. But I was in a bind since I left my wallet and purse at the party.
MH: How come?
YS: Well, I just forgot.
MH: Just like that day.

lol. I like his wry sense of humor here.

I think that, as much as Yesool finds it trying to work for him all these years, he, too, must have suffered a lot since he has to hide his real feelings for her. His frustration only comes out when he makes off-the-cuff retorts like these three examples I mentioned.

6. Last, no skinship allowed?!

We finally get why Minhu didn’t grab onto Yesool’s outstretched hand and allowed her to fall in Episode 1.

It’s because touching her causes him pain.

He held her hand to help her walk in the dark corridor

and down the stairs.

Afterwards, he massaged his hands, and she noticed it.

He quickly dismissed it as nothing.

lol. It’ll be interesting to see how they’ll end up in bed together if body contact causes him pain.

I’ve more comments but I’ll save them for later. Let’s move on. 🙂

6 Comments On “Kiss Sixth Sense: Ep 3 My Takes”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @pkml3, great insights!

    Same thoughts about YS deliberately drinking more so that she’d get into her drunken, talkative phase. She knew she was too chicken to just say it when sober. *eyeroll*

    Unfortunately drunken kisses are getting common in shows, normalising something that people should be warned against.

    That’s true about the Billy bed ad. I did notice her going on about the sounds of the summer rain and wanting to sleep hearing the rain fall. Forgot about it when the invisible bed in nature idea cropped up. LOL.

    That flashback to her breakup drinking with MH in attendance was a real eye opener. We got to see MH not as a hard-hearted boss, but as a concerned companion, watching over her. It became evident that he should and could have been a lot more to her, since she had been at her worst or lowest in his company, and again drunk, would have spilled a whole lot of info to him. It’s strange that she can’t recall that he’d been there for her.

    She has so effectively boss-zoned him, that his caring gestures, for over 5 years, have been dismissed. Others in the office can see that MH favours YS, that he has been a mentor towards her, that he keeps her around despite reprimanding her from time to time, but all YS can see is a sociopath.

    However, later she seems to have cottoned on that he’s more than that, So it will come to a stage where she asked if he was bipolar LOL. Alternating between being a sociopath and a friend. who comforted her.

    Oh definitely, his frustrated comments are to do with not being able to get YS to see past his ‘boss’ persona. It might well have been that he hoped that other parties like the site manager would speak up on his behalf, since he cannot praise himself. He may also have wanted to model to her, the way of being a boss herself, that she too would take responsibility from the beginning to the end, even to clearing up the ad displays.

    On top of liking her personally, MH probably also does see the ability in YS. He’s training her to be a Team Leader and not just a PM for an ad campaign.

    What is interesting is that before YS had that foreshadowing of her future with MH, her touch hurt him. However after that, her attitude towards him changed subtly, and he finds to his surprise, that touching her no longer brought on the symptoms.

    It was this, and probably because he too wanted to double check on his being free from symptoms, that he suggested they try out her prediction. Of course she enabled that by saying that wondering how it could happen drove her crazy and stopped her from working effectively. He probably jumped at the chance to resolve that too!!

    Gotta run!

  2. Kalimera @PAckmule3,

    Thank you for your insights!

    Yes, after watching Episodes 7+8, it is more solid, that Ye Sool doesn’t trust herself when she is personally involved with a man.

    In her work, she can be a hurricane, but at the same time, her lack of self trust, her inability to make amends with her “gift”, makes it too hard for her to live in the now and realize the potential she has.

    I was totally frustrated last night, with the misunderstanding trope. She is a fully grown up woman and yet she reacted like a kiddo.

    Yes, I totally understand that at times, when something shakes you hard, you need time to adjust / to come in terms with it and what happened. She was so focused with Director Lee and their past, that logic left from the scene.

    She started ghosting Min Hu, while he wanted to come clean with her. Ye Sool is unstable emotionally, since Ye Sool cannot accept what she really sees with her “gift”. And when everything crumbled down, she was unable to function.

    Such a “gift” might feel like a burden or a blessing. Either way, YS hasn’t accepted the responsibility of it. Hence her inability to deal with all what is happening at the same time.

    I do hope they won’t drag this aspect of herself for too long. It is a 12-episodes drama afterall.

  3. @pm3!!! 😂😂😂😂 I just finished ep 3 and really love this quirky romance drama 🤭🤭🤭 Both YS and MH make me giggles. Finally be able to watch without cringing 😍 I think he has more senses than her. And yes, I wonder how he would survive if they decided to be a couple🤭🤭🤭

  4. Glad you’re liking it, @miracle23. I was about to write my Quick Takes for Ep 7 last night but fell asleep. 😂 Will have to work on it tonight instead.

  5. Yeay! I will try to get to ep 7 in the next few hours.😁

  6. Pingback: Kiss Sixth Sense: Ep 9 Quick Takes – Bitches Over Dramas

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