Yumi’s Cells 2: Eps 9 & 10 Kate’s Write-up

I’m reposting @Kate’s comments here. Thanks, Kate.

Hi all! Eps 9 and 10 both gripping in entirely different ways! I watch this show and go to bed around 1am UK time and my head is always spinning.


Two highlights for me.

1. The treatment of the Yumi- Ba Bi break up

The way the break up was handled took the viewer, as far into the situation as possible and was wonderfully multi-layered. The story telling was suspenseful as ever.

We don’t know where Yumi was after she – with the help of the Love Cell – assessed what she had learned in her conversation with (I’m so confused) Da Yeun.

Had Ba Bi crossed that final line? Love Cell was working hard to help Yumi adjust and then a sticking point… what would Yumi do about Ba Bi having been ‘swayed’ by another woman?

Then we see Ba Bi arriving at his Jeju Island home and looking around enjoying Yumi’s tree decorations. He goes into the house unaware of the momentous things that have just taken place. He looks for Yumi. No sign of her. The way this section was filmed seemed to me to evoke a reality tv show in one of those shared houses with some of the cameras on ceilings capturing all the action.

When Ba Bi gets into a car to search for Yumi – he is filmed at close quarters, again in the style of a reality tv show or documentary where things are unfolding in the raw. The viewer is at the heart of the action. Nothing is neat or predictable.

When Ba Bi finds Yumi a pause-filled encounter with her follows. We discover more of what had been happening in his inner world. Da Eun’s (manipulative in my book) confession has made a bigger hit to his emotional world than he wanted to admit with a deep crack in the floor of his village.

He is in damage limitation mode now and not reacting fast enough to the emergency he is now in with Yumi.

Yumi’s face crumpling as the weight of this non reassurance hits her (KGE at her best). Ba Bi can’t tell her that he wasn’t swayed by DE.

In Ba Bi’s mind, he is (just about!)handling the situation which has grown up around him with Da Eun. He hasn’t anticipated this level of interrogation and isn’t able to be fully present.

Yumi gets up to leave and Ba Bi’s sense of the present moment returns and he pleads with Yumi. I found him sincere here for all of his selective naivety with the Da Eun scenario. I wanted her to stay at that point.

Another suspense filled moment as Yumi’s Love Cell here was working super hard to make mature adjustments to the situation and to his apology.

Close ups of their hands on the suitcase.

But Love Cell drew a firm boundary. Ba Bi had crossed it. Yumi left and walked into an icy blast of December air.

Ba Bi is in shock but runs out to stop her. We see him gazing at the retreating taxi trying to take on board what has just taken place.
Yumi sits staring fixedly ahead.

2. Yumi’s intentional response to the break up

I was also struck by Love Cell’s melt down and Yumi’s much needed visit to her cell village after the break up.

Her tender and appreciative conversation with Love Cell enabled Love Cell to let go and cry before Writer Cell was promoted to Primary Cell.

Yumi wants happiness and not love angst at the expense of her well being.

This felt like a wise and tender move for Yumi at this stage and was an expression of a new maturity.

10 Comments On “Yumi’s Cells 2: Eps 9 & 10 Kate’s Write-up”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @pkml3, and once again, good analysis @Kate. I was stunned that Yumi entered the cell village. What might that be like in reality? If it were me, I’d be weighing how much I value being in a relationship (or even appearing to be successfully half of a couple) compared to how much I value my peace of mind/happiness/myself. The latter would outweigh the former. I guess that’s the essence of the conversation with love cell.

    Thanks for laying it out for us. 🙂

  2. You’re welcome, @GB. 🙂

  3. Old American Lady (OAL)

    @packmule3 and @Kate, Perfect comments about the break up and how Yumi is finally putting herself first. I remember that in the psychological literature. For a person to truly love, one has to love oneself first. Before the break up Yumi was a subordinate
    Now she is coming into her own
    That puts her on a different plane when it comes to relationships.It will look different going forward when she runs into Woong and BaBi
    She also is a successful writer now and has a following
    I want to revisit her and Woong who is n now a gaming success too. He is obviously not over Yumi having bought up the entire stock of her book at the bookstore. The fact that both Yumi and Woong have professional relationship so with the same illustrator also is sparking my interest. While BaBi is back in Seoul, having been promoted again, I want to know if Fa Eum is in the picture. I suspect she is
    I hope BaBi does not engage with Yumi
    She is far the better of him and he knows it
    Yumi has self actualized and is different from the needy young woman BaBi romanced.

    For both men, I like the fact that they regret the loss of Yumi in their lives
    Is their return meant to provide real closure for Yumi. I hope so
    Both had other women during their time with Yumi even if it was not classical cheating, it was otional cheating. Our Yumi deserved better
    I hope we see Yumi”s husband before the finale of this is only to be two seasons. If not, I would love to see a full arc of Yumi’s love story with the man who deserves her, if not I’m a full season
    In a special episode
    Maybe the producers have already fixed it but kept it under wraps.I wany Yumi to be happy in all things.

  4. Thank you @Packmule3!

    We haven’t yet discussed Ep 10 – I am assuming we continue in the original discussion thread. Let us know if not.

    @GB – there was a strange sense of calm as Yumi walked into the village. Gave me the shivers! She was quietly determined. There was such a sense of compassion coming from her for her exhausted Love Cell and for herself as a result.

  5. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Kate, yes … that deliberate seeking out of Love Cell, and having an unemotional conversation brought home that it was not a momentary decision or mere reaction to being hurt, but that she’d thought it through and was sure of herself. Hence after that, she was calm and peacefully able to pour her energies into writing, rather than filled with angst. It is a good place to have grown to be.

  6. Good job @kate for sharing your highlights. This was a powerful scene and ending to Ep 9. omg. good observation in that it felt like a reality tv. and we’re in the moment along with the characters. i was riveted. Daebak! definitely all the feels with LOVE cell turning to rage… and breaking down when Yumi appeared in the village and basically took her in the palm of her hands ever so lovingly… omg… just well done, show! but yea, very powerful ending to this episode.

  7. Thank you @HK-Lady!

    That scene stays with you doesn’t it? I am using it to inspire change in my own life.

  8. Was great to see Woong successful. He was a coward before but he never betrayed Yumi, well he did lie about his situation. I knew Yumi was going to break up with Babi but he was so dismissive towards Da Eun that it had me rooting for him lol Still team Woong but I don’t think Babi could have done anything more to prove his loyalty than outright tell her he had some flutters but he handled the situation more maturely than most real men. I hope they don’t add any new love interests lol. Maybe Yumi will end up independent at the end. Just waiting for the English subtitles to pop up for the new episodes! Interesting to see everyone’s comments and Yumi coming to comfort her own cells was indeed amazing!

  9. @Kate The scene Babi was searching for Yumi really showed how worried he was about her and how much he cared. Woong showed his care by buying her books. Now I’m jealous of her character lol

  10. @rs19 – I know i know…! I am flip-flopping around watching this series! I really do find myself caring for both Ba Bi and Woong. See what you think after Eps 11 and 12. The story for me continues to be painfully nuanced!

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