Queen and I (2012): Ep 2 Rewatch on Sat, Sept 2

The thread is open.

From @GB.

Time in some parts of the world (at least until Daylight Savings kicks in again)
6:30am PST
9:30am EST/Caracas
2.30pm in London
3.30pm in Paris
4.30pm in Athens
9.30pm in Singapore/Malaysia/Hong Kong/Perth

Enjoy the show!

115 Comments On “Queen and I (2012): Ep 2 Rewatch on Sat, Sept 2”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thank you @pkml3! You’re on the ball!! I’m supposed to be free as it’s Singapore’s Presidential Elections polling day, but I find I’m more engaged than expected. I thought I could sit back and watch more shows,…but !!!

    If you’ve a moment, do drop by here. See you! πŸ™‚

  2. Hi, I rewatched until ep3.
    I see soooo many things. Queen and I is really like a W draft. Some points about that:
    – Like Kang Chul, the ML is very smart and learn fast.
    – There is a cabin booth scene (ep4) where he vanishes, giving the proof to the FL he’s from another time, like when Yeon-Joo vanishes in the cabin booth in W ep2.
    – By the way, I just noticed there is a cabin booth scene in every SJJ drama. Here it’s bathroom booth. W is clothes booth. Nine, phone booth. MOTA clothes booth.
    – FL is a newbie about her job (first big role), as Yeon-Joo isn’t competent as doctor.
    – Of course, same concept about a love story and one of the lover regularly switching time (or location/dimension), like it is in Nine, W, or even Memories of the Alambra.

    More meta comedy. The drama they shoot is a piece of history with countless dramas and movies in Korea. The famous era of Jang Huy Bin, with many (and real) political twists. FL is actress for the Queen. And of course, another actress take the role of Jang Ok Jung, the evil concubine. The fun comes that the two actress are enemies too in real life (thanks to the bitchy Jang actress).

    Some other few things I forgot but will recall during the rewatch.

    @GB, oh! You are in Singapore? I didn’t know that!

  3. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOL @WE, where did you think I was from?

    Here we are on another Saturday and anticipating our rewatch party. ☺️πŸ₯³πŸ˜‹πŸ˜ It’s always something to look forward to, and something that I miss when we take a break. I should do a quick FFDed rewatch of Ep 2 so that I can read and comment more than watch! πŸ§πŸ€“πŸ˜Ž

  4. @GB, hu.. of course, UK, because GB means “Grande Bretagne”. πŸ˜€
    Joking. I supposed you were from USA. Well, I never asked, and if you said it in the past, I wasn’t on this thread. And as you don’t speak a lot about that…
    I ended to rewatch episode 2 yesterday. And I took MENTAL notes!! πŸ˜‰

  5. Check that:
    The screenplay is on sale (book version only) with a few illustrations.
    Here the first 30 pages.
    You can see scene 1 is a 14 subscene Montage. (yeah, episode 1, remember, with the clocks).
    No version available as electronic document I could find. So, no way to translate.

  6. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE I had to use the Google Translate on my phone. The phone camera had to be set to scan the text image for the app to translate. It was too hard to read much of it though, but it was definitely the script of this drama.

    Come to think of it, I have the Korean script of Healer which I never bothered to get translated. Thick book!!

  7. I am eagerly anticipating today’s episode and setting myself. Up to be morganized in my watch and commenting. I was not able to restrain myself and have re watched the entire series Since last weekend.. Last time I did that On a group rewatch I wasn’t motivated to rewatch again but with this conversation and the detail of the commentary. I am eager to rewatch With all of you.

  8. @GB, Yes, I didn’t remember. But I found that:
    Then once in a text file, can be translated. But need some work, take pictures, etc.
    Maybe I’ll try when I have time. Just curiosity to see some scenes on paper.
    Anyway there isn’t the full script.
    I’m very curious to see the first scene of episode 2 (what is also the last scene of episode 1), because mostly, it’s a monologue from the FL, the ML doesn’t speak a lot. So I would like to see how it’s made. I guess SJJ put some blank lines from the ML to suggest the shots, expressions, actions.

  9. A brief introduction. I have been watching asian drama since 2018 When I returned from a wonderful trip to japan. I quickly realized kdramas were much more accessible Than japanese ones. My first drama was something in the rain. Since I was looking for something that would depict what it is like to be a younger woman living in japan, I enjoyed the lifestyle part of the drama, where they lived where they worked The street scape. For the life of me, I could not understand why they broke up
    Although I understand that better now.

    Over two hundred dramas later, I am an obsessive watcher. I also watch many chinese dramas and the occasional japanese one. I have only recently started watching Dramas while they air And reading and commenting on more drama websites.

    I wish I had done the W rewatch with you. Time travel and transmigration are definitely my most loved dramas although I will watch most genres.

    I have a love hate relationship with the drama faith. Interestingly,on My most recent and third rewatch,I actually enjoyed it more Than previously. My 2 top dramas are Mr. Sunshine and thank you
    with fated to love you and my master’s sun Close runners up. Chicago typewriter also high up there and there are others. I also really enjoyed the chinese dramas lost romance, Someday one day, and shining for you.

  10. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks for the link to the free Korean OCR, @WE. I’m feeling lazy, hence I will not download it yet. However if ever I get the urge to translate something that totally obsesses me, I’ll look for this.

    12 minutes and counting …

  11. @Monmor, aaah yeah, the motivation is to the max. Well, it’s not a work, still. πŸ™‚
    I rewatch before the rewatch because really, I’m too lost if I don’t do it. I was even lost on LiarGame, a drama I rewatched more than 10 times (but a long time ago).

    Rewatch a good drama is also the best way to learn or get the way it’s written. What is quite usefull for me, to apply it to writing after. I certainly watched a lot of movies, and I guess in a way they are lost in my mind, maybe I use them intuitively. But a conscious knowledge is still a bit better. So rewatch the bests.

  12. Is your avatar from W?

  13. @Monmor. Chicago typewriter. I never watched but I have a good feeling.
    @GB, isn’t it on your top list? Then I should watch it, in prevision of a maybe future rewatch?

  14. @Monmor. Yes it’s manhwa image of Kang Chul but I enhanced too much the color, what make he looks to have lipstick now, what’s a kind weird. πŸ˜€
    I use that, as I wrote W season 2 of the drama (unofficial of course, but as real as possible). So this avatar is an easy “key signature”.

  15. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi there @Monmor! In which part of the world are you located?

    Thanks for your introduction. We’re glad to find in you, an enthusiastic watcher and commenter of dramas. On behalf of @packmule3, you’re very welcome to this blog and to our threads.

    I’m the opposite… I started more on Korean dramas for years and took ages to dip a toe into other Asian dramas. Now I’ve come to appreciate cdramas and jdoramas a lot as well and find myself veering more into cdramas than before.

    Besides time travel, I like mysteries/crime solving, supernatural-mythical and even slightly sciencey dramas. I’m happy also with romances whenever they occur naturally but seldom need one to enjoy a drama, except where it’s supposed to be a solid romance!!!

    Of the dramas you mentioned, I like ‘W 2 Worlds’ and ‘Chicago Typewriter’ most. If you enjoy re-watching shows, then you can put up a list of shows you’d like to recommend for a re-watch and we’ll see if there are any takers to join you. At the moment, we’ll just concentrate on ‘Queen and I’ for the next 15 weeks. πŸ™‚

  16. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    OK guys and gals let’s start NOW!!!

  17. I started dramas 13 years ago, but I think I watched less than 200. T T πŸ˜€

  18. We start now?

  19. So the intendant is a traitror. Boooh!

  20. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @FF, good to see you. My player is lagging so you all go ahead and start first.

  21. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    All these familiar faces… actors we keep seeing in many other shows. I laugh to see them as bad guys here when I associate them with comedies. LOL.

  22. Here the meeting scene.
    Just the ML say NOTHING. Just shots on his face.
    Remember MOTA when Pf Cha destroy morally the ML. Same kind of scene. The ML was saying nothing.
    As it’s a bit painfull to get monologue in western screenplay, it’s made very lively in korean one, with view of the shots.
    We have also some descriptions here, when the light flash, the ML isn’t innactive, even he almost doesn’t speak.

  23. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Heh! the incongruity of modern day, casual Hui Jin introducing herself to Bong Do as Queen In Hyun after he’d just left the queen so formally in the past, is great ironic humour. Especially when we see the difference in his and her expressions.

  24. By accident, he read the talisman. But is it accident? Or he guesses it could do something? Not sure.

  25. This intendant is the kind of rampant villain. Certainly coward to the brim. Bending before the powerfull ones, and evil with the weakers ones.

  26. I really enjoyed watching his bewildered face. The actor who plays the.
    Traitor. I really enjoyed him in his role in while you were sleeping.

  27. Comedy scene with the two friend imitating Joseon dialogue.
    Smart way to also do a resume (exposition) of the situation. πŸ™‚

  28. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, the smart ML investigates and uses his brain like crazy LOL. He sees the library that he’d been in minutes earlier now completely empty. Figures that the talisman is the only thing he does not quite understand which he has which he carries on him and tries out the words written on it.

    I guess he did it by coincidence and as an experiment. His getting around after this was based on great observation, listening, reading and hardly speaking with anyone except Hui Jin.

  29. The dialogue is made so they speak about Dong Min at the end because of course… This guy will come in the house. Transition.
    She speak about training. Correlation, as he will use the pretext of training next scene.

  30. A comment on subtitles. Here she says he may have lost his marbles. I like getting the literal translation.
    As well on the screen as I have seen in some shows. At another point translation is different but I forget what it was

  31. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOL the girls are immersing themselves in sageuk royal language and then use English ‘Cheers!’ LOL.

  32. The scene is split. On the roof, then she return to her friend. She has bad news, so it increase the stake.
    How it’s done: she could tell it the scene before, but as the writer wanted the nice transition, instead, she split the roof scene.

  33. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, that’s a good connecting point! I missed that training talk indoors linked directly soon after with training pretence by Dong Min outdoors.

    It was just an excuse for him to get close… very close to Hui Jin… the LOUSE! LOL.

  34. He say bullshit to put her down, with the only aim to get her. aahahh, not fair, jerk.

  35. The way they transit from sageuk to modern time with the sageuk language is so natural, I wasn’t expecting the transition.

  36. His skills in deduction and how He Acts the role and how it is directed Make for immersive watching. And help the audience fall in love with His character

  37. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, you mean the pretend rehearsal? They are kinda cute until the kiss LOL.

  38. @GB, yeah, so smart guy. I told you, he’s Kang Chul canvas. Even more, maaaany scenes later, he will say “I learn fast”. mwah ah ah. SJJ, we got you!

    Unfair kiss. But not too serious. The guy tried. ^^
    At the end of the scene, he’s the one getting the backlash as… for sure, he fall in love for her again. (in love, or a mixed thing love/wanting to get her)

  39. If it were me, I would just read it. Because that’s what 1 does when one sees words. Not sure I would instinctively read it out loud though

  40. Cleaning the teeth after the lip kiss.
    I wonder… Maybe lips only on screen, but in real, a true kiss. πŸ™‚

  41. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOL @WE, after the kiss he slaps her on the shoulder as if that makes it ok to have kissed her in the first place. I don’t think the kiss was in the script.

    Yes Dong Min is getting himself entangled again and it’s going to hurt.

    LOL the teeth brushing sequence. Can’t get the taste of him out of her memory.

  42. @Hi Feifei, I missed you.
    It certainly sad but unless to speak korean, we can’t get the nice effect of the ML speaking Joseon style with the FL during modern times.

  43. Dong Min is such a con man, he tricked her into rehearsing and even kissed her. I think I am a bit here because there was a bit of a lag in my internet connection earlier.

    Dong Min is so childish.

  44. @GB, when he slaps her, I got the feeling “Yeahh, good mare, good mare”. πŸ™‚

  45. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    While childish and comedic scenes play out in the present, we get to see tragic, serious scenes of 300 years in the past.

    Traitors are the ones afraid of being discovered and betrayed in turn. they take pre-emptive action.

  46. Hui Jin should sanitize her lips after the kiss, Haha then she suddenly thought of Bong Do after brushing her teeth, so random.

    Hi WE.

  47. The boudhist monk answer nothing. But at least, we have all about what think the ML now.
    As usual in SJJ dramas, FL is not a give for the ML (or opposite).
    Also, refering to W and famous sentence of Kang Chul about the FL not being a beauty, here the ML also throw a formulaic sentence about the FL (sorry I hadn’t have time to copy paste it but I hope you saw it).

  48. I saw the villain hundred of time, but couldn’t say a precise drama.

  49. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF we contrast the childish, opportunist Dong Min with the serious, and at times also opportunistic Bong Do.

    At the moment we try to figure out what the words of the Talisman mean: “The length of time that one goes far into the future. The opening that can infallibly save a person.”

    At least this time SJJ explains how the hero gets to time jump, but we don’t know why the length of time happened to be 300 years. The ‘opening’ we know refers to a portal that opens up when Bong Do needs to be saved.

  50. Hi all. I on an unexpected trip to Montana and have cell but no good internet. I did watch ep 2 ( and later thought I forget which one I paused on). I will try to get caught up on your comments and put my memory to use! I just finished binging another recent time travel drama, Dorian’s Affair, which had two women traveling to modern times. It is an interesting contrast between what the women notice and need and our intrepid hero.

  51. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, yes, I thought it was random too… Why should brushing her teeth lead her to think of how she had offered Bong Do the donut and his strangeness. LOL that she concluded it was because he was a desperate actor. That is transference because she was a desperate actor herself.

  52. Yea ML says that FL is not a fairy, if she is a fairy then the immortal world in not immortal but he would eventually fall for her.

  53. Flashback, ML enduring the “Juri” torture.

  54. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I loved how Bong Do laughed when the monk suggested that he had seen a fairy and Hui Jin was the last sort of person in look and style that could be considered fairy-like. With that laugh, even the monk will remember Hui Jin.

  55. HI SD, I read that Durian’s Affair is good too.

  56. Plot situation. It needs a reason to explain why the ML is safe after the torture. Very quick scene, as it’s mostly plain information.

  57. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @SD! I believe I saw your comment on Durian’s affair (or is it Dorian’s affair? Do-Rei-An?). I’ve not much inclination to pick up more shows at the moment, otherwise, I’d watch to make a comparison.

  58. I think there is a correlation in the story.
    The FL is Queen In hyun as a role.
    The ML can’t love the real queen, but care a much about the gisaeng (further episode, he saves her instead of helping the queen).
    The FL as an actress could be close to a gisaend (of course, she don’t prostitute, but about art).
    So, equation: Queen In Hyun + the gisaeng, the two women the ML care about. And meet the mix as the FL character. Just random thought.

  59. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, interesting random thought. Between the gisaeng/actress and the real queen, ML would choose the gisaeng.

    I don’t quite understand why Min Am decided to let Bong Do off instead of having him executed with the rest of his family. Did he plan to make use of him later or just to win over some people by appearing merciful?

  60. Any drama is better with a good bitch.
    Here we get that. Also meta comedy.
    Jang Ok Jung is the villain in the drama they shoot, enemy of queen In Hyun.
    But also in real life, Ok Jung actress make sure to be enemy with the FL. (I guess she wanted the main role of queen).

    Shoots for the drama poster.
    We learn it’s a 50 episodes historical. Big thing like Dong Yi.

  61. @WE, that could be a possibility. Transferring his love for the giseang (an entertainer) to HJ who is an actress/entertainer.

  62. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE the actress playing Jang Ok Jung is jealous that a no name actress like Hui Jin gets the lead role through ‘connections’ when she’s not known as a good actress. Hui Jin is naive to think that she got in on her own merits. It really was Dong Min who pulled strings for her. Trouble is that he’ll be out to make her pay him back, although she never asked for his help.

  63. @GB, I didn’t get why Bong Do has smirk on his face when he says he will repay the Premier’s kindness.

  64. @feifei, even it could be not a conscious choice, I think it’s the kind of small miracle happening from a creative mind like SJJ one. Making hyperlinks and global cohesion in a story.

  65. It will be interesting to continue watching with that in mind. Originally I thought he was not interested in the Queen. Of course, he probably wasn’t because it would have been an impossibility. So do some of his sublimated feelings for the queen end up transferring 22 the female lead? Then later in the show, he thinks he has committed treason by being with the queen

  66. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, my guess is that Bong Do just wanted to leave some words in the villain’s mind to rile him up and get him worried.

    LOL and here are more words that Hui Jin has to put up with… Dong Min goes about calling her is wife and queen.

  67. Oh here, I missed that. FL breath and blow… and.. transition, the wind comes, big wind!
    The ML comes too.
    Gentleman “are you hurt?”
    Then sword fight.
    And first weird thing the FL see. It needs to give regularly some proofs to her the ML is from another time. The story needs that she believe it at one point. But as it’s too impossible, it can’t be as fast as the guy in Terminator movie telling the truth during a car chase. LOL.

  68. Here a proof… a guy vanishing into smoke.
    Joseon music, cliffhanger, end of episode.

  69. The trees lining the the path and the ML riding a horse emerging from the path reminds me of The Eternal Monarch:King.

  70. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I thought HJ just squatting down in fear when there’s a horse running full speed at her, to be rather silly. she could have run into the trees to be safe.

    But of course, she had to be right in the path when the assassin gets killed and then to see his blood on her clothes and see his body vanish.

    This is the scene that gets her onboard with Bong Do that he’s not crazy or drunk.

    His question should not be “Where is this place?” but “When is this time?”

  71. Hi @GB! Sorry Dorian’s Affair (correct from Do Ri An). I typed carelessly. @WE my favorite role for the actor who plays the villain is Strong Woman Dong Bong Soon where he plays the dual role of a badly injured member of the gang and a design(?) supervisor. He is hilarious in both roles. Sorry I had an interruption so am behind again.

  72. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, True… The King: Eternal Monarch had that kind of horse riding through trees. We may see more similarities here and there.

    SJJ perhaps checked out Kim Eun Sook’s work and also has similar likes in her scene backgrounds.

  73. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Or put is another way, since TK:EM took place later… maybe Kim Eun Sook liked SJJ’s ideas LOL.

  74. @Feifei. I know I’m like a pain in the ass to repeat that, but it’s like TKEM writer tried to be SJJ once in her life… and failed hard. Remember, scene with a horse in the famous place… Copy/Paste. Suposedly smart ML (but we never get the proof in TKEM), and so many details, like time stop, trying to get a mind-blowing concept but too much messy, confusing. Ok I should stop here. πŸ˜€
    See this meme I made for fun:

  75. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, In Strong Woman, Kim Won Hae played it to the hilt as the almost cross-dressing designer. I didn’t see the need to have his character in that mode though… there was entertainment enough already without adding another over the top character.

  76. @Ho, Hi Satleddust.
    Doryan affair? Is it a korean drama?

  77. @WE, ah ha, so you spotted the copy xxx.

  78. King the eternal monarch was a big misstep for me. It was the first show I watched live and I rewatched Episodes over and over again trying to understand what was going on. I finally decided it was not me, but the show that was confusing and poorly directed. It was the end of any feelings I had for L m h

  79. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Heh @WE! I liked your meme. Fully understand what you’re saying because we were discussing it at some length on TK:EM threads. You were bitterly complaining LOL.

  80. @Ff and @GB I agree that tree scene with the horse is reminiscent of King the Eternal Monarch as is the confusing opening scene. But wasn’t that series later than this one? A path through a forest is a natural way to change scenes as it connotes travel and change. And a galloping horse would lend a chaotic element since a galloping horse could trip over a root or stone.

  81. @GB, if you watch Jang Ok Jung drama (what’s it appropriate because it’s the “Queen and I” time and excellent drama), you’ll get a much worst scene like that. FL seeing a horse running at her. Doing NOTHING. Paralized. ML running 15 meters, jumping, protecting her, and take the horse hit! hahhahahaha. No escape, it’s romantic. Must have. πŸ™‚

  82. @WE, I should really go watch W Two Worlds coz you keep referring back to it. I remember I was lost in the first few episodes and so I gave up watching. Besides I didn’t like the cast that much, the old man who drew the comic aka Prof Cha in MOTA scares me. hehe.

  83. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yes, @SD, the SJJ show came first. KES’s came later.

    Good analogy of the chaos (and scene change/transition) caused to us viewers when out of any context we see a galloping horse LOL. We’re all supposed to go ‘What!?!”

  84. @Feifei. Queen and I, episode 1. We get a Joseon nobleman on a HORSE in Gwanghwamun square!!!!!!! Same place the prince is on a horse in TKEM. SO……. Obviously…..
    If you accumulate this PROOF with all other ideas looking copied-paster. Hum hum hum.

  85. @SD, yes The King Eternal Monarch is later than this one that is why @GB says Kim Eun Sook liked SJJ’s ideas.

  86. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, “NOOOO!” that’s supposed to be a romantic must-have scene? I’d count it as ‘deliberately making female look foolish scene, so that the guy can look good’. LOL.

  87. @WE, Dorian Affair is a Korean drama. I think it ended August 13th. See the What are you watching this month for more details. It is beautifully filmed. The last episode was frustrating though especially the last 10 minutes, although it has one of the most artistically beautiful scenes in the entire film. And you would probably enjoy the play within a play aspect as in modern times the SML is a big star in a drama about the Joseon era.

  88. I still have 20 minutes left in the drama and I have to go Grocery shopping for our labor day barbecue. I will come back and read the rest of the comments later.

    I have a comment on the set and the composition of shots. Absolutely wonderful and I love the color pallette.

    I may have a problem. I have an urge to continue watching ahead. And I just finished the whole series last weekend.

  89. It was because the TKEM that I found this blog because I was lost in the drama. PM3 did all the explanation for the writer.

  90. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOL @Monmor, you’ve certainly got the rewatch fever bad!! Enjoy your grocery shopping. We’ll be by to read you later!!

  91. @GB, yeah yeah yeah, I know. I was often angry, like I was angry about many other dramas. But really, I’m just silly. I try to be quiet now. I think the dramas I didn’t like helped me a lot. TKEM about confusion, so I could think to not create confusion while writing. Hospital playlist with a whole list of thing I should not do. So I’m becoming wise instead to be stupidly angry. πŸ™‚
    Also, these dramas have many fans. And certainly they have good reason to like them. So, it would be stupid to argue endlessly. Just think these dramas have some qualities I should find, because audience could like, even I was too much focused on flaws.

  92. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, so you’ve been coming here since 2020, when TK:EM aired?

  93. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, as those dramas wise Ahjummas will say: “You’ve grown up well @WE! You are able to take the flawed dramas as good learning examples instead of getting riled up!” LOL

  94. @Satleddust. Ok, I just put Doryan affair on my watch list. πŸ˜‰

  95. @GB, yea since TKEM. Just reading silently until HP came on and PM3 locked her posts, so had to sign up and comment.

  96. @Monmor. When you come back. If you rewatch W. You can still enjoy all our comment in the rewatch section. But as the thread are locked now. I don’t know how you could comment. As Pm3 to re-open? It could be.

    @Feifei. Certainly the forum could help you if you have trouble to understand. I don’t remember all we said, but I remember we talk a lot about explanations of the drama.

  97. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, that was a good move on @pkml3’s part then… to get more lurkers to de-lurk. More is analysed and discovered from the sharing and exchange of comments. It’s always better to have more than just one or a couple of viewers commenting on a thread.

  98. @GB, I learnt more from you people than contributing but it gets me to try writing my thoughts more often as I mainly deal with numbers.

    It is yet another nice re-watch, I will check out now and start packing for my Lombok trip tomorrow.

    See you all next week. I will re-visit for Monmor’s and everyone else’s comments later.

  99. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Bye and Happy Holiday @FF! See you next week.

    Bye everyone, thanks for a fun rewatch party!!

  100. @GB. Remember HP. There was an almost useless scene of 5 minutes in a car.
    I even copied-pasted the dialogue so we see it’s mostly empty.
    It’s one of the biggest first change I did in my writing, because in episode 4, I had also a 5 minutes scene in a car. Even it wasn’t an useless dialogue, I was worried a lot. So, I made heavy changes about that. And it turned into a greater good.

    I have to quit too. See you next week. Or for some comments here mainwhile. πŸ˜‰

  101. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    See you @WE!

    I vaguely recall the useless scene. Of course I won’t go and look for it LOL.

  102. I have to stop now too. I should be back next week. @Feifei, I have been mostly a numbers person too although any text I had to write had to be heavily curated so this is good practice for me too!

  103. Late but still here!.

    Manipulative ex blackmailing the female lead to rekindle their relationship… hell no.

    Male lead understanding the power of talisman.

  104. First time watching so please don’t kick me out of the rewatchπŸ˜‚, but really have nothing insightful to add. Am looking forward to seeing where this drama goes, though.
    Here in US we have a three day weekend to enjoy and, in Pennsylvania, a beautiful, sunny, blue skied day so all is good!

  105. @LootieLyn, welcome aboard!!! πŸ˜€

    Here you will knows so many different people from many different places. Personally I didn’t finish it the first time (cheated with the – back then – wonderful DramaBeans recaps), and personally my brain still haven’t connected to this watch (sorry @WEnchanteur!!! πŸ˜‰ ).

    Right now the cowardly Minister has done something Klingons despise: getting hostages. Still have to end this episode πŸ˜€

  106. Loved that reversal at the end, when the ML time travels on his horse out of the blues.

    In the first episode she told him crazy about his search for answers when he found himself in an otherworldly situation, now it is her turn to find herself in an impossible happenstance.

  107. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @Lootie Lyn, @LL for short, you know us. We welcome any ‘bitch’ who’ll bitch along with us respectfully. For us, it’s almost a first watch even, because the show was aired 11 years ago!!!

    Maybe if you’ve nothing else to do on your 3-day weekend, you may like to watch a few more episodes. If you find yourself like @Monmor, you’ll end up binge-ing the entire series LOL.

  108. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @FGB, good to read you here!!

    Yes, I like the reverse book-ending. Episode starts with FL walking up to ML when he is totally disoriented. Episode ends with ML riding into FL and disorienting her with an impossibly disappearing dead man.

    I like that in this series, we get to figure out sooner where the magic lies. A monk’s talisman sounds more ‘plausible’ than W’s drawing tablet somehow having the magical quality of drawing real people into the manhwa world. πŸ™„πŸ˜¬πŸ˜±πŸ˜‚

  109. @GB, sorry for arriving late.

    Personally I get the talisman being a totally magic item is perceived more favorably than a technical and scientific marvel, but… didn’t Arthur C. Clarke that a sufficiently advanced technology should be indistinguishable from magic? πŸ˜‰

  110. Some of my urge to rewatch Is because I am watching Differently after participating in this group re watch. WHEN I first watch a show I am paying attention mostly to the Story and dialogue, and less to the Intricacies of The plot, The cinematography, And how different parts of the story connect To each other. I had not previously thought about how the ml jumping in to protect the fl when her co star is beating her with the flowers is a scene that parrallels his loyalty to Queen In Hyun. Seems obvious now that I have noted it.

  111. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FGB The quotation according to brainy quotes is “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Can we in turn say that anything magical might actually be a sufficiently advanced technology that is beyond us? πŸ€¨πŸ˜‚

    It’s true that I’ll treat different man-made objects just because one appears like a talisman and the other looks like a cellphone for eg. even if both worked the same magic of opening up a space-time-reality portal.

    While I’ll accept the talisman inscribed in blood/red ink and imbued with spiritual input of whatever kind as magical, I’ll question the cellphone that may be covered in spirit-infused inscriptions, and consider it ghostly if it comes on by itself and opens up a portal.

    But my point was that we get info early in this series that is more supernaturally familiar, while it was obscure for ages (and even now it’s obscure to me again because I’ve forgotten) in ‘W’ how the tablet could have gained the status of portal, when it was just a drawing tablet untouched by monks or shamans. At least one puzzle can be put aside and our attention turned to other out-of-this-world things. πŸ˜ƒ

  112. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yes, indeed @Monmor, each rewatch enables us to derive more goodies from different parts, as we slowly pay attention to more that passed us by before. It takes a prodgious amount of time, but re-watching gives its rewards.

    I look forward to more nuggets that you may discover as you dig into your rewatch!!

  113. In an interview, SJJ said that audiences were used to the supernatural and that there was no longer much need to explain it.
    The medium that triggers the supernatural can be anything without the need for explanation. However, the story adapts to the medium in a logical way.

    Queen and I: it’s a paper talisman. So it’s fragile. Could be burnt. The ink is already faded. It’s easy to lose (and the hero loses it twice in future episodes).

    Nine Time Travel: incense sticks. The limitation is that the stick has to burn to work. This forces the story to have a limited number of time travels. This is distressing because each trip makes the situation worse when the hero would like to fix it.

    W: A tablet. That explains the dimensional portals leading to the tablet. And also that the rules of fiction are those of a comic-book.

    365 repeat the year: very strange indeed. I assumed that the time travel was a psychological experience. But when they go travelling, they get into a limousine, drive onto a strange moor, and fall off a cliff.

    Whatever the means, we’ll just accept anything, because what we want is to immerse ourselves in the story. And a time travel story is so enjoyable that we don’t need a plausible reason.

    The series “The Twilight Zone” was an incredible success. I recommend watching it. It’s always something absurd, impossible. And we’ve come to see just that. The narrator just says that the events are taking place somewhere else, like a parallel reality, or an infinite number of parallel realities. And here, something is abolished in the rational laws. That’s the principle of W. But the same applies to Queen and I. We just don’t see it as much because a magic talisman seems more natural and we’ve seen dozens of films with magic in them, so it’s easier to accept. However, W’s tablet isn’t really magic. It’s just a non-rational element, but one that produces rational consequences. Also, I don’t think the tablet is at the core of the phenomenon. It’s an alteration of the manhwa becoming real. Just as the supernatural events stem from this phenomenon, which in season 2 I call “living manhwa”.

  114. @FGB. I think it’s natural. Sometimes we can’t get into something. First time I watched 2001 space odissey, I didn’t liked. Then many years later, I rewatched and it was great. It happened for many other content, series, even comic books.
    It can be also the opposite. Younger I liked “Indiana Jones”. I rewatched one of the movies a few years ago, and was disapointed. All sounded artificial and empty.

    As an example, the drama “Nine Time Travel”. It was a good thing I watched W before, so I wanted to know others dramas of the writer. It helped me be patient, because the 3 first episodes are so slow. I think if it was a random drama I watch for the first time, I could drop quickly. Then from episode 4, the drama becomes awesome.

  115. Thank you for your welcome. I am in Canada and became interested in dramas Because my daughter is teaching English in Japan And we had a great trip to visit her in 2018. When I was supportive of her living in Japan. I did not factor in the possibility of a pandemic. She continues to insist. She is not returning to Canada so I may have to go and live with her in Japan. Such hardship She has also invited me to share an apartment in Korea for a while Next year. We are both studying korean although she puts me to shame.

    I would say that dramas with some supernatural element are my favorite. I also enjoy suspense thriller mystery. Any dramas with music as a theme attract my interest. Any drama that combines these elements? Interests me, such as lovely liar. I do like some romance, at least, in my dramas. But it does not need to be the focus.

    There is a Chinese drama called Crush which I don’t see much About online. It is a Gentle romance somewhat like do you like brahms which is also a favorite of mine. I also enjoyed the japanese drama silent. Very interesting to see sign language in japanese. Crush is about a musician who is blind.

    I have put my user name. As Mon More but I use shinwafan on other sites. How can I change this so people know it’s me?

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