Good Job: Eps 3 & 4 Open Thread

The thread is open.

Two things:

1. The password is the dog’s name ELLIE.

The Caesar cipher is easy to crack. All you have to do is figure out the required number of “shift.”

Here’s the alphabet for reference: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

Cipher: J Q Q N J

If you shift down one letter, the
J becomes I,
Q becomes P,
and N becomes M.

So let’s continue shifting down.

Shift 1: I P P M I
If you shift down 2 letters: H O O L H
If you shift down 3 letters: G N N K G
If you shift down 4 letters: F M M J F
And if you shift down 5 letters, you get E L L I E

An era ago, when I was very, very young, I kept a diary with encrypted entries. Instead of using a Caesar Cipher, which would have been a cakewalk for my brothers to decipher, I thought I’d be clever and design my own system. I had a set of Britannica Junior Encyclopedia on the shelf of my writing desk, and I used that for my encryption.

However, on one of our moves, the encyclopedia set was boxed up and donated without my prior knowledge and approval. So, for the longest time, I had a couple of diaries which I myself couldn’t read.

Then I discovered google and found my answer key.

Oh well. I didn’t write any salacious stuff anyway.

2. NFTs

The hero of the show, Sunwoo, mentioned NFTs in his boardroom meeting. I don’t know what he was talking about, but for the purposes of this drama, this is what NFT means to us: indispensable.

The fact that Sunwoo is collecting NFTs basically means that he likes to surround himself with indispensable, one-of-a-kind people like his lawyer and sidekick, JinMo, and now, the optically gifted Sera.

NFT = Non-fungible token

The word “fungible” has nothing to do with fungus, fungi, or mushrooms. Fungible means replaceable, switchable, exchangeable.

For instance, if you have an army of workers, the workers can become indistinguishable from each other when they’re all performing at the same level. They’re said to be switchable. Worker X can be switched and exchanged with Worker Y and production won’t be impacted one bit.

Workers X and Y are “fungible.” When the time comes to lay off people on the payroll, they’ll be the first to go because they’re replaceable.

Note the title of the show, “Good Job.” To me, if you’re doing JUST a good job, you’re fungible. You must do a GREAT job, a stellar job, and an exemplary job to be considered non-fungible in the workforce.

Non-fungible is the opposite of fungible. It means irreplaceable, essential, integral, key, invaluable, unique, rare, incomparable, necessary, indispensable.

Sera is the NFT of Sunwoo’s life.

At first, he’ll want to “collect” her because her superpower makes her unique. But since this is a romcom, she’ll come to be indispensable and essential to him — with or without her superpower – simply because he loves her.

Love makes even the most ordinary person non-fungible.

Let’s enjoy the show!

10 Comments On “Good Job: Eps 3 & 4 Open Thread”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @pkml3. I had to look up NFTs last week. Your explanation is more fun.

    I like the vibe of this show and that the misunderstanding about him being a thief was quickly resolved so that the beginning of working together and swoon-worthy moments can come along sooner. I seem to be only in the mood for light romance, so bring it on Show!

  2. Kalo mesimeri!

    @Packmule3 thanks for the thread and the explanations!
    I am enjoying those two very much!

  3. Old American Lady (OAL)

    Ah @packmule3, I’m waiting with my husband got his oncology appointment and came upon your post. It made my day. Apart from your youthful diary encryption that I found so precocious, I loved your NFT discussion.Whi woulda think that human NFTs could be linked to romance!

    On a somewhat sour note, in the workplace I have found that nobody is indespensible. Though some people could be NFTs, when they vacation, are out sick,leave or retire someone will fill the bill and at some point that person will be forgotten. As they say, fame is flewting is fleeting.

  4. Thanks for explaining about the Passcode and NFTs, @packmule3. Much appreciated. I caught up on this drama over the weekend and I am hooked! I really like the combination of romantic comedy with mystery/detective. Keeping my fingers crossed thar this could be my fun rom com replacement after “Business Proposal” earlier this year. Can’t wait to see the leads working together “undercover.”

  5. “Jagiya!”

    They will be married in less than a year and they don’t know it…yet!

    *Me after watching Episode 3*

  6. Thanks for the explanation about the code and NFTs.

    What I want to know is how one breaks into a car with a tennis ball? 😂. I might keep one handy if I ever lock the keys in the car.

    Err…the use of lips teeth to try to untie the drip lines tying them both together? 😂😂😂. The temperature kinda went up considerably with that scene.

  7. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I loved the using teeth scene. Laughed myself silly before they even started trying to untie themselves. Of course we knew what it would sound like from outside the door. It even looked very compromising!!

  8. I just finished episode 1 & 2 and will catch up to 3 & 4 soon.
    I love your take on NFTs!!!

    What I understand of real NFTs is that it is like buying the one and only precious piece of “Mona Lisa” or whatever art in digital form. And because each piece of art has a specific code or bar code attached to it, you cannot copy it. So it is one and only. That’s how they make it non-fungible. And then the value goes up because of who deems it to be valuable.

    Of course the real live “NFT” in the art sense is the priceless necklace. The fact that it ended up in an auction is also pushing the monetary value of the necklace. I wonder if he ever thought anyone would have tried to duplicate it…like fake ones?

    Hoping to join you all here as hubby and I was thinking of what to watch after finishing FD and AOS.

  9. Good point about the necklace being and NFT @grace. This drama is going to be a riot (in a good way). The banter (bickering) between the 2 leads is hilarious. I love it when the FL gives as good as she gets (reminiscent of Darcy and Elizabeth, Emma and Knightley). SeRa is undaunted by SW’s wealth and status and cuts him down to size with her biting rebuttals. Love it.

  10. i finished episode 4 and i still laugh out loud 🙂

    the women do not need to be empowered because they are already

    great show

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