Love Between Fairy & Devil: Eps 7 to 12 Rewatch Open Thread

As requested by @GB.

I’d like to request for a new Love Between Fairy and Devil Rewatch Thread for episodes 7-12 for this Friday’s (9 Sept 2022) rewatch. We may be able to cover some 6 episodes per week. I’m thinking we can manage with just 5 more rewatch threads. Thanks in advance!!

@GB, please confirm that time. Thanks.

10:00 UTC

06:00 pm Singapore
01:00 pm Greece
10:00 pm New Zealand

Gifs from Da-Qian’s tumblr

#Love Between Fairy and Devil from da-qian #Love Between Fairy and Devil from da-qian#Love Between Fairy and Devil from da-qian#Love Between Fairy and Devil from da-qian#Love Between Fairy and Devil from da-qian#Love Between Fairy and Devil from da-qian#Love Between Fairy and Devil from da-qian#Love Between Fairy and Devil from da-qian#Love Between Fairy and Devil from da-qianSource: Da-Qian’s tumblr

Enjoy the rewatch!

235 Comments On “Love Between Fairy & Devil: Eps 7 to 12 Rewatch Open Thread”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @pkml3!

    TO BE CLEARER, this Friday’s rewatch will be for 2 episodes (not 6). The Episodes we’ll be rewatching on Friday 9 September 2022 are Episodes 7 and 8.

    Update on the Live Rewatch Parties
    The Rewatch for this show involves both live rewatching with at least 2 of us online at the same time, and non-live rewatching where people watch at their convenience and come to a thread to comment.

    1) On Friday the LBFD Rewatch Party is fixed at 10:00 UTC with 2 episodes from wherever we left off. This day and time will be unchanged until the end of the Rewatch.

    10:00 UTC is:

    11:00 am London
    06:00 pm Singapore
    01:00 pm Greece
    08:00 pm Sydney
    10:00 pm New Zealand

    2) In addition, there is a variable rewatching day/time, based on the availability of Bitches who are rewatching and who suggest new time slots when they are free. Hence we may slot in Rewatches at odd times from whichever episode we left off.

    Just come on over to the end of the last rewatch thread to know if we’re doing a rewatch at an additional time and the episodes that we’ll be rewatching. All are welcome!

    For example, we have had additional rewatches at 12:00 UTC on a Saturday and a Tuesday before which would be:

    05:00 am PST
    08:00 am EST
    01:00 pm London
    08:00 pm Singapore
    03:00 pm Greece
    10:00 pm Sydney
    12:00 midnight New Zealand

    You may let us know if another time slot is better for you, and we’ll see if we can accommodate it. 🙂

  2. HI @GB!!
    Im hoping to join the rewatch party on Friday and Saturday. For Friday, if I’m in PST time, California USA, would that be 3 am for me?
    Actually, I’m not sure if I’ll wake up in time on Friday lol
    I’ll still come in like around 5 am to read and comment this time since I have a hard time commenting after I read everything. Either, I feel like I have nothing new to add or I ran out of time to comment :0

    It’s been fun reading everyone though. Cant’ wait for it to be on Netflix since it’s easier for me to see and rewind too.

  3. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @grace, and Everyone please see suggested times for Rewatch Parties below!!!

    Hi @carolina, great to hear that you plan to join our rewatch party.

    Option A for Episodes 7 and 8:

    For Friday, if I’m in PST time, California USA, would that be 3 am for me?

    Yes, I’m afraid so. However if you are awake at 3am, join us!!

    Option A is at 10:00 UTC on Fridays.

    This Friday, tomorrow 9 September, I may be a bit late as I’m helping at a retreat. But I will come!!!

    Option B for Episodes 9 and 10: We can maybe come back for a 2nd session on Friday at a later time slot. If we make it 14:00 UTC, it will be 7:00am PST for you (10:00pm SGT). Will that work for you, @carolina, @grace?

    Option C for episodes from wherever we left off. We can have a Saturday rewatch also at 14:00 UTC.

    What do you think?

    Yes, I know what you mean… by the time you read everything, there’s little time to input your thoughts. But even if your comments are the same, you can still add them in and say that you agree with so-and-so’s comments.

    I’m glad you’ve had fun reading our thoughts. Yes, I feel that if Netflix has it, there’ll be more people on board with watching and rewatching.

    The best day and time for any rewatch parties (in terms of the number of Bitches who can come online) so far has been Saturdays 12:00 or 14:00 UTC. 🙂

  4. @GB this Saturday works well for me at 7 am. Hopefully others can make it as well.

  5. Hey rewatch team! I just checked Netflix in my zone. It only has ep 1-6! I was so looking forward to rewatch in Netflix as it would easier to rewind. Oh well…off to work. See you tonight!

  6. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @Carolina, alright, I’ll see you for Option C then.

    Hi @Viva, I’ll see you tonight but if I’m a bit late, start without me!

    I’m leaving a little essay on Chang Heng and the Firefly Stone in the Episode 31-36 Open thread. Episodes 7-8 reminded me of several things, including spoilers, so I put them into:

  7. @GB thanks for organizing this, it’s not easy to get everyone’s schedule in sync especially when we are from all over the world! But still lovely to chat with you all.

    Option B is probably possible at 10.00SGT for Ep 9 & 10. I’ll try to make it!!

    Will try to catch up tonight’s after you all are done, even though I can’t join but will add on stuff after I watch it late tonight. Off to mid-autumn festivities! Made snowskin mooncakes with the kids even though I have sworn off them, (so many parts to wash and lots of oiliness), but they still love making it.

  8. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @grace So are you referring to today 9 Sep at 10pm or tomorrow, 10 Sep at 10pm? Either way, I’ll check in and see if you’re about.

    @Viva, I’m around. Just got home… having my dinner… see you soon!

  9. Hey @GB, I am around! Just watching ep 3 and 4 to catch up. Dylan’s DF CQ make up really makes his face impactful. Yes I don’t think it is the same watching Dylan in contemporary drama. I watched Rational Life and his look is quite different. But after a while I adjusted and forgot how good looking he can be in DF CQ mode. Now rewatching…his DF CQ eye makeup really suits him. It is only OK in costume drama though, otherwise it can be too heavy in contemporary drama. .

  10. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @Viva, yes, I am loving DFQC: not the actor so much, although I applaud him for his rendition of Fairy and all the DFQC spot on expressions, and the comic timing.

    OK time to start!!!

  11. Oh isn’t that your favourite outfit of DF CQ, @GB? He looks so cool, just passing by lol

    The music really makes his entrance more swoony. Now flashing that hellfire sword! Nice contrast here. DF CQ is full of killer energy vs Orchid kind intention to heal.

  12. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOL MS knocks Ying Zhao out with the most bored expression on his face.
    Fairy accosts him for being there “I was just passing by.” LOLOL talk about lame excuse!

    Fairy’s more concerned that she’d told him to remain at home but he’s out.

    He’s all eager to drive his sword into Ying Zhao but gets pushed to his senses by Fairy. She takes his Hellfire sword, no less, and throws it to the ground. LOL the expression on his face!!! MS totally cannot understand but he can’t do anything about it.

  13. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yes, @Viva, that’s one outfit of his that I really like. I also like one with more colour and a bit of red in it. I like the one with gold trim on the sleeves.

    I like what Fairy says. She says without emotions they are like trees without leaves, a flower that never blooms, a bird without wings. “We’d be disabled.” Bet MS never considered himself disabled before LOL. (It’s only after he’s met his dead father that he realises that without emotions, he was like a walking corpse.)

  14. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    TEACHING MS (Ep 7) (I really like this scene where she teaches him about emotions.)
    Fairy : “Da Qiang, you’re wrong. If what you said is true, we’d only care about our own safety. We’d be scattered. We would have been eaten by YZ. Because we took pity on each other and didn’t want to see any of us die, we faced our fears and worked together to win time for survival. So emotion is not a burden. It’s the reason we survived this time.”

    FLASHBACK Fuju Cave
    MS remembers how as a child his emotions had been removed from him so that he would not be weak. MS is looking solemn in deep reverie and Fairy looks at him curiously.

    LOL She puts a hand on his shoulder and he’s so much taller so it’s awkward.

    Fairy : “Da Qiang, I know you’ve been locked up for too long, so you’re more aggressive. No matter how dark your past was, you must believe that there are still more good people in this world.”

    He will come to see that CH who irritates him now, is one of those good people.

  15. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    In the midst of one of MS’s remembering how his father had tried to cut him from his emotional root, we get a quick review of how Fairy’s words had already started to take root in MS’s heart. We see again the frozen tree (his heart tree) and how her touch had started the thaw.

    This together with her teaching MS about how having emotions is not a burden starts to work in his mind and heart.

  16. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Fairy Orchid finds out from the conversation of the senior Immortals that the evil spirit found is probably linked to the Moon Tribe or sinful immortals and to the ones who escaped Haotian Tower. She realises that a search will be made and starts to think of sending MS away quickly.

    However RH’s mind has leapt ahead and he already guesses that Orchid is the fairy that had been trapped in the Tower, and the one that CH likes. RH finds that it’s no so easy to kill Orchid as he’d planned, (but he may figure, maybe it’s just as well, since there’s something about her that can repel evil spirits.)

    Back home, CH actually asks RH and Li Yuan some pertinent questions, but they never get answered, until much later. Why evil spirits now and attacking Ying Zhao? If they’d discovered the answer to this, they’d have maybe gotten as smart as RH.

  17. I am watching Meteor Garden now. Wow, if you compared DF CQ face with Dao Min Si. Dylan acting has improved a lot! DF CQ eyes are quite cold now. He has no emotion, but the face is not motionless.

    Rong Hao really acts like he is a carefree person. First time he mentioned his master.

    @Grace, if you are around… I read a fair bit of complaints about the translation in Netflix. For example, some wasn’t happy the translation of ChiDi woman. I don’t know…I don’t know what would be the right way? I know Chi di means “red land”. Unless they expect it to be “Goddess of the red land”? Some commentary complains about how they translate “本座” (ban zhuo), the way DF CQ says “I” or “mine”. What do they expect it to be translated as? It is like a King never refers himself “I” in a Chinese drama. It’s not just something that can be explained in a quick dialogue in a drama. The easiest option of course is just translated it is “I” or “mine”.

  18. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Viva, grace will not be online now, however maybe later or tomorrow she’ll be by.

    I gathered that “本座” (ban zhuo ) is the royal ‘we’. Translating it as ‘We’ might be possible, but I feel most of us are fine with ‘I’ or ‘My’.

    I haven’t watched Meteor Garden, but I know he’s improved since Evernight2. 😉

  19. It is interesting to see the shift in Orchid’s emotions. She doesn’t want to be treated nice by DF CQ so she doesn’t need to feel upset when DF CQ is gone. As I just jumped from ep 4 to here. Her relationship with DF CQ is different. She was trying hard to get rid of DF CQ back then. DF CQ has zero clue what she meant. That’s because he has no emotion.

  20. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    We can understand the working of Fairy’s mind.

    1) DFQC was supposed to be home but he was right there in the forest.
    2) Evil spirits were also in the forest.
    3) CH believes that evil spirits are linked to the Moon Tribe or sinful immortals and one of them escaped and is living in her home!!!
    4) She’s been hiding an escaped prisoner, lying to her beloved CH, and since MS keeps talking about killing people or creatures, the evil spirit could have come from him.

    She panics, poor Fairy

  21. My interpretation of 本座 is just me, or I, or mine. Not “We” 🙂 As DFCQ only uses this word when it is where “I”, “me” or “mine” should be used. It’s like a King would never called themselves the usual 我 (wo) but 寡人 or some other terms as well. So my take is 本座 is to reflect his Moon Supreme, king like status. But like King, it is not possible to translate it to show it is the royal version of I.

  22. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yes, Fairy at first didn’t want to be associated with a sinful immortal, but MS refused to leave her house. So she thought he had fallen for her LOL. She thought all the times he asked her to mend the Destiny Book, he was just trying to make conversation *chuckle*.

    But in Ep 7, she wants him to leave for his own safety, but realises that she’ll miss him. She has become attached to him.

  23. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yup @Viva, in English it’s the royal ‘We’. The royalty refer to themselves as ‘We’ / ‘Our’ even if they just mean their individual selves.

    Now the other smart person is DFQC who’s figured out that evil spirits and Haishi City are probably linked. Immediately he hits on the fact that Orchid is being targeted, “Maybe it’s because Orchid knows the secret of Chidi Woman’s Destiny Book. They wanted to kill her during the immortal exam.”

    He and RH would make great opponents, however, did you realise that they never had a one-on-one battle? Although RH kidnapped and tried to kill Fairy twice, it was CH who fought RH, if I’m not mistaken. I’ve to check the later episodes to see if this is true.

  24. @GB yeah, they link everything bad to Moon Tribe. When we get to go Cayan sea around ep 10 and later, in Moon Tribe are just like normal people, who has a market, who has love locks legend etc. The show hasn’t showed us any violence or dark magic are practised in the Moon Tribe.

  25. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOL I’ve never heard Fairy speaking so curtly to MS. She shouts for him to come out because she wants to talk to him. At the moment the Heart Curse does not activate, but it could have because she used such an imperial tone LOL.

    He obediently goes out. She interrogates him on why he was in Shuyu Forest. She says she’s not stupid and won’t believe that he was ‘just passing by’ LOL. She asked if he was the one who used evil spirits.

    He denies needing evil spirits. Fairy quotes CH’s words to MS and his question is good… “Is what CH said all true?” (We know he hides info.)

    I like the way he tilts his head up to look at her as she stands. “I told you it wasn’t me. And you’d better be glad it wasn’t me. If I wanted to kill, no one in Shuyu Forest would have gotten out alive. Including your Chang Heng.”

    He’s half baiting her but she only thinks how it’s her fault for harbouring MS and that others could have gotten hurt. So she does not entirely believe MS here. And she orders him to go with her NOW! LOL… the Heart Curse comes into play this time.

    I just love how she drags him out by the wrist, tiny as she is and he’s so reluctant but can’t help but follow her. And the conversation he has with invisible SQ which Fairy replies to as well LOL.

  26. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Viva, that’s true about Moon Tribe. They are just regular people but the Immortal lot must make them out to be different, evil, etc to have the excuse to keep waging war against them. (Sounds familiar).

  27. Ah right, the royal we. That’s when no translation would ever work perfectly. As it won’t make sense to say plural in some of those sentences. For example, if DFCQ says to Orchid, “To ‘us’ (ban zhuo), you are as precious as my life”, it won’t sound right and lost the meanings. Sometimes some meanings of the words come with cultural habits. I think those complaints about translation may be a bit too unrealistic and not sure how to provide a better solution.

    Yes from memory CH appeared in that big show down. DF CQ was too weak then as Orchid was weak.

    Off to ep 8! Ep 7 seems relatively smooth and no huge events. Other than Orchid is starting to fear that she is too attached to DF CQ.

  28. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    MS says he never explains his reasons, but SQ points out if he does not explain to Fairy what’s going on, he’ll be forced to turn himself in before they can get the Destiny Book fixed. So he has to swallow his pride and do what he never does, in order not to ruin his plan.

    Fairy finds out that MS had helped her pass the exam. He reminds her that he would only protect her and not hurt her. If Ying Zhao had killed her he would have died as well. So it could not have been he who used the evil spirit on Ying Zhao. Her life is that important to him. As important as his own life. (SWOONY WORDS count Ep 7)

    So she changes her mind that he should not turn himself in. The Heart Curse disappears. But she’s upset that she didn’t pass the exam on her own merit. She’s afraid that when she reveals how she passed, he would be brought away to Haotian Tower again.

    Poor Fairy becomes disappointed. Meantime MS finds her feeling shifting back and forth and it confuses him.

  29. Ep 8

    First sign of DFCQ jealousy. Is it because his emotion roots somewhat grow back? Or the emotions are somehow there but without the root he couldn’t understand what it means?

    That was really funny to see both SQ and DF CQ, two men couldn’t recognise jealousy haha!

    I didn’t realise firefly stone plays such an important role when I first watched ep 7 and 8. It means all CH’s love to Orchid.

  30. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Fairy is conflicted over having MS turned in and missing him.
    She tries to explain that it’s harder for her to be alone now because she has gotten used to having company. She would miss him. She didn’t want to go back to being alone. She likens it to eating bitter medicine after tasting sweet candy. Why can’t he understand he wonders. LOL.

    Meantime, Rong Hao and minion are in Haotian Tower. He has figured out that it’s really Dongfang Qingcang who’s out and about. He thinks his body cannot be destroyed and his primordial spirit cannot be reincarnated. (RH is wrong since MS did get reincarnated.)

    BTW, THIS MEANS THAT NO ONE ELSE FROM THE IMMORTALS BOTHERED TO CHECK!!! They lost their most important prisoner but never went to check if he was still in prison.

  31. GrowingBeautifully (GB)


    From Ep 7-8, we see that RH is far ahead of everyone in putting 2-and-2 together. If MS could resurrect, then the Goddess of Xishan must have returned. “Only the Goddess of Xishan can restore souls.”

    I call Episode 8 the Underwater Episode LOL… when I get to hear the instrumental “The Light”.

  32. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yes, MS was jealous but he had no clue it was jealousy that he felt. Asking SQ was pointless of course, poor ignorant SQ.

    CARE COUNT (Ep 8)
    When SQ suggests that since Fairy is in a good mood, she will soon regain her energy and fix the Destiny Book. But MS is no longer as interested in getting the Book fixed.
    “Although she’s getting better, she has only recovered 70%. Don’t be anxious to fix the Destiny Book.”
    SQ is surprised.

  33. I know right!!! No head count lolol. Especially on their most important prisoner. I think this can be a plot hole but I can over look it. Those people in Shuiyuntian never check facts and focus on the real issues. They are consistently careless, makes wrong judgement and incompetent when it comes to the moon tribe and DF CQ. They didn’t even pick up the evil spirit are being extracted in Haishi City.

  34. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I couldn’t post for several minutes. Hope this goes through!!

    Fairy Yu Lin exchanges a stone for the Magical Firely Stone that belongs to Orchid, but it does not shine well for her. She makes a big mistake in lying that CH gave her the Firefly Stone.

    Because of this theft and lie, CH has to lie that he never gave the stone away, and Fairy loses the stone without knowing how or why. Worse of all, Yu Lin loses her immortal bone. That shocks everyone because they thought she’d not get such a severe punishment. But Yun Zhong was making an example out of her.

    This shows the issue that CH faced. His brother would not tolerate any other person being CH’s love interest at all.

    CH stares at the names of the fairies who are to be accepted into his palace. He has a hard time scratching out Fairy’s name.

    FLASHBACK CH and Fairy 500 years earlier. He had said goodbye to her and erased her memories sadly, then gone on to give her the firefly stone that now caused such a big issue for Yu Lin.

  35. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    She is devastated that her name had been struck off the list assigned to Fountain Palace, and wonders why the Firefly Stone is also gone.

    MS can feel her disappointment. He comes over to look at her and because she’s in shock at being rejected and wants to know why, he takes her hand and gets her to follow him. MS brings her to the palace to listen in on CH’s conversation with Yun Zhong.

    MS probably despises CH for telling YZ that he had eliminated Fairy because she was too lowly, weaker than even a fairy servant. Fairy is devastated.

    Her only thought later is whether MS also looks down on her when he says she’s different.

    Fairy sits on her rooftop sadly. MS goes to keep her company, since he can feel her emotions. She starts off saying she’s fine and that he does not need to keep her company, but he knows she’s lying.
    MS : “I know you want to cry.”

    She mentions scattering peach petals as part of the celebration?
    MS : “Don’t force yourself to be strong. I can feel your thoughts and feelings. You don’t have to bear them/look fine in front of me.”
    She cries in earnest : “In everyone’s eyes I’m just an unknown wild grass. Those fairies look down on me. They don’t even know I’m an orchid. I thought only Lord CH considered me the same as them. You don’t know how happy I was when he praised me.”
    MS : “I knew.”
    Fairy : “I never thought in CH’s mind, I’m different from them. He looks down on me too.” Tears roll down his face as she cries.

    MS : “CH is blind. He does not know who is nice to him.”
    F : “Don’t criticise Lord CH.”
    MS : “You still want to protect him?”

    MS : “You are different from them.”
    Fairy : “Da Qiang do you look down on me?”
    MS crouches down to be at eye level with her and tells her sincerely : “I said you’re different because you are much more precious than them.”

    F : “Precious?”
    MS : “To me, you are as precious as my life.”
    F : “You’ve said that many times. I’m going to take it seriously if you keep saying that. … No. I don’t believe it.”
    MS : “You dare to question me. Forget me. It’s ok if you don’t believe. But don’t cry. If you cry I’ll feel sad too.” He wipes a tear from her face. SWOONY ACTION! except that he did it sort of indifferently. 🤪

  36. In Ep 8, we know how much CH loves Orchid. He is always watching and admiring from a far. So…is it really the best idea? May be it seems to be the only way to protect her? Does he know it would mean he loses his chance to be with her?
    DF CQ took Orchid to hear the conversation between CH and mushroom guy. We know CH said all those because he wants to eliminate his brother’s suspicions. Orchid is deeply hurt by this. I compared this with DF CQ’s cruel words to in the later episodes. Orchid sadness is so different. To me, one is a shallow crush on a good at everything idol and one is the deep love after understanding and knowing a person.

    Oh more swoony conversation.
    “To me, you are as precious as my life.”

    And when Orchid doesn’t believe him. He doesn’t care but said.
    “Forget it. It’s okay if you don’t believe me. But don’t cry. If you cry, I will feel sad too.”

    Oh @GB, that lovely OST!!!! That swoony fall.

  37. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    She mentions in the scene I posted above that she likes petals to fall as part of a celebration. So that’s why in Ep 13, he made the trees shake and the petals fall.

    I love how so many tears roll down his face. He’s dying for her to cry it off and stop. LOL.

  38. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yes, I love that OST and the underwater kisses, and how MS was aware that the kiss affected him too, this time.

    I think actually MS had created the bubble of air for her but she held her breath instead. So he had to give her what air he could. He must have a great reservoir of air in his lungs LOL.

    Later on we see the bubble shield protection as well, during Yun Zhong’s attack on him when he went to rescue Fairy.

  39. yes me too, @GB, I couldn’t post several minutes.

    And why I love this drama so much. It is those dramatic swoony fall, matching OST and kiss in the water. I am off to visit Shallow Island now.

    DFCQ wet hair look is pretty good too!!! He touched his lips in deep thought. We got a shot of his emotional tree, it is defrosting, isn’t it?

    Looks like we pick the same swoony lines!!!

  40. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    While I like the scene and the OST, I did wonder why they couldn’t just become invisible instead of jump into the water LOL.

    Yes, when he becomes aware of new feelings. He touches his lips, remembering the kisses and the Heart Sea, Love Tree has leaves growing on it now.

    MS gets to see the future in the Tianji Mirror. He does not like what he sees and how he feels about it. He pretends that he needs the Heart Hiding Hairpin but he’s actually upset on his own because Fairy is supposed to marry CH.

  41. DFCQ, your heart is stuffy is because you are jealous. It is nothing to do with Orchid.

    Oh yes those bubble. I think it generally represent protection of DF CQ on Orchid. I can only imagine his cultivation is so high he can somewhat extract air from the sea. Is that other bubble in ep 9? My favourite rescue scene!!!

    First time Orchid add drugs in his drink. I am sure DF CQ knows. He just plays along.

  42. That’s like the parachute scene in Crash Landing on You. It is there to make our hearts flutter but highly impractical and like you said, doesn’t make real sense when he can flash in and out. I must admit I was shallowly swooned.

  43. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Fairy decides that it’s too dangerous for MS to be still in Shuiyuntian.

    First time she ‘poisoned’ his wine.
    He asks about the tree hole. He also asks if the prediction will come true.
    Fairy wonders : “Why do you all ask about this? … It’s accurate. Nothing went wrong before.”

    MS’S DENIAL that he likes Fairy
    MS thinks to himself : “Why did I ask about this? What does it have to do with me whether she can marry Chang Heng. No, what I truly care about is not the wedding, but the spell. If this spell can’t be broken, I can’t allow her to marry CH. Otherwise Shuiyutian will control my weakness.”

    He wakes on a boat with her. She has packed his favourite cakes, tucked a blanket around him, and even given a big jar of her master’s liquor.
    . . .
    F admits sadly : “But these days I feel very happy when you are by my side at Arbiter Hall. I’m not lonely at all and feel very happy. It’s been a long time since someone accompanied me like this.

    People in Shuiyuntian says that the Moon Tribe are full of bad people, but after I met you, I think you’re not bad at all. Not all people in the Moon Tribe are bad, right? . . .

    Before she gets up she says : “I will miss you.” He frowns.
    It must have occurred to him also that she never treated him with any discrimination although she’d long guessed that they were supposed to be enemies.

    MS gets up thoughtfully and eats the food she left him. He totally trusts her after she doctored his wine!! She’s fully gotten to him now.

  44. You see DFCQ has a point. Objectively speaking Orchid should hand him over. To him, at this stage, is about what makes the best outcome, objectively. We all know later, he rather gave up his ambition to rule 3 realms and his life. I guess, that’s still the best outcome for him, emotionally. We see that love is not a burden. Love is the reason both Orchid and him can live. In rewatching, we see that idea is already planted here.

  45. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I loved that swoony scene and wouldn’t have it any other way too!!!

    LOL MS remains obediently lying there unmoving, but maybe he was able to move earlier and just let Fairy go so that she’d be more at peace.

    He’s very thoughtful. I feel at this stage, Fairy has not even met SQ yet. MS can easily summon SQ to help him so all this sending him off on a boat is superfluous, just useless LOL.

  46. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    True, the idea of love or emotions not being a burden was already hinted at in the way the fairies cooperated when Ying Zhao attacked.

    MS though had additional burdens. He had to bear the brunt of protecting his people, regaining the honour of Moon Tribe, bringing back the sealed soldiers, … so falling in love/feeling so many things, was unlooked for and a totally new thing that he would find distracted him.

  47. Orchid is lovely here – she knows DF CQ is not a bad person. She doesn’t think people from Moon Tribe are bad. She is surprisingly wise and insightful here. Yes that frown of DFCQ. So subtle. I missed that and I am glad that you pointed it out @GB! Thanks! Their love is built on understanding of each other. She is thankful of him saving her and accompanying her. He is touched by her act of helping him to escape. On the other hand, CH is not there make Orchid happy but upsets her.

  48. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Episodes 7 through to 8 are the episodes of Fairy’s triumphs, and eventual disappointment. I’ll just list the triumphs here:

    1) She thinks she had gain strength to push back against Danyin and her goons (not knowing yet that MS had helped).
    2) She passes the immortal exam.
    3) She subdues Ying Zhao and in the process subdues Danyin as well.
    4) She teaches MS about human emotions and what is truly valuable. She gives him the alternative to killing those who are dangerous, intimidating or uncomfortable to be with.

    MS’s FLASHBACK to Fuju Cave: MS remembers how as a child his emotions had been removed from him so that he would not be weak. MS is solemn. She puts a hand on his shoulder (LOL, just the way she’d suggested that he did with Xun Feng)

    5) She finally gets the Magic Firefly Stone as it was meant to be ie with a constant firefly light inside it.

    6) She does not have to revoke her exam success, gets praised by San Sheng and CH and is over the moon about it, thinking her position in the Fountain Palace was assured.

    Episode 8 poor Fairy loses all that she felt triumphant over, except the success in the immortal exam and most importantly, her lesson on human emotions with MS.

    There is something of a parallel with this in Ep 12-13 when Fairy finds out that everything she thought to do with MS’s regard of her was false. Poor Fairy Orchid.

  49. The beauty of this drama is that he is very much focus on saving Orchid at the end. Especially at that showdown scene, he left the battle field and just wanted to save her. “Work” can wait, saving the woman I love is more important. That’s why DFCQ just joined the Shallow Island.

  50. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    That’s a nice thought @Viva, yes, MS may well have felt gratitude to Fairy for helping him (needlessly).

    I feel that CH was in a tough position. On the one hand he felt that he had to toe the line, but I guess, he was too young (compared to MS) and too under the thumb of his brother. His mother’s disloyalty also rested heavily on him. I felt he should either have stayed loyal to his brother all through or rebelled from the beginning. He dithered and did a bit of both, but it did not/could not reap any desire results.

  51. I watched a little bit of ep 9

    How tender when DFCQ carries her over to bed! Swoon. So that’s Bone Orchid enters the story.

    Now is showing RH, I can easily stop when it is not scenes with DFCQ and Orchid haha. I have more discipline with our OTP is not around.

    OK I better go to bed! Lovely re-watching this with you @GB, as always!

  52. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Well, as we want to imagine ourselves to be the woman he’d save, we’re happy to applaud his decision to jettison work and battle, LOL. Anyway he had XF to help him.

    It’s past 12 midnight for you already. Thanks for a fun rewatch @Viva! See you next Friday. We’ll see what episodes we may end up watching later. Just keep checking this thread. I’ll leave an update for all. 🙂

  53. Agree, I found there is nothing to fault CH. He is the do everything right boy. However, doing everything right, following the rules doesn’t make a person the best lover. DFCQ, not following rules, is much more heart fluttering to Orchid.

    I read that CH made a cameo appearance in another drama. He was travelling and bumped into the leads of that drama, I think made by the same production company.

  54. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    That’s cute. I need to keep track of what shows the company produces so that I can see if I recognise anyone from LBFD there. It’s fun that they make several shows in the same drama universe. Cameo appearances will be great.

  55. Yes thanks @GB I will check the thread! Life is so good when there is a drama we love to talk about!

  56. Episode 7 notes
    I love this outfit too! Looks so smart and the hairdo. I think it’s the deep green colour and the sharp shoulder sleeves. 苍(Cang) for the Cangyan Sea refers to a deep green or blue colour and that is reflected in his outfit.

    Juxtaposition between Orchid and DFQC in the way they dealt with Yingzhang. He wanted to kill it, she healed it. It also reflects how her healing powers can overcome the evil spirits too.

    I really loved their conversation about emotions and no emotions here.

    CH really showed his real anxiety here. So much for him holding back…he even spoke up and defended Orchid.

    Spirit Lock Gate 连锁门。 Wonder what this does…

    @Viva, I should go back and look at some clips of Meteor Garden. I wasn’t paying attention to Dylan then, other than he looks really right for the role. I’m sure he is improving in leaps and bounds now, so glad for him.

    I find the translation for Chidi Nvzi strange and I prefer writing Chidi Woman…for the direct translation. I have yet to see the Netflix translation but it’s like calling her “Wonder Woman”…and calling her Chidi Woman or Chidi lady or Chidi girl? 😛 Goddess would be 仙子Xianzi instead though.

    Ahh the Benzhuo 本座 thing, directly translated will be “This seat”!! hahah..
    I have pondered on how to translate it and gosh there is no good english equivalent, but the closest would be your highness, thy highness. Then again it is for those calling the king not the king calling himself. Though it would be more like “this deity”, or “this highness”. It reflects a kind of arrogance to use 本座benzhuo to call oneself.

  57. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @grace, how was Mooncake Festival? Are you staying on for a 10pm rewatch party?

  58. @Viva I have many quibbles with Netflix. The first being why they did not release all episodes I was waiting for. As far as I know they release all episodes of shows that are complete. My issue with their translation also remains.

    As @grace pointed out its difficult to translate benzhou. I gathered what the term could imply from watching a few historicals and cyn lynn’s blog where they highlighted it meant this seat literally. But I have problems when Netflix translates a perfectly fine line in a different way. In ep 5 when XLH is hesitating to drink the water, according to Iqiyi (and Viki? I think Viki simply used iqiyi’s translation and not their own), DFQC said, do you want to play gong and drums and dress up. While Netflix translates it as Do you want to make fuss about it? In the scene’s context it is obvious what he means by this line.And I understand why Netflix may go for a simplified version but that makes dialogue dull.
    Plus, I hope they change the subtitles color or add a black border. The subtitles disappear in Shuiyuntian’s clothes lol.

    For the rest I haven’t caught up yet but since everyone is discussing ep 7,8 right now, I wanted to ask one thing from @GB @grace, @Viva or anyone else watching. In my first watch, I thought DFQC really fell in love quickly. He shows a drastic change in ep 8. Feeling jealous and then rescuing her in ep 9 were rather quick for a person like him. What do you think? Though I also think that right now it’s his Love Tree reviving that propelled him to feel and do all that. As that one leaf on his tree grew when they were underwater. He may have fallen totally in love completely later, probably when he resolved his issues with his father and then thanked XLH.

  59. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @wapz, glad to know that you’re still watching this show.

    You said:

    I thought DFQC really fell in love quickly. He shows a drastic change in ep 8. Feeling jealous and then rescuing her in ep 9 were rather quick for a person like him. What do you think? Though I also think that right now it’s his Love Tree reviving that propelled him to feel and do all that. As that one leaf on his tree grew when they were underwater. He may have fallen totally in love completely later, probably when he resolved his issues with his father and then thanked XLH.

    My take on when he started liking Fairy starts all the way back from Episode 5, but he just didn’t know it yet. So not suddenly at Ep 8 but slowly, organically from Ep 5. As for when he was totally in love with her, that might have been more in Cangyan Sea, when she chose not to leave with CH. That would be the time before he made the trees shower petals upon her.

    Points from Ep 5
    1)He stood on the steps outside the greenhouse and heard Fairy’s regret that he had left. Fairy thinks that what she has done in harbouring MS is unforgiveable. She has a great sense of what is right and wrong. She felt she was committing a great wrong. We get to see MS’s expression as she says this. There is a slight change in his expression. He is affected by this and her saying that she’s been worried all day.
    MS thinks : “How would/Why should I care about the likes and dislikes of small grass/little plant?” But the fact is, that it occurs to him to care. I put this under our CARE COUNT (Ep 5)

    2)He grumbles at her for not drinking the morning dew when it was cold and hot, but stops scolding her to blow it to just the right temperature.

    3)He takes the trouble to get Eternal Fire for her room, from a dangerous place in Cangyan Sea.

    4)Next he decides that he must find the best spot for her to get the rays of the sunrise.

    At Yun Zhong Water Pavilion, MS turns Fairy to face the rising sun, in what might be called a patronising manner, but quite fondly (as a parent might treat their child?). Previously he might have chosen to spin her around rudely.

    5) F : “Sunrise. (Then she finally figures it out.) Did you just take me to see the sunrise?”
    The OST that plays is ‘In Search of You’ by Liu Yuning, with the lyrics “Fall in love with your clear eyes…” as he looks into her eyes to respond to her question. (Timestamp 24:19)

    The indications here are that he started to care for her already, although he still thought that it was only because he wanted to get her strength restored in order to get the Destiny Book fixed.

    6)She thanks him sweetly, and he blinks. Maybe he was surprised by her gratitude. He continues to stare at her until she shakes him out of excitement over the cloud whale. He continues to look more at her than at the whale.

    I mentioned before that the way he looked and smiled at her delight (timestamp 26:32) in seeing the cloud whale also intimated that he was happy to see her happy. He suddenly became aware that he was acting out of character and looked away. The fact that he was embarrassed to be caught smiling at her when Fairy turned to look quizzically at him, meant that it was for not for the avowed reason but for a different reason that he looked at her so searchingly. But of course, he would be in denial over this for some 5 more episodes or so.

    7)When Fairy ate the wrong elixir, it gave him a scare. He expelled the heat from her body and healed her. Then the Heart Curse annoys him so much, since he can’t stop crying, when she missed her Master, so he makes flower soup for her. He tells her to drink and to stop missing her Master.

    8)In Ep 9? When she offers to fix the Destiny Book, so that he would leave and turn himself in he says:”We’ll talk about this after you recover.” He had had a scare when she got sick, and he becomes more considerate.

    He also figures out that her condition is tied to her emotional health, and so he goes all out to make her the happiest woman alive. 

  60. I’m going to be commenting and following your comments as you go comment like I was there with you all.

    MS: “Is what ChangHeng all true?”

    @GB Swoon worthy words like you pointed out
    Orchid: So you were helping me.
    MS: I told you that I would only protect you. I won’t hurt you. YingZhao almost killed you today. If you die, I’ll die too.
    (Orchid is not getting the gravity of this situation, she thinks he is only confessing his love for her but we all know, that if she dies, so will he.It was survival, not love that made him protect her…at least for now. Seems like it is good practice for him in future.
    Orchid: Is my life that important to you?
    MS: It’s as important as my own life.
    Orchid: Daqiang, sorry, I think I misunderstood you.

    Orchid telling how DFQC’s presence is something she enjoyed and that she worries she won’t get used to it when he leaves. It’s like tasting sweet honey after having bitter medicine for so long. You know he’s swoony words and actions have touched Orchid even though she logically feels he should go back to Haotian Tower. I’m also thinking how DFQC is experiencing those emotions she is going through, the confusion she is experiencing about him leaving. Yet he can’t understand because all this is so new to him. He says “Why can’t I understand?”
    It’s like even the emotional and rational part of him is not connected for him to make sense of these conflicting emotions she is going through.

    Orchid: How about this? You can feed it some precious plants. Maybe it will look down on my weeds.
    CH: Since the firefly sees you as its master, then this Firefly Stone is yours.
    Orchid: How can I take your stone?
    CH: Fireflies are spiritual. I dare not fore it to stay with me. As a disciple of the Arbiter, you should know we can’t force our fate. So you’re following the will of Heaven, not stealing others’ love.

    This conversation on hindsight made me realise how CH (and probably everyone) is rooted in the idea that you can’t change fate. He is conflicted because he is liking Orchid now who is not the one for him, and then later conflicted because Orchid who is goddess Xilan, is fated to marry him but it feels like stealing her from DFQC…or the DFQC is stealing her from him.

  61. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @grace Great insight! Our Fairy is conflicted (and hence MS too gets into that confusion) and Chang Heng is conflicted too.

    I liked how Fairy was clear to herself and when speaking to MS about how she’d become attached to him. In spite of how she liked having him with her, she was prepared to let him go to keep him safe, but knew she’d miss him a lot.

    …I’m also thinking how DFQC is experiencing those emotions she is going through, the confusion she is experiencing about him leaving. Yet he can’t understand because all this is so new to him. He says “Why can’t I understand?”
    It’s like even the emotional and rational part of him is not connected for him to make sense of these conflicting emotions she is going through.

    I like how when he kept ‘crying’ along with Fairy and asked her repeated to stop crying/not cry so much, that she explained how there were different kinds of tears, and that different emotions besides being sad, elicited tears too. He accepted being taught by her, but he must have cringed internally to know that he’d end up crying with her so often! That’s why the Jade Ring and the Heart Hiding Hairpin became so important to him.

    @grace, did you get any extra vibes on why Fairy also wanted to keep MS out of her mind? She insisted on always wearing the Hairpin. I suggested before, that she’d fallen for him too and didn’t want him to know about it yet. Did she just want to retain her privacy?

    CH: Fireflies are spiritual. I dare not force it to stay with me. As a disciple of the Arbiter, you should know we can’t force our fate. So you’re following the will of Heaven, not stealing others’ love.
    This conversation on hindsight made me realise how CH (and probably everyone) is rooted in the idea that you can’t change fate. He is conflicted because he is liking Orchid now who is not the one for him, and then later conflicted because Orchid who is goddess Xilan, is fated to marry him but it feels like stealing her from DFQC…or the DFQC is stealing her from him.

    . When he likes the girl, he can’t do much about it. When he’s supposed to marry the girl, it feels like he’s stealing her from someone else. At the end of the series, MS said to him more than once that he should be happy that he can at least stay by Fairy’s side, but CH never felt good about it. To him it was a duty that he had to carry out.

    Poor CH, even Fairy sort of put that same ‘duty’ thing on his shoulders. She let him know that she was still the same Fairy, and would marry him, but it was because they had to carry out their duties as ordained by the long ago ancestor. He had to go into the marriage, while knowing that she and MS loved each other. Worse, he also had to help her sacrifice herself to kill Tai Sui.

    This is one second male lead role that is juicy, and full of character development.

  62. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Viva, You said:

    Orchid is lovely here – she knows DF CQ is not a bad person. She doesn’t think people from Moon Tribe are bad. She is surprisingly wise and insightful here.

    She does a double good job here… Not only does she acknowledge that Shuiyuntian people are short-sighted, prejudiced and judgmental, she shows that people of Shuiyuntian are not all bad as well, since she can admit this.

    He knows that saying the Moon Tribe are bad people, came from a place of blind prejudice. Similarly, his condemning all Immortals as hypocrites was a prejudiced view. But he allowed that Fairy was sincere, unlike the others.

    Here she proves it by believing firmly that the Moon Tribe were not all bad. He can feel her sincerity and her approval, her sense of loss in letting him go, etc.

    Unlike the rest of the immortals, she put aside what she’d been told or read in books, and now judges from personal experience, rather than from what others say.

    Turtle God Xuanwu also notes this. He says that she is the only Goddess who really went around to meet the different tribes whom she was to love. Her love was not one based on mere duty, but came with conviction, since it was based on a foundation of having met the different people, and finding them loveable.

    Yes, what you say here is why we can totally get behind their love story.

    Their love is built on understanding of each other. She is thankful of him saving her and accompanying her. He is touched by her act of helping him to escape. On the other hand, CH is not there make Orchid happy but upsets her.

    So poor CH is not in a position to defend himself or tell her how he truly feels. He had his chance only that time in the past, if he had not erased her memory of their time together. In the present, circumstances made it impossible for him to acknowledge his love for her, until it was too late.

    Fairy and MS’s relationship however, didn’t go in fits and starts, but continued steadily with more and more mutual trust, giving, understanding and consistent care for each other. And yet neither sacrificed their own principals although these conflicted in a big way.

    I wonder what would have happened if Fairy had really married MS without knowing that she was the Goddess. How would she have lived with him who felt it his duty to kill all her friends.

    The plot gave us the perfect solution since she never gave up on loving all people, while she loved one person.

  63. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @grace @Carolina and Everyone, today’s LBFD Rewatch Party will be for Episodes 9 and 10.

    Date: 10 September 2022
    Time : 14:00 UTC which is…

    10:00 am EST
    07:00 am PST
    10:00 pm Singapore
    09:00 pm Indonesia
    05:00 pm Greece
    04:00 pm Paris
    10:00 am Caracas

    We hope to see you later today/tonight!

  64. I’m just wondering, could I rewatch ep 9 early and left comments before you all start? I’ll try to do that tonight?

  65. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @Viva, yes you can do it this way too, just like how @grace did it. You watch it at your convenience and we will come and read you later and add on to what you say as we watch. To tell you the truth, I’ll be around early too, but will see if I want to rewatch the rewatch LOL.

    When are you able to start?

  66. My usual TV time is around 9 ish NZT so will be around from then on. See if I can virtually bump into you tonight? 😊

    Ep 9 is a good one!!! Where DFCQ says more swoon lines.

    Like you and @Grace said earlier, it’s that ‘what now, not again but I’ll save you’ face of DFCQ that makes his line and action captivating. When Dylan did a good job, I think the director must have a very good judgment on what and how the actors should perform. After all the actors can’t see the big picture, only the director can.

  67. That’s a case why the ‘bad boy’ in this story is a better lover! I didn’t dislike CH’s charcter at all! Just that he didn’t give me any heart fluttering moments that I can remember.

  68. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yes, @Viva, I may well bump into you. That’s 5pm my time and I should be home by then.

    I am still going back to our last night’s posts and replied to one of yours this morning. I have not gone all the way upthread yet. If anything strikes me, I’ll add it below. 🙂 😄

  69. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Viva, Heart Flutters – yes I feel the director did a good job here. He must have expressed very well what he wanted out of the actors, and they were able to deliver. They did it so well, even without the right backdrop, scenery etc to help them.

    I love how DFQC looks so fed-up and nonchalant at the same time and comes to the rescue or does his battles. Totally confident, completely in control, but he does not abuse his power. So squee-worthy. He only blasted poor CH when he had to go off quickly to rescue Fairy, and I think he chose aiming at CH over Rong Hao because he was miffed that Fairy liked him, especially since he found CH couldn’t match him in power and strategy. LOL.

  70. @GB, @Viva, maybe there is too many sinful immortals in the Haotian tower for them to do a proper headcount. No guards there? It must be some infinite prison.

    Episode 8 notes
    DFQC being upset with Orchid when she was over the moon for being praised by CH. He called her unpredictable and unsteady. 反复无常 毫无原则。They didn’t fully translate the last 4 characters 毫无原则 which means no principles! Haha…this is first sign of his jealousy. So while he won’t recognise it, is there a hint of it?
    He said he felt uncomfortable. So a side effect of experiencing her joy and sorrow, he experience a personal response to it! And thinks it is some problem. He is even not anxious about fixing the Destiny book! Even Shangque finds that it out of character like what you said @GB that he was surprised.

    It looks like CH and Orchid had a few encounters. This encounter, he isn’t injured and probably have healed. So they might have been meeting each other for a while before he removed her memory of him. Which is also why he fell in love with her. Plus she said he is her first friend in SYT. Awww…
    This is where we first hear the OST 8 I Still Remember That Day, especially for CH.

    Ouch, it is so painful for Orchid to hear from CH that she didn’t deserve the role. Did you see DFQC’s expression after she heard it, it’s like he also felt that stinging feeling she felt.
    Wait…why did CH say she is Yunmeng Lake 云梦泽 ’s normal orchid? That means she was found in the mortal world. Or it’s just CH spinning the story? tsk tsk tsk

    At the same time CH is reinforcing his role as God of War to Lord Yunzhong, so that Lord YZ doesn’t suspect him for being undeserving. He stepped on her dignity to rise up to his position. It feels like Orchid was betrayed by the person she loved most.

    @GB you said Lord YZ doesn’t tolerate other person being CH’s love interest. He feels like a representation of authoritatian parenting. All rules, no mercy, no understanding, punishment if you break the rules, have to live up to my standards.

  71. 21.05
    DFQC is truthful to her that he knows her thoughts and feelings, he is really a person she can confide in and let herself be vulnerable, and he allows her to. Previously he tells her not to cry but this time he tells her not to try to be strong in front of him after all he knows how she feels. His stifling the emotions he feels from her is really good here.

    Yes @GB Swoony moment!!
    Awww….DFQC tells Orchid she is different from them because she is more precious than them (obviously because her life is his life!)
    He wipes off Orchid’s tear (though tad roughly)

    Underwater scene: The bubble is so real and pretty. It’s like their conversation ended with a hug…and eventually a kiss
    You know Orchid didn’t trust that the bubble kept them safe in the water and was she the one who burst it? He let her float down before rolling his eyes that seems to say hai..I have to safe her again. lol

    OST 6 Shore plays at this scene. Netflix doesn’t translate the lyrics which is annoying because the lyrics match the scenes perfectly.

    I think this is also the budding of feelings for both of them, just that they are not going to acknowledge it and deny it. DFQC surely 动心dongxin aka had his heart moved.

    Like both of you I loved this underwater scene. I think these first episodes really made us love this drama so so much.

    @GB I also thought they could have become invisible. I guess it’s for the sake of storytelling?

  72. 31:30
    DFQC asls for the hidden hair pin which we now now where it is. I think he is trying to withdraw from all these feelings he is having for her. “I have a lot on my plate” he complains.

    I now realise that Haotian tower is not just for DFQC but also whatever immortals who did something wrong. Now Orchid realises that there are Moon Tribe people in there too and DFQC is from Moon Tribe

    Doesn’t DFQC suspect that Orchid drugged the wine? He does! Look at this eyes when he was going to drink it and then looks at the cup and then at her. but he only says “It’s really fine liquor.”

    Haha..he also becomes curious about her marrying CH but then has to convince himself that it was cos of the Heart Curse.
    “What I truly cared about was not the wedding, but the spell. If this spell can’t be broke, I can’t let her marry Changheng. Otherwise Shuiyuntian will control my weakness.”

    Memory Loss River
    So strange when he lies down, docile. 😛
    In a way this is the first time I have seen Orchid protect DFQC. It is an act of kindness even though he said it is stupid. But her thoughtfulness must have touched him.

    Awww….yes @Viva @GB, this episode 8 is really them saving each other and all those bubbling first feelings of love, kindness, care for each other. Despite lack of understanding of emotions, DFQC surely represents how feeings of love is universal. How you act on it is another thing.

    CH is bound by his duty and he cannot leave or the stakes are not high enough for him to say I put down my job as God of War for this Orchid who is too small. He was just not in the right place and right time. Plus another better contender is stealing his girls’s heart in a more swoony manner!

    @Viva HAha..I saw the cameo…fox spirit? I wondered whether it’s a before CH met Orchid or after. Stellar Productions is making Fox Spirit Matchmaker but it has different books, 3 I’ve seen so far, each with a different story. It’s only slated to be produced or open next year? Not sure.

  73. I’m going to be out all afternoon and hope to join at 10pm. It’s going to be tight as we will be home late tonight and I’m not sure how much I will comment.

  74. Hey @GB, I’m a little dizzy at the moment so resting in bed. I think I will give the NZT 9pm watch a miss in case it develops into a vertigo. Recently I have recurring vertigo episodes so taking a cautious approach. Sorry about that!!!!! 😢

  75. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @grace, OK about not being sure of coming in at 10pm. I’ll be around to watch with @Carolina. I’ve even around now to watch with @Viva LOL. Yes, I’m one crazy bitch.

    = = =
    You said :

    “Ouch, it is so painful for Orchid to hear from CH that she didn’t deserve the role. Did you see DFQC’s expression after she heard it, it’s like he also felt that stinging feeling she felt.

    I kind of felt that his first expression was a sort of derision for CH… so this is the guy she dotes on and look how he’s speaking about her behind her back. The next expression might have been indignation and protest to what CH was saying.

    “Wait…why did CH say she is Yunmeng Lake 云梦泽 ’s normal orchid? That means she was found in the mortal world.

    Yes, she was supposedly found by Arbiter in the mortal world. That was the story in circulation as to her background. However I presume Arbiter received her in seed form from whoever was left of the Xilan Clan, and quietly planted her. Arbiter may have accidentally-on-purpose damaged her immortal root, may have pretended to CH that she wanted to throw the orchid away, etc. These are all conjecture since we have no evidence from the Show. Maybe the PD has clarified this elsewhere.

    “At the same time CH is reinforcing his role as God of War to Lord Yunzhong, so that Lord YZ doesn’t suspect him for being undeserving. He stepped on her dignity to rise up to his position. It feels like Orchid was betrayed by the person she loved most.”

    Yes, it sounded like he threw her under the bus. He cleared himself with his brother at Fairy’s expense. For this, I guess we have to strike CH off as deserving boyfriend.

    @GB you said DFQC is truthful to her that he knows her thoughts and feelings, he is really a person she can confide in and let herself be vulnerable, and he allows her to. Previously he tells her not to cry but this time he tells her not to try to be strong in front of him after all he knows how she feels. His stifling the emotions he feels from her is really good here.

    Yes, at first for his own convenience he kept saying don’t cry, then knowing the extent of her pain, he encourages her to go ahead and just cry since she needed to. It was so freeing. I loved how he cried so many tears along with her, although it was inconvenient for him. I rave about Dylan’s acting in all the moving scenes LOL.

    Underwater scene: The bubble is so real and pretty. It’s like their conversation ended with a hug…and eventually a kiss.

    The CG bubble was very impressive!! LOL, it didn’t occur to me, but yes, that’s a nice way to see it! Diving in was so good with that instrumental piece, ‘The Light’. It didn’t feel like they were plunging into danger but into a hopeful scenario.

    You know Orchid didn’t trust that the bubble kept them safe in the water and was she the one who burst it? He let her float down before rolling his eyes that seems to say hai..I have to safe her again. lol

    That bubble confused me. There should have been only air in it but there seemed to be both air and water as bubbles escaped from Fairy and floated in the big bubble. It sort of burst on its own when the magic wore off? Maybe it was meant to keep them together. When it burst she fell away.

    I think this is also the budding of feelings for both of them, just that they are not going to acknowledge it and deny it. DFQC surely 动心dongxin aka had his heart moved.

    They certainly became aware that the feelings between them held something extra. The previous kisses didn’t affect them in any way, but this time they were super aware of each other.

  76. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    No problem @Viva, thanks for letting me know!! I’d have been coming by and wondering what happened to you. Yes, take health seriously. Vertigo (I hear) can be horrible. Rest well and feel better!!

  77. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I’m just leaving a note here to say that I’m online. The Rewatch Party starts in 10 minutes! 🙂

  78. Hi @GB! Will be here on and off or slow…Will catch up if I lag but watching now!

    Funny how Orchid sent DFQC off and he comes back in a blink! Her last 10% was spent on worrying about him. Awww…she is nice through and through, whether she has feelings or not.

  79. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @grace! You managed to make it back on time. Yes, just jump in and out as you need.

    Did you get stuffed with mooncake?

    EPISODE 9 REWATCH starts here!!

  80. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I feel that DFQC was about recovered from the sleeping draught he drank but let Fairy leave first. So he was back within minutes.

    It’s interesting that SQ is the one who gives the diagnosis. MS realises that it was his being in danger that had affected Fairy’s magical energies.

    Here’s SQ being surprised that MS puts Fairy’s welfare first.

    As @Viva said, he carries her tenderly and I like how he tucks her in carefully and conjures up the Bone Orchid.

    SWOONY LINES count (Ep 9)
    “Little flower spirit, this Bone Orchid is transformed from my heart blood. As repayment, I’ll give it to you. When you’re in danger it can protect you. From now on, no one can hurt you even if I’m not by your side.” He makes the Bone Orchid into an invisible bangle, hence even Fairy does not know it exists.

  81. I’m still reeling from ep8 which I love and yes, it’s the episode with the BGM that you like!

    I made a lot of mooncakes and ate small one and I’m stuffed! …it is really a fattening treat that’s why the adults eat it with tea. Kids had lantern walk, but there was no moon…as it was covered by the clouds. Saw a bit of it that was bright. It should also be bright wherever you are, if it is not cloudy.

    Bone Orchid. I guess it was a solution for him to ensure that she is safe. He can’t stay by her side all the time now, I guess he has to go home? Loving these little tokens in the story…made with his heart blood. This really important item appeared so early on, interesting how his attempt to keep her safe is the thing that keeps him safe or reincarnated eventually.

  82. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Part of the conversation between RH in mask as Haishi Lord and CH who can’t even recognise his good friend!

    RH : “The sudden appearance of evil spirit caused chaos in Haishi because a mysterious man trespassed in Haishi City.
    CH : “A mysterious man?”
    RH : “The mysterious man has unfathomable power. He not only brought the evil spirit to Haishi City, but also destroyed the foundation of Haishi City. Recently Haishi has been chaotic.”
    CH : “You mean this evil spirit was produced by that mysterious man?”

    RH shows CH the wound on Die Yi’s back caused by Hellfire.
    RH states that no one else but DFQC can manipulate Hellfire.

    Before CH can leave, RH adds for good measure that the mysterious man took a Shuiyuntian fairy with him. “… A nameless orchid plant spirit.”

    Of course this CH gets anxious and he leaves to search the Arbiter Hall.

    RH tells Die Yi that they need CH’s help to defeat DFQC. Without help they can’t do anything to Fairy with DFQC by her side.

  83. aaah I was reading and missed the time. I had vertigo right at the beginning of covid. It was terrible. Hope you feel better @VIVA

    @GB are you watching now?

  84. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    The timing of the Bone Orchid coming to Fairy was just right to get her into trouble with Yun Zhong, though LOL. It was the Hellfire it emitted that got her strung up and whipped during interrogation.

    MS CARE COUNT (Ep 9)
    Back to the time before she left for the Fairy Ceremony. Once again MS surprises SQ by his consideration for Fairy’s concerns rather than for his own. He foregoes getting her to fix the Destiny Book in favour of her going for the Ceremony.

  85. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @carolina! Congrats on waking up by 7am!!! Yes, @grace and I are watching. I’m at 10:23 minutes where the cool fight between MS and CH is about to take place. I wrote a blow-by-blow of the fights LOL. Loved it so much.

  86. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    MS SMILE Count (Ep 9)
    I don’t know if it can count but he had a half crooked smile on when thinking that Chang Heng had come to court death.

    He’s full of anticipation for a fight with CH. If Fairy had not forced him to dive into the water with her last episode, he’d have fought with CH then too, and given the game away.

  87. @Viva hope you feel better soon, rest well and hear from you when you are better!

    Hi @carolina!

    @GB Ahh yes the Bone Orchid is also a swoony moment!!
    No fixing the destiny book now eh? 😛 DFQC is now caring for Orchid and sincerely putting his efforts to care for her. The concern for himself is an after thought.
    I’m at the fight now

    This hellfire burn seems to be a long lasting one. Ronghao is really smart for pushing the blame back to DFQC.

    Swoony moment
    DFQC is now letting her go for the ceremony because he knows “She has been waiting a thousand years for this day. I don’t want to disappoint her.” Haha…Shangque looks at him quizzically.

  88. Ok I’m starting behind, but that’s ok. I’ll read you and post my comments.

    LOL Loved the start by MS asking Dragon his opinion. He did that a lot, but Dragon is not very intuitive about the female mind and/or romance.

  89. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    The Cool Fight between MS and CH
    MS takes the fight away from Arbiter Hall.
    He says he’s not trying to escape CH “I just don’t want to destroy her Arbiter Hall.” MS’s CARE and CONSIDERATION Count (ep 9)

    CH initiates the attack and MS effortlessly shields himself, as white and blue light clashes. They take the fight to the air then to an open part of the forest. This time instead of simply summoning swords quickly, they go through more complicated motions to draw their weapons (I wonder why, but it looks soooo cool LOL). I love MS’s about to leap stance. They fly at each other crossing swords, but we don’t really see a sword fight.

    We come back to Orchid getting into trouble with YZ. Blue Hellfire surrounds her and blasts all the guards away.

    Meanwhile the guys have a fine battle with MS obviously being the stronger fighter.

    MS and CH do a lovely cheoreographed mid air dance fight, then jettison their swords for pure magic. MS proves to be stronger, but he chooses to just create a shield before attacking through it, blasting CH backwards. Then RH pops up to join the fight.

    MS turns in time to ward off his attack, spinning and rising in the air. RH stands beside CH to fight. MS has no problem holding off both CH and RH, but he feels as if a cord is strangling him, and realises that Fairy is in trouble. He blasts CH and leaves.

    The sound of thunder just before YZ launches a spear at a defenceless weak fairy could be MS’s invisible presence and a sign of his displeasure.

    SAVE Count (Ep 9)
    The spear stops and although invisible, MS ‘s power is already palpable.

  90. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @carolina, it was quite a joke that MS was clueless about emotions, but he was asking SQ who was even more clueless about interpreting women.

    I fancy SQ was a bit taken aback that his boss should ask for that kind of opinion!

  91. 14.30
    When Orchid meets the Xuanwu, when I first watch I thought she was in deep trouble because at that time I didn’t realise she was so special. Alas, Lond YZ sees her as an enemy…”If you’re neither an immortal nor a human, you’re from Moon Tribe.” It was only at the end that he acknowledges he has been wrong. Must have been so stressful for her. She is so special she doesn’t belong there.

    Of course the Hellfire protection makes it worse.

    I’ll be back in a bit to comment.

  92. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    On rewatching, I realised that MS directed the big hit maybe towards RH but CH ran in front to block it and took the hit. He became too weak to beat MS after that when MS walked off with Fairy.

  93. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    The Rescue
    While still invisible we hear MS’s voice : “How dare you touch/hurt my person?”
    In a black and red mass of flame and smoke he supports Fairy with one arm, somehow breaks the cords that hold her and lowers her gently to the ground. He catches her carefully as she faints.

    The immortals are all a-dither!

    A dome/bubble of protection covers them so that they can have a conversation under a rain of white light fire LOL.

    F : “Are you DFQC?”
    The camerawork again tells us this that Fairy’s world begins to spin, as we go around them at different speeds, while Fairy tries to make sense of the situation. She realises that she has not been harbouring just any old immortal but the main enemy himself. She’s one who believes in doing what is right and is stunned that she had been unknowlingly colluding with one who was evil.

    Fairy and DFQC stare at each other, not regarding the hail of light spears attacking the shield.
    F : “You lied to me.”
    MS : “I never lied to you.” (Well, maybe technically true,… he’d told her his name but she’d sneezed and had mistaken him to say DF Qiang, and he never corrected her.)

    SWOONY LINE Count (Ep 9)
    F : “Why did you save me?”
    MS : “I told you, you life is mine. With me, no one can hurt you.”
    Fairy cries while he summons the Bone Orchid and restores it to her wrist.

  94. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    The Rescue continued…

    Seeing that all their energy strikes have no effect on DFQC’s shield, the immortals stop the attack for a while (they probably ran out of power and had to recoup).

    MS steps out of the bubble and the fairies are still all a-dither. His eyes take on the flames of Hellfire and he unleashes a snake of it upon Yun Zhong and the rest. Every level seems to burn with blue flame.

    However in the midst of all this, Fairy lifts her head and says “No”. MS immediately turns around to look at her, his eyes go back to normal and he reigns in the snake of fire. All the fairies are relatively unscathed because they’d had their own personal shields up.

    MS gently takes Fairy in his arms and declares : “If anyone dares to stop me, I will destroy Shuiyuntian and kill everyone. I’ll avenge the shame of the seal of 30,000 years and the oppression of Cangyan Sea.”

    YZ sits awkwardly in sheer weakness at the horror of his own inabilities and MS’s power. MS walks out with Fairy, unopposed until CH comes along.

  95. I’m in and out. Kids woke up. But I’ll be here. Watching still.

    Orchid wakes up and is going to see the results I think of the fairy exams. MS doesn’t want to force her to do the book and Dragon asks why.
    Swoony line: “I dont want to disappoint her”

    I mean I think he is hooked already because he is already pretty thoughtful. As you all mentioned there are other places he does this.


  96. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I like how cool MS is that he turns his back on the enemy and just picks up Fairy without any concern that they might strike him from behind. He does the same thing with CH when CH was too beaten to do anything and the Four Pearl Tower was destroyed.

    I thought MS was very reasonable. He didn’t want to just kill CH, but to be allowed to pass and bring Fairy to safety. Once he got what he wanted he didn’t destroy anything further.

  97. @GB where are you watching. I’m not at the point when he rescues her. I’ll have to see. I thought he said “who dares touch my girl” I’ll speed up lol

  98. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    MS to CH : “How dare you stop me?”
    CH starts the power build up for a fight and MS looking a bit fed up puts Fairy down so that he can fight.

    MS usually starts with a shield ie he does not attack first. CH stars with a bunch of spears (icicles?). MS’s Hellfire meets the spears in mid air and demolish them. CH runs and takes off in the air to cut MS down but one swing of his arm throws CH back some 30 yards/25 metres.

    MS : “Get out of the way.”
    CH : “I won’t let you take her away.”
    MS : “I don’t want to kill you today.” MS takes steps forward towards CH but Fairy hold on to his robe. He looks at her and she shakes her head in pleading. (I believe that MS was prepared to stop as she wished, but CH was stubborn.)

    MS considers for a moment, while CH prepares for another attack. They meet in mid air with a blast of energy, going for each other with their bodies making physical contact, instead of just with magic.
    They wrestle for a moment in mid air sideways, but still shoot bolts of energy. They head for each other like arrows and should have knocked each other out.

  99. aaaah that was a good save. I see viki translated as

    “How dare you hurt my people?” I could have sworn he said my girl. Maybe in a different scene.

    This save is so good with all the special effects.

  100. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    What is that OST during the fight and when MS turned the Hellfire upon the tower?

    The Fight in the air … CH comes down quicker when hit but MS is in complete control, slowly floating down.

    CH is no match for MS who when back on the ground just parries all his attacks with bursts of energy that throw him around like a rag doll.

    CH still insists on standing up, so MS waits for him and then sends a blast to keep him down.
    MS : “Step aside. I said step aside!”

    CH : “Put her down!”
    MS : “Step aside.”
    MS finds that CH is determined and so brings out the big flames but suddenly turns his head towards the tower with a new thought/strategy, he gets the mischievous evil look on his face as he smiles lopsidedly.

    He directs the Hellfire snake towards the Four Water Pearl tower that controls the water of Shuiyuntian for the three realms. Immediately huge waves of water rise above the tops of buildings.
    MS has his back turned towards CH, but with complete confidence, nonchalantly walks to Fairy to pick her up. It’s usually a bad idea to turn one’s back on the enemy!

    Fairy finally finds out that her boast that CH could defeat DFQC with his little finger is totally wrong.

  101. @GB my small comments are not posting right now

  102. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I just love how the Show adds in the comedy…

    In the boat, MS holds Fairy’s hand to give her the warmth of Hellfire. She wakes up, and sits up quickly with an intake of breath.

    MS : “Are you afraid of me?” She nods then shakes her head.

    Fairy faints when she thinks she’s going to Cangyan Sea and then wakes up as he approaches her. She bangs heads with him. LOL

    She apologises for all the wrong things she had said to him about him. What a long litany of things she said and did to him. He just glares at her.

    She still wants to return home but it’s pointed out that she’s a traitor to the Immortals now. He drags her back to sit suddenly back on her seat in the boat when she tries to leave. Her tears bother MS who ends up crying along with her. It was a bit of a tease since he could have stopped her earlier.
    TEASE Count (Ep 9)

  103. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Maybe it’s partly to show off but MS wants to take a dragon ride to Wind Plain.

    TEASE Count (Ep 9)
    She’s already intimidated by the dragon but he gets SQ to roar at her to scare her on top of everything. LOL. Perhaps it was because she’d reminded him of all the stuff she’d done to him.

    MS : “Keep your eyes open and have a look. I’m not that kind of guy who can be beaten up or killed by you immortals.” Poor Fairy had to learn the hard way that she’d been so wrong about MS.

  104. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @carolina, where are you at now? I’ve finished Episode 9, but I can wait a bit before I start Episode 10.

  105. Have you noticed how many times they do shots of the hands together? Since I’m jumping from episodes to episodes, I have not counted but they are so nice.

  106. @gb my comments are not going through =(
    not sure if you will see this

    @pm3 help! not that I have a lot of comments

  107. I approved them, @cuyana. I’ll have to see why your posts are being sent to my to-be-moderated pile. You didn’t annoy me before, did you? 😂😂

  108. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @cuyana, I can see your comments. Glad you can join us for this rewatch. Which part of the world are you located?

    Yes, Love the shots of hands and contact etc. Those show us the progress of the relationship. 😉

  109. oh yeah!! I see my comments

    almost done with episode 9 but not sure if I’ll be able to keep watching.

    I’m sorry. Technical difficulties didnt really let me enjoy this as much. Hope you ok

  110. You’ve been pre-approved, @cuyana. 🙂 I don’t know why you’re getting flagged, though.

  111. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOL @pkml3, are you moderating at this time?

  112. oh no!!!! @pm3 I’ve been sent to time out =( =(

    I’m in California. I should be ok to continue but I’ll have to step out by 8:30 am my time

  113. It’s because I’m on WordPress right now, editing my post from last night. Her messages (i.e., pending, needs to be moderated) keep popping up on my screen. 😂😂

  114. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Viva and I experienced a sudden pause in this blog yesterday. It didn’t let us post for a few minutes. It’s ok today. 🙂

  115. You’re fine now @cuyana. Your posts are going through without problems now.

  116. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    OK @cuyana, stay for as long as you can. We can come back to read and comment later, and get responses later too.

  117. Lol. @cuyana, your posts are going through but mine is now being flagged as anonymous on my end.🤪🤪

  118. @PM3 Thank you!!!! Glad you were around. I was feeling bad that @GB was writing and could not tell that I could read her.


    @GB I”m here

    Are you going to keep watching?

  119. 18.30 Fight scene
    Ahh…using magic for fight scenes are so cool. I liked that the Bone Orchid protected Orchid so well. So apt isn’t it, that it is called Orchid.

    This is my favourite saving Orchid scene!!
    “Who dares to touch my woman!” Whoa…..yes this scene was like ultimate cool. We all like watching an all powerful person protect the weaker or the attacked.
    That protective cover is so useful. Now what he says that comes true. “I told you, your life is mine.With me, no one can hurt you.”
    @GB the spinning like you said is like how the truth is making her head spin. good one!

  120. Ok Episode 10

    Dragon Ride: orchid is finally enjoying the ride. I like it when they stare at each other.
    I love dragons and the ride reminds me the movie a Never Ending Story. It is a kid’s movie so nothing compared to this. But the dragon ride looks fun there too.

  121. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    EPISODE 10 REWATCH starts here!

    The Magical Dragon Ride (wish we had more than one scene of it with nicer scenery)
    (The OST is the opening theme) Fairy was screaming and blown back to fall against MS who bore with her clutching on to his shoulder/robe. Some time later, she’s still holding on to MS as they fly on SQ, but finally lets go of his robe to sit up and look about.

    Fairy gets used to riding on Dragon. She calms down and sits up to enjoy the ride.

    MS looks at her from behind her searchingly. He feels that she’s calm.
    She turns to return the long look.

    On the Wind Plain the fighting continues with the different factions and Xun Feng. Dragon’s shadow, his roar and the lightning and thunder (courtesy of MS?) stops everyone in their tracks.

    They drop their weapons and kowtow to their respected leader. Back on the ground, MS and then SQ’s first words to Fairy are “Follow me.”

    MS is greeted and acknowledged the master by everyone. Xun Feng is reluctant to acknowledge his brother, but he finally kneels.
    “Welcome back, brother.”

    MS accepts the show of reverence and takes a stand on a low mound to announce his return.

    I juxtaposed the scenes from Ep 10 and Ep 36 MS was wearing the same outfit. He even says almost the words that he’ll repeat at the end :

    “Ben Zhuo huilaile /Royal ‘We’ are back.”
    (In Episode 36 when he resurrected he uses the casual “Wo huilaile / I’m back.”) It was a subtle change that showed the great difference in his relationship with Fairy between Ep 10 and Ep 36.

  122. Hi! I’m sparodically back but can’t finish ep10 tonight. Hi @cuyana!
    So the actual phrase is 谁(Who)敢(dares)动(touch)我(my)的女人(girl/woman). I would say woman is a better translation, I don’t know why they like to translate my girl..or my person… girl will be 女(girl)孩(child) like a kid. Of course in a modern translation it would be great but erm…she is not a kid!

  123. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Cuyana, yes, I loved that long look they shared and the fact that they didn’t need to say anything.

    @grace, OK finish Ep 10 another time. I’m pausing it for so long, it’s as if I’m not watching. I wanted to say something but forgot what. *sigh*

  124. @GB I’ll catch up with you with my belated comments later! 😀 Gosh I’m going to say I like each episode because there is such a good event in each episode.

    I’m at 26min of ep9 and the only way DFQC can be stopped is for Orchid to say just one word. “No.” not in a commanding manner but pleading one. And he stops immediately. It was not under the heart curse isn’t it? He did it willingly. He really listens to her.

  125. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @grace, it’s like the Heart Curse ‘trained’ him to take her wishes seriously. Probably to do with keeping her happy to keep her energy levels up. But now he does it willingly and he shows a couple of times he’s consideration.

  126. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    The TEASE count (Ep 10)
    Actually the tease is linked to MS bluffing Fairy that DFQC likes to eat fairies. She’s shocked that SQ is bringing her to the Devouring House lol. She thinks the Moon Tribe really are vicious and barbaric. It took her a little while to realise that all she’d heard about the Moon Tribe was not necessarily true.

  127. @grace
    Yes on episode 9 he does listen to her. He did not stop because of the curse but because I think he cared.

    @GB sorry this rewatch was so one-sided.

    Too many interruptions now to watch. Will keep an eye out when you decide to rewatch again.

  128. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Fairy is surrounded by doctors and maids but is fed up that they are criticising her. MS comes in. Like a child, Fairy hides under the blanket out of fear of him, although that’s hardly any protection.

    MS : “Little flower spirit, weren’t you arrogant to me before? Now you are afraid of me.”
    F : “I was wrong,my lord.”
    MS : “No.” He crouches to be on the same level as the lump under the blanket who is Fairy LOL.
    MS : “I hope you treat me like you used to.” (This is a sign that he liked the open relationship that they had.)

    F : “No, no, no. I was in the wrong. I won’t dare do it again.” He gets up and walks away but she come out from under the blanket.
    F : “But even if you are the Moon Supreme, I have to say it. Even if you took me away, you can’t take away my heart.” (This was because of what the doctors and maids had said about him liking her.) “I won’t like you.”

    MS : “Why?”
    F : “No reason. Because I already have someone else in my heart.”
    MS : “CH again? Besides mentioning him, would you say anything else?”
    F : “Not really. Anyway, it’s useless. Even if you fall in love with me. You can’t force me.”
    MS is aggrieved : “Ridiculous. How would I fall in love with you?”

    F tries her luck : “If you don’t, MS Lord, why don’t you just let me go?” (She does not know at this stage that any injury inflicted on her will also affect him.)
    MS :”Let you go? Where can you go? Don’t forget you are a fugitive from SYT and a spy of the Moon Tribe. There’s no place for you to stay.”

    F is standing on the bed so she looks down on MS : “You lied to me.”
    MS : “I never lied to you. It’s you who are so stupid.”
    He brings her head down to his level : “Don’t forget, I took you away in front of everyone. I’m afraid you’ll never be able to wash it off. From now on, you’ll be with me. Understand?”

    Fairy resists. MS shows her the Destiny Book and stuffs it into her hair (treating her like a petulant child!)
    MS : “Fix the Destiny Book or you won’t get out of this room.”
    She wants to know why he’s so obsessed with a mortal’s Destiny Book but he won’t tell her. She tells herself that she won’t fix it or help evil.

    She believes that he wants the Book for an evil purpose and she’s right from her point of view, but from his, he was going to restore the honour of his people.

  129. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    OK @Carolina, just keep an eye out on this thread for the next Rewatch Update.

    Anyway, it’s still fun knowing that I’m not entirely alone watching this.

  130. @grace
    Thank you for the translation. I think I was watching on IQIYI when it first came out. They may have “girl” on it because Viki has something else. Good to know. Wondered what the real intent is? Should I take it romantically or just as a matter of fact?


  131. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @grace, yup, in this episode there are Swoony things too.

    SQ reports that Fairy refuses to fix the Book and that she keeps saying she wants to go home to SYT. SQ : “Now she refuses to apply the medicine.”

    SQ is surprised by how adamant MS is about her needing to apply medication to get well. So MS breaks his rule about NOT EXPLAINING lol…
    MS : “If she does not recover, how can she fix the Destiny Book.” (This is a sign that he feels he needs to justify his concern for Fairy, because it’s out of character for him to bother about anyone, especially an outsider who was like a prisoner.)

    SQ says it’s not the wounds but the her bad mood that consumes her power. (So it’s back to feelings again and having to make her happy in order to get her to be well.)
    MS : “Then what should I do?”
    SQ suggests that she’s timid and this is her first time traveling/away from home, hence she’d be nervous.

    MS thinks : “First time traveling…. ” And decides to make a replica of Arbiter Hall for her in Silent Moon Palace.

  132. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    MS wants to bring her personally to the replica of Arbiter Hall : “I heard you want to run away.”
    F : “No. no.”
    MS : “I does not matter. After you move in, you won’t want to run away anymore.”
    F promises not to run away again because she’s afraid of being locked away in a dark prison.

    TEASE Count (Ep 10)
    He tells her to guess if it’s a prison or a dungeon LOL. He looks so menacing. Poor Fairy.
    “Are you scared? It’s too late. You’ll have to live here from now on.”

    (OST 2, In Search of You with the lyrics Falling in love with / mesmerised by your clear eyes.)
    He brings her into the replica and turns on the lights. It’s a beautiful day in the replica Arbiter Hall and its surroundings. He looks at her carefully as the lights come on. He still has the You Jade Ring on his finger.

    His expression shows that he likes seeing the look of wonder and joy on her face as she looks around.

    SMILE Count? and CARE Count (Ep 10)
    There’s a half smile of anticipation on his face. He likes to see her happy.

    She hugs her tree and automatically calls him “Da Qiang, no Wooden Head, is this Arbiter Hall?” He nods his head with that half smile. He smiles and follows her around as she calls for her plant friends.
    She smiles genuinely at him : “Great. There’s no place like home. I’m finally home.”

  133. LOL
    “chubby little fairy”

    @GB yes she remembers that MS said about eating fairies. That’s hilarious
    I just noticed that they call her Little Fairy Demon
    Again I watched it first on IQIYI so the translations are different.

    MS says he wants her to treat him like before. LOL MS apparently likes to be be bossed around.

  134. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    The next time we see MS’s hands, he is no longer wearing the ring … the Twitter comment did say that it was because he hoped to feel her joy.

    MS : “From now on, you can see such sunrises and sunsets every day. You don’t have to go to the roof of Yunzhong Water Pavilion. Do you like it?”
    She nods.

    MS : “I built it specially for you. …. I thought you might miss home because it’s your first time travelling. You can live here from now on.”
    F is stunned : “This is not SYT?”
    MS : “This is Cangyan Sea.”
    Fairy can’t believe it.

    MS is no longer wearing the Jade Ring and senses the change in her mood : “You don’t like it?”
    Fairy tries to be diplomatic : “I like it. Thank you MS Lord.”
    MS : “Are you unhappy?” She shakes her head but he knows : “Tell me the truth.”
    F : “Although it is very similar to the Arbiter Hall…”
    MS : “Yes, isn’t it good?”
    F : “The Arbiter Hall is so remote. I can’t see such beautiful sunrises and these flowers and plants. They are not my pets. They won’t respond to me.”
    MS : “What are you trying to say?”
    F : “I want to go back to my real home.”

    Poor MS feels her disappointment now after all her excitement.

  135. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Fairy holds on to MS’s hand to plead with him to let her go home. MS asks if she knew that he was DFQC, whether she’d have helped him. She lets go of his hand. He looks sad. He is holding the Jade Ring in his left hand.

    She would never collude with what she thought would be evil, hence if she’d known he was DFQC, she would not have helped him.

    F tries a different tack : “No matter what, we’ve been together for so long. I will remember this friendship forever. Even if I return to SYT, I will never tell anyone about your traces.”… However she makes the mistake of mentioning CH’s name.
    MS is enraged : “You always mention CH. What else do you have in your brain besides CH?”
    F : “I will not say it anymore.”

    She still asks to go back home.
    MS shouts : “You still want to go back. No matter what you want. I can find it for you in the three realms. I don’t indulge anyone else besides you.
    Why do you still want to leave?” (He still does not understand the nature of attachment to loved ones, and that it goes far beyond the outer appearances.)

    Fairy stares at him, unable to respond.
    MS : “Why?” (He is feeling what she’s feeling and really can’t figure it out.)

  136. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @cuyana, that’s cute, I didn’t put down his wanting to be treated the same as before, as wanting to be bossed around. LOL. He liked her easy-going way of speaking with him. In Cangyan Sea there was so much formality and stiffness around him. He was the MS. In Arbiter Hall he was just Da Qiang.

    In this episode we hear her call him Wooden Head. I don’t know if she ever used that term before with him.

  137. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Back to the conversation in the replica of Arbiter Hall.

    He turns to leave but then thinks to clarify : “Little flower spirit, let me tell you the truth. There is no love between you and me. When we were in the Arbiter Hall, I tolerated you because of the Heart Curse.” (She hears of it for the first time.)

    F : “Heart Curse?”
    “This dam Curse mark made me share your joy and sorrow. That’s why I have to protect you and take care of you. But now I have the You Jade Ring. It can isolate your mind. Now that you’re captured by me, I can finally get rid of the weakness.

    He puts the You Jade Ring on his right index finger.
    F : “So all your goodness to me is fake? You took me sunbathing. You collected morning dew for me. And you made me flower soup. It was all fake?”
    MS : “Yes. Not only was it all fake, I really think it was disgusting from my heart.” (Here, he may be prevaricating a bit.)

    She watches him leave sadly, very hurt and disappointed and his bad mood causes the weather to change to dark skies with endless thunder and lightning. It was also to make her give in to his demands over the Book that the weather remained rotten for days.

    I like Fairy’s spirit though. She wasn’t down for long. She does not stay quiet at home despite the thunder and lightning, but shouts out for MS to come. She can’t do much, but whatever she can do, she does.

    SQ informs MS that Fairy has not surrendered.
    “She shouts in the garden every day and scolds you.” She has started a hunger strike again.”
    A guard reports that Fairy didn’t eat anything and stood in the cold wind. “She’s going to die.” SQ looks at MS to see his reaction.
    Guard : “She refused to let the doctors treat her. She said that she won’t live long and she has something important to say to you.”

    MS takes the bait. He strides into her room scolding her but she pretends to be sick. Since he has the ring on, he can’t tell if she’s being sincere. He looks a little concerned, however. CARE Count (Ep 10)

    MS : “Listen, I don’t care about your life. But your life belongs to me. So before you fix the Destiny Book, you must take care of yourself. Got it?”
    F : “Yes.”
    He relaxes a bit.
    MS : “Do you have anything important to tell me? Go ahead.”
    She gets up with difficulty and he finds himself wanting to help her but he stops himself. He is a little surprised at his impulse. CARE Count (Ep 10)

    She wants to talk to him outdoors. Outside she speaks too softly and then goes up one step only to turn around and kiss him long and hard, while holding on tight to him. The lightning strikes all around them and hits them. Fairy’s trick has worked .

  138. @GB On DFQC being reasonable and not wanting to kill CH. All the time he is doing on behalf of Orchid. His father’s words has become true here, his emotions will make him give way and so because of Orchid, he will have mercy on CH. Without Orchid, he wouldn’t care. There is no reason to spare these people he hates.

    My notes:
    Another fight scene. This time CH really fighting for Orchid but he just doesn’t know he is no match for DFQC. I’m really glad DFQC has his powerful hellfire here because you are really not worried he will lose at all, he can duck any attack, make protective cover, etc. What can he not do??

    And he has Orchid to stop him from killing anyone. This flying in the air fighting is also really cool.
    I really liked that DFQC knew that Orchid doesn’t want him to kill CH, and that he found a better way to stop CH: getting him to choose between Orchid or Shuiyuntian that he has responsibility and loyalty over.

    @GB Fight that ended with CH:
    It is the OST 8 “I still remember that day” that will always be associated with CH for me.

    Yes, @GB! All Orchid’s fantasies of CH is wrong, she is seeing the true capability of DFQC and realizing how cool he is.

    Also, Dylan did mention in one of his interviews that it is really satisfying acting as DFQC because he is so powerful and all the cool stuff he can do. I wonder if it’s like every boy’s dream come true.

  139. ep9 34.26
    Swoony moment
    That holding her hand to warm her up and that wakes her up is sweet. Actually that she wakes up because he warmed her hand is also swoony. They have been floating for so long and it is his warmth that helps her.

    @cuyana, yeah now you mention, those hand shots, not in order:
    1. him putting the Bone Orchid that dropped back on Orchid’s wrist,
    2. the warming of her hands
    3. gently putting her arm around him so he can carry her up
    4. his hand around waist when he came to save her

    The rest that comes after is funny, she now realises what she said about him! hahaha.

  140. Hello everyone. Loving all the details. I’ll soon catch up because Nerflix has now released the 10 episodes. But I’m here to tell about the epilogues.
    There are going to be 2 epilogues, one on 12th and another on 16th. Thought to mention here in case you didn’t hear about it yet. I’m so glad! I hope they live up to everyone’s expectations.

    Also thanks @GB, for answering my question. I now have a better idea of how his falling into love may be gradual but done so well.
    I’ll keep lurking here and reading your comments. I have less to contribute for now.

  141. @wapz, I just saw them on Weibo!! Wonder what it is going to be about…gosh they must have stored all these videos for more than a year to be released now.

  142. @grace I was under the impression that they have shot the epilogue recently so it will be a new clip showing their life after the ending we got. However that’s just my guess and it could as well be that they are releasing the footage that didn’t make it to the final cut. I hope its the former though.

  143. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Carolina, @grace, @cuyana, @Viva, wapz and Everyone who cares to join us,

    Possible Rewatch times for Episodes 11 and 12:

    Today Sunday 11 Sept 2022, 10:00 UTC (so those in New Zealand/Australia can join us) or 14:00 UTC (so that those in PST time can join us)


    Tuesday 13 Sept 2022, 14:00 UTC

    Let us know if there are any takers!! 😉

  144. That’s 10pm NZT right? Probably a bit late for me since it is a school night tonight lol. I will try to watch ep 9 and read up on your comments. Ep 9 is one of my fav so really want to rewatch it once my energy level is up.

  145. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Cuyana @grace
    About the use of ‘my woman’. What this Show does so well is to keep the romance ambiguous for the characters themselves. We, the audience, can see a mile off that they are already mostly in love with each other, (hence the great entertainment value) even when they protest that they aren’t, however they are stuck in the ‘not knowing what to believe’ state for a spell.

    I feel that for MS, when he says it in Ep 9, he means it objectively as a ‘fact’ to him. Fairy may have taken it differently… she found it hard to believe him when he said that there was no love between them. The Immortals of course thought that it meant she was Moon Tribe’s spy.

    I believe he also said the same or similar thing to Rong Hao when he appeared to rescue her in the fake Arbiter Hall. Did he call her ‘my woman’ or ‘my person’ in that episode?

    By that time, Fairy was absolutely certain that MS would come for her, and not because he wanted the Destiny Book.

    In the episodes when Jie Li came to the Silent Moon Palace, Fairy had become convinced that MS really did not like her romantically, that all his ‘regard’ for her had been fake. But Jie Li guessed the truth at once and started to convince Fairy once again, that she had ‘power’ over MS because he actually liked her.

    We know all the other swoony words (and actions) MS said (did) that were ambiguous. They were the words of a lover, but spoken by one who had at the time of saying them, selfish, ulterior motives. What makes them so funny was that Fairy got the meaning ‘wrong’ but actually she would turn out to be ‘right’, and it was MS who was ‘wrong’ when he said that there was no love between them.

    It took him quite an age to realise that he had been mistaken about himself, that he was jealous of CH (was it only from Yun Meng Lake time that he knew it?) and somewhere along the line to admit that he really considered her, his woman in the romantic sense.

    At the end of the series, we see that the women were better at convincing the men. Fairy as Goddess really convinced MS that she was not Orchid and that she did not remember their love, when actually she did. Jie Li abandoned SQ and convinced him to leave her alone.

  146. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Terms of Endearment and a bit more Ambiguity
    I gather even for period dramas, that when people have less respect for the other, they call them names or refer to them carelessly (very human and relatable!) and then when they are intimate and beloved, the naming changes.

    When they were strangers and when Fairy is fresh in Canglan Sea, she’s called ‘Little Flower Spirit or Little Flower Demon’.

    When she has gained the gratitude and respect of the people in Silent Moon Palace, she is given her right name ‘Fairy Orchid’. MS notes at once that SQ has started referring to her differently.

    When she earns the trust of the people, they approve her and call her ‘Moon Queen’.

    = = =
    When MS is a stranger to Fairy he is ‘Sinful Immortal’.

    When she gets his name wrong, he is Dongfang Qiang LOL or Da Qiang/Big Qiang. But because she does not know that her ‘rank’ is supposed to be far below his, she calls him familiarly Da Qiang most of the time and it sticks.

    When she realises that he’s a big shot, she calls him Moon Supreme Lord a few times, but when he brings her to the Arbiter Hall replica and she’s happy/comfortable, she calls him Da Qiang and then Wooden Head.

    One of the sweet scenes was when MS asks her why she called him Wooden Head (he good-naturedly had never protested over this.)

    SWOONY LINES Count (Ep 14)
    MS : “Why do you call me Wooden Head?”
    F : “The Moon Supreme sounds disobliging. It’s scary. I don’t dare to tell you my feelings. It feels we’re much closer to call you Wooden Head.”
    He thinks about that and says she can call him whatever she wants. This is consistent with what he had said before that he wanted her to behave with him as she had always done, without formality.

    Her explanation also reminds us that they really had shared a lot of feelings when in Arbiter Hall, because MS had cried so many times along with her LOL.

    Again it was the ambiguous thing about those tears. On the one hand they looked like tears of empathy since he really felt what she felt. But on the other, they were also just tears he could not help. Fairy may have interpreted them as a sign of their closeness.

    In usual usage, ‘wooden head’ means someone is dull or unintelligent. However I wonder what Fairy might mean by calling MS ‘wooden head’.

    Could it mean that she thought him dull/stupid for not knowing his emotions or understanding others?

    I felt that it might mean in addition that she thinks him rigid and stubborn like a piece of wood, but at the same time, that she could chip away at him so that he’d become more feeling and warmer? Love the ambiguity that we can interpret one way or another!!

  147. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @Viva, actually, if it’s a school night on Sunday, we can move the time to an earlier slot like 08:00 UTC (your 8pm) or 05:00 UTC (your 5pm). It’s a Sunday and my afternoon is free-ish. So you can suggest a time that suits you.

  148. @grace, @GB and @viva pick a time. It’s not Sunday for me yet, but I’ll probably stay up late today after kiddos go to bed. I’ll be catching up on episodes tonight. Weekdays are hard for me in the mornings because of work and school. I’ll join

  149. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @Carolina, whoever is able to respond first can choose a time too.

    New Notice
    Episodes 11 and 12 Saturday/Sunday(depending on where you are)

    In 50 minutes’ time ie:
    Time : 05.00 UTC is

    1:00 am EST
    1:00 pm Singapore
    5:00 pm New Zealand

    Are we on @Carolina?

  150. Hi @GB!! I’m here. Let me get to a computer though. 5-10 minutes

  151. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hah! @Carolina, I’d about given up and wondered what time is the late hour you’re talking about. Isn’t it like 1.00am?

  152. Hi @GB it’s actually 10 pm here. I’m in front of my laptop now and can start. Too bad Netflix has not downloaded all episodes. I”m slow on Viki.
    Ep 11 right?

  153. GrowingBeautifully (GB)


    I think I laughed the most in these episodes where they swap bodies (and kiss so many times!!!). So much hilarity, so much spitting out of kisses. I love Dylan as Orchid and Esther as DFQC. They had to hold their body language to be just right for the other character for the whole time.

  154. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    OK @Carolina, let’s go!!!

    Here come the kisses galore.

    We see that the overcast sky has disappeared… a sign that MS has gone into Fairy’s body and lost control over the weather LOL.

  155. Oh I remember now. He was upset and made the sky gloomy. Orchid figured out first how to swap bodies. The way he Orchid at MS holds his robe up. lol
    yes the start is so funny. and this episode is very funny. LOL

  156. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Ah OK, then I’ll put you down as LA time. When I checked under EST it told me 1.00am.

    Heheheh! MS in Fairy’s body thinks it so easy to conjure more lightning. Loved Dylan’s expression as he looked on anxiously. But it’s no go for MS in the ‘useless body’.

  157. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    It’s so ridiculous that a small girl tries to strangle a huge guy with one hand LOL. SQ shows how it’s done as he tosses MS over his shoulder and strides out LOLOL. Love it!!

  158. Dylan does a great job with his facial features as MS. An all his gear gets caught in the curtains.
    Orchid as MS knows nothing of what’s going on. She has to ask Dragon to lead the way lol

    Love the facial features and she picks up his robe again and gets scared from the guards.

  159. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    As MS possessed by Fairy, his voice is always higher pitched… kudos to the Voice Actor. He really got it right.

    LOL he gets caught in the curtains, he does not know about the ceremony or even where the hall is. What a great idea Fairy… did you think about what happens after you switch bodies???

    I believe SQ was already guessing but he kept a straight face and took the cue from ‘MS’.

  160. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yeah… loved how this MS is so intimidated by his own guards LOL. This scene in the hall is so embarrassing. I feel the 2nd hand embarrassment and cringe LOLOL. So many mistakes were made and Xun Feng started smirking.

    Fairy could not even manage MS’s skirts and forgot to not bow LOL. Kept on telling people to please stand!!!

  161. Again Dylan pretending to be Orchid in MS body looks the part. His body is not fully upright, his eyes are a little bigger. The mannerisms are completely different so we can appreciate what would Orchid be in MS body.

    Orchid as MS is trying to save a fellow fairy.
    – You are asking me to kill him?
    She is trying hard not to kill him, but his generals are not having it. lol

    LOL she can’t lift the sword.

  162. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Heheheh, they offered Fairy the sword… She says in horror, “You want me to kill him??”

    She is shocked by the stuff that they consider will boost the morale of the people. She has to think quickly. The sword is too heavy for her LOLOL. Everyone keeps a straight face. I can’t stop laughing!!!!

  163. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Loved that flying sword!!!

    The prisoner does not want to be released. All that forced laughter. Then an idea strikes and he turns around with an excited jump LOL.

    Everyone’s expression of utter confusion. Fairy thinks she’s redeeming MS’s reputation but he will say she’s ruined it.

  164. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Meanwhile MS in Fairy’s body is out to trick the guards to come in so that he can use the power of the Bone Orchid to knock them out and escape.

    LOL Fairy is shocked to be left in the room with so many men… then with so many women LOL. The Haishi spy is among the women and confirms that the Destiny Book is on MS/Fairy.

  165. Well, the fact the Orchid figured out a way to send the fellow fairy back is kinda on point on how MS would think. I mean I think MS would say he would have prefer to kill him in the battle field. Although not let him go. But it kinda sounds like him.
    Then she looks at his brother.

    I’m actually surprised that the guards let Orchid (Ms) go.

  166. wait I got ahead of myself with the release of Orchid.

  167. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Actually the guards got sozzed by Bone Orchid and so MS could just walk out of there.

    Poor Fairy has to get rid of the women. SQ got it right when he said that MS has never been close to women. He only ever had the maid who taught him to play the Guzheng before as a friend.

    The women here are ‘too young’ to know about MS’s preferences and ask SQ.

  168. Wait what did Orchid/MS hear?

  169. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I loved, loved, loved these scenes… SQ is called to the room and he’s so reluctant LOL. He thinks that if MS threw out the women, it’s because he likes men LOLOL, and he does not want to be the chosen one. But Fairy only wants to chat and pick SQ’s brain.

    Love the way Dylan tossed his hair and sat on the bed. The questions Fairy asks get SQ to realise that this is not MS.

    Heh! Fairy wants to check if SQ can protect her or not since she can’t manage MS’s power.

  170. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    What timestamp is it that Fairy heard something?

  171. MS/Orchid asking Dragon how he used to be. I am loving this episode because Dylan’s acting is so good as Orchid. I love all his expressions.
    LOL I had not noticed that Orchid/MS actually jump on him

  172. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I can’t stop laughing at how MS in Fairy’s body just runs into the room, throws himself at Fairy and starts trying to kiss her to change back. Poor SQ doesn’t know what to do.

    “I’m going to make out with my lord, are you going to just stay and watch?” LOLOL.

  173. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    The huge guy is crawling out of bed calling ‘Save me! Save me!” when it’s a tiny woman who’s after him LOLOL.

    SQ’s expressions are also so good. Can’t stop laughing. 🤣

  174. @GB Yes!! I’m laughing at that same line and part. She pulls him onto the bed. How strong is she? lol
    Finally giving up caused he gets reminded about how the swap happens
    Wait I have to pause. I like the conversation they have right after the attempted kiss.

  175. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Poor SQ, first boss threw out the guards/men, then he threw out the women, then he called in SQ, then he was attacked by Fairy and screams for help instead of taking care of her with magic. SQ puts 2-and-2 together very slowly. 😝

  176. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    The delicious irony of this situation is that these 2 people have said that they don’t have any love between them, but of all the things they have to do, they have to kiss and make up in order to get their bodies back. Best joke ever!

  177. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Heheheh! Fairy trying to make lightning. They have to survive for 3 days to get the next lot of lightning from the sky.

    Now Fairy practises how to appear like MS but fails miserably all the time LOL.

  178. Here’s the convo I like:

    Orchid/MS – Keep the status quo? You are getting used to it so fast.That’s right. You can even use my body to find a mans to sleep with now. You should be happy.

    Now why would MS/Orchid want a man? LOL Is that jealousy showing?
    Then MS/Orchid says back
    -Should I look for you rather than someone else? That’s right. You always pretend to be so proud and aloof. I didn’t realize you had a lot of women.

    Is she jealous now?

    Orchid/MS responds
    -Have I ever had a lot of women?
    – Yes, you have

    It’s interesting that Orchid/MS brings that topic up. It’s the first time I hear something sincere from him. The disappointment that Orchid will find someone else.

  179. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    The intelligent RH is likely able to suss out what’s happening with DFQC now that it’s confirmed he has the Destiny Book.

    LOL Dylan pretending to be Fairy pretending to be MS… so good. All those expressions and how she can’t get the MS expression right. How she laughs so easily, so unlike MS.

  180. You know I actually like RH hair do lol
    Awww a class on how to be the Moon Supreme lol but MS/Orchid keeps laughing.

  181. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I’m wondering about that statement as well… closest I can figure, it looked like Fairy was having a friendly tête-à-tête with SQ (another man) in MS’s absence. Maybe he was expressing his jealousy already that in MS’s body, Fairy could get anything she wanted, including any lover.

    “Should I look for you rather than someone else?” This is the irony since MS had told her that there was no love between them, so why should Fairy look for him. Maybe MS was worried that since he’d put that distance between them, that Fairy would not look to him anymore for attention, etc. Anyway that statement of his might have come from a place of insecurity.

  182. I’m at the conversation about Orchid/MS letting Dragon know about the body swap. I like this conversation too. MS/Orchid lets him know that Dragon would not betray him.

  183. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    In the ‘lessons’ that Fairy gives MS, this is another one that sticks with him. He learns to trust SQ as a friend. It was nice that in the end he poured wine for SQ and even ‘shook hands’ with SQ like equals.

  184. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    RH says to Xun Feng: “30,000 years ago, if the Wind Warriors led by you had helped in time, DFQC wouldn’t have been left alone on the battlefield. If DFQC had pursued the case, claiming your Highness had been disobedient, how will you defend yourself?”

    So there is reason to believe in mutiny… ie that Xun Feng had aimed to get his brother killed so that he could be the next MS and avenge his father’s death. He was supposed to bring the Wind Warriors but did not get there in time (on purpose?).

    Amyway, there would be a mutiny but DFQC only partially punishes his brother. His brotherly feeling is stronger, and he’s able to understand the feeling his brother had for him after seeing how his father had been killed.

    Between RH and XF, RH is far the stronger one.

  185. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    The next conversation where Fairy gets to hear about DFQC’s father and what happened to MS as a child sets the stage for her later decision to know the reasons for the killing of his father and to close the gap between father and son.

    She finds out that MS really cannot feel regret etc and wants to know why.

    Fairy refuses to be a jerk to avoid detection LOL and she throws out MS. Loved the snorts of derision she gives LOLOL.

  186. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Have you reached the end of Episode 11 yet?


    So we have more than one swap. Now CH also figures out the way to escape his all-seeing brother. He and Danyin swap their appearances/bodies too.

    LOL the actor Zhang Ling He acting as a girl.

  187. @GB thanks for writing that conversation between RH and XF. I missed it the mutiny part.

  188. I just started ep12. I’m at where Danyn says will help.

    I’m a little behind you.

  189. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    It’s interesting that after the Immortal Exam, Fairy had won over not only the monster Ying Zhao, but also Danyin.

    Danyin tells CH that Fairy Orchid is not a spy.
    3:07 “Although she is timid, and a little annoying, she is kind. Besides, she even saved my life without resentment. I don’t believe she’s a spy for the Moon Tribe.”

    Meanwhile in Cangyan Sea, a meal is served and the gluttonous Fairy gets her own back at MS by enjoying the food and not letting him have any LOL.

  190. LOL MS/Orchid besting their argument by having all the food taken away.

  191. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    You’re welcome, @Carolina.

    What I like about the scenes when we recall this and the punishment later… it shows that MS really had grown his emotional roots again or reconnected them, because he cared about his brother. At first he’d told SQ that they could kill XF if he made a big mistake, but we see that he takes the punishment for his brother and that he is willing to follow Fairy’s advice to reconcile with XF.

    Even when I felt that he shouldn’t have let XF keep the Cheng Ying sword, he trusted XF to take care of Fairy during the big battle. Well we know what happened… and XF was not punished for that either.

    MS’s family attachment was stronger than expected.

  192. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Fairy is such a messy eater LOLOL. Argue, argue. Love this couple.

    Actually MS should be able to feel Fairy’s feelings now that he is not wearing the Jade Ring. But it does not show up in these scenes.

  193. Orchid/MS still can’t the hang of being Moon Supreme. I think the brother already suspects something.

    O/MS gets so mad about the generals with the last sentence:
    – Not even one blade of grass
    Then she walks down the stairs awarkdly and burns the plan

    Firght for peace!! LOL and Dylan’s face
    Cringe but funny

  194. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    It was fortunate that MS followed Fairy to the hall. He cleared up the mess alright. Here’s when XF gets even more suspicious.

    Fairy is upset that the first thing MS had planned was a counter attack on Shuiyuntian. Fairy is glaring at MS the whole time the kings are giving their report. LOL.

    In a higher pitched voice Fairy shouts at the King to repeat his strategy of attack. Fairy is aghast that the aim is to kill everyone in Shuiyuntian, even every plant.

    Fairy almost trips on the steps as she hurries down in consternation. Everyone notices how strangely MS seems to be acting. Fairy takes and burns the report, to everyone’s horror LOL.

  195. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yeah @Carolina

    Fairy starts putting words in MS’s mouth about regretting killing his father. “I’ve decided to not be cruel and stop killing. And to keep a low profile. We’ll fight for the peace of the three realms and the peace of our Moon Tribe.”

    XF : “You can still think of father these days? But the guilt seems to be too late.”
    Fairy : “Yes it is. But if you don’t think it’s late, then it’s not.”
    Then chased them out with girly hand gestures LOL.

    What’s interesting is that Fairy thinks that it’s not too late to assuage MS’s guilt over the father’s death. This conviction and other arguments will make her decide to ‘meet’ the dead father’s spirit.

  196. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    MS : “What you said just now was absolutely absurd. How could those words come from me?”
    F : “I was helping you to redeem your image.”
    MS : “But you ruined by reputation!” LOLOL

    F : “Humph! It’s because of your majestic image, your younger brother XF doesn’t like you.
    MS : “I’m the MS that everyone fears. I don’t need anyone to like me.”
    MS grabs the bowl of grapes from Fairy : ‘How dare you mention Xun Feng? He grew up with me. He is most likely the person who can figure out the body switch secret between us. If we are discovered by him, …”
    F : “I know! I know! You and I will both die. You’ve said it many times.”
    15:00 They have to hope for the lightning the next night.

    MS orders that Fairy cannot leave his sight at all.
    F : “Including when you’re taking a bath?” The issue of the bath LOL.

  197. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    During the bath, Fairy asks about the political structure about why there are Northern and Southern Kings.

    MS did not execute them because he was hoping to catch the mole. Unfortunately the mole was his own brother.

  198. I”m at the bath scene.
    I’m laughing at the whole scene.

    @GB that’s a good point on seeing how MS feelings for his brothe growr and how eventually family was important to him.

    RH figures out Danyin.

  199. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    RH figures that CH is pretending to be something, but he looked really surprised that it was Danyin pretending to be CH. Once he found out what CH was up to, he hurried over to Cangyan Sea as the Haishi Lord with Die Yi in tow.

    Meanwhile, XF tests the theory that Fairy is in MS’s body and becomes certain. The timing of all these scenes was just right so that Haishi Lord could plan to destroy Fairy or MS in Fairy’s body.

    However, he didn’t expect that CH would get in the way. When he hit CH, his expression showed that he regretted hurting CH.

    Even if he was evil, he was sincere about caring about his one and only friend, CH.

  200. You are right @GB.
    I think Orchid asking all the questions about his father, brother, even the rules of the realm are her way of caring for MS. She’s trying to understand MS. She believes him to not be so bad and wants to help him.

  201. BTW I really love the shots of the Moon Palace. How the top is a crescent moon and you can see the full moon.

    Now how did CH get into the Moon palace? How was it so easy for him?

  202. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yup Fairy has been trying to teach MS about emotions since Arbiter Hall days. She’d seen his Love Tree and knew that it was frozen over but able to thaw. She was chipping away at his wooden head to get him to be more human again.

  203. Aww another of my favorite scene is coming up.

  204. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yup, I like all the views of the different places. Even the forbidding Palace. Everything was consisten and in character.

    I’m at the part where MS tells Fairy that if she’s obedient, she won’t get locked up again. He keeps his promise. CARE and Good Boyfriend Count (Ep 12)

  205. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    MS and Fairy go out to Cangyan Sea Dark Pine Forest as the lightning storm starts. CH comes into the palace looking for Fairy.

    RH and Die Yi are waiting for MS and Fairy outside.

    ATTEMPT TO SAVE Count (Ep 12)
    Although MS is in Fairy’s body, he still stood in front of Fairy in MS’s body to protect her against RH. Love this! MS is so small and wants to shield Fairy.

    Once again, while RH is the main enemy, it’s not MS who gets to fight him but it’s CH.

  206. Well it’s the next episode. I was very happy with these two episodes because Orchid stuck to her conviction of being her despite MS trying to change her. She learned a bit more about MS and how he does not feel regret.

  207. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Already somewhere on his person, MS has the magic pearl that will transport Fairy to somewhere safe. But in the meantime, he stands in front of her to shield her against RH.

    However they are unexpectedly protected by CH, who put up a shield for them.

    RH is upset that he accidentally hurt CH.

    Fairy keeps calling out to CH and wanting to go to him but MS holds him back telling her to run. This is actually so awkward because it’s MS’s body and voice that’s calling out to CH.

    MS has to finally use the magic pearl to send Fairy somewhere else in the forest to keep her safe.

  208. @GB yes MS had the forethought of taking that rock to send Orchid to safety. Really good of him.

  209. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Carolina, yes, these were great episodes too. I just loved Ep 11 and the hilarity that ensued. So good. The comic lines, the actions, the comic timing was sooo enjoyable to watch.

    CH says the same thing as MS: “With me here, who dares to touch her.”

    Loved how it ends with MS glaring at CH and CH trying to touch his face tenderly LOLOL. Next ep MS will bite the hand that saved him LOL.

  210. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    That was a fun rewatch, @Carolina. It’s time for you to get some rest!

    So you’re basically OK for Saturday late nights? Trying to keep track of time slots LOL.

  211. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    That’s true what you say @Carolina about Orchid keeping to her convictions. She was very convicted about doing what was good, not evil, and even in the body of one who was expected to kill, she kept her principles amazingly.

    That’s why this character of Orchid is an easy one to get behind. Which reminds me that I have to reply to a post on another thread, that asked if Orchid every stopped simpering LOL. Yes, she did in a big way.

  212. Yes, the hilarity of ep11 is so good. Thanks for the rewatch it was fun. I like that you are so descriptive. Looking forward to the next episodes.
    Late Saturdays are good for me too.

  213. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Carolina, I’m okay for next Saturday afternoon your Friday night.

    I’ve got something on, on Sunday so can’t manage then, however there may be other Bitches you can watch with.

    Thanks for the rewatch!! So much fun. Look out on this thread for the latest time slots. 🙂

  214. Yes Orchid grew on me in a big way. I did not like her at the beginning because she seemed so “dumb” to me and was besotted to CH. But she is good all around even to those that are mean to her. She forgives people and believes in the goodness of others. She was insightful about Dragon. So she has a good handle on feelings and how others feel. I guess that’s why she can repair MS feelings.

  215. Bye @GB! I’ll keep a look out for the rewatch times. Have a good night/day/rest of weekend. And thank you too!!

  216. Hey @GB, just got home from a kid’s birthday party! Lots of food. Tried some yummy roast pork in Philipino style! I will read you and Carolina later!

  217. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Bye @Carolina! Hi @Viva!
    Tiring things, kids’ parties. 🗣️ 🎂 🎈 🎁 Yes read us later and add your comments.

    Next rewatch will be for Episodes 13 and 14

    @pkml3, if you see this, please open a thread for Episodes 13 – 18. Much thanks!!!
    🍪 🥐 🍩 🧇 ☕ 🍪 🥐 🍩 🧇 ☕ 🍪 🥐 🍩 🧇 ☕

  218. Ep 9 notes

    Thanks @GB @Grace @Carolina! I had frequent vertigo post COVID so the key is not to get sick and too tired to avoid the trigger. I am feeling OK after going to bed early last night.

    @GB, agree. DFCQ is very tender. He even lets Orchid to attend the ceremony and repair the destiny book can wait.

    @Grace @GB, I felt so Orchid is so safe under the protection of Bone Orchid.
    Yes, RH always places the blame on DFCQ. We know people from ShuiYunTan doesn’t investigate properly. Consistent setting.

    The sorting turtle God doesn’t give her a role now, because she hasn’t a more important role later. She will need to die at least once to save everyone in the war.

    Typical behaviour of the mushroom guy. A terrible judge acts without much evidence.

    It is rather swoony that DFCQ doesn’t want to damage the Arbiter Hall.
    By the way, I watched a Dylan Interview. Apparently, he watched a lot of lion videos to learn how a King should behave.

    See Orchid can easily take Bone Orchid off. So she hasn’t fallen in love with DFCQ yet.

    Netflix updated the subs now, “How dare you hurt my woman” Ahh so swoony, hugging her waist from behind. It’s intimate yet they aren’t in a relationship yet.

    Another DFCQ protection bubble.

    When DFCQ put the Bone Orchid bangle, it feels like putting a ring on Orchid. Symbolised she is under his protection in front of everyone in Shuiyuntian. After Mushroom guy ill-treated Orchid, it feels good to see he got blasted by DFCQ.

    BOD best boyfriend material – he listened to Orchid and stop the Hellfire. That’s not under the control of the heart curse.

    I read an article about the camera work on DFCQ. Apparently because Dylan’s eyes aren’t of the same size, they don’t lot of full face front up shot. Most shots are up from the top, or on the side, or slightly angled. Do you think it’s the case?

    The fight is very nice to watch. Visually brilliant and didn’t cause any headache! That’s when Xian Xia drama at its best. Magical energy blasts here and then.

    Now the rescue has finished. Let me start another post.

  219. Ep 9 continued

    To Cangyan Sea

    The Memory Loss River colour schemes remind me of Northern Lights (purple and green) and joining with the sunset/ sunrise. A bit like the border between light and dark.

    Impressive dragon CGI. It has that Never Ending Story feels! Even the hair looks so soft and fluffy.

    Ep 10
    Ahh the first scene of the introduction song, that is Bone Orchid, isn’t it?

    I was again reminded why I like this drama so much! My heart melts a little when they were riding on the dragon. Now it gives the Aladdin and Jasmine on the flying carpet feel. DFCQ was looking at Orchid with a soft expression. A little uncertain, a little inquisitive. Now @GB you mentioned, he is asking if she is OK and she confirms OK. Good acting there. Are they at a stage they can understand each other without words?

    I understand why they don’t ride SQ as a dragon much. Everyone is so scared with their arrival in dragon. XF has purple crystals on his war outfit. It’s very pretty to look at but not sure about how resilient the material is. The costume department is so good in this drama. Their clothes are so magical, fully taking advantage of the best things Xian Xia can offer.

    This is a great scene to reflect DFCQ Moon Supreme position. Everyone is so scared and bow down. Did they go to the sand to do it or just CGI?

    A contrast of the locations. Shuiyuntian is cool with water, Wind Plains feels hot and sandy. We can feel the deep contrast. One is abundant and feel plentiful, one is so lacking, so dry. We can guess which nation has a better lifestyle.

    @GB – good pick up!!!! DFCQ never used “Wo” before ep 36 right? We can keep an eye out now.

    I am impressed that DFCQ is still studying the Xilan book while taking a bath. Best boyfriend material – the hard-working type.

    The brother meeting – XF didn’t want to stop forward. DFCQ is the one who stepped forward. He is the bigger person. (Remind me of Prince William).

    OK I will continue this later. Bed time.

  220. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Episode 9
    The Swoony Words/Swoony Actions count is long and full with this show. Yes it was rather swoony that DFCQ didn’t want to damage the Arbiter Hall during his fight with CH.

    LOL, Did Dylan watch lions and not human kings to know how a king behaves? (I feel King Charles III just behaves very like a normal human being LOL)

    See Orchid can easily take Bone Orchid off. So she hasn’t fallen in love with DFCQ yet.

    Oh, good catch!!! Yes it shows that she’s still able to walk away from MS and she’s also not a prisoner, in the sense that she’s not cuffed to him. I love how he put the bangle back on her wrist. Yes almost like he was putting a ring on her finger to show that she was his woman.

    Yes, about the camerawork… I think so too. He is normally not shown head on face-to-face with us. However if he opens both eyes wider, the difference is not obvious. There were very few shots of any great length with him facing the camera squarely.

    BOD best boyfriend material – he listened to Orchid and stop the Hellfire. That’s not under the control of the heart curse.

    Yup. He respects her and her wishes. At this stage, he can feel what she feels, and it clued him in on how strongly she opposed hurting and killing.

    Now @GB you mentioned, he is asking if she is OK and she confirms OK. Good acting there. Are they at a stage they can understand each other without words?

    I took it to mean that he felt that she’d calmed down and was feeling OK, so he looked searchingly at her to see if he was right. She may have felt his eyes boring into the back of her head because she turned around to give him a long look too. That was enough to communicate that all was well. 😁

    Yes, this was the only time XF had a more interesting outfit. I found it prettier than MS’s battle dress.

    Episode 10

    @GB – good pick up!!!! DFCQ never used “Wo” before ep 36 right? We can keep an eye out now.

    I believe he never did. It was only when Fairy was in his body, she accidentally started off with ‘Wo’ and then stopped herself and used ‘Ben Zhuo’. Yes we can look out for it, … the most likely time would be after they fell in love, but even so, I kind of doubt it.

    Yes, I was commenting on MS being still pretty caring for his brother. He seemed a little indulgent even, because his little brother was being petty, he showed the good example of being the bigger person by coming forward. (Yes, Prince William with Harry). So it was nice in the end when XF really treated him like a big brother and cooperated willingly. I feared at first that there would be no grow arc for XF, but I’m glad I was wrong.

  221. Sounds like an exciting time! I have yet to catch up with episode 10 which I want to but will need time. I have a busy week with teaching and some work to do. Hopefully I can squeeze in time in the week but that will have to be after wednesday. I’m really savouring the drama with all your comments and enjoying it even though I’m lagging behind

  222. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @grace, I’m glad that our comments make your drama watching more enjoyable. That’s the idea!!! 😉 😆

  223. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    At the risk of confusing everyone LOL, here are the possible times for rewatches, and the episodes will depend on where we last left off. We watch 2 episodes each time.

    The suggested times accommodate Bitches both East and West of where I am, but if you get confused, check Google to know your local time.

    Option 1: While one rewatch on Friday is always fixed at 10:00 UTC every week, …

    Option 2: there can be another one on Friday 16th Sept, at 14:00 UTC as well if any 2 Bitches are free

    Option 3: Saturday 17th Sept, is possible starting 05:00 UTC (as I did today with @Carolina but it’s Friday night for her)

    Option 4: Saturday 17th Sept starting sometime between 08:00-11:00 UTC (which might suit Australia/New Zealand)
    Option 5: Saturday 17th Sept also, but starting between 12:00-14:00 UTC

    Option 6: Although I’m not free on Sunday 18th Sept, except from 12:00 UTC, others who can meet earlier can go ahead to rewatch.

    Option 7: For me it can also be on Sunday 18th Sept starting 12:00 UTC.

    Take your pick!!! 🤪 🧐 🤩

  224. Hello @Gb , @grace, @pheonix, @viva and everyone. I finally finished the entire drama and started my rewatch. Excited to catch up with you all and join the rewatch party. Option 5 is the best option for me to catch it live, else I’ll follow up with comments after yours.

    Did you see the amazing news? According to folks on Twitter, we are getting TWO new epilogue episodes!!!!!

    I’m SO darned excited. The end of ep 36 was a bit too abrupt for me too, so this makes my entire day. One comes out on the 12th and then the other on the 16th. This was such an exceptional drama, glad to savor it a wee bit longer. And continue my swim in QC quick sand on Shallow Island 😀

  225. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @MrsRJH1. I heard the news but didn’t check it out. I’m not sure I’ll get it right away, but I’ll look out for the epilogues!!

    You said

    Option 5 is the best option for me to catch it live, else I’ll follow up with comments after yours.

    Well usually it’s first come, first served, and since you’re the first to mention it, I’ll keep Option 5 free for us to do a live Rewatch. 🙂

    In which part of the world are you located?

    Shall we set the time for Saturday, 17th Sept 2022, 12:00 UTC? ☺️

  226. It will be option 1 and 5 for me!

    Also, I need to make some corrections on the scene in ep9 on what DFQC said when he came to save Orchid in SYT. Watched it with hubby on Netflix today with Chinese subs and realised I was so wrong…actually got influenced by the English subs. Cos when I listened and saw the Chinese subs it’s
    “本座的人(The highness person)你们也敢动(you even dare to touch?”
    Better translated it says: “You dare to even touch this highness person?”
    English translation on iQiyi and Netflix is:
    “How dare you hurt my woman?”
    I think it sounds more romantic saying that which is why they translated it so. Nonetheless there is a hint of possessiveness and ownership wrt Orchid. Which is not wrong because he is so closely connected to her…and now they all know she is not part of SYT

  227. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @grace, thanks for the translation. I thought I heard him say “‘—‘s person”… Of course it sounded more possessive and romantic to call her his woman/girl. We need to hear it again to see what he refers to her when he comes to rescue her from RH’s fake Arbiter Hall.

    OK about the rewatch. Option 1 is a definite. For Option 5, see you at 12:00 UTC (8:00pm SGT) on Saturday. 🙂

  228. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Viva, the other thought about the Bone Orchid that popped into my head…
    1) she could remove it from her wrist at Shuiyuntian
    2) she was still able to remove it at Yun Meng Lake (when she pretended that she’d lost it). So at this stage, although she was more attracted to MS, she was not yet fully in love with him yet.
    3) after Yun Meng Lake, maybe when they went to get the love locks and definitely after she proposed to him, she became ‘devoted’ to MS.

  229. Hi Everyone,
    I’ll try to join option 5, but can’t say for sure. When it’s early morning for me sometimes I can’t manage to wake up 🙈 😴🤪
    I’m excited about the epilogues!! Hope to read you all later.

  230. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Carolina, I can watch with you if you choose Option 3. All the Options except 6, I can be online with any Bitches. So if Option 3 is better, you can choose that.

    I’ll be binge watching for any number of options that are chosen LOL.

  231. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Viva! There was another occasion when Fairy took off the Bone Orchid. In Ep 15. She offered it to Jie Li saying “It can help you escape from the palace.”

    I totally forgot this scene. However Fairy kept the Bone Orchid on her wrist after the conversation with Jie Lie.

  232. Ahh @GB yes that’s right! That’s before they confirmed their relationship. From memory after ep 24 ish.

    BTW, I read that the first epilogue is disappointing. It is is just the DFQC voice actor reading that same monologue with some cuts from the drama. Perhaps a few new unreleased shots.

  233. @Viva yeah. It is a 2+min clip of their good times and a voice over. You can watch it free on iQiyi app, subbed. Not super exciting but a nice clip. I think we were hoping for more. But I don’t see how they can film more if it is not a mix of what is already available.

  234. I finally have time to catch up with the ep11 rewatch!

    @Carolina & @GB,
    The beginning of them getting used to the body swap was hilarious and unnerving. I loved how Orchid in DFQC is so awkward and making all the moves we know DFQC will NOT do! hahaha.

    And then SQ’s talk with Orchid in DFQC in the room was also so hilarious. Because now he is the one thinking that DFQC has designs on him. Plus the DFQC’s manner feels different now, I’m sure SQ sensed it. Orchid’s mannerisms in DFQC has been consistent so far which is why these scenes are so fun to watch because

    SQ said that “Cangyan Sea has always admired the strong. The two kings have surrendered to you for the exact fear of your great power.”
    I’m trying to recall what happens later on whether anyone knows he has lost his power. But I also think that some of the things DFQC did mercifully to his people, to his brother etc grew the respect of his subjects. It also ties in with main theme that love makes one a better person.

    Also laughing with you all at the part where DFQC in Orchid says that she is going to make out with DFQC at 21.46. This comes after SQ says DFQC has never been close to women. So the idea is still fresh in our minds.

    The conversation b/w DFQC and Orchid in the room about their situation:
    At this point, I’m also frustrated at Orchid for thinking of herself and not considering the situation they are in. But I think this experience also literally made her put herself in the shoes of DFQC and the responsibility he carries in ruling Cangyan Sea.
    Like what @Carolina noticed, they seemed jealous of each other. Somehow these feelings come out even before they themselves acknowledge it.

    28.54 Practicing how to be terrifying DFQC
    Even the practicing feels a little less than the real DFQC, we all can tell it doesn’t feel like the real him. I loved how they acted it so well. Yes @Carolina, private lesson on how to be Moon Supreme!! 😛

    On letting SQ in the secret of the body swap:
    Orchid in MS: “I think SQ is quite affectionate to you. He will never betray you.”
    “I just know. You don’t understand the heart and emotions. That’s why you don’t know.”
    Yes, like @GB says, this is another lesson! nice! but from Orchid in DFQC.
    MS isn’t able to sense SQ’s loyalty towards him and doesn’t trust him as well. He is lucky that he got SQ who is so loyal and well…wooden head in serving this boss who had no feelings. Where do we find such a person ever?? SQ is really quite the best right hand man.

    Orchid and DFQC talks about his father:
    Do you notice that they are talking like they used to now. Without the body swap they wouldn’t have had the opportunity to do so.
    And she now can bully him! lolol

    Btw…Netflix is updated till ep20! That’s fast

  235. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @grace, in terms of ‘funny’, Ep 11 was one of the best. The cast played up all the absurd, awkward, misunderstandings to the hilt.

    MS earned the respect of his people mostly because they feared him. But we see that he’s also fair. When they body swapped, XF sensed it, tested it and let RH know.

    Episode 11 onwards, Fairy starts to appreciate what it means to be the Moon Supreme to his people and what responsibilities he bears.

    LOL, Fairy in MS body totally fails to be terrifying. Fairy in MS’s face kept breaking out in smiles and all kinds of expressions, so unlike the stern MS.

    I rewatched Ep 16 and the lesson of trusting SQ sticks. He is able to confide in SQ. It shows that he trusts Fairy’s opinion about people and that he trusts SQ too.

    True about how they are conversing in a more casual way like before they came to Cangyan Sea. Before she knew who he was, she was so relaxed with him. He actually preferred that, although he also required that she respected him.

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