31 Comments On “Fireworks of My Heart: Eps 21 to 25 Open Thread”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Ep 21-25
    I’m leaving a comment on each thread so that I’ll get notifications if anyone posts something on them. 🙂

    I’ve just watched Eps 23 and 24 and they were good. Ep 24 is important for the OTP relationship.

  2. Thank you @Packmule3 for the Omnibus approach to this show!



    Eps 21 to 23 – as we said in the general open thread – really gelling now.

    Action situations suit the cast of characters and the actors playing them and move things along. This is a show that has been waiting for greatly heightened drama in order to come into its own.

    The earthquake and its aftermath – seems to be very well portrayed.

    Episode 23 – very poignant – I was moved.

    Poor chap with the situation with his mother. I hope she can be found despite the news…

    It really captured the rescue situation for all the lads in the team – for the FL…when things are so touch and go for the Captain.

    ‘He IS my life’! Now that was unforgettable moment. A moment of clarity of course!

  3. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @Kate, I’m glad you’ve continued with this Show although it failed to set up fireworks in your heart LOL. Yes, I do find that this show is serious and slow and that on rewatching there are many places I need to FFD, however I still find it compelling.

    These later episodes illustrate what being a hero involves. Not only do the rescuers and medical crew have to face their own fears and risk their lives, they maintain their dedication to save others when they themselves also feeling loss, anxiety and wanting to be elsewhere with their loved ones.

    Yes, that moment of clarity. I need to rewatch that part where ‘He IS my life!’ cropped up LOL. It took the real possibility of losing SY to bring XQ to this point.

  4. Make way for the earthquake trope

    You Are My Hero – swat officer and doctor join rescue effort after a major earthquake. Both almost die in mine collapse. True love follows with the best confession that sounds like a job interview ever.

    A Date With the Future – firefighter and journalist (also trained as an expert in dog search and rescue (LOL)) respond to a major earthquake. I can’t remember if the ML was injured in the earthquake because he was injured so many times and there were TWO major earthquakes in this drama. The first one is how they met. He rescued her when she was still in HS and she became obsessed with him and stalked him until he agreed to date her.

    Flight to You – two pilots join rescue effort after a major earthquake. Got closer to each other until the ML got scared of his feelings and pulled away.

    Fireworks of My Heart – pretty much the same scenario as You Are My Hero – minus the mine and no confession yet …..

    That I could think of off the top of my head. Are there any others?

  5. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @GoodTwin, you’re GOOD! I didn’t keep track of earthquake tropes. Come to think of it, I don’t really keep track of any tropes as in remembering which shows I saw them in. But yes, nothing like a good earthquake, collapsed buildings/mines, hear-death, etc to bring people together despite all obstacles.

  6. Ooh I remember another one – a drama that I dropped – Light Chaser Rescue it started with an earthquake and then there was a flood. That was a volunteer firefighter and a doctor.

    I think almost all of these came after You Are My Hero and were copying the formula.

  7. @Good Twin … and of course ‘Descendants of the Sun’ which is being evoked all over the place in this show.

    SHK’s character ‘protesteth too much’ that she is in it for the money (she is a top surgeon) and is of course strongly attracted to all out honourable hero played by Song Joon Ki.

    The earthquake sequence is very well done in DOTS. I am biased because it is one of my faves. DOTS, of course, preceded ‘You are My Hero’ – even though the novella of ‘You are My Hero’ preceded Dots. DOTs like You are My Hero has more comedy in the mix of romance, and drama.

  8. @GB – haha!

    Yes, I am preferring where we have arrived to where we have come from in this show.

    What you write makes me think that my earlier assessment being to do with performances – may simply be a case of stodgy pacing in the earlier episodes.

    If you haven’t seen Descendants of the Sun – albeit a different type of plot – more swagger less angst – the pacing is so much better.

  9. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @Kate, yes I’ve watched DOTS. I expected it of something from kdramaland and would have complained had it been like ‘Fireworks’. With a cdrama, though, my expectations are different LOL.

    I think the broody longing thing sucked me in… it had to be kind of slow and broody, you see… 🤭 😏 🫠 😜

  10. @GB – I can see that! If the drama and ‘resolution’ of the earthquake is a sort of ‘pay off’ then there needs to be a build up – of ‘broody longing’!


  11. @Kate you’re right. DOTS was one of first k dramas I watched – but I couldn’t understand so much of it from the hospital hierarchy, the second pair where the woman seemed to scream a lot, and the third pair mechanic guy and the ending. Maybe I’ll try to rewatch it one of these days knowing so much more about kdramas now. But that really was an iconic earthquake scene and when he tied her boots for her ……

  12. The opening scene of Episode 25 was great! Between the music, the parade through town and the flower toss! Made all the fast forwarding worth it!

  13. Oh yes @Good Twin… love that scene…and it looked like a painting against that evening sky.

  14. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Well @Good Twin and @Kate, the long wait was worth it. Now past bouquet toss our OTP can really pair up.

    I was commenting on the Ep 1-5 thread, on Song Yan being a rascal from his youth… we see more of it here in his constant teasing, pushing the limits, testing XQ. I’m glad though that they came straight out to talk about their relationship after all the time that has been lost.

    I was also pleased to see that the happy, ‘bouncy’ girl that XQ had been when in high-school makes something of a comeback. She practically skipped over to look at the parallel subway rails converging. Obviously an analogy of her relationship with SY. I like that she decided to move ahead instead of only regretting the wasted years.

    The other thing I liked was that SY came straight out to say that XQ was his girlfriend to Li Meng. No hesitation or embarrassment, just a sort of pride.

    One thing this Show does quite well is stick to being real (other than the crazy coincidences anyway). We come now to the treatment of PTSD which I want to rewatch in a bit. There is also the naturally automatic checking of the cinema hall fire escape by SY, which is a good reminder to the public and all building owners. At least the romance does not totally take over and the real work takes precedence.

  15. I laughed at the boiling kettle and melted candle. Not subtle at all

  16. @GB and @Good Twin – agreed with your comments…

    Yup… the boiling kettle as a backdrop to love!

    Surely our ML would have wanted to make sure it was switched off???

  17. …he’s hyper aware of possible fire risk…

    I also keep waiting for the possessive brother to show up at an inopportune moment – is that fear afflicting anyone else?

  18. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    EPISODE 25
    Stuff I’m happy to see
    – PTSD being discussed and given enough airtime.
    – Dir Xu acknowledges XQ as an excellent doctor, even giving her his prized medal.
    – No more beating about the bush between SY and XQ after all the years and near-death… they’ve figured out what is essential. Their taste in food seems to have changed, but the really essential regard for each other remains. I like that finally SY (has caved LOL) is offering XQ a connection without conditions.

    SY: “I don’t need you to do anything for me. I don’t need you to promise that you’ll be on my side in the future either. We’ve held on for such a long time. We still like each other and we experienced life and death together. We know and love each other more than before. So let’s be together. We both have jobs we like that have connections with each other. If we can build our home together that would be the happiest thing. We should be together now. We can be together now. … Today, let’s be together.”

    XQ: “I never expected to hear those words from you at all.” He assures her that he likes her very much still.
    SY: “Eventhough after ten years, your character, preferences and taste have changed. Maybe we will find that we can’t stand each other after being together a week. But now, let’s be together.”

    LOL, well time will tell if he can keep to his unconditional stance. Faced with the disapproval of the Meng family, and the possibility that XQ will lose everything and be swayed, how will SY react? I’m thinking however, that XQ is going to be stronger this time around.

  19. @GB – great reflections.

    For XY to receive unconditional connection – you’ve made me think this – is the opposite, of course, of her family relationship.

    She, too, offered him unconditional commitment of a profound sort when she jumped into the underground passage where he was trapped.

    They have both jumped across a threshold of fear.

    I liked too the way he diffused any heavy sense of ‘that’s it now’ by remarking more lightly that they may get fed up with one another. Realistic and I also I don’t think he means it. He’s lightening the load on her and them both.

  20. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Kate, you said: ‘they have both jumped across a threshold of fear’. What a good way of putting it. Yes, it took the realisation that SY ‘was her life’ with that ‘all in’ jump into the collapsed building, to show XQ where her heart really lay.

    I was watching a snippet of Ep 10 and how XQ was sounding like she regretted asking to reconcile with SY. She was still dithering because even her father was not in favour of her liking SY. However now, after the jump they have both made from a movie date to ‘marriage’, she’s firmer, more resolute. Let’s see if the weekend visit with Mother will shake her resoluteness.

    I laughed at SY’s ‘proposal’ of sorts. Especially the part where they might find they cannot stand each other after a week. Yes, it lightened the seriousness of what they were doing after holding off for 10 years. The problem is that the reason(s) why they had a break-up before, has/have not gone away.

  21. @GB – yes indeed re the problem… I am nervous of the reactions and behaviour of the (non-biological) brother and the machinations of the Darth Vador like mother!

    I am glad we are being given a rest before the storm…

    Of course, the butterfly image is very hopeful here.

  22. and … what is the significance of butterflies to XQ’s brother… freedom/being trapped ie like a butterfly in a collection…?

  23. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I think it was in Ep 26 that we really get to see more butterflies of San Chen. Aside from him liking them, and/or feeling like he, too, is an insect to be pinned to the life that Mother decides for him, I’m not sure what other significance it may have. Certainly now, no matter how he flaps his wings, he’s not getting anywhere.

    I feel sorry for him, somewhat. He’s so terribly unhappy. I’d like that he gets a happy ending too.

  24. I’ll take this discussion to the next segment in that case @GB.

    I’ll make a mention there.

  25. @GB Where did you get the quote above on what SY about being together? It reads a bit differently – better, in my opinion – than the subs on Viki.

    I was a bit taken aback by XQ saying “Let’s get married” because that’s a huge jump when she hasn’t even faced her family yet. She doesn’t say that in that scene in the novel.

  26. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Stacy, I took the subs and found that they were too clunky. In a couple of places I streamlined the sentences while (hopefully) keeping the meaning. That’s why they appear different from wherever you may get them LOL.

  27. I’m just on episode 23. I loved the stunning shot of Dr XU in her white coat floating up to daylight while leaving SY below in the darkness with an IV drip and a kiss on the forehead.

  28. I’ve finished 25 just now. @Good Twin, the boiling kettle and candle were just too funny. Nearly up there with Hitchcock’s train entering the tunnel. And they were both so loved up afterwards, lol.

  29. I have to say that SY made a stunningly rapid recovery to be able to walk in the parade. I would have thought that being pinned on rebar would have needed a longer hospital stay for observation, but I’m no doctor and it’s a drama, after all. Or there was a time skip that I missed? They also went from seemingly mild weather at the earthquake zone (judging by clothing outdoors and bedding in the wards, to first snow at the movie date).

    I’ve become sensitive to the continuity within scenes. I understand that the filming probably took longer than expected, but in many episodes of this drama, the background goes from daylight to night (when it should still be day or maybe dusk) and back again within the same scene. But I’m being fussy.

    What is realistic is SY wearing his favourite(?) casual black knitted top with the X stitched on the front. I hate when characters who aren’t supposed to be wealthy wear designer clothes, and never the same thing twice. I know it’s often due to PPI, but it’s unrealistic.

    Like @GB, I’m glad that PTSD was emphasized.

  30. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Fern, I’ve often felt the same way about extra quick physical recovery after pretty major injuries, plus sometimes the lack of limping, swelling, scars or redness. LOL. I’ve taken it as the drama’s way to keep their good looking celebrities, still looking good despite the injuries or the wardrobe department not wanting to keep applying bandages and scar makeup.

    I do agree that I find it unrealistic that Song Yan was able to walk so far and so soon. However the weather change was weird as you pointed out. I believe the Show wanted to suggest that the medical and firefighting team were in the earthquake zone for several weeks.

    However, I thought the hospital staff would probably leave about a week or so later, as by then, there would be no more hope of finding survivors. Perhaps that town had too many injured medical personnel so Director Xu’s team stayed on longer to provide medical assistance.

    The firefighters might have stayed on to help clear the rubble/debris, but I felt that they would be needed back home as well and there are other people to do that kind of work. I guess we just accept all the weird stuff as contrivances to aid the plot.

    The continuity issue… In every drama I watch, both kdrama, cdrama and probably even jdorama, characters wake up, do just 1 thing, and then it’s night time. Unless it’s a slower slice-of-life drama, we seldom see what else could possibly have taken them so much time that the day has passed.

    I’ve only ever noticed it in cdramas, that characters will wear the same clothes about 3 or more times throughout the series. I believe/guess it could be to do with discouraging young, impressionable viewers from aspiring to waste money on unnecessary new clothes. It’s also less expensive for the production.

    The PPL in this show, if we can call it that, is more the car that XQ or Yan Chen drive. So many nifty features in those cars and the camera lingers on them… but we don’t get to see the name of the car or the model… or maybe I missed those. I covet the cars!!!

  31. @GB, for PPL there was an awful lot of Coca Cola as well. Yes to the dashboard features in the cars and the AI find a parking place & park. Nifty.

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