Liar Game 2: Ep 9 Rewatch on Sat, July 8

The thread is open.

6:30am PST
9:30am EST
2.30pm in London
3.30pm in Paris
4.30pm in Athens
9.30pm in Singapore/Malaysia/Hong Kong/Perth

The schedule of the upcoming rewatches:

Ep 8 (46 Minutes) – July 1
Ep 9 (44 Minutes) – July 8
Final Stage Movie (2 Hours, 14 Minutes) – July 15

Enjoy the rewatch.

68 Comments On “Liar Game 2: Ep 9 Rewatch on Sat, July 8”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @pkml3, please amend this thread… the title of this thread should be Ep 9 and the rewatch will be Saturday 8 July 2023.


  2. Heyyyyy. Here! 😉

  3. Done, @GB!

    I didn’t know I double-posted a thread for Ep 8. Ooops. 🤦‍♀️

  4. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    🌻🌷🎊🎈🎉🎈🎊🎈🎉 Thanks @pkml3 and WELCOME BACK! 🎊🎈🎉🎈🎊🎈🎉🌷🌻

    I figured you may have made 8 copies from the first thread and renamed each one but left out the last LOL. I was afraid @WE and @FeiFei might not find it.

    I trust you didn’t suffer too much discomfort in the humid Singapore weather and that you did get to eat some of the food that we recommended.😋😘

    🍜 🍲 🍛 🍽️ 🥢 🍚 🍜 🍲 🍛 🍽️ 🥢 🍚 🍜 🍲 🍛 🍽️ 🥢 🍚

  5. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi! I’m in and out but round about here!

  6. Hi @GB, I am here. Just realised that Liar Game Season 2 ends at episode 9, dramas rarely ends with odd number episode.

  7. Hi GB & Feifei.

  8. Next week, maybe it would be needed to start one hour before? As it’s a two hours movie?

  9. @WE, I am ok to start an hour earlier next week.

  10. Shall we start?

  11. Yes it’s time GOO

  12. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Start! Hi you two!!

  13. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yes, let us start an hour earlier next week. I’ll be falling asleep before too long!!!

  14. @GB, why not make all the rewatch one hour earlier so?

  15. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I just realised that I’m not getting notification emails tonight. So when you comment, I don’t know until I refresh the page here.

  16. @GB, I don’t get notification per comments (probably if I could, I clicked this off). So I do the same, I refresh. 😉

  17. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I’m generally OK with rewatches being an hour earlier… but I think at one point we had US friends with us who could not wake up that early.

  18. Oh ok, it comes from that.

    Looks like the girl who was the right hand of Ryo is now the only one faithfull to AK.

  19. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    This show has twist upon twist. Not all is as it appears.

  20. Oh her name is Marie.
    I’ve trouble to concentrate, I understand not half of the game. Gosh.

  21. What is the significance of the speaker?

  22. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, what speaker? The device from which sound emits or the person?

  23. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Oh that speaker… yes it has a bearing on the results of the betrayals.

  24. THe device, you see it, it’s broken.

  25. Ryo gave her top hat to the guy because he pledged his loyalty to her.

  26. At university she won only ONCE vs him. Rest of the time he was winning all the way, LOL.

  27. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Katsuragi was just dying to say that she won, that she beat AS. He always plays it cool as if he is defeated…. but….

  28. Ryo defeated AK in college, why does she still bear a grudge against AK and wants to make him disappear again. She’s such weird one.

  29. Now… AK looks like… He’s laughing.

  30. Now, AK arrogant speech, hahahaha.
    “I will explain” (spoiler: I was controling the game ahaha).

  31. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOL everyone is shocked that they’re winning So funny.

  32. Yeah of course… The ingots are in a zone, but if then, they belongs to their owner, so the cards. I guess it’s that?

  33. I don’t get the point why the game calculate first the ingots are Ryo ones, but in the total say it’s AK ones…….. oO

  34. AK was the one who broke the speaker hone to spoil the card. haha

  35. Biblical music, they followed Nao. Now it’s psycho nightmare for Ryo. All she believed in her stupid life fall down.

  36. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    My feeling is that Katsuragi only ever beat AS before by cheating… in the University, she had asked the professor’s daughter about the letter they were supposed to analyse. So she got info instead of analysing, but the lousy professor said she was right and she beat AS.

    Now she has to prove that she’s really smarter but her desire to control everyone with threats and points was her downfall. All KN had to do was promise to save everyone. They had seen proof that KN was sincere.

    This is something Katsuragi could never understand or believe.

  37. Villain downfall and breakdown, always so deliciously dramatic. But now… She ask Nao help. I guess maybe… a last trap??

  38. @GB, here we get the university flashback. ^^

  39. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I have no idea how the gold managed to get to the vault. It’s too confusing. I just wait for the results LOL.

    Nao still wants to save Katsuragi.

  40. I am lost at the last part about the gold transporting too.

  41. Poetic, hope letters in the wind transported randomly by a ballon, like a bottle in the sea.

  42. It’s not profiling!!!! 🙂
    The prof doesn’t say what she have and he doesn’t have. whhhaaat’s this bullshig=t???

  43. Well at least Ryo admitted that she ask the professor’s wife about the writer of the letter.

  44. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE The professor is the worst. He created a monster in Katsuragi who needs to prove that she’s got something AS doesn’t….whatever that is.

  45. Ok, again a situation with trust… I guess.
    Like with Okoya… Looks like.

  46. @GB stupid prof so sure of himself, so snobish he doesn’t say what. Throw him rotten tomatoes in his face!!!

  47. I wonder what the professor was thinking when he says Ryo won in the profiling challenge.

  48. @WE, I laughed when I see your tomatoes comment.

  49. She has a card… But zero ingot. Does it mean AK will get a debt???
    Now….. I think… Yeahhhhhh the ingot is behind the door… Optimistic music.

  50. Oooohhhh, looks at that… AK and Ryo was like in a rom-com situation in fact. (put heart emoji here).

  51. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    AS gives Katsuragi the card that will bring her to the vault so that she can find the gold.

    I never found the contraband games all that interesting.

    At last the music is better and more upbeat.

  52. Ryo… There is a feeling of healing on her face after AK leave the room (sternly and classy as usual). lol

  53. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    What I like about Liar Game at the end is that Nao is no longer so naive or stupid, and better than that, she has earned the trust of strangers.

  54. AK gave Ryo his card? She can bring all the 34 gold bars back to her territory, no? Isn’t the risk too high for Team Shine?

  55. LG musicians out of control, now night club music!! 🙂

  56. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, I don’t know where the gold was… maybe in the vaults of the other players but not in AS’s vault. Or hidden somewhere else.

    Now we see Yokoya.

  57. AK & Ryo are like lovers in school.

  58. Nao give forfait, but in a way, she will go in the final of course, ahahha.

  59. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    The interesting thing about this show is that people from the past like Yokoya will reappear to play an important role.

  60. @GB, I need to watch this episode again to understand what is going on.

  61. I can’t stay longer, people at home.
    Have a good week!!!! =B

  62. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    See you @WE. Will start 1 hour earlier next week!

  63. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, yes, the contraband games are not clear to me either. When people take things out and how they can place them somewhere else or use other people’s cards…. AS has the knack of getting cards replaced so that he has control over some players or cards.

  64. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, the Final Stage movie will be 2 hours 14 minutes long, so we’ll start at 8.30pm Singapore time.

  65. Bye @WE, enjoy your party at home.

  66. @GB, Nao is withdrawing from Liar Game. So we won’t see her in the Final Stage Movie?

    Yup ok next week we start an hour earlier.

  67. Good night @GB, see you next week.

  68. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Liar Game will never let Nao get away from any round.

    See you @FF!

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