7 Comments On “Unlock the Boss: Eps 5 to 8 Open Thread”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yay! Thanks @pkml3.

    I wonder if @WEnchanteur will remember to watch the earlier episodes… hmmm 🤔

  2. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I only have a vague impression of the episodes, being too sleepy while trying to watch Episode 6. Basically show juxtaposes a warm, compassionate In Seong with the AI-like boss in the phone, whose narrow aim is to get a task done while being rigidly unmoved by emotions. It’s so bad that he’s quite a neglectful dad to Mina, even when in the flesh.

    In Seong tries to fill the gap that Sun Joo leaves by celebrating Mina’s birthday, by camping. Poor Mina hears her father’s voice and cries piteously because he seemed to have abandoned her. He promises that he never will, so now he has to make good on that promise.

    The rest of the time we seem to be trying to find the elusive Team Leader Nam. Ma Pi proves himself to be worth the large sum of money he hired himself out for, by solving all In Seong’s attempts to get information on TL Nam. In Seong and Se Yeon don’t make good investigators, but they do seem to be able to work well as a team.

    I was amused to see In Seong trying to bring Ma Pi into the team, but it will take a while to get the ladies to accept him. Mina was the wisest among them, though, pointing out that they should not judge him from appearances, citing Beauty and the Beast, and how the Beast was not a bad guy.

    I hope Ma Pi proves Mina right, and that he will even help, without pay.

  3. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I like that with Mina, there’s an added aspect of caring for the dour loan shark/ex-boxer. He tries to scare her with his most menacing look and steals her candy but she likens him to a boy in school who does that to her, because he likes her LOL. I believe given time, Mina will bring Mapi around.

  4. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @pkml3, please open a thread for Episodes 7 and 8. This series is not bad. The kdrama style of being heart-warming and the creation of a ‘found’ family are making their appearance and that’s always a win, if everything else makes sense (sorta anyway!)

    🍪 🥛 🍩 ☕ 🍨 🍵 🍏 🥭 🍉 🍈 🍓 🍐 🍪 🥛 🍩 ☕ 🍨 🍵 🍏 🥭 🍉 🍈 🍓 🍐

  5. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Or @pkml3, the other alternative is to change the name of this thread to encompass several episodes in one. It seems I’m the only one commenting!!!

  6. I am also watching this show, so I hope future threads for it continue. It’s just that I’m a little behind with the holidays. I just finished Episode 6 today.

    [Sometimes I feel like I miss so much by not knowing Korean. I read somewhere that a “box of apples” in Korean also sounds like the phrase for bribe, which is why the president was expecting something else besides apples! (I did know that “apple” sounds like “apology” in Korean from having watched Personal Taste!)]

    I also, at least sometimes, miss subtle looks and background action by having to read subtitles, which is why I find these discussions so helpful.

    I’m confused about the title of episode 6, which was “Unlocked.” Who or what is unlocked? Did I miss something? (Maybe because I was watching these two episodes while doing other things, like exercising).

    And was the man in the hospital bed dead or in a coma? (Assume it was Sang-Won but he was so beat-up it was hard to tell…).

    [My continued silent plea: please, show, do not pull a May I Help You type-finale in the final episode or I will be mad at myself for watching this!]

  7. Hi @GB, I’m here.

    I’ll open a new thread for Episodes 9 to ??? and rename this one to include 7 & 8.

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