May I Help You: Ep 7 Rewatch, Thurs Dec 8

The thread is open, @agdr03.

We haven’t figured out the time. Will 9:30 PM work for you?

It’ll be 5:30 AM here.

Unfortunately, I can’t do nights this week and the next. It’s that time of the year for office parties, winter galas, and holiday get-togethers. My hubby and I coordinate our social calendars, but we still end up going out more often than we really want to. 🙁

Just tell me if the time works for you. We can start earlier if you want.

Episode 7 should be fun.

gifs from alderaan’s tumblr

#May I Help You from Not even the stars are safe in the sky.#May I Help You from Not even the stars are safe in the sky.#May I Help You from Not even the stars are safe in the sky.#May I Help You from Not even the stars are safe in the sky.source: alderaan’s tumblr

Looking forward to our rewatch.


107 Comments On “May I Help You: Ep 7 Rewatch, Thurs Dec 8”

  1. Howdy! Thank you! 🌺

    This is 9:30pm Friday night my time right?

    You ok with waking up at 5:30am?

    I’m looking forward to the rewatch as well.

    Who else is joining us? ☺️

  2. Are you psychic, @agdr03?

    Can we move our rewatch to Friday at 9:30pm YOUR time, 5:30 am my time?

    I’m sorry. Must fly out to NYC tomorrow morning but will be back in the evening.


  3. Got it! Thank you! ☺️

    See you tomorrow!!!

    Safe flight!

  4. See you at the rewatch tonight!

    @Fern, @GB and @Cleo, joining us? ☺️

  5. Kalimera Ladies,

    Episode 12 was a bit intense and I was waiting for it, but the case Dong Joo had to attend was so sad…😥

    Still in Episode 13 things will escalate even more…🙄

  6. Ooops!

    Wrong thread!

  7. Hi @Cleo ☺️

    Queen, are we good for the rewatch soon? ☺️ if it’s too much trouble we can postpone it. Let me know ok.

  8. Yes. I’m here. @agdr03. We’ll start in 10 minutes.

  9. Okie! 😃

  10. I’m ready.

    Good morning!!! 🙂

    Got your coffee? I drank one this afternoon.

  11. I’m on hubby’s computer so incase I’m slow, it’s the reason. hehehe

  12. I’m fixing the light over my table. There’s a glare over my screen. lol.

  13. My laptop is fast but my fingers are slow. 🙂

  14. Hubby is coming from work in an hour so he will turn off our lights then. 🙂

    I wished MIHY will be picked up by Netflix.

  15. Okay. Let’s start, @agdr03.

  16. Why? Where you watching it?

    I’m surprised to see MIHY on Amazon Prime. I usually just use this for streaming American shows.

  17. Let’s start!

    I like those ribbons that run through at the start. 🙂

  18. No, the computer is in our bedroom. LOL!

    Oh! It’s in Amazon Prime.

    Look at TH with his all smiley face whenever his with DJ. Look at the change when CH shows up.

    If I were CH, just that look from him is enough to stop me from getting his attention again. 🙁

  19. Oooh. Nice, @agdr03. I didn’t pay attention to the opening credits.

    But that red ribbon has a meaning in Korean dramas. It’s supposed to be the “red string of fate.” Red string of fate shows how our lives are connected. It’s only cut off when you die.

    Which makes sense because this drama shows that everybody is interconnected. But it’s also about death so the ribbon is cut short.

  20. Yes, the red string of fate. But the opening credits looked happy even though it’s about death and connections. Sometimes the red string reminds me of the Red Ribbon bakery in Manila. LOL! Yummy cakes and pastries! hahahah

    This drama definitely made my tear ducts work OT. Oh episode 12 was a cry fest for me. Sigh.

  21. Interesting how both women remembered his remark about not liking the rain.

    DongJoo: Didn’t you say you like the rain?
    ChungHa: Since when did you like the rain?


    With DongJoo, he lied about liking the rain when he actually had bad memories of it.
    With ChungHa, he was telling the truth, he did have a phobia of the rain because of his bro’s death.

    Chungha’s question should have been “SINCE WHEN did you start liking the rain AGAIN?”

  22. I haven’t watched Ep 12 yet.

    Yest, the opening credits looked happy.

    Body language of TaeHee: He’s flirting with her.

    I like the way he leaned down to suggest that they have the pancakes with makgeolli. He looked like he was TEMPTING her. lol.

  23. I just really wish TH doesn’t have that look of annoyance? to CH. Not sure what word to use. Please give me a better one.

    Should I be happy he at least made her iced coffee? LOL!

  24. ChungHa appears, and he just walks and enters the building. Rudesby.

    I thought it was cute how DongJoo punches the stuffed toy. The $50 stuffed toy.

    ChungHa is really trying hard to start a conversation going here. Sad.

  25. hahah I thought that was rude of TH too! He just walks in without even giving a care that DJ is still there.

    That duck plush is cute!

  26. Yes. It was a look of annoyance.

    But shouldn’t it be a look of “guilt”? He says he’s to blame, right?

    Maybe this actor can’t act that well yet to show something other than annoyance, happiness and googly-eyes. lol.

    Yes, if I were him, I wouldn’t have made her iced coffee. I would have pretended NOT to remember what she liked when we were dating. “Be careful. The coffee’s hot!”

  27. True. He just walks away from both DJ and CH.

    Tsk tsk tsk. Really now. Being an adult means knowing how to at least PRETEND to be civil even when you have all these uncivilized feelings churning inside of you.

    But this story is about him growing up, too, so I guess it’s okay.

  28. How long has it been since Jun-hoo passed away?

    CH was asking all the right questions at him but yeah his so indifferent that all of his answers are through his nostrils. It’s all a lie. ahhahaha

    But I like this actor though even though this is my first time watching him.

  29. No no no, Chungha. Don’t go there. Don’t start remembering your happy days with him while you’re with him.

    Yes. Taehee’s coffee talk is definitely about letting him go. He’s telling her nicely that he’s like that coffee. If she would only wait, her feelings for him would cool down.

  30. Just two years. JungHoo has been dead for two years. Passed away in Oct 2020.

    This actor is a cutie-patootie. And he’s tall. So in the Korean lottery system, he won twice already for height and beauty. lol. I’m not sure if he had some plastic surgery done though.

    Somebody said — was it @Fern or @OAL — that he used to be rapper/singer for some boy band group. KISS?

  31. I’m trying to think which dramas I’ve seen Father from. But my memory is very lacking these days. hahahha

    What does Kim Jip-sa mean again?

  32. Jip-sa means butler.

    So it’s “Butler Kim.” I’m assuming that Kim is like a generic name.

    Kim was also used in that drama “What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim?” The secretary’s name was “Kim MiSo” which sounded like “Kim Secretary” (or “Secretary Kim” when translated).

    Kim MiSo. Secretary Kim.
    Kim Jipsa. Butler Kim.

  33. I love that! Cutie-patootie! That’s why he’s won me too, height and beauty! HAHAHHA

    I like his eyes actually. I like it when he looks at DJ with that happy face of him. 🙂 I can’t imagine him being a rapper, singer yes.

    Nah, he doesn’t look like his had plastic surgery. But don’t trust me on that. hehehe

  34. Lol. He got sick after getting caught in the rain.

    Isn’t it supposed to be the girl who gets sick?

    I don’t get why he didn’t buy the medicine, though.

  35. Thank you. So it’s been two years since they parted ways.

    I can relate to CH especially with the 10 years relationship.

    Oh this must be the first time that Father, Uncle Vincent, TH and DJ are together. Oh wait, I can’t remember if this episode is the one before the camping.

    Ah, Butler Kim. Yup. I get it now.

  36. Somebody said (was it @Fern or @OAL?) that the Priest was in “Red Sleeves.” He played the royal bodyguard or something. There was a meta in an earlier episode when the Priest casually mentioned that he could have been a skilled fighter in the olden days.

    The uncles’ meeting was funny.
    The priest wanted to check on his niece but he ended up checking out the nephew as well.

    Who wouldn’t like TaeHee?

  37. Yeah, it’s usually the girl who gets sick but I like that it was TH. He just can’t be bothered with medicine so it’s the freezer instead. Lucky him he can put his head like that to his freezer.

  38. Yes. TaeHee and ChungHa dated for 10 years. When the brother died in 2020, they broke up and he gave up med school and joined the military (to fulfill his military service req). Then they met up again after his conscription ended.

  39. That’s it! Father is from the Red Sleeves! Thank you to @Fern or @AOL.

    Oh Father was really checking TH out. But why did he say a prayer of penance? Maybe it was just the sub. I’m watching in dramanice.

    Yes, I agree, who wouldn’t like TH? 🙂

  40. Overall, this drama shows the Catholic religion in a good light. I’m surprised.

    The prayer for the opening of the Uncle’s business is so Catholic.

    Vincent: I wanted a blessing especially because it’s my first business. It’s been too long since I’ve visited the church. So I didn’t have the courage. But I received a great blessing thanks to DongJoo.

    This is important. DongJoo always thought that she was a curse because her mother passed away in childbirth. She “caused” her mother’s death.

    So here’s one person who thinks she’s a blessing, rather than a curse.

  41. I laughed when Vincent saw his headless body on the ground. Headless because his head was inside the freezer.

  42. Father even spilt the drink just to see what TH does. That’s a good test. LOL. He hasn’t been in a motorbike before.

    That’s it DJ, tell TH to stop making you feel guilty when really he should be the one to feel it. But he got her with jjamppong. He looked cute there!

  43. I agree about the show putting the Catholic faith in a good light.But I’m not sure about the beer? That is beer from the first couple of episodes right? Father can give it outside the confession room. 🙂

    But I like Father’s faith. True, DJ always felt that she’s badluck for everyone.

  44. I found Handel’s Hallelujah chorus funny too.

    I think he said “prayer of repentance” in the end of the blessings as a shortcut. Instead of adding the long form, “we are sorry for our sins; we humbly pray that you forgive us Lord for we have sinned against you…” he acknowledged that they were repenting for their sins.

    I guess he wanted to focus on just the blessings.

  45. Ah, right, that makes sense then. 🙂

  46. Yes. The beer in the confessional was annoying joke.

    And I don’t know if I would feel comfortable confessing my sins to a family member who’s a priest. I’d be embarrassed. It’s awkward enough to confess to the regular priest in the parish, what more to family???

    But “overall” I like that the show doesn’t show us Catholics as a looney bunch of bible-thumpers, exorcists, and moralizers.

  47. true, @agdr03. I also thought he spilt it on purpose.

    TaeHee’s response was good. He first asked DongJoo if she was okay and then proceeded to wipe her shoes.

    But Arrrgggh! After watching how sweet he was with ChungHa when they were still dating, this is just par for the course. I expect him to be a sweet boyfriend and to treat his girlfriend nicely…until he’s no longer the boyfriend. Then, he writes off the girlfriend as if nothing happened.

  48. Well said to the last sentence there.

    But I think we have this situation because Father knows about her task. He must have been the one to convince DJ to do it, right? He’s convinced her a few times to keep going. That’s why I like it when he gives her the support whenever she feels really down from it.

  49. Don’t you wonder what password she used?

    She can’t use birthdays. She can’t use anniversaries as they weren’t dating yet.

    My guess is she used the day that she broke up with her ex-boyfriend. That would be the day she met him, too.

  50. That’s the hurdle we need to get over with so I can go on with my FEELS!!! LOL!

    He was sooooo sweet and clingy on episode 11. Sigh.

  51. I was curious about the password but there’s a scene on episode 12 or 13 where they showed it and I totally did not see the actual numbers. I think it might have been related to Jun-hoo. Not 100% sure though.

    That ex boyfriend was a horrible guy!

  52. But at this point, she doesn’t know yet that JunHoo’s related to TaeHee so she won’t use JunHoo’s date of birth or death as her password.

    I checked. She was texting her (ex) boyfriend on 2022/5/16. Their 100th day anniversary was coming up. Boyfriend agreed to meet her the following day so 2022/5/17.

    But I don’t know. Could be her father’s birthday, too.

  53. DJ fishing for information on CH and she got shocked with the first love confirmation from TH. It stumped her. She wasn’t expecting it and with all the nice things to say about CH’s personality, she thought probably no chance with her.

  54. DongJoo was being sneaky here. She was curious and she wanted to find out more about that girl but she couldn’t just ask him about her.

    But I don’t think she was lying when she said that ChungHa was impressive when she rescued the homeless person.

    It must have shocked her to the core when TaeHee freely admitted that ChungHa was his first love.

    DongJoo: Is she your friend?
    TaeHee: Yes.
    DongJoo: How do you have a friend like her?
    TaeHee: She’s an alumnus.
    DongJoo: Your first love.
    TaeHee: Yes.
    DongJoo: Yes?
    TaeHee: (looks at her)
    DongJoo: Ah. Your first love. No wonder she looked like the type to be someone’s first love. If I were a boy, I’d like her too. First love.

  55. Ok. We can confirm the password for sure later. Yes, she doesn’t know about Jun-hoo but I assumed she couldn’t forget that day because that’s the start of her “healing hands”.

  56. I liked the whole conversation where she really did see CH as a good doctor and seemed like a nice person.

    She sounded so casual and TH was just being honest too. But I loved that he was protecting her from intruders by changing her door password. I can relate to having an easy password, these days it’s ridiculous the amount of password we use.

  57. Lol. I was writing about this, too.

    Yes. DongJoo was fishing really hard. It must have been obvious to him that she was curious about ChungHa.

    She would have been fine if they were just classmates/drinking buddies/exes, but to hear him say that ChungHa was his FIRST love must have been intimidated her.

    Lol. It would indicate his standards in girlfriends. He had pretty high standards.

  58. Heh! And she’s a funeral director. Honestly I haven’t made a comment about the job but I can’t be like DJ because I’ll be in tears most of the time and that will be exhausting. But other than that, I think from all the funeral homes service and staff that I’ve seen they’re very good at their jobs.

  59. Good point, @agdr03. She would have remembered the day JunHo died or brought to the funeral, not because it was JunHo’s death per se, but because it was when she first became aware of her special powers/blessings.

    He died on Oct 9, 2020. He was brought to the funeral home the day after.

  60. I should have said that it’s not the exhaustion from crying all the time but I’d be fired because I woudln’t be able to do the funeral director’s job. hahahaha

  61. I like TaeHee’s relationship with DongJoo’s dad. This is so sweet. I like to see more of TaeHee and DongJoo’s dad interaction so I hope the dad won’t die in the end.

    His leather bag gift was a “bribe” he says. He wants TaeHee to take good care of her until the Fall when she’s done with her exams and when he plans to ask her to return home.

    I don’t know if there’s a foreshadowing there.

  62. Awww Dad’s bribe is a very nice bag. 🙂 That’s a gift/bribe from the heart.

    What DJ’s Dad said is really what he wants, for DJ not to find out about his other job, for Th to look out for her and for TH to take care of her since his not next to DJ.

  63. Sora and her gift to the Director.

    She’s cute but I don’t think that romance is going anywhere. I wonder who she’ll end up with. There’s only four more episodes left.

    So, Sora used to work at ChungHa’s mother’s hospital. Now, she’s in Chungha’s hospital. It’s really a small world.

  64. Oh no, not DJ’s Dad please. 🙁

    There’s 3 left of her task in episode 12.

  65. I understood what you meant, @agdr03. Working as a funeral director would be emotional draining for someone with a compassionate and empathetic heart like you. 🙂

    But I think you’ll quickly learn that to be professional about the job is the best way you can help the bereaved, dead, and survivors. It simply won’t do if the funeral director starts crying alongside the widow/widower and children. In effect, he’s inserted himself in somebody else’s grief and grieving moment. And he’s made it all about him instead of the dead person and the survivors.


  66. I get why DongJoo doesn’t want her dad to know about her job. She had a bad reaction to it when she first tried working there two years ago.

    But I don’t get why DongJoo’s dad doesn’t want her to know about his job as a security guard. Do you know why? Is there a job stigma here, too?

  67. I agree about Sora and the Director. She’s going with the heart through your stomach and informant route. 🙂 She can be with Officer SH, it just depends on how the story will solve his involvement with JH and his hyung’s accident.

    Maybe one of the last 3 tasks is the Director’s ex’s baby as well. 🙁

  68. Maybe all that DJ knows is that her Dad’s business is still going well? Would she not have an inkling that the business is not profitable anymore?

    I don’t think there’s stigma on his job.

  69. I disapprove of ChungHa’s next action here. She shouldn’t have used the app to get TaeHee to come to her.

    One, it showed how little she thought of his new day job.
    Two, she cheapened herself, too. She just PAID for his company.
    Three, why on earth would she pick this moment to whine about her problems?

    Really, if I wanted to convince the guy to come back to me, I wouldn’t want to show him my pathetic, needy side. She didn’t need to tell him, “I have nobody else to talk to. I couldn’t think of anyone else. Just you…”

    I would have invited him to eat jjampong but I wouldn’t show him that I remembered that jjampong was his favorite.

    She’s doing this all wrong.

  70. Three more tasks, you say, @agdr03?

    Okay, if it’s one task per episode, then Ep 16 should be “liberation” day for DongJoo then. But I wonder what she’ll do after becoming a funeral director? She said she wanted to become a civil servant because she could serve the community. But she’s doing such a unique service here.

    Maybe she’ll continue being a FD? Maybe this is her internship period?? 🙂

  71. I agree! CH has an issue with her Mom and she wants to spill it all to TH. Did she forget too that he’s not very welcoming of her? Like did she really think that TH would change his mind because he’ll hear about her problems?

    This is where I feel like telling her, move on girl. He’s not into you anymore. 🙁

  72. Sora and the Director would have been cute but I think their “window of opportunity” to make something out of their romantic arc is closing.

    Not sure about Officer SH. Has he met Sora yet?

  73. Right?

    She already knows that TaeHee hasn’t changed his mind about their break-up. So does she really think dumping all her problem with her mother is a good idea? Will this entice TaeHee to come back to her?


    I think she’s too upset to think straight. TaeHee was the shoulder she used to cry on whenever these mommy crises occurred.

    So when this fall-out happened again, she sought TaeHee’s company again.

    But I also think she wanted to kill two birds with one stone. She would seek comfort from him, and guilt-trip him to come back to her.

    I don’t mind her wanting comfort from him (it’s a 10 year habit) so much as I mind her guilt-tripping/emotional blackmailing him.

  74. True, maybe DJ will stay on as FD after all of her job is done. We will see. She’s more than capable now in sending them peacefully.

  75. I don’t think Sora has met Officer SH yet. So yeah maybe no loveline for Sora.

  76. I like Officer SH’s words of wisdom here.

    Your body and your heart work together. If your body aches, then your heat aches and vice versa.

    Do we know if he’s a good or bad guy? I’ve been ignoring his trajectory because I think the writer is setting us up. We’re supposed to assume that he’s a nefarious one when actually he might just be in need of “blessings” like Vincent, TaeHee and the others.

  77. I like that DongJoo got angry with TaeHee.

    TH: How about lunch? Did you eat lunch?
    DJ: Yes.
    TH: I couldn’t eat.
    DJ: Why are you lying?
    TH: I’m serious.
    DJ: Drop me off here.
    TH: Here?
    DJ: Hurry.

    lol. I’m glad that she didn’t continue to fight while he was driving. I dislike car arguments.

  78. I haven’t figured that too, if he’s a good or bad guy. I know he looked at the accident files when he transferred to the investigation unit. But I don’t want him to be a bad guy because he seems like a good guy. I want you to be right, he just needs a blessing.

  79. But I like that TaeHee persisted to correct her misunderstanding. He offered to take the job of driving DongJoo to the province so he could talk about it.

    He could have avoided DongJoo’s cold shoulder but he wanted to work this out.

    But wait! TaeHee is copying ChungHa. Like Chungha, he used the app to get close to someone who was avoiding him.

    TaeHee: ARen’t you hungry? I haven’t had lunch today.
    DJ: (looks at him) YOu did.
    TaeHee: What?
    DJ: I saw it.
    TaeHee: Saw what?
    DJ: You eating lunch. I saw it. With that friend.

    He smiled. He knew the reason she was upset with him.

    TaeHee: I was working. I didn’t eat.
    DJ: I see.
    TaeHee: I’m sorry I couldn’t make it.
    DJ: (skeptical)
    TaeHee: But I didn’t lie to you. I’m serious. Wait there’s one thing. Earlier, when I said that my boss had a hard time driving at night, I lied. I saidi that I’d go. I wanted to.
    DJ: Why?
    TaeHee: Yo don’t need to know.
    DJ: Is it because of me or something.
    TaeHee: It’s not that.

  80. I thought it was rude of DJ to not even eat the food that Officer HA (Hae-an) gave her. She was already twirling the noodles. hahahah

    Well, DJ’s just jealous but TH was just doing his job but she didn’t know that.

  81. But I thought it was funny of Officer HaeAn to ask her out and only offer ramen at the convenience store.


    I thought the cheapest possible date was asking a girl out to Starbucks or MacDonalds. But I never even considered a 7-11!!!!

    Gosh. Inflation hits even the dating scene.

  82. What’s the significance of this grandma’s death story?

    Usually, there’s a lesson to be learned from the deaths (or death requests) that applies to DongJoo and TaeHee’s romance. But I haven’t figured this one out.

  83. If it’s like a Japanese convenience store then I’m ok with that. hahahah I remember enjoying some of the variety of food there. Even better in Korea that you can actually sit down. ehehheh

  84. The van accident is no joke. Over here, nighttime driving can be dangerous around fall and early winter when the deer are crossing the road. It’s their migrating season. If you swerve to avoid them, you can hit another car, fall into a ditch or roll over.

  85. I’m not sure actually, but grandma wanted to change her portrait. She wanted the one that was taken with her grandson when he was still young.

    I thought it was good too that TH was the one who did the job instead of Uncle Vincent. For sure he wanted to know why DJ was upset from the ride before. But yeah, TH used the job like CH did. This is where I wish again that CH had her closure so the getting to know of TH and DJ will just be as it is, getting to know each other.

  86. Okay. ChungHa whined early about her mom but DongJoo also whined about the car accident.

    TaeHee: YOu’re braver than I thought. I thought you’d be more scared.
    DongJoo: (stopping in her tracks and giving him the evil eye.)
    TaeHee: What’s wrong?
    DongJoo:(not answering, just frowning at him)
    TaeHee: Why? Does it hurt? Where?
    DongJoo: Why do you drive like that? I told you it’s dark here, but you don’t listen to me.
    TaeHee: (hiding his smile)
    DongJoo: (continuing her whining) I was surprised! I’m scared too.
    TaeHee: Is that right? I’m sorry. Lighten up. Okay?
    DongJoo: Whatever.

    When it comes to whining, though. DongJoo’s whining is cuter.

  87. Did you notice that TH was the one rammaging through the Grandma’s cabinets? DJ was like that with the husband who wanted to give the cheque to his wife. 🙂

  88. It was cute when DongJoo was whining and TaeHee cajoled her.

    Maybe it’s the way Hyeri performed this. Her pouting lips looked like duck lips and it’s hard getting annoyed with a duck face.

    DongJoo: (continuing her whining) I was surprised! I’m scared too.
    TaeHee: Is that right? I’m sorry. Lighten up. Okay?
    DongJoo: Whatever.
    TaeHee: Let’s hurry and go.
    DongJoo: (still sulking) How can I go fast? (looking like a little girl) I’m hurt.
    TaeHee: (just smiling)

    See that? I don’t think ChungHa could act with aegyo now. Not after they broke up. But in that short flashback, when they were buying coffee, ChungHa also showed him aegyo.

    Maybe TaeHee responds to aegyo better? Maybe he likes girls with aegyo? Maybe he can’t see ChungHa with aegyo anymore?

    DJ: But how are we leaving tomorrow?
    TaeHee: Do you think I’d make you walk? Don’t worry, okay? I’ll carry you on my back if I have to.
    DJ: You’re joking again.
    TaeHee: Joke? Why would I joke around with you at this age?

    Without context, this scene is sweet. But I still can’t get over the fact that about two years ago, he could have been joking around with another girl like this. He was about to propose to ChungHa. That meant that he was willing to carry HER — not only on his BACK — but with him for as long as both of them lived. For richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health…

    That is the sticking point for me.

  89. Yes. Now. TaeHee went through the cabinets as frantically as DJ did in the house of the 1 Million Won Man.

    I like that their jobs intersected and their missions coincided.

    She was there in her capacity as the funeral director. He was there because of his Butler Kim’s duties.

  90. I know! I know! I understand and yes I agree. DJ’s aegyo is cute here. Look at TH’s smile while looking at her whine. And that piggy back! He was running a fever but he still carried her. Sigh.

    Technically it wasn’t super dark because there were post lamps but TH wasn’t looking at the road. That was why they had the accident.

  91. True about the van accident. I thought they just made it look and sound funny but yeah I didn’t think it was funny.

    The van turned halfway.

  92. I like how she didn’t make a fuss about his being a doctor and didn’t pry about his reasons for giving up his education to be a Butler Kim.

    Instead, she joked about it.

    DongJoo: What the? You talk exactly like my doctor! Are you a doctor or what?
    TaeHee: (looking away)
    DongJoo: What’s wrong? Right. That classmate of yours. You’re really a doctor?
    TaeHee: A long time ago. I was for a while. I’m not anymore.
    DongJoo: You don’t have to tell me. But were you a quack? (feeling his cheek) You were getting a fever earlier. You don’t even know you’re sick.

    I like that she didn’t force him to open up about his past. I like that DongJoo is a listener. I guess she learned this from being a funeral director with special powers. She had to wait for the deceased to come to terms with death and open up to her.

  93. You read and put my thoughts in your last comment. 🙂 She didn’t push him to open up about being a doctor but instead she became a doctor to him.

  94. DJ’s aegyo works for me, too.

    And I get why TaeHee just smiled at her. She was berating him for not looking at the wrong and endangering them but he didn’t feel like:

    a. he wasn’t going to be unforgiven for the rest of their life because he made a dumb mistake.
    b. he was being guilt-tripped
    c. he couldn’t make amends.

    The one thing I like about this scene is that he saw how accidents could happen in a split second. Just like his brother’s accident.

    One second, he and DongJoo were having fun. Then the next he knew, their van crashed.

    But it’s all okay because life goes on. He and DongJoo were still alive. She was a bit injured but it could heal. They could find a place to stay overnight. And so on.

    He didn’t have to kick himself nonstop for causing the accident.

  95. Sleeping in the same room was cute, too. She just shoved him down. It didn’t feel awkward after that because she made it clear that sex wasn’t on her mind. She wasn’t scared that he’d pounce on her while they were sleeping.

    I like this better than that false outrage/modesty in “Little Women” when Kim GoEun’s character screamed when she saw the guy in her bedroom. That was an eye-rolling moment.

    Isn’t this the second time they “slept” together though?

  96. But he’s just learning it now. He really looks guilt free when his with DJ and he looks like his carrying the weight of the world whenever CH is around.

    He was happy to be taken care of by DJ and he opened up when he said what if he wants to lean on her?

    I think I won’t forget the last word that CH uttered to him. A–hole. 🙁

  97. Yes, it’s the second time. The first time was when they were both drunk and just fell asleep. hahaha

    You’re right about Hyeri always having a drunk scene. It’s like she’s excused because she does it well. 🙂

    So for the guys it’s the shower scene, for Hyeri it’s the drunk scene.

  98. Ugh. ChungHa calling on Vincent to ask about TaeHee.

    Now, this paralleled what DongJoo did earlier. DJ was curious about ChungHa so she went “fishing” with TaeHee.

    Here, ChungHa was curious to know what DongJoo was to TaeHee so she went “fishing” with Vincent. She asked how TaeHee was doing, Vincent said that TaeHee was on an overnight business trip.

    CH: Is he doing okay?
    Vincent: Of course. He’s busy with work. He’s on a business trip right now.
    CH: Business trip?
    Vincent: Yes.
    CH: I see. Alone?
    Vincent: No. Well. Not alone. I was supposed to go, but he insisted.

    I guess it’s tit for tat. DongJoo was shocked to hear that ChungHa was his first love. And now ChungHa was shocked to hear that he went alone with a girl and HE insisted.

    lol. I like this episode because the actions of the characters mirrored each other. It depends on how you look at them.

  99. I like that song playing while they were trying to sleep.

    I like that DJ said that he can lean on her whenever his having a hard time. That smile of TH again.

  100. Hahaha. Since you put it that way…

    Many actors have shower scenes stipulated in their contracts.
    Hyeri has a drunk scene in her contract.

  101. I was going to say that before, that CH did a DJ with fishing information.

    The girls in TH’s life. 🙂

  102. Here’s their pillow talk, @agdr03.

    TaeHee: Why aren’t you asking?
    DongJoo: [Just go to] Sleep.
    TaeHee: Everyone else asks.
    DongJoo: I’m like that, too.
    TaeHee: (turns around to face her)
    DongJoo: Everyone asks me, too. They ask me why I quit ping-pong. (lying on her back to face the ceiling) I’ve been playing ping-pong since I was ten years old. I played ping-pong while everyone was studying, while they went on school field trips. I’ve played ping-pong my whole life. Why would I quit? It wouldn’t have been for the good. I had my reasons. That’s why you don’t have to tell me.
    TaeHee: I’m not going to.

    He turns his back on her.

    TaeHee: Even if I don’t say… What if I tell everything to the girl who understands, and [this] makes me want to depend on her? What happens if I want to lean on her? (sighing) Then what do I do?

  103. Their pillow talk explains the title, “A girl showed up.”

    At first glance, it seems as if the title was referring to ChungHa because she was the girl who literally showed up at the beginning of the episode and interrupted his conversation with DongJoo. He was thrown for a loop.

    But this pillow talk revealed that what really has discombobulated him is not the unexpected appearance of ChungHa but the unforeseen arrival of a girl like DongJoo who understood him and made him want to depend on her. He never thought he would encounter somebody like her in his life.

    And I guess, this fits in the “blessings” theme, too, @agdr03. She’s a blessing to him, too. Because that’s what blessings are, right? They’re the unexpected and undeserved grace from God.

  104. @agdr03,

    I’m sorry. I have to go soon. It’s almost 10 am here. I’ve kept you up so late! I’m sorry.

    As always, it’s been a pleasure doing a rewatch with you.

  105. Ah thank you. 🙂

    I like that DJ understood TH’s question and so she goes to say that he can rely on her. I liked her realisation that she likes him and brings over the macaroons to share with him.

    It’s just a pity that CH arrives too and says ‘should we kill him?’. I can understand when DJ didn’t think that TH might like her too because from just looking at them on that last scene, it looks like there’s still a lot left of them. I wouldn’t have the courage as well.

    CH’s timing is very impeccable though. LOL!

  106. Oh, I forgot about this scene.

    This is when she realized that she loves him. She put a name on her feelings. This is an interesting scene because we usually don’t get this “epiphany” moment in kdramas. I mean, we DO usually have this moment when the hero/heroine suddenly becomes conscious of the change in feelings. But it is not expository like in this scene.

    Sora: Do you two know how it feels to be concerned about someone?
    Friend 1: No.
    Sora: You want to take care of him… More than anything. You get butterflies. Your heart beats fast.

    lol. Essentially, Sora’s monologue “recapped” DongJoo’s feelings for TaeHee.

    Sora: It’s when you like someone. (offering her the macarons) Here, you can have this. I’m not even hungry.

    And the macarons served to bridge this episode and the next.

  107. DJ is definitely a blessing judging by TH’s happy face. 🙂 I never thought that the title referred to CH especially after that pillow talk.

    Ya! No need to apologise! It’s not like this is our first rewatch. We’re pro’s here. hahahah

    Thank you as always for making the time. It’s always a joy. I’m borrowing from Marie Kondo!

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